By R. A. Torrey
Palaces | Ploughing | Priests |
The term applied to
Houses of great men. Am 3:9; Mic 5:5. The temple of God. 1Ch 29:1,19. The house of the high priest. Mt 26:58.
Polished. Ps 144:12. Pleasant. Isa 13:22.
Called the house of the kingdom. 2Ch 2:1,12. Called the king's palace. Es 1:5. Called the royal house. Es 1:9. Splendidly furnished. Es 1:6. Surrounded with gardens. Es 1:5. Surrounded with terraces. 2Ch 9:11. Under governors. 1Ki 4:6; Ne 7:2. Often attended by eunuchs as servants. 2Ki 20:18; Da 1:3,4. Were strictly guarded. 2Ki 11:5. Afforded support to all the King's retainers. Ezr 4:14; Da 1:5. Royal decrees issued from. Es 3:15; 8:14. Royal decrees laid up in. Ezr 6:2. Contained treasures of the king. 1Ki 15:18; 2Ch 12:9; 25:24. Gorgeous apparel suited to, alone. Lu 7:25.
Often the storehouses of rapine Am 3:10. Often as punishment
Forsaken. Isa 32:14. Desolate. Ps 69:25; Eze 19:7. Scenes of bloodshed. Jer 9:21. Burned with fire. 2Ch 36:19; Jer 17:27. Overgrown with thorns, &c. Isa 34:13. The habitation of dragons, &c. Isa 13:22.
Illustrative of
The godly children of saints. Ps 144:12. The place of Satan's dominion. Lu 11:21.
Palm Tree, The.
Jericho celebrated for De 34:3; Jdj 1:16. Described as The fruit of, called dates 2Ch 31:5.Requires a moist and fertile soil Ex 15:27. Tents often pitched under the shade of Jdj 4:5. The branches of, were
Carried at feast of tabernacles. Le 23:40. Used for constructing booths. Ne 8:15. Spread before Christ. Joh 12:13.
Represented in carved work on the walls and doors of the temple of Solomon 1Ki 6:29,32,35; 2Ch 3:5. Illustrative of
The righteous. Ps 92:12. The upright appearance of idols. Jer 10:5.
Parables of christ
Children of the bride chamber. Mt 9:15. New cloth and old garment. Mt 9:16. New wine and old bottles. Mt 9:17. Unclean spirit. Mt 12:43. Sower. Mt 13:3-23; Lu 8:5-15. Tares. Mt 13:24-30,36-43. Mustard-seed. Mt 13:31,32; Lu 13:19. Leaven. Mt 13:33. Treasure hid in a field. Mt 13:44. Pearl of great price. Mt 13:45,46. Net cast into the sea. Mt 13:47-50. Meats defiling not. Mt 15:10-15. Unmerciful servant. Mt 18:23-35. Labourers hired. Mt 20:1-16. Two sons. Mt 21:28-32. Wicked husbandmen. Mt 21:33-45. Marriage-feast. Mt 22:2-14. Fig-tree leafing. Mt 24:32-34. Man of the house watching. Mt 24:43. Faithful, and evil servants. Mt 24:45-51. Ten virgins. Mt 25:1-13. Talents. Mt 25:14-30. Kingdom, divided against itself. Mr 3:24. House, divided against itself. Mr 3:25. Strong man armed. Mr 3:27; Lu 11:21.
Lighted candle Mr 4:21; Lu 11:33-36. Man taking a far journey Mr 13:34-37. Blind leading the blind Lu 6:39. Beam and mote Lu 6:41,42. Tree and its fruit Lu 6:43-45. Creditor and debtors Lu 7:41-47. Good Samaritan Lu 10:30-37. Importunate friend Lu 11:5-9. Rich fool Lu 12:16-21. Cloud and wind Lu 12:54-57. Barren fig-tree Lu 13:6-9. Men bidden to a feast Lu 14:7-11. Builder of a tower Lu 14:28-30,33. King going to war Lu 14:31-33. Savour of salt Lu 14:34,35. Lost sheep Lu 15:3-7. Lost piece of silver Lu 15:8-10. Prodigal son Lu 15:11-32. Unjust steward Lu 16:1-8. Rich man and Lazarus Lu 16:19-31. Importunate widow Lu 18:1-8. Pharisee and Publican Lu 18:9-14. Pounds Lu 19:12-27. Good Shepherd Joh 10:1-6. Vine and branches Joh 15:1-5.
None without shedding of blood Le 17:11; Heb 9:22. Legal sacrifices, ineffectual for Heb 10:4. Outward purifications, ineffectual for Job 9:30,31; Jer 2:22. The blood of Christ, alone, is efficacious for Zec 13:1; 1Jo 1:7. Is granted
By Christ. Mr 2:5; Lu 7:48. Through Christ. Lu 1:69,77; Ac 5:31; 13:38. Through the blood of Christ. Mt 26:28; Ro 3:25; Col 1:14. For the name's sake of Christ. 1Jo 2:12. According to the riches of grace. Eph 1:7. On the exaltation of Christ. Ac 5:31. Freely. Isa 43:25. Readily. Ne 9:17; Ps 86:5. Abundantly. Isa 55:7; Ro 5:20. To those who confess their sins. 2Sa 12:13; Ps 32:5; 1Jo 1:9. To those who repent. Ac 2:38. To those who believe. Ac 10:43.
Exhibits the
Grace of God. Ro 5:15,16. Mercy of God. Ex 34:7; Ps 51:1. Goodness of God. 2Ch 30:18; Ps 86:5. Forbearance of God. Ro 3:25. Loving-kindness of God. Ps 51:1. Justice of God. 1Jo 1:9. Faithfulness of God. 1Jo 1:9.
Removing transgression. Ps 103:12. Blotting out transgression. Isa 44:22. Covering sin. Ps 32:1. Blotting out sin. Ac 3:19. Casting sins into the sea. Mic 7:19. Not imputing sin. Ro 4:8. Not mentioning transgression. Eze 18:22. Remembering sins no more. Heb 10:17.
Blessedness of Ps 32:1; Ro 4:7. Should lead to
Loving God. Lu 7:47. Fearing God. Ps 130:4. Praising God. Ps 103:2,3.
Pray for
For others. Jas 5:15; 1Jo 5:16.
Withheld from
The unbelieving. Joh 8:21,24. The impenitent. Lu 13:2-5. Blasphemers against the Holy Spirit. Mt 12:32; Mr 3:28,29. Apostates. Heb 10:26,27; 1Jo 5:16.
David. 2Sa 12:13. Manasseh. 2Ch 33:13. Hezekiah. Isa 38:17. The Paralytic. Mt 9:2. The Penitent. Lu 7:47.
Their duty to their children is
To bring them to Christ. Mt 19:13,14. To train them up for God. Pr 22:6; Eph 6:4. To instruct them in God's word. De 4:9; 11:19; Isa 38:19. To tell them of God's judgments. Joe 1:3. To tell them of the miraculous works of God. Ex 10:2; Ps 78:4. To command them to obey God. De 32:46; 1Ch 28:9. To bless them. Ge 48:15; Heb 11:20. To pity them. Ps 103:13. To provide for them. Job 42:15; 2Co 12:14; 1Ti 5:8. To rule them. 1Ti 3:4,12. To correct them. Pr 13:24; 19:18; 23:13; 29:17; Heb 12:7. Not to provoke them. Eph 6:4; Col 3:21. Not to make unholy connections for them. Ge 24:1-4; 28:1,2.
Should pray for their children
When in temptation. Job 1:5. When in sickness. 2Sa 12:16; Mr 5:23; Joh 4:46,49.
Leave a blessing to their children. Ps 112:2; Pr 11:21; Isa 65:23.
Negligence of, sorely punished 1Sa 3:13. When wicked
Set a bad example to their children. Eze 20:18; Am 2:4.
Jacob. Ge 44:20,30. Joseph. Ge 48:13-20. Mother of Moses. Ex 2:2,3. Manoah. Jdj 13:8. Hannah. 1Sa 1:28. David. 2Sa 18:5,33. Shunammite. 2Ki 4:19,20. Job. Job 1:5. Mother of Lemuel. Pr 31:1. Nobleman. Joh 4:49. Lois and Eunice. 2Ti 1:5.
Paschal Lamb, Typical Nature Of.
A male of the first year Ex 12:5; Isa 9:6. Without blemish Ex 12:5; 1Pe 1:19. Taken out of the flock Ex 12:5; Heb 2:14,17. Chosen before-hand Ex 12:3; 1Pe 2:4. Shut up four days that it might be closely examined Ex 12:6; Joh 8:46; 18:38. Killed by the people Ex 12:6; Ac 2:23. Killed at the place where the Lord put his name De 16:2,5-7; 2Ch 35:1; Lu 13:33. Killed in the evening Ex 12:6; Mr 15:34,37. Its blood to be shed Ex 12:7; Lu 22:20. Blood of, sprinkled on lintel and door-posts Ex 12:22; Heb 9:13,14; 10:22; 1Pe 1:2. Blood of, not sprinkled on threshold Ex 12:7; Heb 10:29. Not a bone of, broken Ex 12:46; Joh 19:36. Not eaten raw Ex 12:9; 1Co 11:28,29. Roasted with fire Ex 12:8; Ps 22:14,15. Eaten with bitter herbs Ex 12:8; Zec 12:10. Eaten with unleavened bread Ex 12:39; 1Co 5:7,8; 2Co 1:12. Eaten in haste Ex 12:11; Heb 6:18. Eaten with the loins girt Ex 12:11; Lu 12:35; Eph 6:14; 1Pe 1:13. Eaten with staff in hand Ex 12:11; Ps 23:4. Eaten with shoes on Ex 12:11; Eph 6:15. Not taken out of the house Ex 12:46; Eph 3:17. What remained of it till morning to be burned Ex 12:10; Mt 7:6; Lu 11:3.
Christ, an example of Isa 53:7; Ac 8:32; Mt 27:14. Enjoined Tit 2:2; 2Pe 1:6. Should have its perfect work Jas 1:4. Trials of saints lead to Ro 5:3; Jas 1:3. Produces Suffering with, for well-doing, is acceptable with God 1Pe 2:20.To be exercised
Bringing forth fruits. Lu 8:15. Well-doing. Ro 2:7; Ga 6:9. Waiting for God. Ps 37:7; 40:1. Waiting for Christ. 1Co 1:7; 2Th 3:5. Waiting for the hope of the gospel. Ro 8:25; Ga 5:5. Waiting for God's salvation. La 3:26. Bearing the yoke. La 3:27. Tribulation. Lu 21:19; Ro 12:12.
Exercise, towards all 1Th 5:14. They who are in authority, should exercise Mt 18:26; Ac 26:3. Ministers should follow after 1Ti 6:11. Ministers approved by 2Co 6:4. Should be accompanied by
Faith. 2Th 1:4; Heb 6:12; Re 13:10. Temperance. 2Pe 1:6. Long-suffering. Col 1:11. Joyfulness. Col 1:11.
Commended Ec 7:8; Re 2:2,3. Illustrated Jas 5:7. Exemplified Patriarchal Government.
Exercised in
Vindicating their wrongs. Ge 14:12,15,16. Forming treaties and alliances. Ge 14:13; 21:22-32; 26:28-33. Acting as priests. Ge 8:20; 12:7,8; 35:1-7; Job 1:5. Acting as judges. Ge 38:24. Arbitrarily disinheriting and putting away servants and children. Ge 21:14; 1Ch 5:1. Blessing and cursing their children. Ge 9:25,26; 27:28,29; 49:1-33. The authority of heads of families for, acknowledged. Ge 23:6.
Results from
The government of Christ. Isa 2:4. Praying for rulers. 1Ti 2:2. Seeking the peace of those with whom we dwell. Jer 29:7.
God bestows upon those who
Please him. Ps 16:7. Endure his chastisements. Job 5:17,23,24.
The fruit of righteousness should be sown in Jas 3:18. The church shall enjoy Ps 125:5; 128:6; Isa 2:4; Ho 2:18. Saints should
Seek. Ps 34:14; 1Pe 3:11. Follow. 2Ti 2:22. Follow the things which make for. Ro 14:19. Cultivate. Ps 120:7. Speak. Es 10:3. Live in. 2Co 13:11. Have, with each other. Mr 9:50; 1Th 5:13. Endeavour to have will all men. Ro 12:18; Heb 12:14.
Exhort others to Ge 45:24. Ministers should exhort to 2Th 3:12. Advantages of Pr 17:1; Ec 4:6. Blessedness of Ps 133:1. Blessedness of promoting Mt 5:9. The wicked
Speak not. Ps 35:20. Enjoy not. Isa 48:22; Eze 7:25. Opposed to. Ps 120:7. Hate. Ps 120:6.
Abimelech. Ge 26:29. Mordecai. Es 10:3. David. Ps 120:7.
Peace Offerings.
The offerer required
To bring it himself. Le 7:29,30. To lay his hand upon its head. Le 3:2,8,13. To kill it at tabernacle door. Le 3:2; 8:13.
The priest
Sprinkled the blood on the altar. Le 3:2,8,13. Offered the inside fat, &c by fire. Le 3:3,4,9,10. Laid it upon the daily burnt offering to be consumed with it. Le 3:5; 6:12,13. Waved the breast as a wave-offering. Ex 29:26,28; Le 7:29,30. Heaved the right shoulder as an heave-offering. Ex 29:22-27. Had the shoulder and breast as his portion. Ex 29:28; Le 7:31-34. An offering most acceptable. Le 3:5,16. Generally accompanied by a burnt-offering. Jdj 21:4; 1Sa 10:8; 1Ki 3:15. Often accompanied by a sin-offering. Le 23:19.
As a votive offering. Le 7:16. For reconciliation. Eze 45:15; Eph 2:13,14. For confirming the legal covenant. Ex 24:5. At consecration of priests. Ex 29:22,29. For the people at large. Le 9:4. At expiration of Nazarite's vow. Nu 6:14. At all the festivals. Nu 10:10. At dedication of tabernacle. Nu 7:17,23. At dedication of temple. 1Ki 8:62-64. At coronation of kings. 1Sa 11:15. By Joshua after his victories. Jos 8:31. By Israel after their defeat. Jdj 20:26. By David on bringing up the ark. 2Sa 6:17. By David after the plague. 2Sa 24:25. By Solomon three times a year. 1Ki 9:25. By Manasseh on repairing and restoring the altar. 2Ch 33:15,16.
If a votive offering to be eaten the same day or the next Le 7:16,17; 19:6-8. To be eaten before the Lord De 12:17,18. No unclean person to eat of Le 7:20,21.
Peace, Spiritual.
God ordains Isa 26:12. God speaks, to his saints Ps 85:8. Christ is the Lord of 2Th 3:16. Christ is the prince of Isa 9:6. Christ gives 2Th 3:16. Christ guides into the way of Lu 1:79. Christ is our Eph 2:14. Is through the atonement of Christ Isa 53:5; Eph 2:14,15; Col 1:20. Bequeathed by Christ Joh 14:27. Preached
Through Christ. Ac 10:36. By ministers. Isa 52:7; Ro 10:15.
Follows upon justification Ro 5:1. A fruit of the Spirit Ro 14:17; Ga 5:22. Divine wisdom is the way of Pr 3:17. Accompanies
Righteousness. Isa 32:17. Acquaintance with God. Job 22:21. The love of God's law. Ps 119:165. Spiritual-mindedness. Ro 8:6.
Promised to
The Gentiles. Zec 9:10. Saints. Ps 72:3,7; Isa 55:12. The meek. Ps 37:11. Those who confide in God. Isa 26:3. Returning backsliders. Isa 57:18,19.
The benediction of ministers should be Nu 6:26; Lu 10:5. Saints
Have, with God. Isa 27:5; Ro 5:1. Enjoy. Ps 119:165. Repose in. Ps 4:8. Blessed with. Ps 29:11. Kept in perfect. Isa 26:3. Ruled by. Col 3:15. Kept by. Php 4:7. Die in. Ps 37:37; Lu 2:29. Wish, to each other. Ga 6:16; Php 1:2; Col 1:2; 1Th 1:1.
Abundant. Ps 72:7; Jer 33:6. Secure. Job 34:29. Passes all understanding. Php 4:7. Consummated after death. Isa 57:2.
The wicked
Know not the things of. Lu 19:42. Promise, to themselves. De 29:19. Are promised, by false teachers. Jer 6:14. There is none for. Isa 48:22; 57:21.
All saints have, in Christ 1Co 2:6; Php 3:15; Col 2:10. God's perfection the standard of Mt 5:48. Implies Saints commanded to aim at Ge 17:1; De 18:13.Saints claim not Job 9:20; Php 3:12. Saints follow after Pr 4:18; Php 3:12. Ministers appointed to lead saints to Eph 4:12; Col 1:28. Exhortation to 2Co 7:1; 13:11. Impossibility of attaining to 2Ch 6:36; Ps 119:96. The word of God is
Designed to lead us to. 2Ti 3:16,17.
Patience leads to Jas 1:4. Pray for Heb 13:20,21; 1Pe 5:10. The Church shall attain to Joh 17:23; Eph 4:13. Blessedness of Ps 37:37; Pr 2:21.
Christ voluntarily submitted to Isa 50:6. Christ was patient under Isa 53:7. Saints may expect Mr 10:30; Lu 21:12; Joh 15:20. Saints suffer, for the sake of God Jer 15:15. Of saints, is a persecution of Christ Zec 2:8; Ac 9:4,5. All that live godly in Christ, shall suffer 2Ti 3:12. Originates
Hated to God and Christ. Joh 15:20,24. Hatred to the gospel. Mt 13:21. Pride. Ps 10:2. Mistaken zeal. Ac 13:50; 26:9-11.
Men by nature addicted to Ga 4:29. Preacher of the gospel subject to Ga 5:11. Is sometimes to death Ac 22:4. God forsakes not his saints under 2Co 4:9. God delivers out of Da 3:25,28; 2Co 1:10; 2Ti 3:11. Cannot separated from Christ Ro 8:35. Lawful means may be used to escape Mt 2:13; 10:23; 12:14,15. Saints suffering, should
Exhibit patience. 1Co 4:12. Rejoice. Mt 5:12; 1Pe 4:13. Glorify God. 1Pe 4:16. Pray for deliverance. Ps 7:1; 119:86. Pray for those who inflict. Mt 5:44. Return blessing for. Ro 12:14.
Blessedness of enduring, for Christ's sake Mt 5:10; Lu 6:22. Pray for those suffering 2Th 3:2. Hypocrites cannot endure Mt 4:17. False teachers shrink from Ga 6:12. The wicked
Active in. Ps 143:3; La 4:19. Encourage each other in. Ps 71:11. Rejoice in its success. Ps 13:4; Re 11:10. Punishment for. Ps 7:13; 2Th 1:6. Illustrated. Mt 21:33-39.
Saul. 1Sa 26:18. Jezebel. 1Ki 19:2. Zedekiah &c. Jer 38:4-6. Chaldeans. Da 3:8-30. Pharisees. Mt 12:14. Jews. Joh 5:16; 1Th 2:15. Herod. Ac 12:1. Gentiles. Ac 14:5. Paul. Php 3:6; 1Ti 1:13.
David. Ps 119:161. Jeremiah. Jer 32:2. Daniel. Da 6:5-17. Peter &c. Ac 4:3. Apostles. Ac 5:18. The Prophets. Ac 7:52. The Church. Ac 8:1. Paul and Barnabas. Ac 13:50. Paul and Silas. Ac 16:23. Hebrews. Heb 10:33. Saints of old. Heb 11:36.
An evidence of belonging to Christ Joh 8:31; Heb 3:6,14. A characteristic of saints Pr 4:18. To be manifested in
Waiting upon god. Ho 12:6. Prayer. Ro 12:12; Eph 6:18. Well-doing. Ro 2:7; 2Th 3:13. Continuing in the faith. Ac 14:22; Col 1:23; 2Ti 4:7. Holding fast hope. Heb 3:6.
The power of Christ. Joh 10:28. The intercession of Christ. Lu 22:31,32; Joh 17:11. The fear of God. Jer 32:40. Faith. 1Pe 1:5.
Leads to increase of knowledge Joh 8:31,32. IN WELL-DOING
Is not in vain. 1Co 15:58; Ga 6:9.
Encouragement to Heb 12:2,3. Promises to Mt 10:22; 24:13; Re 2:26-28. Blessedness of Jas 1:25. Want of
Punished. Joh 15:6; Ro 11:22. Illustrated. Mr 4:5,17.
Pharisees, The.
The strictest observers of the Mosaic ritual Ac 26:5. By descent, especially esteemed Ac 23:6. Character of
Zealous of tradition. Mr 7:3,5-8; Ga 1:14. Outwardly moral. Lu 18:11; Php 3:5,6. Rigid in fasting. Lu 5:33; 18:12. Active in proselytising. Mt 23:15. Self-righteous. Lu 16:15; 18:9. Avaricious. Mt 23:14; Lu 16:14. Ambitious of precedence. Mt 23:6. Fond of public salutations. Mt 23:7. Fond of distinguished titles. Mt 23:7-10. Particular in paying all dues. Mt 23:23. Oppressive. Mt 23:4. Cruel in persecuting. Ac 9:1,2.
Made broad their phylacteries Mt 23:5. Their opinions, a standard for others Joh 7:48. Many priest and Levites were of Joh 1:19,24. Many rulers, lawyers, and scribes were of Joh 3:1; Ac 5:34; 23:9. Had disciples Lu 5:33; Ac 22:3. Some came to John for baptism Mt 3:7. As a body, rejected John's baptism Lu 7:30. Christ
Condemned by, for associating with sinners. Mt 9:11; Lu 7:39; 15:1,2. Asked for signs by. Mt 12:38; 16:1. Tempted by, with questions about the law. Mt 19:3; 22:15,16,35. Watched by, for evil. Lu 6:7. Offended, by his doctrine. Mt 15:12; 21:45; Lu 16:14. Declared the imaginary righteousness of, to be insufficient for salvation. Mt 5:20. Declared the doctrines of, to be hypocrisy. Mt 16:6,11,12; Lu 12:1. Denounced woes against. Mt 23:13-33. Called, and evil and adulterous generation. Mt 12:39. Called, serpents and generation of vipers. Mt 23:33. Called fools and blind guides. Mt 23:17,24. Compared, to whited sepulchres. Mt 23:27. Compared, to graves that appear not. Lu 11:44. Left Judea for a time on account of. Joh 4:1-3.
Sent officers to apprehend Christ Joh 7:32,45. Often sought to destroy Christ Mt 12:14; 21:46; Joh 11:47,53,57.
Originally dwelt in the land of Caphtor Jer 47:4; Am 9:7. Conquered the Avims and took from them the west coast of Canaan De 2:23. Called
The Cherethites. 1Sa 30:14; Zep 2:5.
Divided into five sates of lordships. Jos 13:3; Jdj 3:3; 1Sa 6:16. Had many flourishing cities. 1Sa 6:17. Given by God to the Israelites. Jos 13:2,3; 15:45,47.
Character of
Idolatrous. Jdj 16:23; 1Sa 5:2. Superstitious. Isa 2:6. Warlike. 1Sa 17:1; 28:1.
Some of, left to prove Israel Jdj 3:1-3. Always confederated with the enemies of Israel Ps 83:7; Isa 9:11,12. Shamgar slew six hundred of, and delivered Israel Jdj 3:31. Oppressed Israel after the death of Jair for eighteen years Jdj 10:7,8. Oppressed Israel after the death of Abdon forty years Jdj 13:1. Samson
Intermarried with. Jdj 14:1,10. Slew thirty, near Askelon. Jdj 14:19. Burned vineyards &c of. Jdj 15:3-5. Slew many for burning his wife. Jdj 15:7,8. Slew a thousand with the jawbone of an ass. Jdj 15:15,16. Blinded and imprisoned by. Jdj 16:21. Pulled down the house of Dagon and destroyed immense numbers of. Jdj 16:29,30.
Defeated Israel and took the ark 1Sa 4:3-11. Put the ark into Dagon's house 1Sa 5:1-4. Plagued for retaining the ark 1Sa 5:6-12. Sent back the ark and were healed 1Sa 6:1-18. Miraculously routed at Mizpeh 1Sa 7:7-14. Jonathan smote a garrison of, at Geba and provoked them 1Sa 13:3,4. Invaded the land of Israel with a great army 1Sa 13:5,17-23. Jonathan and his armour-bearer smote a garrison of, at the passages 1Sa 14:1-14. Miraculously discomfited 1Sa 14:15-23. Saul constantly at war with 1Sa 14:52. Defied Israel by their champion 1Sa 17:4-10. Defeated Israel at Ephesdammim and pursued to Ekron 1Sa 17:1,52. David
Procured Saul's daughter for and hundred foreskins of. 1Sa 18:25-27. Often defeated during Saul's reign. 1Sa 19:8; 23:1-5. Fled to, for safety. 1Sa 27:1-7. Gained the confidence of Achish king of. 1Sa 28:2; 29:9. Distrusted by. 1Sa 29:2-7. Often defeated in the course of his reign. 2Sa 5:17-23; 8:1; 21:15-22; 23:8-12. Had a guard composed of. 2Sa 8:18; Eze 25:16; Zep 2:5.
Ziklag a town of, taken and plundered by the Amalekites 1Sa 30:1,2,16. Israel defeated by, and Saul slain 1Sa 31:1-10. Besieged in Gibbethon by Nadab 1Ki 15:27. Sent by God against Jehoram 2Ch 21:16,17. Defeated by Uzziah 2Ch 26:6,7. Distressed Judah under Ahaz 2Ch 28:18,19. Defeated by Hezekiah 2Ki 18:8. Israel condemned for imitating Jdj 10:6; Am 6:2; 9:7. Prophecies respecting
Punishment with other nations. Jer 25:20. Dismay at ruin of Tyre. Zec 9:3,5. Base men to be their rulers. Zec 9:6. Hatred and revenge against Israel to be fully recompensed. Eze 25:15-17; Am 1:6-8. Utter destruction by Pharaoh king of Egypt. Jer 47:1-4; Zep 2:5,6. Destruction and desolation of their cities. Jer 47:5; Zep 2:4. Their country to be a future possession to Israel. Ob 1:19; Zep 2:7. To help in Israel's restoration. Isa 11:14.
Pilgrims and Strangers.
Saints are called to be Ge 12:1; Ac 7:3; Lu 14:26,27,33. All saints are Ps 39:12; 1Pe 1:1. Saints confess themselves 1Ch 29:15; Ps 39:12; 119:19; Heb 11:13. As saints they
Are strengthened by God. De 33:25; Ps 84:6,7. Are actuated by faith. Heb 11:9. Have their faces toward Zion. Jer 50:5. Keep the promised in view. Heb 11:13. Forsake all for Christ. Mt 19:27. Look for a heavenly country. Heb 11:16. Look for a heavenly city. Heb 11:10. Pass their sojourning in fear. 1Pe 1:17. Rejoice in the statutes of God. Ps 119:54. Pray for direction. Ps 43:3; Jer 50:5. Have a heavenly conversation. Php 3:20. Hate worldly fellowship. Ps 120:5,6. Are not mindful of this world. Heb 11:15. Are not at home in this world. Heb 11:9. Shine as lights in the world. Php 2:15. Invite others to go with them. Nu 10:29. Are exposed to persecution. Ps 120:5-7; Joh 17:14. Should abstain from fleshly lusts. 1Pe 2:11. Should have their treasure in heaven. Mt 6:19; Lu 12:33; Col 3:1,2. Should not be over anxious about worldly things. Mt 6:25. Long for their pilgrimage to end. Ps 55:6; 2Co 5:1-8. Die in faith. Heb 11:13. The world is not worthy of. Heb 11:38.
Jacob. Ge 47:9. Saints of old. 1Ch 29:15; Heb 11:13,38. David. Ps 39:12. The Apostles. Mt 19:27.
Things raised up as memorials Ge 31:51. Made of
Wood. 1Ki 10:12. Iron. Jer 1:18. Brass. 1Ki 7:15. Silver. Song 3:10.
Two, placed in the temple porch 1Ki 7:15-21. Of memorial
Sometimes of a heap of stones. Jos 4:8,9,20. To witness vows. Ge 28:18; 31:13. To witness covenants. Ge 31:52. To mark the graves of the dead. Ge 35:20. To commemorate remarkable events. Ex 24:4; Jos 4:20,24. To perpetuate names. 2Sa 18:18. In honour of idols. Le 26:1; De 7:5. Often anointed. Ge 28:18; 31:13. Often had inscriptions. Job 19:24.
Lot's wife became a pillar of salt Ge 19:26. Illustrative of
Stability of the earth. 1Sa 2:8; Ps 75:3. The church. 1Ti 3:15. Stability of Christ. Song 5:15; Re 10:1. Ministers. Jer 1:18; Ga 2:9. Saints who overcome in Christ. Re 3:12.
Plague or Pestilence, The.
One of God's four sore judgments Eze 14:21. Described as noisome Ps 9:13. Israel threatened with, as a punishment for disobedience Le 26:24,25; De 28:21. Desolating effects of Ps 91:7; Jer 16:6,7; Am 6:9,10. Equally fatal day and night Ps 91:5,6. Fatal to man and beast Ps 78:50; Jer 21:6. Sent upon
Israel for making golden calf. Ex 32:35. Israel for despising manna. Nu 11:33. Israel for murmuring at destruction of Korah. Nu 16:46-50. Israel for worshipping Baal-peor. Nu 25:18. David's subjects for his numbering the people. 2Sa 24:15.
Often followed war and famine Jer 27:13; 28:8; 29:17,18. Egypt often afflicted with Jer 42:17; Am 4:10. Specially fatal in cities Le 26:25; Jer 21:6,9. Was attributed to a destroying angel Ex 12:23; 2Sa 24:16. The Jews sought deliverance from, by prayer 1Ki 8:37,38; 2Ch 20:9. Predicted to happen before destruction of Jerusalem Mt 24:7; Lu 21:11. Illustrative of
The diseased state of man's heart. 1Ki 8:38.
Noah the supposed inventor of Ge 5:29. Performed
With oxen. 1Sa 14:14; Job 1:14. During the cold winter season. Pr 20:4. In long and straight furrows. Ps 129:3. Generally by servants. Isa 61:5; Lu 17:7. Sometimes by the owner of the land himself. 1Ki 19:19.
Difficulty of, on rocky ground Am 6:12. Followed by harrowing and sowing Isa 28:24,25. Illustrative
Of peace and prosperity. Isa 2:4; Mic 4:3. Of a severe course of affliction. Ho 10:11. Of a course of sin. Job 4:8; Ho 10:13. Of the labour ministers. 1Co 9:10. (Attention and constancy required in,) of continued devotedness. Lu 9:62.
Pomegranate Tree, The.
Canaan abounded with Nu 13:23; De 8:8. The Jews
Often dwelt under shade of. 1Sa 14:2. Drank the juice of. Song 8:2.
God's favour exhibited, in making fruitful Hag 2:19. Representations of its fruit
On the pillars of the temple. 1Ki 7:18.
(An orchard of,) of the church. Song 4:13. (Fruit of,) of the graces of the church. Song 4:3; 6:7.
Pools and Ponds.
Made by man Isa 19:10. Artificial, designed for
Supplying gardens with water. Ec 2:6. Preserving fish. Isa 19:10.
Filled by the rain Ps 84:6. Mentioned in scripture
Gibeon. 2Sa 2:13. Hebron. 2Sa 4:12. Samaria. 1Ki 22:38. Siloam. Joh 9:7. The upper pool. 2Ki 18:17; Isa 7:3. The lower pool. Isa 22:9. The king's pool. Ne 2:14. The old pool. Isa 22:11.
(In the wilderness,) of the gifts of the Spirit. Isa 35:7; 41:18. (Turning cities into,) of great desolation. Isa 14:23.
Poor, The.
Are such by God's appointment 1Sa 2:7; Job 1:21. Condition of, often results from God
Forgets not. Ps 9:18. Hears. Ps 69:33; Isa 41:17. Maintains the right of. Ps 140:12. Delivers. Job 36:15; Ps 35:10. Protects. Ps 12:5; 109:31. Exalts. 1Sa 2:8; Ps 107:41. Provides for. Ps 68:10; 146:7. Despises no the prayer of. Ps 102:17. Is the refuge of. Ps 14:6.
May be
Liberal. Mr 12:42; 2Co 9:12. Wise. Pr 28:11. Upright. Pr 19:1.
Christ preached to Lu 4:18. Christ delivers Ps 72:12. Offerings of, acceptable to God Mr 12:42-44; 2Co 8:2,12. Should
Hope in God. Job 5:16. Commit themselves to God. Ps 10:14. When converted, rejoice in their exaltation. Jas 1:9. Provided for under the Law. Ex 23:11; Le 19:9,10.
Inconsistent with love to God. 1Jo 3:17. A proof of unbelief. Jas 2:15-17.
Wrong not in judgment Ex 23:6. Take no usury from Le 25:36. Harden not the heart against De 15:7. Shut not the hand against De 15:7. Rule not, with vigour Le 25:39,43. Oppress not De 24:14; Zec 7:10. Despise not Pr 14:21; Jas 2:2-4. Relive Le 25:35; Mt 19:21. Defend Ps 82:3,4. Do justice to Ps 82:3; Jer 22:3,16. A care for
Is a fruit of repentance. Lu 3:11. Should be urged. 2Co 8:7,8; Ga 2:10.
Liberally. De 14:29; 15:8,11. Cheerfully. 2Co 8:12; 9:7. Without ostentation. Mt 6:1. Specially if saints. Ro 12:13; Ga 6:10. Pray for. Ps 74:19,21.
Are blessed. De 15:10; Ps 41:1; Pr 22:9; Ac 20:35. Have the favour of God. Heb 13:16. Have promises. Pr 28:27; Lu 14:13,14.
By mocking, God is reproached Pr 17:5. The wicked
Oppress. Job 24:4-10; Eze 18:12. Vex. Eze 22:20. Regard not the cause of. Pr 29:7. Sell. Am 2:6. Crush. Am 4:1. Tread down. Am 5:11. Grind the faces of. Isa 3:15. Devour. Hab 3:14. Persecute. Ps 10:2. Defraud. Am 8:5,6. Despise the counsel of. Ps 14:6.
Punishment for
Spoiling. Isa 3:13-15; Eze 18:13. Refusing to assist. Job 22:7,10; Pr 21:13. Acting unjustly towards. Job 20:19,29; 22:6,10; Isa 10:1-3; Am 5:11,12.
Care for-Illustrated Lu 10:33-35. Exemplified
Ruth. Ru 2:2. Widow of Zarephath. 1Ki 17:12. Prophet's widow. 2Ki 4:2. Saints of old. Heb 11:37.
Job. Job 29:12-16. Nebuzaradan. Jer 39:10. Zacchaeus. Lu 19:8. Peter and John. Ac 3:6. Dorcas. Ac 9:36,39. Cornelius. Ac 10:2. Church at Antioch. Ac 11:29,30. Paul. Ro 15:25. Churches of Macedonia and Achaia. Ro 15:26; 2Co 8:1-5.
Power of Christ, The.
As man, is from the Father Ac 10:38. Described as
Unlimited. Mt 28:18. Over all flesh. Joh 17:2. Over all things. Joh 3:35; Eph 1:22. Glorious. 2Th 1:9. Everlasting. 1Ti 6:16.
Exhibited in
Upholding all things. Col 1:17; Heb 1:3. Salvation. Isa 63:1; Heb 7:25. His teaching. Mt 7:28,29; Lu 4:32. Working miracles. Mt 8:27; Lu 5:17. Enabling others to work miracles. Mt 10:1; Mr 16:17,18; Lu 10:17. Forgiving sins. Mt 9:6; Ac 5:31. Giving spiritual life. Joh 5:21,25,26. Giving eternal life. Joh 17:2. Raising the dead. Joh 5:28,29. Raising himself from the dead. Joh 2:19-21; 10:18. Overcoming the world. Joh 16:33. Overcoming Satan. Col 2:15; Heb 2:14. Destroying the works of Satan. 1Jo 3:8.
Helped by. Heb 2:18. Strengthened by. Php 4:13; 2Ti 4:17. Preserved by. 2Ti 1:12; 4:18. Bodies of, shall be changed by. Php 3:21.
Present in the assembly of saints 1Co 5:4. Shall be specially manifested at his second coming Mr 13:26; 2Pe 1:16. Shall subdue all power 1Co 15:24. The wicked shall be destroyed by Ps 2:9; Isa 11:4; 63:3; 2Th 1:9.
Power of God, The.
Expressed by the
Finger of God. Ex 8:19; Ps 8:3. Hand of God. Ex 9:3,15; Isa 48:13. Arm of God. Job 40:9; Isa 52:10. Thunder of his power. Job 26:14.
Strong. Ps 89:13; 136:12. Glorious. Ex 15:6; Isa 63:12. Mighty. Job 9:4; Ps 89:13. Everlasting. Isa 26:4; Ro 1:20. Sovereign. Ro 9:21. Effectual. Isa 43:13; Eph 3:7. Irresistible. De 32:39; Da 4:35. Incomparable. Ex 15:11,12; De 3:24; Job 40:9; Ps 89:8. Unsearchable. Job 5:9; 9:10. Incomprehensible. Job 26:14; Ec 3:11.
Nothing too hard for Ge 18:14; Jer 32:27. Can save by many or by few 1Sa 14:6. Is the source of all strength 1Ch 29:12; Ps 68:35. Exhibited in
Establishing and governing all things. Ps 65:6; 66:7. The miracles of Christ. Lu 11:20. The resurrection of Christ. 2Co 13:4; Col 2:12. The resurrection of saints. 1Co 6:14. Making the gospel effectual. Ro 1:16; 1Co 1:18,24. Delivering his people. Ps 106:8. The destruction of the wicked. Ex 9:16; Ro 9:22.
Have confidence in. Jer 20:11. Receive increase of grace by. 2Co 9:8. Strengthened by. Eph 6:10; Col 1:11. Upheld by. Ps 37:17; Isa 41:10. Supported in affliction by. 2Co 6:7; 2Ti 1:8. Delivered by. Ne 1:10; Da 3:17. Exalted by. Job 36:22. Kept by, to salvation. 1Pe 1:5.
Works in, and for saints 2Co 13:4; Eph 1:19; 3:20. The faith of saints stands in 1Co 2:5. Should be
Pleaded in prayer. Ps 79:11; Mt 6:13. Feared. Jer 5:22; Mt 10:28. Magnified. Ps 21:13; Jude 1:25.
Is a ground of trust Isa 26:4; Ro 4:21. The wicked The heavenly host magnify Re 4:11; 5:13; 11:17.
Power of the Holy Spirit, The.
Christ commenced his ministry in Lu 4:14. Christ wrought his miracles by Mt 12:28. Exhibited in
The conception of Christ. Lu 1:35. Raising Christ from the dead. 1Pe 3:18. Giving spiritual life. Eze 37:11-14; Ro 8:11. Working miracles. Ro 15:19. Making the gospel efficacious. 1Co 2:4; 1Th 1:5. Overcoming all difficulties. Zec 4:6,7. Promised by the Father. Lu 24:49. Promised by Christ. Ac 1:8.
Strengthened by. Eph 3:16. Enable to speak the truth boldly by. Mic 3:8; Ac 6:5,10; 2Ti 1:7,8. Helped in prayer by. Ro 8:26. Abound in hope by. Ro 15:13.
God's word the instrument of Eph 6:17.
Christ is worthy of Re 5:12. God is glorified by Ps 22:23; 50:23. Offered to Christ Joh 12:13. Acceptable through Christ Heb 13:15. Is due to God on account of
His glory. Ps 138:5; Eze 3:12. His excellency. Ex 15:7; Ps 148:13. His greatness. 1Ch 16:25; Ps 145:3. His holiness. Ex 15:11; Isa 6:3. His wisdom. Da 2:20; Jude 1:25. His power. Ps 21:13. His goodness. Ps 107:8; 118:1; 136:1; Jer 33:11. His mercy. 2Ch 20:21; Ps 89:1; 118:1-4; 136:1-26. His loving-kindness and truth. Ps 138:2. His faithfulness and truth. Isa 25:1. His salvation. Ps 18:46; Isa 35:10; 61:10; Lu 1:68,69. His wonderful works. Ps 89:5; 150:2; Isa 25:1. His consolation. Ps 42:5; Isa 12:1. His judgment. Ps 101:1. His counsel. Ps 16:7; Jer 32:19. Fulfilling of his promises. 1Ki 8:56. Pardon of sin. Ps 103:1-3; Ho 14:2. Spiritual health. Ps 103:3. Constant preservation. Ps 71:6-8. Deliverance. Ps 40:1-3; 124:6. Protection. Ps 28:7; 59:17. Answering prayer. Ps 28:6; 118:21. The hope of glory. 1Pe 1:3,4. All spiritual blessings. Ps 103:2; Eph 1:3. All temporal blessings. Ps 104:1,14; 136:25. The continuance of blessings. Ps 68:19.
Saints. Ps 30:4; 149:5. Gentiles. Ps 117:1; Ro 15:11. Children. Ps 8:2; Mt 21:16. High and low. Ps 148:1,11. Young and old. Ps 148:1,12. Small and great. Re 19:5. All men. Ps 107:8; 145:21. All creation. Ps 148:1-10; 150:6.
Should be offered
With the soul. Ps 103:1; 104:1,35. With the whole heart. Ps 9:1; 111:1; 138:1. With uprightness of heart. Ps 119:7. With the lips. Ps 63:3; 119:171. With the mouth. Ps 51:15; 63:5. With joy. Ps 63:5; 98:4. With gladness. 2Ch 29:30; Jer 33:11. With thankfulness. 1Ch 16:4; Ne 12:24; Ps 147:7. Continually. Ps 35:28; 71:6. During life. Ps 104:33. More and more. Ps 71:14. Day and night. Re 4:8. Day by day. 2Ch 30:21. For ever and ever. Ps 145:1,2. Throughout the world. Ps 113:3. In psalms and hymns &c. Ps 105:2; Eph 5:19; Col 3:16.
Is a part of public worship Ps 9:14; 100:4; 118:19,20; Heb 2:12. Saints should
Be endued with the spirit of. Isa 61:3. Render, under affliction. Ac 16:25. Glory in. 1Ch 16:35. Triumph in. Ps 106:47. Express their joy by. Jas 5:13. Declare. Isa 42:12. Invite others to. Ps 34:3; 95:1. Pray for ability to offer. Ps 51:15; 119:175. Posture suited to. 1Ch 23:30; Ne 9:5.
Voice of praise. Ps 66:8. Voice of triumph. Ps 47:1. Voice of melody. Isa 51:3. Voice of a psalm. Ps 98:5. Garment of praise. Isa 61:3. Sacrifice of praise. Heb 13:15. Sacrifices of joy. Ps 27:6. Calves of the lips. Ho 14:2.
Moses. Ex 15:1-21. Jethro. Ex 18:10. Israelites. 1Ch 16:36. David. 1Ch 29:10-13; Ps 119:164. Priests and Levites. Ezr 3:10-11. Ezra. Ne 8:6. Hezekiah. Isa 38:19. Zacharias. Lu 1:64. Shepherds. Lu 2:20. Simeon. Lu 2:28. Anna. Lu 2:38. Multitudes. Lu 18:43. Disciples. Lu 19:37,38. The Apostles. Lu 24:53. First converts. Ac 2:47. Lame man. Ac 3:8. Paul and Silas. Ac 16:25.
To be offered
To Christ. Lu 23:42; Ac 7:59. To the Holy Spirit. 2Th 3:5. Through Christ. Eph 2:18; Heb 10:19.
God answers Ps 99:6; Isa 58:9. Is described as
Looking up. Ps 5:3. Lifting up the soul. Ps 25:1. Lifting up the heart. La 3:41. Pouring out the heart. Ps 62:8. Pouring out the soul. 1Sa 1:15. Calling upon the name of the Lord. Ge 12:8; Ps 116:4; Ac 22:16. Crying to God. Ps 27:7; 34:6. Drawing near to God. Ps 73:28; Heb 10:22. Crying to heaven. 2Ch 32:20. Beseeching the Lord. Ex 32:11. Seeking to God. Job 8:5. Seeking the face of the Lord. Ps 27:8. Making supplication. Job 8:5; Jer 36:7.
Ascends to heaven 2Ch 30:27; Re 5:8. Quickening grace necessary to Ps 80:18. The holy spirit
As the Spirit of adoptions, leads to. Ro 8:15; Ga 4:6. Helps our infirmities in. Ro 8:26.
Of the righteous, avails much Jas 5:16. Of the upright, a delight to God Pr 15:8. Should be offered up
In faith. Mt 21:22; Jas 1:6. In full assurance of faith. Heb 10:22. In a forgiving spirit. Mt 6:12. With the heart. Jer 29:13; La 3:41. With the whole heart. Ps 119:58,145. With preparation of heart. Job 11:13. With a true heart. Heb 10:22. With the soul. Ps 42:4. With the spirit and understanding. Joh 4:22-24; 1Co 14:15. With confidence in God. Ps 56:9; 86:7; 1Jo 5:14. With submission to God. Lu 22:42. With unfeigned lips. Ps 17:1. With deliberation. Ec 5:2. With holiness. 1Ti 2:8. With humility. 2Ch 7:14; 33:12. With truth. Ps 145:18; Joh 4:24. With desire to be heard. Ne 1:6; Ps 17:1; 55:1,2; 61:1. With desire to be answered. Ps 27:7; 102:2; 108:6; 143:1. With boldness. Heb 4:16. With earnestness. 1Th 3:10; Jas 5:17. With importunity. Ge 32:26; Lu 11:8,9; 18:1-7. Night and day. 1Ti 5:5. Without ceasing. 1Th 5:17. Everywhere. 1Ti 2:8. In everything. Php 4:6.
For spiritual blessings Mt 6:33. For mercy and grace to help in time of need Heb 4:16. Model for Mt 6:9-13. Vain repetitions in, forbidden Mt 6:7. Ostentation in, forbidden Mt 6:5. Accompanied with
Confession. Ne 1:4,7; Da 9:4-11. Self-abasement. Ge 18:27. Weeping. Jer 31:9; Ho 12:4. Fasting. Ne 1:4; Da 9:3; Ac 13:3. Watchfulness. Lu 21:36; 1Pe 4:7. Praise. Ps 66:17. Thanksgiving. Php 4:6; Col 4:2.
Covenant of God. Jer 14:21. Faithfulness of God. Ps 143:1. Mercy of God. Ps 51:1; Da 9:18. Righteousness of God. Da 9:16.
Seek divine teaching for Lu 11:1. Faint not in Lu 18:1. Continue instant in Ro 12:12. Avoid hindrances in 1Pe 3:7. Suitable in affliction Isa 26:16; Jas 5:13. Shortness of time a motive to 1Pe 4:7. Postures in
Bowing down. Ps 95:6. Kneeling. 2Ch 6:13; Ps 95:6; Lu 22:41; Ac 20:36. Falling on the face. Nu 16:22; Jos 5:14; 1Ch 21:16; Mt 26:39. Spreading forth the hands. Isa 1:15. Lifting up the hands. Ps 28:2; La 2:19; 1Ti 2:8.
The promises of Christ encourage to Lu 11:9,10; Joh 14:13,14. Experience of past mercies an incentive to Ps 4:1; 112:2.
Prayer, Answers To.
Christ gives Joh 4:10,14; 14:14. Christ received Joh 11:42; Heb 5:7. Granted
Sometimes immediately. Isa 65:24; Da 9:21,23; 10:12. Sometimes after delay. Lu 18:7. Sometimes differently from our desire. 2Co 12:8,9. Beyond expectation. Jer 33:3; Eph 3:20.
Promised especially in times of trouble Ps 50:15; 91:15. Received by those who
Seek God with all the heart. Jer 29:12,13. Wait upon God. Ps 40:1. Return to God. 2Ch 7:14; Job 22:23,27. Ask in faith. Mt 21:11; Jas 5:15. Ask in the name of Christ. Joh 14:13. Ask according to God's will. 1Jo 5:14. Call upon God in truth. Ps 145:18. Fear God. Ps 145:19. Set their love upon God. Ps 91:14,15. Keep God's commandments. 1Jo 3:22. Call upon God under oppression. Isa 19:20. Call upon God under affliction. Ps 18:6; 106:44; Isa 30:19,20. Abide in Christ. Joh 15:7. Humble themselves. 2Ch 7:14; Ps 9:12. Are righteous. Ps 34:15; Jas 5:16. Are poor and needy. Isa 41:17.
Love God for. Ps 116:1. Bless God for. Ps 66:20. Praise God for. Ps 116:17; 118:21.
Denied to those who
Regard iniquity in the heart. Ps 66:18. Live in sin. Isa 59:2; Joh 9:31. Offer unworthy service to God. Mal 1:7-9. Forsake God. Jer 14:10,12. Reject the call of God. Pr 1:24,25,28. Hear not the law. Pr 28:9; Zec 7:11-13. Are deaf to the cry of the poor. Pr 21:13. Are blood shedders. Isa 1:15; 59:3. Are idolaters. Jer 11:11-14; Eze 8:15-18. Are wavering. Jas 1:6,7. Are hypocrites. Job 27:8,9. Are proud. Job 35:12,13. Are self-righteous. Lu 18:11,12,14. Are the enemies of saints. Ps 18:40,41. Cruelly oppress saints. Mic 3:2-4.
Lot. Ge 19:19-21. Abraham's servant. Ge 24:15-27. Jacob. Ge 32:24-30. Israelites. Ex 2:23,24. Moses. Ex 17:4-6,11-13; 32:11-14. Samson. Jdj 15:18,19. Hannah. 1Sa 1:27. Samuel. 1Sa 7:9. Solomon. 1Ki 3:9,12. Man of God. 1Ki 13:6. Elijah. 1Ki 18:36-38; Jas 5:17,18. Elisha. 2Ki 4:33-35. Jehoahaz. 2Ki 13:4. Hezekiah. 2Ki 19:20. Jabez. 1Ch 4:10. Asa. 2Ch 14:11,12. Jehoshaphat. 2Ch 20:6-17. Manasseh. 2Ch 33:13,19. Ezra. Ezr 8:21-23. Nehemiah. Ne 4:9,15. Job. Job 42:10. David. Ps 18:6. Jeremiah. La 3:55,56. Daniel. Da 9:20-23. Jonah. Jon 2:2,10. Zacharias. Lu 1:13. Blind man. Lu 18:38,41-43. Thief on the cross. Lu 23:42,43. Apostles. Ac 4:29-31. Cornelius. Ac 10:4,31. The Christians. Ac 12:5,7. Paul and Silas. Ac 16:25,26. Paul. Ac 28:8.
Elders of Israel. Eze 20:3. Pharisees. Mt 23:14.
Prayer, Intercessory.
Commanded 1Ti 2:1; Jas 5:14,16. Should be offered up for
All in authority. 1Ti 2:2. Ministers. 2Co 1:11; Php 1:19. The Church. Ps 122:6; Isa 62:6,7. All saints. Eph 6:18. All men. 1Ti 2:1. Masters. Ge 24:12-14. Servants. Lu 7:2,3. Children. Ge 17:18; Mt 15:22. Friends. Job 42:8. Fellow-countrymen. Ro 10:1. The sick. Jas 5:14. Persecutors. Mt 5:44. Enemies among whom we dwell. Jer 29:7. Those who envy us. Nu 12:13. Those who forsake us. 2Ti 4:16. Those who murmur against God. Nu 11:1,2; 14:13,19.
Encouragement to Jas 5:16; 1Jo 5:16. Beneficial to the offerer Job 42:10. Sin of neglecting 1Sa 12:23. Seek an interest in 1Sa 12:19; Heb 13:18. Unavailing for the obstinately-impenitent Jer 7:13-16; 14:10,11. Exemplified
Abraham's servant. Ge 24:12-14. Moses. Ex 8:12; 32:11-13. Samuel. 1Sa 7:5. Solomon. 1Ki 8:30-36. Elisha. 2Ki 4:33. Hezekiah. 2Ch 30:18. Isaiah. 2Ch 32:20. Nehemiah. Ne 1:4-11. David. Ps 25:22. Ezekiel. Eze 9:8. Daniel. Da 9:3-19. Stephen. Ac 7:60. Peter and John. Ac 8:15. Church of Jerusalem. Ac 12:5. Paul. Col 1:9-12; 2Th 1:11. Epaphras. Col 4:12. Philemon. Phm 1:22.
Prayer, Private.
Commanded Mt 6:6. Should be offered Shall be heard Job 22:27.Rewarded openly Mt 6:6. An evidence of conversion Ac 9:11. Nothing should hinder Da 6:10. Exemplified
Eliezer. Ge 24:12. Jacob. Ge 32:9-12. Gideon. Jdj 6:22,36,39. Hannah. 1Sa 1:10. David. 2Sa 7:18-29. Hezekiah. 2Ki 20:2. Isaiah. 2Ki 20:11. Manasseh. 2Ch 33:18,19. Ezra. Ezr 9:5,6. Nehemiah. Ne 2:4. Jeremiah. Jer 32:16-25. Daniel. Da 9:3,17. Jonah. Jon 2:1. Habakkuk. Hab 1:2. Anna. Lu 2:37. Paul. Ac 9:11. Peter. Ac 9:40; 10:9. Cornelius. Ac 10:30.
Prayer, Public.
God promises to hear 2Ch 7:14,16. God promises to bless in Ex 20:24. Christ
Attended. Mt 12:9; Lu 4:16. Promises answers to. Mt 18:19.
Should not be made in an unknown language 1Co 14:14-16. Saints delight in Ps 42:4; 122:1. Exhortation to Heb 10:25. Urge others to join in Ps 95:6; Zec 8:21. Exemplified
David. 1Ch 29:10-19. Solomon. 2Ch 6:1-42. Jehoshaphat. 2Ch 20:5-13. Jeshua. Ne 9:1-38. Jews. Lu 1:10. The Christians. Ac 2:46; 4:24; 12:5,12. Peter. Ac 3:1. Teachers and Prophets, at Antioch. Ac 13:3. Paul. Ac 16:16.
Prayer, Social and Family.
Christ promises to be present at Mt 18:20. Punishment for neglecting Jer 10:25. Exemplified
Jacob. Ge 35:2,3,7. Joshua. Jos 24:15. David. 2Sa 6:20. Job. Job 1:5. The Disciples. Ac 1:13,14. Cornelius. Ac 10:2. Paul and Silas. Ac 16:25. Paul. Ac 20:36; 21:5.
Precious Stones.
Brought from Ophir 1Ki 10:11; 2Ch 9:10. Brought from Sheba 1Ki 10:1,2; Eze 27:22. Called
Stones to be set. 1Ch 29:2. Jewels. Isa 61:10; Eze 16:12. Precious jewels. 2Ch 20:25; Pr 20:15.
Of many colours 1Ch 29:2. Brilliant and glittering 1Ch 29:2; Re 21:11. Mentioned in scripture
Amethyst. Ex 28:19; Re 21:20. Beryl. Da 10:6; Re 21:20. Carbuncle. Ex 28:17; Isa 54:12. Coral. Job 28:18. Chalcedony. Re 21:19. Chrysolite. Re 21:20. Chrysoprasus. Re 21:20. Diamond. Ex 28:18; Jer 17:1; Eze 28:13. Emerald. Eze 27:16; Re 4:3. Jacinth. Re 9:17; 21:20. Jasper. Re 4:3; 21:11,19. Onyx. Ex 28:20; Job 28:16. Pearl. Job 28:18; Mt 13:45,46; Re 21:21. Ruby. Job 28:18; La 4:7. Sapphire. Ex 24:10; Eze 1:26. Sardine or Sardius. Ex 28:17; Re 4:3. Sardonyx. Re 21:20. Topaz. Job 28:19; Re 21:20.
Extensive commerce in Eze 27:22; Re 18:12. Often given as presents 1Ki 10:2,10. Art of engraving upon, early known to the Jews Ex 28:9,11,21. Art of setting, known to the Jews Ex 28:20. Used for
Adorning the breastplate of judgment. Ex 28:17-20; 39:10-14. Decorating the person. Eze 28:13. Ornamenting royal crowns. 2Sa 12:30. Setting in seals and rings. Song 5:12. Adorning the temple. 2Ch 3:6. Honouring idols. Da 11:38.
Given by the Jews for the tabernacle Ex 25:7. Prepared by David for the temple 1Ch 29:2. Given by chief men for the temple 1Ch 29:8. Illustrative of
Beauty and stability of the church. Isa 54:11,12. Saints. Mal 3:17; 1Co 3:12. Seductive splendour and false glory of the apostasy. Re 17:4; 18:16. Worldly glory of nations. Eze 28:13-16. Glory of heavenly Jerusalem. Re 21:11. Stability of heavenly Jerusalem. Re 21:19.
Preciousness of Christ.
To Saints Song 5:10; Php 3:8; 1Pe 2:7. On account of his
Excellence and grace. Ps 45:2. Name. Song 1:3; Heb 1:4. Atonement. 1Pe 1:19; Heb 12:24. Words. Joh 6:68. Promises. 2Pe 1:4. Care and tenderness. Isa 40:11.
As the source of all grace Joh 1:14; Col 1:19. Unsearchable Eph 3:8. Illustrated Song 2:3; 5:10-16; Mt 13:44-46.
Were given
To kings to engage their aid. 1Ki 15:18. By kings to each other in token of inferiority. 1Ki 10:25; 2Ch 9:23,24; Ps 72:10. To appease the angry feelings of others. Ge 32:20; 1Sa 25:27,28,35. To confirm covenants. Ge 21:28-30. To reward service. 2Sa 18:12; Da 2:6,48. To show respect. Jdj 6:18. In token of friendship. 1Sa 18:3,4. As tribute. Jdj 3:15; 2Sa 8:2; 2Ch 17:5. On occasions of visits. 2Ki 8:8. On all occasions of public rejoicing. Ne 8:12; Es 9:19. At marriages. Ge 24:53; Ps 45:12. On recovering from sickness. 2Ki 20:12. On restoration to prosperity. Job 42:10,11. On sending away friends. Ge 45:22; Jer 40:5.
Not bringing, considered a mark of disrespect and disaffection Isa 10:27; 2Ki 17:24. Generally procured a favourable reception Pr 18:16; 19:6. When small or defective, refused Mal 1:8. Of persons of rank, of great value and variety 2Ki 5:2; 2Ch 9:1. Receiving of, a token of good will Ge 33:10,11. Things given as
Horses and mules. 1Ki 10:25. Money. Ge 45:22; 1Sa 9:8; Job 42:11. Food. Ge 43:11; 1Sa 25:18; 1Ki 14:3. Garments. Ge 45:22; 1Sa 18:4. Weapons of war. 1Sa 18:4. Ornaments. Ge 24:22,47; Job 42:11. Gold and silver vessels. 1Ki 10:25. Precious stones. 1Ki 10:2. Servants. Ge 20:14; 29:24,29.
Often conveyed on camels 1Sa 25:18; 2Ki 8:9; 2Ch 9:1. Sometimes sent before the giver Ge 32:21. Generally presented in person Ge 43:15,26; Jdj 3:17; 1Sa 25:27. Laid out and presented with great ceremony Ge 43:25; Jdj 3:18; Mt 2:11.
A characteristic of Antichrist 2Th 2:4. Exhibited in
Wilful commission of sin. Ro 1:32. Self-righteousness. Ho 12:8; Re 3:17. Spiritual pride. Isa 65:5; Lu 18:11. Esteeming our own ways right. Pr 12:15. Seeking precedence. Lu 14:7-11. Planning for the future. Lu 12:18; Jas 4:13. Pretending to prophecy. De 18:22.
Saints avoid Ps 131:1. Punishment for Nu 15:30; Re 18:7,8. Exemplified
Israelites. Nu 14:44. Korah &c. Nu 16:3,7. Men of Bethshemesh. 1Sa 6:19. Uzzah. 2Sa 6:6. Jeroboam. 1Ki 13:4. Benhadad. 1Ki 20:19. Uzziah. 2Ch 26:16. Sennacherib. 2Ch 32:13,14. Theudas. Ac 5:36. Sons of Sceva. Ac 19:13,14. Diotrephes. 3Jo 1:9.
Hateful to God Pr 6:16,17; 16:5. Hateful to Christ Pr 8:12,13. Often originates in
Religious privileges. Zep 3:11. Unsanctified knowledge. 1Co 8:1. Inexperience. 1Ti 3:6. Possession of power. Le 26:19; Eze 30:6. Possession of wealth. 2Ki 20:13.
Defiles a man Mr 7:20,22. Hardens the mind Da 5:20. Saints
Respect not, in others. Ps 40:4. Mourn over, in others. Jer 13:17. Hate, in others. Ps 101:5.
A hindrance to improvement Pr 26:12. A characteristic
The world. 1Jo 2:16. False teachers. 1Ti 6:3,4. The wicked. Hab 2:4,5; Ro 1:30.
The wicked encompassed with Ps 73:6. Leads men to
A persecuting spirit. Ps 10:2. Wrath. Pr 21:24. Contention. Pr 13:10; 28:25. Self-deception. Jer 49:16; Ob 1:3.
Is followed by
Debasement. Pr 29:23; Isa 28:3. Destruction. Pr 16:18; 18:12.
Woe to Isa 28:1,3. They who are guilty of, shall be
Brought into contempt. Isa 23:9. Recompensed. Ps 31:23. Marred. Jer 13:9. Subdued. Ex 18:11; Isa 13:11. Brought low. Ps 18:27; Isa 2:12. Abased. Da 4:37; Mt 23:12. Scattered. Lu 1:51. Punished. Zep 2:10,11; Mal 4:1.
Hezekiah. 2Ch 32:25. Pharaoh. Ne 9:10. Haman. Es 3:5. Moab. Isa 16:6. Tyre. Isa 23:9. Israel. Isa 28:1; Ho 5:5,9. Judah. Jer 13:9. Babylon. Jer 50:29,32. Assyria. Eze 31:3,10. Nebuchadnezzar. Da 4:30; 5:20. Belshazzar. Da 5:22,23. Edom. Ob 1:3. Scribes. Mr 12:38,39. Herod. Ac 12:21-23. Laodiceans. Re 3:17.
During patriarchal age heads of families acted as Ge 8:20; 12:8; 35:7. After the exodus young men (first-born) deputed to act as Ex 24:5; 19:22. The sons of Aaron appointed as, by perpetual statute Ex 29:9; 40:15. All except seed of Aaron excluded from being Nu 3:10; 16:40; 18:7. Sanctified by God for the office Ex 29:44. Publicly consecrated Ex 28:3; Nu 3:3. Ceremonies at consecration of
Clothing with the holy garments. Ex 29:8,9; 40:14; Le 8:13. Anointing with oil. Ex 30:30; 40:13. Offering sacrifices. Ex 29:10-19; Le 8:14-23. Purification by blood of the consecration ram. Ex 29:20,21; Le 8:23,24. Placing in their hands the wave-offering. Ex 29:22-24; Le 8:25-27. Partaking of the sacrifices of consecration. Ex 29:31-33; Le 8:31,32. Lasted seven days. Ex 29:35-37; Le 8:33.
No blemished or defective persons could be consecrated Le 21:17-23. Required to prove their genealogy before they exercised the office Ezr 2:62; Ne 7:64. Garments of
The girdle. Ex 28:40. The bonnet. Ex 28:40; 39:28. The linen breeches. Ex 28:42; 39:28. Worn at consecration. Ex 29:9; 40:15. Worn always while engaged in the service of the tabernacle. Ex 28:43; 39:41. Worn by the high priest on the day of atonement. Le 16:4. Purified by sprinkling of blood. Ex 29:21. Laid up in holy chambers. Eze 44:19. Often provided by the people. Ezr 2:68,69; Ne 7:70,72.
Services of
Covering the sacred things of the sanctuary before removal. Nu 4:5-15. Offering sacrifices. Le 1:1-6:30; 2Ch 29:34; 35:11. Lighting and trimming the lamps of the sanctuary. Ex 27:20,21; Le 24:3,4. Keeping the sacred fire always burning on the altar. Le 6:12,13. Burning incense. Ex 20:7,8; Lu 1:9. Placing and removing show-bread. Le 24:5-9. Offering first fruits. Le 23:10,11; De 26:3,4. Blessing the people. Nu 6:23-27. Purifying the unclean. Le 15:30,31. Deciding in cases of jealousy. Nu 5:14,15. Deciding in cases of leprosy. Le 13:2-59; 14:34-45. Judging in cases of controversy. De 17:8-13; 21:5. Teaching the law. De 33:8,10; Mal 2:7. Blowing the trumpets on various occasions. Nu 10:1-10; Jos 6:3,4. Carrying the ark. Jos 3:6,17; 6:12. Encouraging the people when they went to war. De 20:1-4. Valuing things devoted. Le 27:8.
Revenues of
First-fruits. Nu 18:8,12,13; De 18:4. Redemption-money of the first-born. Nu 3:48,51; 18:15,16. First-born of animals or their substitutes. Nu 18:17,18; Ex 13:12,13. First of the wool of sheep. De 18:4. Show-bread after its removal. Le 24:9; 1Sa 21:4-6; Mt 12:4. Part of all sacrifices. Le 7:6-10,31,34; Nu 6:19,20; 18:8-11; De 18:3. All devoted things. Nu 18:14. All restitutions when the owner could not be found. Nu 5:8. A fixed portion of the spoil taken in war. Nu 31:29,41.
Might purchase and hold other lands in possession 1Ki 2:26; Jer 32:8,9. Special laws respecting
Not to defile themselves for the dead except the nearest of kin. Le 21:1-6. Not to drink wine, &c while attending in the tabernacle. Le 10:9; Eze 44:21. Not to defile themselves by eating what died or was torn. Le 22:8. While unclean could not perform any service. Le 22:1,2; Nu 19:6,7. While unclean could not eat of the holy things. Le 22:3-7. No sojourner or hired servant to eat of their portion. Le 22:10. All bought and home-born servants to eat of their portion. Le 22:11. Children of, married to strangers, not to eat of their portion. Le 22:12. Restitution to be made to, by persons ignorantly eating of their holy things. Le 22:14-16.
The four courses which returned from Babylon subdivided into 24 Ezr 2:36-39; Lu 1:5. Each course of, had its president or chief 1Ch 24:6,31; 2Ch 36:14. Services of, divided by lot Lu 1:9. Punishment for invading the office of Nu 16:1-35; 18:7; 2Ch 26:16-21. On special occasions persons not of Aaron's family acted as Jdj 6:24-27; 1Sa 7:9; 1Ki 18:33. Were sometimes
Drunken. Isa 28:7. Profane and wicked. 1Sa 2:22-24. Unjust. Jer 6:13. Corrupters of the law. Isa 28:7; Mal 2:8. Slow to sanctify, themselves for God's services. 2Ch 29:34.
Made of the lowest of the people by Jeroboam and others 1Ki 12:21; 2Ki 17:32. Services of, ineffectual for removing sin Heb 7:11; 10:11. Illustrative of
Saints. Ex 19:6; 1Pe 2:9.
Kinds of, mentioned
Common. Ac 5:18.
Were under the care of a keeper Ge 39:21. Used for confining
Persons accused of heresy. Ac 4:3; 5:18; 8:3. Suspected persons. Ge 42:19. Condemned persons till executed. Le 24:12; Ac 12:4,5. Enemies taken captive. Jdj 16:21; 2Ki 17:4; Jer 52:11. Debtors till they paid. Mt 5:26; 18:30. Persons under the king's displeasure. 1Ki 22:27; 2Ch 16:10; Mr 6:17.
Confinement in, considered a severe punishment Lu 22:33. Places used as
House of the king's scribe. Jer 37:15. House of the captain of the guard. Ge 40:3. Prisoner's own house, where he was kept bound to a soldier. Ac 28:16,30; 2Ti 1:16-18.
Magistrates had power to commit to Mt 5:25. Persons confined in
Said to be in hold. Ac 4:3. Often placed in dungeons. Jer 39:6; Ac 16:24. Often bound with fetters. Ge 42:19; Eze 19:9; Mr 6:17. Often chained to two soldiers. Ac 12:6. Often fastened in stocks. Jer 29:26; Ac 16:24. Often kept to hard labour. Jdj 16:21. Often subjected to extreme suffering. Ps 79:11; 102:20; 105:18. Fed on bread and water. 1Ki 22:27. Clothed in prison dress. 2Ki 25:29. Sometimes allowed to be visited by their friends. Mt 11:2; 25:36; Ac 24:23. Might have their condition ameliorated by the king. Jer 37:20,21. Often executed in. Ge 40:22; Mt 14:10.
Magistrates had power to release from Ac 16:35,36. Keepers of
Responsible for the prisoners. Ac 16:23,27. Put to death if prisoners escaped. Ac 12:19. Often used severity. Jer 37:16,20; Ac 16:24. Sometimes acted kindly. Ge 39:21; Ac 16:33,34. Sometimes entrusted the care of the prison to well-conducted prisoners. Ge 39:22,23.
Hell. Re 20:7. Bondage to sin and Satan. Isa 42:7; 49:9; 61:1.
Privileges of Saints.
Partaking of the divine nature 2Pe 1:4. Access to God by Christ Eph 3:12. Being of the household of God Eph 2:19. Membership with the Church of the first-born Heb 12:23. Having
Christ for their intercessor. Ro 8:34; Heb 7:25; 1Jo 2:1. The promises of God. 2Co 7:1; 2Pe 1:4.
All things working together for their good Ro 8:28; 2Co 4:15-17. Their names written in the book life Re 13:8; 20:15. Having God for their
Glory. Ps 3:3; Isa 60:19. Salvation. Ps 18:2; 27:1; Isa 12:2. Father. De 32:6; Isa 63:16; 64:8. Redeemer. Ps 19:14; Isa 43:14. Friend. 2Ch 20:7; Jas 2:23. Helper. Ps 33:20; Heb 13:6. Keeper. Ps 121:4,5. Deliverer. 2Sa 22:2; Ps 18:2. Strength. Ps 18:2; 27:1; 46:1. Refuge. Ps 46:1,11; Isa 25:4. Shield. Ge 15:1; Ps 84:11. Tower. 2Sa 22:3; Ps 61:3. Light. Ps 27:1; Isa 60:19; Mic 7:8. Guide. Ps 48:14; Isa 58:11. Law-giver. Ne 9:13,14; Isa 33:22. Habitation. Ps 90:1; 91:9. Portion. Ps 73:26; La 3:24.
Committing themselves to God Ps 31:5; Ac 7:59; 2Ti 1:12. Calling upon God in trouble Ps 50:15. Suffering for Christ Ac 5:41; Php 1:29. Profiting by chastisement Ps 119:67; Heb 12:10,11. Secure during public calamities Job 5:20,23; Ps 27:1-5; 91:5-10. Interceding for others Ge 18:23-33; Jas 5:16.
Saints avoid Ps 27:8; 119:60. To be avoided in
Seeking God. Isa 55:6. Glorifying God. Jer 13:16. Keeping God's commandments. Ps 119:60. Making offerings to God. Ex 22:29. Performance of vows. De 23:21; Ec 5:4.
The present the best time. Ec 12:1. The uncertainty of life. Pr 27:1.
Exemplified Promises of God, The.
Made in Christ Eph 3:6; 2Ti 1:1. Made to
Abraham. Ge 12:3,7; Ga 3:16. Isaac. Ge 26:3,4. Jacob. Ge 28:14. David. 2Sa 7:12; Ps 89:3,4,35,36. The Israelites. Ro 9:4. The Fathers. Ac 13:32; 26:6,7. All who are called of God. Ac 2:39. Those who love him. Jas 1:12; 2:5.
Covenant established upon Heb 8:6. God is faithful to Tit 1:2; Heb 10:23. God remembers Ps 105:42; Lu 1:54,55. Are
Holy. Ps 105:42. Exceeding great and precious. 2Pe 1:4. Confirmed in Christ. Ro 15:8. Yea and amen in Christ. 2Co 1:20. Fulfilled in Christ. Ac 13:23; Lu 1:69-73. Through the righteousness of faith. Ro 4:13,16. Obtained through faith. Heb 11:33. Given to those who believe. Ga 3:22. Inherited through faith and patience. Heb 6:12,15; 10:36. Performed in due season. Jer 33:14; Ac 7:17; Ga 4:4.
The law not against Ga 3:21. The law could not disannul Ga 3:17. Subjects of
The Holy Spirit. Ac 2:33; Eph 1:13. The gospel. Ro 1:1,2. Life in Christ. 2Ti 1:1. A crown of life. Jas 1:12. Eternal life. Tit 1:2; 1Jo 2:25. The life that now is. 1Ti 4:8. Adoption. 2Co 6:18; 7:1. Preservation in affliction. Isa 43:2. Blessing. De 1:11. Forgiveness of sins. Isa 1:18; Heb 8:12. Putting the law into the heart. Jer 31:33; Heb 8:10. Second coming of Christ. 2Pe 3:4. New heavens and earth. 2Pe 3:13. Entering into rest. Jos 22:4; Heb 4:1.
The inheritance of the saints is of Ro 4:13; Ga 3:18. Saints
Heirs of. Ga 3:29; Heb 6:17; 11:9. Stagger not at. Ro 4:20. Have implicit confidence in. Heb 11:11. Expect the performance of. Lu 1:38,45; 2Pe 3:13. Sometimes, through infirmity, tempted to doubt. Ps 77:8,10. Plead in prayer. Ge 32:9,12; 1Ch 17:23,26; Isa 43:26.
Gentiles shall be partakers of Eph 3:6. Man, by nature, has no interest in Eph 2:12. Scoffers despise 2Pe 3:3,4. Fear, lest ye come short of Heb 4:1.
Prophecies Respecting Christ.
Fulfilled. Lu 1:32,35.
As the seed of the woman Ge 3:15. Prophecy.
God is the author of Isa 44:7; 45:21. God gives, through Christ Re 1:1. A gift of Christ Eph 4:11; Re 11:3. A gift of the Holy Spirit 1Co 12:10. Came not by the will of man 2Pe 1:21. Given from the beginning Lu 1:70. Is a sure word 2Pe 1:19. They who uttered
Ordained by God. 1Sa 3:20; Jer 1:5. Sent by God. 2Ch 36:15; Jer 7:25. Sent by Christ. Mt 23:34. Filled with the Holy Spirit. Lu 1:67. Moved by the Holy Spirit. 2Pe 1:21. Spoke by the Holy Spirit. Ac 1:16; 11:28; 28:25. Spoke in the name of the Lord. 2Ch 33:18; Jas 5:10. Spoke with authority. 1Ki 17:1.
Christ the great subject of Ac 3:22-24; 10:43; 1Pe 1:10,11. Fulfilled respecting Christ Lu 24:44. Gift of, promised Joe 2:28; Ac 2:16,17. Is for the benefit of after ages 1Pe 1:12. Is a light in dark place 2Pe 1:19. Is not of private interpretation 2Pe 1:20. Despise not 1Th 5:20. Give heed to 2Pe 1:19. Receive in faith 2Ch 20:20; Lu 24:25. Blessedness of reading, hearing, and keeping Re 1:3; 22:7. Guilt of pretending to the gift of Jer 14:14; 23:13,14; Eze 13:2,3. Punishment for
Adding to, or taking from. Re 22:18,19. Pretending to the gift of. De 18:20; Jer 14:15; 23:15.
How tested De 13:1-3; 18:22.
The messengers of God 2Ch 36:15; Isa 44:26. The servants of God Jer 35:15. The watchmen of Israel Eze 3:17. Were called
Prophets of God. Ezr 5:2. Holy prophets. Lu 1:70; Re 18:20; 22:6. Holy men of God. 2Pe 1:21. Seers. 1Sa 9:9.
Women sometimes endowed as Joe 2:28. God communicated to
At various time and in different ways. Heb 1:1. By an audible voice. Nu 12:8; 1Sa 3:4-14. By angels. Da 8:15-26; Re 22:8,9. By dreams and visions. Nu 12:6; Joe 2:28.
Spoke in the name of the Lord 2Ch 33:18; Eze 3:11; Jas 5:10. Frequently spoke in parables and riddles 2Sa 12:1-6; Isa 5:1-7; Eze 17:2-10. Frequently in their actions, &c were made signs to the people Isa 20:2-4; Jer 19:1,10,11; 27:2,3; 43:9; 51:63; Eze 4:1-13; 5:1-4; 7:23; 12:3-7; 21:6,7; 24:1-24; Ho 1:2-9. Frequently left without divine communication on account of sins of the people 1Sa 28:6; La 2:9; Eze 7:26. Were required
To be vigilant and faithful. Eze 3:17-21. To receive with attention all God's communications. Eze 3:10. Not to speak anything but what they received from God. De 18:20. To declare everything that the Lord commanded. Jer 26:2.
Sometimes uttered their predictions in verse De 32:44; Isa 5:1. Often accompanied by music while predicting 1Sa 10:5; 2Ki 3:15. Often committed their predictions to writing 2Ch 21:12; Jer 36:2. Writings of, read in the synagogues every Sabbath Lu 4:17; Ac 13:15. Ordinary
Trained up and instructed in schools. 2Ki 2:3,5; 1Sa 19:20. The sacred bards of the Jews. Ex 15:20,21; 1Sa 10:5,10; 1Ch 25:1.
Often endued with miraculous power. Ex 4:1-4; 1Ki 17:23; 2Ki 5:3-8.
Wore a coarse dress of hair-cloth 2Ki 1:8; Zec 13:4; Mt 3:4; Re 11:3. Often led a wandering and unsettled life 1Ki 18:10-12; 19:3,8,15; 2Ki 4:10. Simple in their manner of life Mt 3:4. The historiographers of the Jewish nation 1Ch 29:29; 2Ch 9:29. The interpreters of dreams Da 1:17. Were consulted in all difficulties 1Sa 9:6; 28:15; 1Ki 14:2-4; 22:7. Presented with gifts by those who consulted them 1Sa 9:7,8; 1Ki 14:3. Sometimes thought it right to reject presents 2Ki 5:15,16. Were sent to
Denounce the wickedness of kings. 1Sa 15:10,16-19; 2Sa 12:7-12; 1Ki 18:18; 21:17-22. Exhort to faithfulness and constancy in God's service. 2Ch 15:1,2,7. Predict the coming of Christ. Lu 24:44; Joh 1:45; Ac 3:24; 10:43. Predict the downfall of nations. Isa 15:1; 17:1; Jer 47:1-51:64.
Predictions of
Proclaimed in the cities and streets. Jer 11:6. Written on tables and fixed up in some public place. Hab 2:2. Written on rolls and read to the people. Isa 8:1; Jer 36:2. Were all fulfilled. 2Ki 10:10; Isa 44:26; Ac 3:18; Re 10:7.
Mentioned in scripture
Noah. Ge 9:25-27. Jacob. Ge 49:1. Aaron. Ex 7:1. Moses. De 18:18. Miriam. Ex 15:20. Deborah. Jdj 4:4. Prophet set to Israel. Jdj 6:8. Prophet sent to Eli. 1Sa 2:27. Samuel. 1Sa 3:20. David. Ps 16:8-11; Ac 2:25,30. Nathan. 2Sa 7:2; 12:1; 1Ki 1:10. Zadok. 2Sa 15:27. Ahijah. 1Ki 11:29; 12:15; 2Ch 9:29. Prophet of Judah. 1Ki 13:1. Iddo. 2Ch 9:29; 12:15. Shemaiah. 1Ki 12:22; 2Ch 12:7,15. Azariah the son of Oded. 2Ch 15:2,8. Hanani. 2Ch 16:7. Jehu the son of Hanani. 1Ki 16:1,7,12. Elijah. 1Ki 17:1. Elisha. 1Ki 19:16. Micaiah the son of Imlah. 1Ki 22:7,8. Jonah. 2Ki 14:25; Jon 1:1; Mt 12:39. Isaiah. 2Ki 19:2; 2Ch 26:22; Isa 1:1. Hosea. Ho 1:1. Amos. Am 1:1; 7:14,15. Micah. Mic 1:1. Oded. 2Ch 28:9. Nahum. Na 1:1. Joel. Joe 1:1; Ac 2:16. Zephaniah. Zep 1:1. Huldah. 2Ki 22:14. Jeduthun. 2Ch 35:15. Jeremiah. 2Ch 36:12,21; Jer 1:1,2. Habakkuk. Hab 1:1. Obadiah. Ob 1:1. Ezekiel. Eze 1:3. Daniel. Da 12:11; Mt 24:15. Haggai. Ezr 5:1; 6:14; Hag 1:1. Zechariah son of Iddo. Ezr 5:1; Zec 1:1. Malachi. Mal 1:1. Zacharias the father of John. Lu 1:67. Anna. Lu 2:36. Agabus. Ac 11:28; 21:10. Daughters of Philip. Ac 21:9. Paul. 1Ti 4:1. Peter. 2Pe 2:1,2. John. Re 1:1.
The Jews
Often tried to make them speak smooth things. 1Ki 22:13; Isa 30:10; Am 2:12. Persecuted them. 2Ch 36:16; Mt 5:12. Often imprisoned them. 1Ki 22:27; Jer 32:2; 37:15,16. Often put them to death. 1Ki 18:13; 19:10; Mt 23:34-37. Often left without, on account of sin. 1Sa 3:1; Ps 74:9; Am 8:11,12.
Great patience of, under suffering Jas 5:10. God avenged all injuries done to 2Ki 9:7; 1Ch 16:21,22; Mt 23:35-38; Lu 11:50. Christ predicted to exercise the office of De 18:15; Ac 3:22. Christ exercised the office of Mt 24:1-25:46; Mr 10:32-34.
Prophets, False.
Not sent or commissioned by God Jer 14:14; 23:21; 29:31. Made use of by God to prove Israel De 13:3. Described as
Covetous. Mic 3:11. Crafty. Mt 7:15. Drunken. Isa 28:7. Immoral and profane. Jer 23:11,14.
Called foolish prophets Eze 13:2. Compared to foxes in the desert Eze 13:4. Compared to wind Jer 5:13. Influenced by evil spirits 1Ki 22:21,22. Prophesied
Lies in the name of the Lord. Jer 14:14. Out of their own heart. Jer 23:16,26; Eze 13:2. In the name of false gods. Jer 2:8. Peace, when there was no peace. Jer 6:14; 23:17; Eze 13:10; Mic 3:5.
Often pretended to dreams Jer 23:28,32. Often deceived by God as a judgment Eze 14:9. The people
Made to forget God's name by. Jer 23:27. Deprived of God's word by. Jer 23:30. Taught profaneness and sin by. Jer 23:14,15. Oppressed and defrauded by. Eze 22:25. Warned not to listen to. De 13:3; Jer 23:16; 27:9,15,16. Encouraged and praised. Jer 5:31; Lu 6:26.
Predicted to arise
In the latter times. 2Pe 2:1.
Involved the people in their own ruin Isa 9:15,16; Jer 20:6; Eze 14:10.
To give up all heathen associates. Ru 1:16; 2:11; Ps 45:10; Lu 14:26. To be circumcised. Ge 17:13; Ex 12:48. To enter into covenant to serve the Lord. De 29:10-13; Ne 10:28,29. To observe the law of Moses as Jews. Ex 12:49.
From the Ammonites and Moabites restricted for ever from holding office in the congregation De 23:3. From the Egyptians and Edomites restricted to the third generation from holding office in the congregation De 23:7,8. Were entitled to all privileges Ex 12:48; Isa 56:3-7. Went up to the feasts Ac 2:10; 8:27. Pharisees, zealous in making Mt 23:15. Many, embraced the gospel Ac 6:5; 13:43. Later called devout Greeks Joh 12:20; Ac 17:4.
God is faithful to afford 1Th 5:23,24; 2Th 3:3. Of God is
Seasonable. Ps 46:1. Unfailing. De 31:6; Jos 1:5. Effectual. Joh 10:28-30; 2Co 12:9. Uninterrupted. Ps 121:3. Encouraging. Isa 41:10; 50:7. Perpetual. Ps 121:8. Often afforded through means inadequate in themselves. Jdj 7:7; 1Sa 17:45,50; 2Ch 14:11.
Returning sinners. Job 22:23,25. The perfect in heart. 2Ch 16:9. The poor. Ps 14:6; 72:12-14. The oppressed. Ps 9:9. The Church. Ps 48:3; Zec 2:4,5.
Strengthening them. 2Ti 4:17. Upholding them. Ps 37:17,24; 63:8. Keeping their feet. 1Sa 2:9; Pr 3:26. Keeping them from evil. 2Th 3:3. Keeping them from falling. Jude 1:24. Keeping them in the way. Ex 23:20. Keeping them from temptation. Re 3:10. Providing a refuge for them. Pr 14:26; Isa 4:6; 32:2. Defending them against their enemies. De 20:1-4; 33:27; Isa 59:19. Defeating the counsels of enemies. Isa 8:10. Temptation. 1Co 10:13; 2Pe 2:9. Persecution. Lu 21:18. Calamities. Ps 57:1; 59:16. All dangers. Ps 91:3-7. All places. Ge 28:15; 2Ch 16:9. Sleep. Ps 3:5; 4:8; Pr 3:24. Death. Ps 23:4.
Pray for. Ps 17:5,8; Isa 51:9. Praise God for. Ps 5:11.
Backsliding. Jos 23:12,13; Jdj 10:13. Presumptuous. Nu 14:40-45. Unbelieving. Isa 7:9. Obstinately impenitent. Mt 23:38.
Man. Ps 146:3; Isa 30:7. Riches. Pr 11:4,28; Zep 1:18. Hosts. Jos 11:4-8; Ps 33:16. Horses. Ps 33:17; Pr 21:31.
Jacob. Ge 48:16. Joseph. Ge 49:23-25. Israel. Jos 24:17. David. Ps 18:1,2. Shadrach &c. Da 3:28. Daniel. Da 6:22. Peter. Ac 12:4-7. Paul. Ac 18:10; 26:17.
Providence of God, The.
Is exercised in
Providing for his creatures. Ps 104:27,28; 136:25; 147:9; Mt 6:26. The special preservation of saints. Ps 37:28; 91:11; Mt 10:30. Prospering saints. Ge 24:48,56. Protecting saints. Ps 91:4; 140:7. Delivering saints. Ps 91:3; Isa 31:5. Leading saints. De 8:2,15; Isa 31:5. Leading saints. De 8:2,15; Isa 63:12. Bringing His words to pass. Nu 26:65; Jos 21:45; Lu 21:32,33. Ordering the ways of men. Pr 16:9; 19:21; 20:24. Ordaining the conditions and circumstances of men. 1Sa 2:7,8; Ps 75:6,7. Determining the period of human life. Ps 31:15; 39:5; Ac 17:26. Defeating wicked designs. Ex 15:9-19; 2Sa 17:14,15; Ps 33:10. Overruling wicked designs for good. Ge 45:5-7; 50:20; Php 1:12. Preserving the course of nature. Ge 8:22; Job 26:10; Ps 104:5-9. Directing all events. Jos 7:14; 1Sa 6:7-10,12; Pr 16:33; Isa 44:7; Ac 1:26. Ruling the elements. Job 37:9-13; Isa 50:2; Joh 1:4,15; Na 1:4. Ordering the minutest matters. Mt 10:29,30; Lu 21:18.
Is ever watchful Ps 121:4; Isa 27:3. Is all pervading Ps 139:1-5. Sometimes dark and mysterious Ps 36:6; 73:16; 77:19; Ro 11:33. All things are ordered by
For good to saints. Ro 8:28.
To be acknowledged
In adversity. Job 1:21; Ps 119:15. In public calamities. Am 3:6. In our daily support. Ge 48:15. In all things. Pr 3:6.
Man's efforts are vain without Ps 127:1,2; Pr 21:31. Saints should
Have full confidence in. Ps 16:8; 139:10. Commit their works to. Pr 16:3. Encourage themselves. 1Sa 30:6. Pray in dependence upon. Ac 12:5. Pray to be guided by. Ge 24:12-14; 28:20,21; Ac 1:24.
Connected with the use of means 1Ki 21:19; 22:37,38; Mic 5:2; Lu 2:1-4; Ac 27:22,31,32. Danger of denying Isa 10:13-17; Eze 28:2-10; Da 4:29-31; Ho 2:8,9.
Exemplified by Christ Isa 52:13; Mt 21:24-27; 22:15-21. Intimately connected with wisdom Pr 8:12. The wise celebrated for Pr 16:21. They who have
Deal with knowledge. Pr 13:16. Look well to their goings. Pr 14:15. Understand the ways of God. Ho 14:9. Understand their own ways. Pr 14:8. Crowned with knowledge. Pr 14:18. Not ostentatious of knowledge. Pr 12:23. Foresee and avoid evil. Pr 22:3. Are preserved by it. Pr 2:11. Suppress angry feelings. Pr 12:16; 19:11. Regard reproof. Pr 15:5. Keep silence in the evil time. Am 5:13.
Saints should especially exercise, in their intercourse with unbelievers Mt 10:16; Eph 5:15; Col 4:5. Virtuous wives act with Pr 31:16,26. The young should cultivate Pr 3:21. Of the wicked
Keeps them from the knowledge of the gospel. Mt 11:25. Denounced by God. Isa 5:21; 29:15. Defeated by God. Isa 29:14; 1Co 1:19. Necessity for-Illustrated. Mt 25:3,9; Lu 14:28-32.
Joseph. Ge 41:39. Jethro. Ex 18:19-23. Gideon. Jdj 8:1-3. David. 1Sa 16:18. Abigail. 1Sa 25:23-31; 2Sa 15:32-34; 17:6-14. Aged counsellors of Rehoboam. 1Ki 12:7. Solomon. 2Ch 2:12. Nehemiah. Ne 2:12-16; 4:13-18. The Poor Wise Man. Ec 9:15. The Scribe. Mr 12:32-34. Gamaliel. Ac 5:34-39. Sergius Paulus. Ac 13:7. Paul. Ac 23:6.
Suspected of extortion Lu 3:13. Often guilty of extortion Lu 19:8. Chiefs of, were very rich Lu 19:2. The Jews
Classed with the most infamous characters. Mt 11:19; 21:32. Despised our Lord for associating with. Mt 9:11; 11:19.
Often hospitable Lu 5:29; 19:6. Many of
Received John's baptism. Lu 3:12; 7:29. Attended the preaching of Christ. Mr 2:15; Lu 15:1. Embraced the gospel. Mt 21:31.
Punishment of the Wicked, The.
On account of their
Iniquity. Jer 36:31; Eze 3:17-18; 18:4,13,20; Am 3:2. Idolatry. Le 26:30; Isa 10:10,11. Rejection of the law of God. 1Sa 15:23; Ho 4:6-9. Ignorance of God. 2Th 1:8. Evil ways and doings. Jer 21:14; Ho 4:9; 12:2. Pride. Isa 10:12; 24:21; Lu 14:11. Unbelief. Mr 16:16; Ro 11:20; Heb 3:18,19; 4:2. Covetousness. Isa 57:17; Jer 51:13. Oppressing. Isa 49:26; Jer 30:16,20. Persecuting. Jer 11:21,22; Mt 23:34-36. Disobeying God. Ne 9:26,27; Eph 5:6. Disobeying the gospel. 2Th 1:8.
Is the reward of their sins Ps 91:8; Isa 3:11; Jer 16:18; Ro 6:23; Heb 2:2. Often brought about by their evil designs Es 7:10; Ps 37:15; 57:6. Often commences in this life Pr 11:31. In this life by
Famine. Le 26:19,20,26,29; Ps 107:34. Noisome beasts. Le 26:22. Deliverance to enemies. Ne 9:27. Fear. Le 26:36,37; Job 18:11. Reprobate mind. Ro 1:28. Put in slippery places. Ps 73:3-19. Trouble and distress. Isa 8:22; Zep 1:15. Cutting off. Ps 94:23. Bringing down their pride. Isa 13:11.
Future described as
Darkness. Mt 8:12; 2Pe 2:17. Death. Ro 5:12-17; 6:23. Resurrection of damnation. Joh 5:29. Rising to shame and everlasting contempt. Da 12:2. Everlasting destruction. Ps 52:5; 92:7; 2Th 1:9. Everlasting fire. Mt 25:41; Jude 1:7. Second death. Re 2:11; 21:8. Damnation of hell. Mt 23:33. Eternal damnation. Mr 3:29. Blackness of darkness. 2Pe 2:17; Jude 1:13. Everlasting burnings. Isa 33:14. The wrath of God. Joh 3:36. Wine of the wrath of God. Re 14:10. Torment with fire. Re 14:10. Torment for ever and ever. Re 14:11. The righteousness of God requires. 2Th 1:6. Often sudden and unexpected. Ps 35:8; 64:7; Pr 29:1; Lu 12:20; 1Th 5:3.
According to the knowledge possessed by them. Lu 12:47,48. Increased by neglect of privileges. Mt 11:21-24; Lu 10:13-15. Without mitigation. Lu 16:23-26. Accompanied by remorse. Isa 66:24; Mr 9:44.
Deferred, emboldens them in sin Ec 8:11. Should be a warning to others Nu 26:10; 1Co 10:6-11; Jude 1:7. Consummated at the day of judgment Mt 25:31,46; Ro 2:5,16; 2Pe 2:9.
Power of inflicting, given to magistrates Job 31:11; Ro 13:4. Designed to be a warning to others De 13:11; 17:13; 19:20. Were inflicted
Without pity. De 19:13,21. Without partiality. De 13:6-8. By order of magistrates. Ac 16:22. By order of kings. 2Sa 1:13-16; 1Ki 2:23-46. Immediately after sentence was passed. De 25:2; Jos 7:25. By the witnesses. De 13:9; 17:7; Joh 8:7; Ac 7:58,59. By the people. Nu 15:35,36; De 13:9. By soldiers. 2Sa 1:15; Mt 27:27-35.
Sometimes deferred for a considerable time 1Ki 2:5,6,8,9. Secondary kinds of
Confinement in a dungeon. Jer 38:6; Zec 9:11. Confinement in stocks. Jer 20:2; Ac 16:24. Fine, or giving of money. Ex 21:22; De 22:19. Restitution. Ex 21:36; 22:1-4; Le 6:4,5; 24:18. Retaliation or injuring according to the injury done. Ex 21:24; De 19:21. Binding with chains and fetters. Ps 105:18. Scourging. De 25:2,3; Mt 27:26; Ac 22:25; 2Co 11:24. Selling the criminal. Mt 18:25. Banishment. Ezr 7:26; Re 1:9. Torturing. Mt 18:34; Heb 11:37. Putting out the eyes. Jdj 16:21; 1Sa 11:2. Cutting off hands and feet. 2Sa 4:12. Mutilating the hands and feet. Jdj 1:5-7. Cutting off nose and ears. Eze 23:25. Plucking out the hair. Ne 13:25; Isa 50:6. Confiscating the property. Ezr 7:26.
Capital kinds of
Hanging. Nu 25:4; De 21:22,23; Jos 8:29; 2Sa 21:12; Es 7:9,10. Crucifying. Mt 20:19; 27:35. Beheading. Ge 40:19; Mr 6:16,27. Slaying with the sword. 1Sa 15:33; Ac 12:2. Stoning. Le 24:14; De 13:10; Ac 7:59. Cutting in pieces. Da 2:5; Mt 24:51. Sawing asunder. Heb 11:37. Exposing to wild beasts. Da 6:16,24; 1Co 15:32. Bruising in mortars. Pr 27:22. Casting headlong from a rock. 2Ch 25:12. Casting into the sea. Mt 18:6.
Were sometimes commuted Ex 21:29,30. For murder not to be commuted Nu 35:31,32.
Of Israel before receiving the law Ex 19:10. Of priests before consecration Ex 29:4. Of Levites before consecration Nu 8:6,7. Of high priest on day of atonement Le 16:4,24. Of things for burnt-offerings 2Ch 4:6. Of individuals who were ceremonially unclean Le 15:2-13; 17:15; 22:4-7; Nu 19:7-12,21. Of the healed leper Le 14:8,9. Of Nazarites after vow expired Ac 21:24,26. Used by the devout before entering God's house Ps 26:6; Heb 10:22. Multiplied by traditions Mt 15:2; Mr 7:3,4. Means used for
Running water. Le 15:13. Water mixed with blood. Ex 24:5-8; Heb 9:19.
Washing parts of the body. Ex 30:19. Washing the whole body. Le 8:6; 14:9.
Vessels in the houses of the Jews for Joh 2:6. Consequence of neglecting those prescribed by law Le 17:16; Nu 19:13,20. Availed to sanctifying the flesh Heb 9:13. Insufficient for spiritual purification Job 9:30,31; Jer 2:22. The Jews laid great stress on Joh 3:25. Illustrative of
Regeneration. Eph 5:26; 1Jo 1:7.
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