By R. A. Torrey
Eagle, The | Election |
Ephraim, Tribe Of
Excellency and Glory of Christ, The |
Eagle, The.
Unclean Le 11:13; De 14:12. Different kinds of Le 11:13,18; Eze 17:3. Called the eagle of the heavens La 4:19. Described as
Swift. 2Sa 1:23. Soaring to heaven. Pr 23:5.
Greatness of its wings alluded to Eze 17:3,7. Peculiarity of its flight alluded to Pr 30:19. Delights in the lofty cedars Eze 17:3,4. Dwells in the high rocks Job 39:27,28. Feeds her young with blood Job 39:29,30. Illustrative
Of great and powerful kings. Eze 17:3; Ho 8:1. (Renewed strength and beauty of,) of the renewal of saints. Ps 103:5. (Mode of teaching her young to fly,) of God's care of his church. Ex 19:4; De 32:11. (Wings of,) of protection afforded to the church. Re 12:14. (Upward flight of,) of the saint's rapid progress toward heaven. Isa 40:31. (Swiftness of,) of the melting away of riches. Pr 23:5. (Swiftness of,) of the swiftness of hostile armies. De 28:49; Jer 4:13; 48:40; La 4:19. (Height and security of its dwelling,) of the fancied but fatal security of the wicked. Jer 49:16; Ob 1:4. (Increase baldness of, in the moulting season,) of calamities. Mic 1:16. (Hasting to the prey,) of the swiftness of man's days. Job 9:26.
Ear, The.
Capable of trying and distinguishing words Job 12:11. God
Planted. Ps 94:9. Opens. Job 33:16; 36:10. Judicially closed. Isa 6:10; Mt 13:15.
Instruction received through Isa 30:21. That hears and receives the word of God, blessed Ex 15:26; Mt 13:16. Should
Be bowed down to instructions. Pr 5:1. Be incline to wisdom. Pr 2:2. Be given to the law of God. Isa 1:10. Receive the word of God. Jer 9:20. Hear and obey reproof. Pr 15:31; 25:12.
Of the wicked
Itching. 2Ti 4:3. Not inclined to hear God. Jer 7:24; 35:15. Turned away from God's law. Pr 28:9. Stopped against God's word. Ps 58:4; Zec 7:11.
Blood put on the right ear of
The healed leper in cleansing him. Le 14:14.
Of servants who refused to leave their masters, bored to the door Ex 21:6; De 15:17.
Early Rising.
Requisite for
Executing God's commands. Ge 22:3. Discharge of daily duties. Pr 31:15.
Practised by the wicked, for Illustrates spiritual diligence Ro 13:11,12.Exemplified
Isaac, &c. Ge 26:31. Jacob. Ge 28:18. Joshua &c. Jos 3:1. Gideon. Jdj 6:38. Samuel. 1Sa 15:12. David. 1Sa 17:20. Mary, &c. Mr 16:2. Apostles. Ac 5:21.
Earth, The.
The dry land as divided from waters Ge 1:10. God
Laid the foundation of. Job 38:4; Ps 102:25. Formed. Ps 90:2. Spread abroad. Isa 42:5; 44:24. Suspended in space. Job 26:7. Supports. Ps 75:3. Establishes. Ps 78:69; 119:90. Enlightens. Ge 1:14-16; Jer 33:25. Waters. Ps 65:9; 147:8. Makes fruitful. Ge 1:11; 27:28. Inspects. Zec 4:10. Governs supremely. Job 34:13; Ps 135:6. Reigns in. Ex 8:22; Ps 97:1. Shall be exalted in. Ps 46:10.
Created to be inhabited Isa 45:18. First division of Ge 10:25. Ideas of the ancients respecting the form of Job 11:9; 38:18; Pr 25:3. Diversified by hills and mountains Hab 3:6. Full of minerals De 8:9; Job 28:1-5,15-19. Described as
Full of God's goodness. Ps 33:5. Full of God's riches. Ps 104:24. Full of God's mercy. Ps 119:64. Full of God's glory. Nu 14:21; Isa 6:3. Shining with God's glory. Eze 43:2. Trembling before God. Ps 68:8; Jer 10:10. Melting at God's voice. Ps 46:6. Burning at God presence. Na 1:5.
Given dominion over. Ge 1:26; Ps 115:16. By nature is of. 1Co 15:47-48. By nature minds the thing of. Php 3:19. Brought a curse on. Ge 3:17. Shall return to. Ge 3:19; Ps 146:4.
Corrupted by sin Ge 6:11,12; Isa 24:5. Made barren by sin De 28:23; Ps 107:34. Made to mourn and languish by sin Isa 24:4; Jer 4:28; 12:4; Ho 4:3. Satan goes to and fro in Job 1:7; 1Pe 5:8. Shall be filled with the knowledge of God Isa 11:9; Hab 2:14. Once inundated Ge 7:17-24. Not to be again inundated Ge 9:11; 2Pe 3:6,7. To be dissolved by fire 2Pe 3:7,10,12. To be renewed Isa 65:17; 2Pe 3:13. Saints shall inherit Ps 25:13; Mt 5:5.
Frequently accompanied by
Convulsion and receding of the sea. 2Sa 22:8,16; Ps 18:7,15; 46:3. Opening of the earth. Nu 16:31,32. Overturning of mountains. Ps 46:2; Zec 14:4. Rending of rocks. Mt 27:51.
God's presence. Ps 68:7,8; 114:7. God's anger. Ps 18:7; 60:2; Isa 13:13.
Mentioned in scripture
In the wilderness. Nu 16:31,32. In strongholds of Philistines. 1Sa 14:15. When Elijah fled from Jezebel. 1Ki 19:11. In Uzziah's reign. Am 1:1; Zec 14:5. At our Lord's death. Mt 27:51. At out Lord's resurrection. Mt 28:2. At Philippi. Ac 16:26. Before destruction of Jerusalem, predicted. Mt 24:7; Lu 21:11. At Christ's second coming, predicted. Zec 14:4.
The overthrow of kingdoms. Hag 2:6,22; Re 6:12,13; 16:18,19.
Is the object of
Ministerial gifts. 1Co 14:3-5,12. Ministerial authority. 2Co 10:8; 13:10. The Church's union in Christ. Eph 4:16.
Love leads to 1Co 8:1. Exhortation to Jude 1:20,21. Mutual, commanded Ro 14:19; 1Th 5:11. All to be done to 2Co 12:19; Eph 4:29. Use self-denial to promote, in others 1Co 10:23,33. The peace of the Church favours Ac 9:31. Foolish questions opposed to 1Ti 1:4.
Edomites, The.
Dwelt in Mount Seir Ge 32:3; De 2:4,5. Were called Governed by dukes Ge 36:15-30,40-43; Ex 15:15.Afterwards had kings Ge 36:31-29; Nu 20:14. Under a deputy or viceroy while subject to Judah 1Ki 22:47. Character of
Proud and self-confident. Jer 49:16; Ob 1:3. Strong and cruel. Jer 49:19. Vindictive. Eze 25:12. Idolatrous. 2Ch 25:14,20. Superstitious. Jer 27:3,9.
Country of
Fertile and rich. Ge 27:39. Mountainous and rocky. Jer 49:16; Mal 1:3. Traversed by roads. Nu 20:17. Well fortified. Ps 60:9. Called Mount Seir. Eze 35:2. Called Mount of Esau. Ob 1:21. Called Dumah. Isa 21:11. Called Idumea. Isa 34:6; Mr 3:8. Called Edom. Isa 63:1.
Avith. Ge 36:35. Pau. Ge 36:39. Bozrah. Jer 49:22; Am 1:12. Teman. Jer 49:7; Eze 25:13. Eziongeber, a sea port. 1Ki 9:26.
Israel forbidden to hate De 23:7. Israel forbidden to spoil De 2:4,6; 2Ch 20:10. Might be received into the congregation in third generation De 23:8. Refused Israel a passage Nu 20:21; Jdj 11:17. Saul made war against 1Sa 14:47. David subdued, &c 2Sa 8:14; 1Ch 18:11,13. Slaughter of, by Joab and Abishai 1Ki 11:16; 1Ch 18:12. Took refuge in Egypt 1Ki 11:17-19. Returned after David's death 1Ki 11:21-22. Were stirred up against Solomon 1Ki 11:14. Confederated with enemies of Israel against Jehoshaphat 2Ch 20:10; Ps 83:4-6. Miraculous overthrow of 2Ch 20:22. Revolted from Joram, king of Judah 2Ki 8:20-22; 2Ch 21:8-10. Re-conquered by Amaziah 2Ki 14:7,10; 2Ch 25:11,12. The Jews ensnared by the idols of, and punished 2Ch 25:14,15,20. Rebelled against Ahaz 2Ch 28:17. Aided Babylon against Judah Ps 137:7; Ob 1:11. Predictions respecting
Revolt from Israel. Ge 27:40. Israel's occupation of their country. Nu 24:18; Ob 1:17-19. To share in the punishment of the nations. Jer 9:26; 25:15-27; Eze 32:29. Punishment for persecuting Israel. Isa 34:5-8; 63:1-4; La 4:21; Eze 25:13,14; Am 1:11,12; Ob 1:10,15. Exterminating slaughter of. Ob 1:18. Utter desolation of their country. Isa 34:9-17; Eze 35:7-15. The king of Babylon an instrument of their punishment. Jer 27:3-6. Israel an instrument of their punishment. Eze 25:14; Ob 1:18. Their ruin to be an astonishment. Jer 49:17,21. Their future subjection to the Jews. Isa 11:14; Am 9:12.
Hadad. 1Ki 11:14,19. Eliphaz. Job 2:11.
Boundaries of Eze 29:10. Dry climate of De 11:10,11. Watered by the Nile Ge 41:1-3; Ex 1:22. Inundations of, alluded to Am 8:8. Subject to plague, &c De 7:15; 28:27,60. Sometimes visited by famine Ge 41:30. Called
The South. Jer 13:19; Da 11:14,25. Sihor. Isa 23:3. Rahab. Ps 87:4; 89:10. House of Bondmen. Ex 13:3,14; De 7:8.
Wealth. Heb 11:26. Literature. 1Ki 4:30; Ac 7:22. Fine horses. 1Ki 10:28,29. Fine linen, &c. Pr 7:16; Isa 19:9. Commerce. Ge 41:57; Eze 27:7.
Idolatry of, followed by Israel Ex 32:4; Eze 20:8,19. Magic practised in Ex 7:11,12,22; 8:7. Ruled by kings who assumed the name of Pharaoh Ge 12:14,15; 40:1,2; Ex 1:8,22. Under a governor Ge 41:41-44. Had princes and counsellors Ge 12:15; Isa 19:11. As a power was
Pompous. Eze 32:12. Mighty. Isa 30:2,3. Ambitious of conquests. Jer 46:8. Treacherous. Isa 36:6; 29:6,7.
Hospitable. Ge 47:5,6; 1Ki 11:18. Often intermarried with strangers. Ge 21:21; 1Ki 3:1; 11:19; 1Ch 2:34,35. Abhorred shepherds. Ge 46:34. Abhorred the sacrifice of oxen, &c. Ex 8:26. Not to be abhorred by Israel. De 23:7. Might be received into the congregation in the third generation. De 23:8.
Diet used in Nu 11:5. Mode of embalming in Ge 50:3. Often a refuge to strangers Ge 12:10; 47:4; 1Ki 11:17,40; 2Ki 25:26; Mt 2:12,13. The armies of
Destroyed in the Red Sea. Ex 14:23-28. Captured and burned Gezer. 1Ki 9:16. Besieged and plundered Jerusalem in Rehoboam's time. 1Ki 14:25,26. Invaded Assyria and killed Josiah who assisted it. 2Ki 23:29. Deposed Jehoahaz and made Judea tributary. 2Ki 23:31-35. Assistance of, sought by Judah against the Chaldees. Eze 17:15; Jer 37:5,7.
Joseph sold into. Ge 37:28; 39:1. Potiphar blessed for Joseph's sake. Ge 39:2-6. Joseph unjustly cast into prison. Ge 39:7-20. Joseph interprets the chief baker's and the chief butler's dreams. Ge 40:5-19. Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams. Ge 41:14-32. Joseph counsels Pharaoh. Ge 41:33-36. Joseph made governor. Ge 41:41-44. Joseph's successful provision against the years of famine. Ge 41:46-56. Joseph's ten brethren arrive. Ge 42:1-6. Joseph recognises his brethren. Ge 42:7,8. Benjamin brought. Ge 43:15. Joseph makes himself known to his brethren. Ge 45:1-8. Joseph sends for his father. Ge 45:9-11. Pharaoh invites Jacob into. Ge 45:16-20. Jacob's journey. Ge 46:5-7. Jacob, &c presented to Pharaoh. Ge 47:1-10. Israel placed in the land of Goshen. Ge 46:34; 47:11,27. Joseph enriches the king. Ge 47:13-26. Jacob's death and burial. Ge 49:33; 50:1-13. Israel increases and are oppressed. Ex 1:1-14. Male children destroyed. Ex 1:15-22. Moses born and hid for three months. Ex 2:2. Moses exposed on the Nile. Ex 2:3,4. Moses adopted and brought up by Pharaoh's daughter. Ex 2:5-10. Moses slays an Egyptian. Ex 2:11,12. Moses flies to Midian. Ex 2:15. Moses sent to Pharaoh. Ex 3:2-10. Pharaoh increases their affliction. Ex 5:1-23. Moses proves his divine mission by miracles. Ex 4:29-31; 7:10. Egypt is plagued for Pharaoh's obstinacy. Ex 7:14-10:29. The passover instituted. Ex 12:1-28. Destruction of the first-born. Ex 12:29,30. Israel spoils the Egyptians. Ex 12:35,36. Israel driven out of. Ex 12:31-33. Date of the Exodus. Ex 12:41; Heb 11:27. Pharaoh pursues Israel and is miraculously destroyed. Ex 14:5-25.
Infatuation of its princes. Isa 19:3,11-14. Failure of internal resources. Isa 19:5-10. Civil war and domestic strife. Isa 19:2. Armies destroyed by Babylon. Jer 46:2-12. Invasion by Babylon. Jer 46:13,24; Eze 32:11. Destruction of its power. Eze 30:24,25. Destruction of its cities. Eze 30:14-18. Destruction of its idols. Jer 43:12,13; 46:25; Eze 30:13. Spoil of, a reward to Babylon for services against Tyre. Eze 29:18-20. Captivity of its people. Isa 20:4; Jer 46:19,24,26; Eze 30:4. Utter desolation of, for forty years. Eze 29:8-12; 30:12; 32:15. Allies to share its misfortunes. Eze 30:4,6. The Jews who practised its idolatry to share its punishments. Jer 44:7-28. Terror occasioned by its fall. Eze 32:9,10. Ever to be a base kingdom. Eze 29:15. Christ to be called out of. Ho 11:1; Mt 2:15. Conversion of. Isa 19:18-20. To be numbered and blessed along with Israel. Isa 19:23-25. Prophetic illustration of its destruction. Jer 43:9,10; Eze 30:21,22; 32:4-6.
Of good angels 1Ti 5:21. Of Israel De 7:6; Isa 45:5. Of ministers Lu 6:13; Ac 9:15. Of churches 1Pe 5:13. Of saints, is
By Christ. Joh 13:18; 15:16. In Christ. Eph 1:4. Personal. Mt 20:16; Joh 6:44; Ac 22:14; 2Jo 1:13. According to the purpose of God. Ro 9:11; Eph 1:11. According to the foreknowledge of God. Ro 8:29; 1Pe 1:2. Eternal. Eph 1:4. Sovereign. Ro 9:15,16; 1Co 1:27; Eph 1:11. Irrespective of merit. Ro 9:11. Of grace. Ro 11:5. Recorded in heaven. Lu 10:20. For the glory of God. Eph 1:6. Through faith. 2Th 2:13. Through sanctification of the Spirit. 1Pe 1:2. To adoption. Eph 1:5. To salvation. 2Th 2:13. To conformity with Christ. Ro 8:29. To good works. Eph 2:10. To spiritual warfare. 2Ti 2:4. To eternal glory. Ro 9:23.
Divine teaching. Joh 17:6. Belief in Christ. Ac 13:48. Acceptance with God. Ro 11:7. Protection. Mr 13:20. Vindication of their wrongs. Lu 18:7. Working of all things for good. Ro 8:28. Blessedness. Ps 33:12; 65:4. The inheritance. Isa 65:9; 1Pe 1:4,5.
Should be evidenced by diligence 2Pe 1:10. Saints may have assurance of 1Th 1:4. Exemplified
Abram. Ne 9:7. Zerubbabel. Hag 2:23. Apostles. Joh 13:18; 15:19. Jacob. Ro 9:12,13. Rufus. Ro 16:13. Paul. Ga 1:15.
Learned by the Jews in Egypt Ge 50:2,26. Time required for Ge 50:3. How performed by the Jews 2Ch 16:14; Lu 23:56; Joh 19:40. Not always practised by the Jews Joh 11:39. An attempt to defeat God's purpose Ge 3:19.
Emblems of the Holy Spirit, The.
Cleansing. Eze 16:9; 36:25; Eph 5:26; Heb 10:22. Fertilising. Ps 1:3; Isa 27:3,6; 44:3,4; 58:11. Refreshing. Ps 46:4; Isa 41:17,18. Abundant. Joh 7:37,38. Freely given. Isa 55:1; Joh 4:14; Re 22:17.
Illuminating. Ex 13:21; Ps 78:14. Searching. Zep 1:12; 1Co 2:10.
Powerful. 1Ki 19:11; Ac 2:2. Sensible in its effects. Joh 3:8. Reviving. Eze 37:9,10,14.
Healing. Lu 10:34; Re 3:18. Comforting. Isa 61:3; Heb 1:9. Illuminating. Mt 25:3,4; 1Jo 2:20,27. Consecrating. Ex 29:7; 30:30; Isa 61:1.
Rain and dew Ps 72:6. Fertilising. Eze 34:26,27; Ho 6:3; 10:12; 14:5. Refreshing. Ps 68:9; Isa 18:5. Abundant. Ps 133:3. Imperceptible. 2Sa 17:12; Mr 4:26-28. A dove Mt 3:16. Gentle. Mt 10:16; Ga 5:22.
A voice Isa 6:8. Speaking. Mt 10:20. Guiding. Isa 30:21; Joh 16:13. Warning. Heb 3:7-11. A seal Re 7:2. Securing. Eph 1:13,14; 4:30. Authenticating. Joh 6:27; 2Co 1:22.
Cloven tongues Ac 2:3,6-11.
The lives of, to be spared 1Sa 24:10; 2Sa 16:10,11. The goods of, to be taken care of Ex 23:4,5. Should be
Prayed for. Ac 7:60. Assisted. Pr 25:21; Ro 12:20. Overcome by kindness. 1Sa 26:21.
Rejoice not at the failings of Pr 24:17. Desire not the death of 1Ki 3:11. Curse them not Job 31:30. Be affectionately concerned for Ps 35:13. The friendship of, deceitful 2Sa 20:9,10; Pr 26:26; 27:6; Mt 26:48,49. God defends against Ps 59:9; 61:3. God delivers from 1Sa 12:11; Ezr 8:31; Ps 18:48. Made to be at peace with saints Pr 16:7. Pray for deliverance from 1Sa 12:10; Ps 17:9; 59:1; 64:1. Of saints, God will destroy Ps 60:12. Praise God for deliverance from Ps 136:24.
Given on occasions of
Birthdays. Mr 6:21. Weaning children. Ge 21:8. Taking leave of friends. 1Ki 19:21. Return of friends. 2Sa 12:4; Lu 15:23. Ratifying covenants. Ge 26:30; 31:54. Sheep-shearing. 1Sa 25:2,36; 2Sa 13:23. Harvest home. Ru 3:2-7; Isa 9:3. Vintage. Jdj 9:27. Coronation of Kings. 1Ki 1:9,18,19; 1Ch 12:39,40; Ho 7:5. Offering voluntary sacrifice. Ge 31:54; De 12:6,7; 1Sa 1:4,5,9. Festivals. 1Sa 20:5,24-26. National deliverance. Es 8:17; 9:17-19.
Kinds of, mentioned in scripture
Supper. Lu 14:12; Joh 12:2. Banquet of wine. Es 5:6.
Served often by hired servants Mt 22:13; Joh 2:5. Served often by members of the family Ge 18:8; Lu 10:40; Joh 12:2. Invitations to
Often only to relatives and friends. 1Ki 1:9; Lu 14:12. Often by the master in person. 2Sa 13:24; Es 5:4; Zep 1:7; Lu 7:36. Repeated through servants when all things were ready. Pr 9:1-5; Lu 14:17. Should be sent to the poor, &c. De 14:29; Lu 14:13.
The air, besides fountains. 1Ki 1:9. The court of the house. Es 1:5,6; Lu 7:36,37. The upper room or guest chamber. Mr 14:14,15.
Usually anointed. Ps 23:5; Lu 7:46. Had their feet washed when they came a distance. Ge 18:4; 43:24; Lu 7:38,44. Arranged according to rank. Ge 43:33; 1Sa 9:22; Lu 14:10. Often had separate dishes. Ge 43:34; 1Sa 1:4. Often ate from the same dish. Mt 26:23.
A choice portion reserved in, for principal guests Ge 43:34; 1Sa 1:5; 9:23,24. Custom of presenting the sop at, to one of the guests, alluded to Joh 13:26. Portions of, often sent to the absent 2Sa 11:8; Ne 8:10; Es 9:19. Offence given by refusing to go to Lu 14:18,24. Anxiety to have many guests at, alluded to Lu 14:22,23. Men and women did not usually meet at Es 1:8,9; Mr 6:21; Mt 14:11. None admitted to, after the master had risen and shut the door Lu 13:24,25. Began with thanksgiving 1Sa 9:13; Mr 8:6. Concluded with a hymn Mr 14:26. None asked to eat or drink more than he liked at Es 1:8. Music and dancing often introduced at Am 6:5; Mr 6:22; Lu 15:25. Often scenes of great intemperance 1Sa 25:36; Da 5:3,4; Ho 7:5. Given by the guests in return Job 1:4; Lu 14:12.
Produced by foolish disputation 1Ti 6:4. Excited by good deeds of others Ec 4:4. A work of the flesh Ga 5:21; Jas 4:5. Hurtful to the envious Job 5:2; Pr 14:30. None can stand before Pr 27:4. A proof of carnal-mindedness 1Co 3:1,3. Inconsistent with the gospel Jas 3:14. Hinders growth in grace 1Pe 2:1,2. The wicked Leads to every evil work Jas 3:16.Prosperity of the wicked should not excite Ps 37:1,35; 73:3,17-20. Punishment of Isa 26:11. Exemplified
Philistines. Ge 26:14. Laban's sons. Ge 31:1. Joseph's brethren. Ge 37:11. Joshua. Nu 11:28,29. Aaron, &c. Nu 12:2. Korah, &c. Nu 16:3; Ps 106:16. Saul. 1Sa 18:8. Sanballat, &c. Ne 2:10. Haman. Es 5:13. Edomites. Eze 35:11. Princes of Babylon. Da 6:3,4. Chief Priests. Mr 15:10. Jews. Ac 13:45; 17:5.
Ephod, The.
Worn by
Ordinary priests. 1Sa 22:18. Persons engaged in the service of God. 1Sa 2:18; 2Sa 6:14. Generally of linen. 1Sa 2:18; 2Sa 6:14.
Made of offerings of the people. Ex 25:4,7. Made of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, &c. Ex 28:6; 29:2,3. Shoulders of, joined by onyx stones engraved with names of the twelve tribes of Israel. Ex 28:7,9-12; 39:4,6,7. Had a girdle of curious work. Ex 28:8. Breastplate of judgment inseparably united to. Ex 28:25-28; 39:20,21. Worn over the robe. Ex 28:31; Le 8:7. Fastened on with its own girdle. Le 8:7. Worn or held by him when consulted. 1Sa 23:6,9-12; 30:7,8. Used by idolatrous priests. Jdj 8:27; 17:5; 18:14. Israel deprived of, for sin. Ho 3:4.
Ephraim, Tribe Of.
Predictions respecting Ge 48:20; De 33:13-17. Persons selected from Strength of, on leaving Egypt Nu 1:32,33.Led the third division of Israel Nu 10:22. Encamped west of the tabernacle Nu 2:18. Offering of, at the dedication Nu 7:48-53. Families of Nu 26:35,36. Strength of, on entering Canaan Nu 26:37. On Gerizim, said amen to blessings De 27:12. Bounds of its inheritance Jos 16:5-9. Could not drive out the Canaanites but made them tributary Jos 16:10; Jdj 1:29. Assisted
Deborah and Barak against Sisera. Jdj 5:14. Gideon against Midian. Jdj 7:24,25.
Quarrelled with Jephthah for not seeking their aid against Ammon Jdj 12:1-4. Defeated and many slain Jdj 12:5,6. Some of, at coronation of David 1Ch 12:30. Officers appointed over, by David 1Ch 27:10,20. The leading tribe of the kingdom of Israel Isa 7:2-17; Jer 31:9,20. Many of, joined Judah under Asa 2Ch 15:9. Many of, joined in Hezekiah's passover and reformation 2Ch 30:18; 31:1. The tabernacle continued a long time in Shiloh, a city of Jos 18:1; 19:51. One of Jeroboam's calves set up in Bethel, a city of 1Ki 12:29. Remarkable persons of
Abdon. Jdj 12:13-15. Zichri. 2Ch 28:7.
Euphrates, The.
The great river. Ge 15:18; De 1:7. The flood. Jos 24:2.
Often overflowed its banks Isa 8:7,8. Assyria bounded by 2Ki 23:29; Isa 7:20. Babylon situated on Jer 51:13,36. Extreme eastern boundary of the promised land Ge 15:18; De 1:7; 11:24. Egyptian army destroyed at Jer 46:2,6,10. Frequented by the captive Jews Ps 137:1. Captivity of Judah represented by the marring of Jeremiah's girdle in Jer 13:3-9. Prophecies respecting Babylon thrown into, as a sign Jer 51:63. Shall be the scene of future judgments Re 16:12.
Evening, The.
Divided into two, commencing at 3 o'clock, and sunset Ex 12:6; Nu 9:3. Called
Eventide. Jos 8:29; Ac 4:3. Cool of the day. Ge 3:8.
The outgoings of, praise God Ps 65:8. Man ceases from labour in Ru 2:17; Ps 104:23. Wild beasts come forth in Ps 59:6,14; Jer 5:6. A season for
Prayer. Ps 55:17; Mt 14:15,23. Exercise. 2Sa 11:2. Taking food. Mr 14:17,18; Lu 24:29,30.
Custom of sitting at the gates in Ge 19:1. All defiled persons uncleaned until Le 11:24-28; 15:5-7; 17:15; Nu 19:19. Part of the daily sacrifice offered in Ex 29:41; Ps 141:2; Da 9:21. Paschal lamb killed in Ex 12:6,18. The golden candlestick lighted in Ex 27:21; 30:8. The sky red in, a token of fair weather Mt 16:2.
Example of Christ, The.
Conformity to, required in
Righteousness. 1Jo 2:6. Purity. 1Jo 3:3. Love. Joh 13:34; Eph 5:2; 1Jo 3:16. Humility. Lu 22:27; Php 2:5,7. Meekness. Mt 11:29. Obedience. Joh 15:10. Self-denial. Mt 16:24; Ro 15:3. Ministering to others. Mt 20:28; Joh 13:14,15. Benevolence. Ac 20:35; 2Co 8:7,9. Forgiving injuries. Col 3:13. Overcoming the world. Joh 16:33; 1Jo 5:4. Being not of the world. Joh 17:16. Being guileless. 1Pe 2:21-22. Suffering wrongfully. 1Pe 2:21-23. Suffering for righteousness. Heb 12:3,4.
Conformity to, progressive 2Co 3:18.
Excellency and Glory of Christ, The.
As the Son of God Mt 3:17; Heb 1:6,8. As one with the Father Joh 10:30,38. As the First-born Col 1:15,18. As the First-begotten Heb 1:6. As Lord of lords, &c Re 17:14. As the image of God Col 1:15; Heb 1:3. As creator Joh 1:3; Col 1:16; Heb 1:2. As the Blessed of God Ps 45:2. As Mediator 1Ti 2:5; Heb 8:6. As Prophet De 18:15,16; Ac 3:22. As Priest Ps 110:4; Heb 4:15. As King Isa 6:1-5; Joh 12:41. As Judge Mt 16:27; 25:31,33. As Shepherd Isa 40:10,11; Joh 10:11,14. As Head of the Church Eph 1:22. As the true Light Lu 1:78,79; Joh 1:4,9. As the foundation of the Church Isa 28:16. As the way Joh 14:6; Heb 10:19,20. As the truth 1Jo 5:20; Re 3:7. As the life Joh 11:25; Col 3:4; 1Jo 5:11. As incarnate Joh 1:14. In his words Lu 4:22; Joh 7:46. In his works Mt 13:54; Joh 2:11. In his sinless perfection Heb 7:26-28. In the fulness of his grace and truth Ps 45:2; Joh 1:14. In his transfiguration Mt 17:2; 2Pe 1:16-18. In his exaltation Ac 7:55,56; Eph 1:21. In the calling of the Gentiles Ps 72:17; Joh 12:21,23. In the restoration of the Jews Ps 102:16. In his triumph Isa 63:1-3; Re 19:11,16. Followed his sufferings 1Pe 1:10,11. Followed his resurrection 1Pe 1:21. Is unchangeable Heb 1:10-12. Is incomparable Song 5:10; Php 2:9. Imparted to saints Joh 17:22; 2Co 3:18. Celebrated by the redeemed Re 5:8-14; 7:9-12. Revealed in the gospel Isa 40:5. Saints shall rejoice at the revelation of 1Pe 4:13. Saints shall behold, in heaven Joh 17:24.
Excellency and Glory of the Church, The.
Derived from Christ Isa 60:1; Lu 2:34. Result from the favour of God Isa 43:4. God delights in Ps 45:11; Isa 62:3-5. Saints delight in Isa 66:11. Consist in its
Being the temple of God. 1Co 3:16,17; Eph 2:21,22. Being the body of Christ. Eph 1:22,23. Being the bride of Christ. Ps 45:13,14; Re 19:7,8; 21:2. Being established. Ps 48:8; Isa 33:20. Eminent position. Ps 48:2; Isa 2:2. Graces of character. Song 2:14. Perfection of beauty. Ps 50:2. Members being righteous. Isa 60:21; Re 19:8. Strength and defence. Ps 48:12,13. Sanctification. Eph 5:26,27.
Are abundant Isa 66:11. Sin obscures La 2:14,15.
Eye, The.
Formed. Ps 94:9. Opens. 2Ki 6:17; Ps 146:8. Enlightens. Ezr 9:8; Ps 13:3.
Sometimes tender Ge 29:17. Sometimes blemished Le 21:20. Parts of mentioned in scripture
The lid. Job 16:16. The brow. Le 14:9.
Winking. Pr 10:1. Weeping. Job 16:20; Ps 88:9; La 1:16. Directing. Nu 10:31; Ps 32:8.
Not satisfied with seeing Pr 27:20; Ec 1:8. Not satisfied with riches Ec 4:8. Not evil thing to be set before Ps 101:3. A guard to be set on Job 31:1; Pr 23:31. Made red by wine Ge 49:12; Pr 23:29. Grows dim by sorrow Job 17:7. Grows dim by age Ge 27:1; 1Sa 3:2. Consumed by grief Ps 6:7; 31:9. Consumed by sickness Le 26:16. The Jews
Not to make baldness between. De 14:1. Raised up, in prayer. Ps 121:1; 123:1. Cast, on the ground in humiliation. Lu 18:13.
Often put out as a punishment Jdj 16:21; 1Sa 11:2; 2Ki 25:7. Punishment for injuring Ex 21:24,26; Le 24:20; Mt 5:38. Illustrative
(Open,) of spiritual illumination. Ps 119:18,37. (Anointing with eyesalve,) of healing by the Spirit. Re 3:18.
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