By R. A. Torrey
Calf, The |
Christ, Character Of
Christ, the Head of the Church |
of the Lord's Supper
Compassion and Sympathy of Christ, The Counsels and Purposes of God, The
Calf, The.
Playfulness of, alluded to Ps 29:6. Fed on
Branches of trees, &c. Isa 27:10.
Offered in sacrifice Le 9:2,3; Heb 9:12,19. Of a year old best for sacrifice Mic 6:6. If first-born not redeemed Nu 18:17. Eaten in the patriarchal age Ge 18:7,8. When fattened considered a delicacy 1Sa 28:24,25; Am 6:4; Lu 15:23,27. Illustrative of
Sacrifices of praise. Ho 14:2; Heb 13:5. Patient endurance. Eze 1:7; Re 4:7.
Calf of Gold.
Was made
To represent God. Ex 32:4,5; Ps 106:20. After an Egyptian model. Ac 7:39,41. To go before the congregation. Ex 32:1.
Fashioned with a graven tool Ex 32:4. An altar built before Ex 32:5. Sacrifices offered to Ex 32:6; Ac 7:41. Worshipped with profane revelry Ex 32:6,18,19,25; 1Co 10:7. Making of
A forgetting of God. Ps 106:21. A turning aside from the divine command. Ex 32:8; De 9:12,16. Excited wrath against Aaron. De 9:20. Excited wrath against Israel. Ex 32:10; De 9:14,19. Caused Moses to break the tables of the testimony. Ex 32:19; De 9:17. Israel punished for. Ex 32:26-29,35.
Destroyed by Moses Ex 32:20; De 9:21. Punishment of those who worshipped a warning to others 1Co 10:5-7.
Call of God, The.
By his Spirit Re 22:17. By his works Ps 19:2,3; Ro 1:20. By his ministers Jer 35:15; 2Co 5:20. By his gospel 2Th 2:14. Is from darkness 1Pe 2:9. Addressed to all Isa 45:22; Mt 20:16. Most reject Pr 1:24; Mt 20:16. Effectual to saints Ps 110:3; Ac 2:47; 13:48; 1Co 1:24. To man is
According to the purpose of God. Ro 8:28; 9:11,23,24. High. Php 3:14. Holy. 1Ti 1:9. Heavenly. Heb 3:1. To fellowship with Christ. 1Co 1:9. To holiness. 1Th 4:7. To liberty. Ga 5:13. To peace. 1Co 7:15; Col 3:15. To glory and virtue. 2Pe 1:3. To the eternal glory of Christ. 2Th 2:14; 1Pe 5:10. To eternal life. 1Ti 6:12.
Walk worthy of Eph 4:1. Blessedness of receiving Re 19:9. Praise God for 1Pe 2:9. Illustrated Pr 9:3,4; Mt 23:3-9. Rejection of, leads to
Delusion. Isa 66:4; 2Th 2:10,11.
Temporal judgments Isa 28:12; Jer 6:16,19; 35:17; Zec 7:12-14. Rejection by God Pr 1:14-32; Jer 6:19,30. Condemnation Joh 12:48; Heb 2:1-3; 12:25. Destruction Pr 29:1; Mt 22:3-7.
Calves of Jeroboam.
Made to prevent the Israelites going to Jerusalem 1Ki 12:26,27. Called the
Calves of Bethaven. Ho 10:5. Calves of Samaria. Ho 8:5.
Probably from an Egyptian model 1Ki 11:40. Designed to represent God 1Ki 12:28. Priests appointed for 1Ki 12:31; 2Ch 11:15. Sacrifices offered to 1Ki 12:32; 13:1. Feasts appointed for 1Ki 12:32,33. Were kissed in adoration Ho 13:2. Worship of
Adopted by succeeding kings. 1Ki 15:34; 16:26; 2Ki 10:29,31; 14:24. Became the sin of Israel. 1Ki 12:30; 2Ki 10:31; 2Ch 13:8.
Guilt of making 1Ki 14:9,10. Guilt of worshipping 1Ki 14:15,16; 2Ki 17:22,23. Predictions respecting
Destruction. Ho 8:6; 10:8. Punishment of the worshippers. Ho 8:13,14.
Camel, The.
Found in deserted places Eze 25:5. Characterised by The dromedary a species of, remarkable for swiftness Jer 2:23.Abounded in the east 1Ch 5:21; Isa 60:6. A part of patriarchal wealth Ge 12:16; 30:43; Job 1:3. Kept in numbers by kings 1Ch 27:30. Used for
Drawing chariots. Isa 21:7. Carrying burdens. Ge 37:25; 1Ki 10:2; 2Ki 8:9. Conveying posts and messengers. Es 8:10. War. Jdj 7:12; 1Sa 30:17.
Furniture of, alluded to Ge 31:34. Subject to plagues Ex 9:3; Zec 14:15. Treated with great care Ge 24:31,32. Esteemed a valuable booty 1Ch 5:20,21; 2Ch 14:15; Job 1:17; Jer 49:29,32. Coarse cloth made from its hair Mt 3:4. Referred to in illustrations by Christ Mt 19:24; 23:24.
Canaanites, The.
An accursed race Ge 9:25,26. Different families of Ge 10:15-18. Comprised seven distinct nations De 7:1. Possessions of, how bounded Ge 10:19. Country of, fertile Ex 3:17; Nu 13:27. Described as
Idolatrous. De 29:17. Superstitious. De 18:9-11. Profane and wicked. Le 18:27.
Had many strong cities Nu 13:28; De 1:28. Expelled for wickedness De 9:4; 18:12. Abraham
Was promised the country of, of inheritance. Ge 13:14-17; 15:18; 17:8. Had his faith tried by dwelling amongst. Ge 12:6; 13:7.
Israel commanded
Not to intermarry with. De 7:3; Jos 23:12. Not to follow idols of. Ex 23:24; De 7:25. Not to follow customs of. Le 18:26,27. To destroy, without mercy. De 7:2,24. To destroy all vestiges of their idolatry. Ex 23:24; De 7:5,25. Not to fear. De 7:17,18; 31:7.
Partially subdued by Israel Jos 10:1-11:23; Jdj 1:1-36. Part of left
To chastise Israel. Nu 33:55; Jdj 2:3; 4:2.
Some descendants of, in our Lord's time Mt 15:22; Mr 7:26.
Used for holding
Lamps. Ex 25:31,37; Zec 4:2.
Held seven golden lamps. Ex 25:37; 37:23. Had snuffers, &c of gold. Ex 25:38; 37:23. Weighed a talent of gold. Ex 25:39. After a divine pattern. Ex 25:40; Nu 8:4. Called the lamp of God. 1Sa 3:3. Called the pure candlestick. Le 24:4. Placed in the outer sanctuary over against the table. Ex 40:24; Heb 9:2. Lighted with olive oil. Ex 27:20; Le 24:2. Lighted &c by priests. Ex 27:21; Le 24:3,4. Directions for removing. Nu 4:9,10.
The church. Re 1:13,20. Ministers. Mt 5:14-16.
Care, Overmuch.
God's providential goodness should keep us from Mt 6:26,28,30; Lu 22:35. God's promises should keep us from Heb 13:5. Trust in God should free us from Jer 17:7,8; Da 3:16. Should be cast on God Ps 37:5; 55:22; Pr 16:3; 1Pe 5:7. An obstruction to the Gospel Mt 13:22; Lu 8:14; 14:18-20. Be without 1Co 7:32; Php 4:6. Unbecoming in saints 2Ti 2:4. Uselessness of Mt 6:27; Lu 12:25,26. Vanity of Ps 39:6; Ec 4:8. Warning against Lu 21:34. Sent as a punishment to the wicked Eze 4:16; 12:19. Exemplified Caves.
Artificial Jdj 6:2. Found in the Were used as
Places of concealment. 1Sa 13:6; 14:11; 1Ki 18:4; Heb 11:38. Resting places. 1Sa 24:3; 1Ki 19:9. Burial places. Ge 23:19; Joh 11:38. Haunts of robbers. Jer 7:11; Mt 21:13. Hiding placed of wild beasts. Na 2:12.
Afford no protection from the judgments of God Isa 2:19; Eze 33:27; Re 6:15. Mentioned in scripture
Engedi. 1Sa 23:29; 24:1,3. Machpelah. Ge 23:9. Makkedah. Joh 10:16,17.
Cedar, The.
Made to glorify God Ps 148:9. Lebanon celebrated for Jdj 9:15; Ps 92:12. Banks of rivers favourable to the growth of Nu 24:6. Imported largely by Solomon 1Ki 10:27. Described as
Spreading. Ps 80:10,11. Fragrant. Song 4:11. Graceful and beautiful. Ps 80:10; Eze 17:23. Strong and durable. Isa 9:10.
Extensive commerce in 1Ki 5:10,11; Ezr 3:7. Used in
Building palaces. 2Sa 5:11; 1Ki 7:2,3. Making masts of ships. Eze 27:5. Making wardrobes. Eze 27:24. Making chariots. Song 3:9. Purifying the leper. Le 14:4-7,49-52. Preparing the water of separation. Nu 19:6. Making idols. Isa 44:14.
Perching on the high branches of. Eze 17:3. Instrumental in propagating. Eze 17:4,5.
Destruction of, exhibits God's power Ps 29:5. Illustrative of
Beauty and glory of israel. Nu 24:6. Saints in their rapid growth. Ps 92:12. Powerful nations. Eze 31:3; Am 2:9. Arrogant rulers. Isa 2:13; 10:33,34.
Made of One of gold in the most holy place Heb 9:4.Directions for removing Nu 4:14. Often used in idolatrous worship Eze 8:11. Of Korah, &c made into plates to cover the altar Nu 16:18,39. Typical of Christ's intercession Re 8:3,5.
Character of Saints.
Blameless and harmless Php 2:15. Bold Pr 28:1; Ro 13:3. Contrite Isa 57:15; 66:2. Devout Ac 8:2; 22:12. Faithful Re 17:14. Fearing God Mt 3:16; Ac 10:2. Following Christ Joh 10:4,27. Godly Ps 4:3; 2Pe 2:9. Guileless Joh 1:47. Humble Ps 34:2; 1Pe 5:5. Hungering after righteousness Mt 5:6. Just Ge 6:9; Hab 2:4; Lu 2:25. Led by the Spirit Ro 8:14. Liberal Isa 32:8; 2Co 9:13. Loving Col 1:4; 1Th 4:9. Lowly Pr 16:19. Meek Isa 29:19; Mt 5:5. Merciful Ps 37:26; Mt 5:7. New Creatures 2Co 5:17; Eph 2:10. Obedient Ro 16:19; 1Pe 1:14. Poor in spirit Ps 51:17; Mt 5:3. Prudent Pr 16:21. Pure in heart Mt 5:8; 1Jo 3:3. Righteous Isa 60:21; Lu 1:6. Sincere 2Co 1:12; 2:17. Steadfast Ac 2:42; Col 2:5. Taught of God Isa 54:13; 1Jo 2:27. True 2Co 6:8. Undefiled Ps 119:1. Upright 1Ki 3:6; Ps 15:2. Watchful Lu 12:37. Zealous of good works Tit 2:14; 3:8.
Character of the Wicked.
Alienated from God Eph 4:18; Col 1:21. Blasphemous Lu 22:65; Re 16:9. Blinded 2Co 4:4; Eph 4:18. Boastful Ps 10:3; 49:6. Conspiring against God's people Ne 4:8; 6:2; Ps 38:12. Covetous Mic 2:2; Ro 1:29. Deceitful Ps 5:6; Ro 3:13. Delighting in the iniquity of others Pr 2:14; Ro 1:32. Despising the works of the faithful Ne 2:19; 4:2; 2Ti 3:3,4. Destructive Isa 59:7. Disobedient Ne 9:26; Tit 3:3; 1Pe 2:7. Enticing to evil Pr 1:10-14; 2Ti 3:6. Envious Ne 2:10; Tit 3:3. Fearful Pr 28:1; Re 21:8. Fierce Pr 16:29; 2Ti 3:3. Foolish De 32:6; Ps 5:5. Forgetting God Job 8:13. Fraudulent Ps 37:21; Mic 6:11. Froward Pr 21:8; Isa 57:17. Glorying in their shame Php 3:19. Hard-hearted Eze 3:7. Hating the light Job 24:13; Joh 3:20. Heady and high-minded 2Ti 3:4. Hostile to God Ro 8:7; Col 1:21. Hypocritical Isa 29:13; 2Ti 3:5. Ignorant of God Ho 4:1; 2Th 1:8. Impudent Eze 2:4. Incontinent 2Ti 3:3. Infidel Ps 10:4; 14:1. Loathsome Pr 13:5. Lovers of pleasure more than of God 2Ti 3:4. Lying Ps 58:3; 62:4; Isa 59:4. Mischievous Pr 24:8; Mic 7:3. Murderous Ps 10:8; 94:6; Ro 1:29. Prayerless Job 21:15; Ps 53:4. Persecuting Ps 69:26; 109:16. Perverse De 32:5. Proud Ps 59:12; Ob 3:2; 2Ti 3:2. Rejoicing in the affliction of saints Ps 35:15. Reprobate 2Co 13:5; 2Ti 3:8; Tit 1:16. Selfish 2Ti 3:2. Sensual Php 3:19; Jude 1:19. Sold under sin 1Ki 21:20; 2Ki 17:17. Stiff-hearted Eze 2:4. Stiff-necked Ex 33:5; Ac 7:51. Uncircumcised in heart Jer 9:26; Ac 7:51. Unjust Pr 11:7; Isa 26:10. Unmerciful Ro 1:31. Ungodly Pr 16:27. Unholy 2Ti 3:2. Unprofitable Mt 25:30; Ro 3:12. Unruly Tit 1:10. Unthankful Lu 6:35; 2Ti 3:2. Untoward Ac 2:40. Unwise De 32:6.
Carriages used in war 1Ki 20:25. Wheels of, described 1Ki 7:33. Bound with traces Mic 1:13. Drawn by
Asses and camels. Isa 21:7.
Drivers generally employed for 1Ki 22:34; 2Ch 18:33. Sometimes driven by the owners 2Ki 9:16,20. Sometimes driven furiously 2Ki 9:20; Isa 5:28; Jer 4:13. Bounding motion of, referred to Na 3:2. Noise occasioned by, referred to 2Ki 7:6; Joe 2:5; Na 3:2; Re 9:9. Introduced into Israel by David 2Sa 8:4. Multiplied by Solomon 1Ki 10:26. Imported from Egypt 1Ki 10:28,29. For war
Lighted by night with torches. Na 2:3. Commanded by captains. Ex 14:7; 1Ki 16:9. Advantageously manoeuvred in a flat country. Jdj 1:19; 1Ki 20:23-25. Formed part of the line of battle. 1Ki 20:25. Used in pursuing enemies. Ex 14:9; 2Sa 1:6. Kept in chariot cities. 1Ki 9:19; 10:26.
Canaanites. Jos 17:16; Jdj 4:3. Philistines. 1Sa 13:5. Syrians. 2Sa 10:18; 1Ki 20:1. Assyrians. 2Ki 19:23. Ethiopians. 2Ch 14:9; 16:8. Babylonians. Eze 23:23; 26:7. Jews. 2Ki 8:21; 10:2.
Kings used, in common 1Ki 12:18; 18:44. Persons of distinction used Ge 41:43; 2Ki 5:9,21; Jer 17:25; Ac 8:28. Often attended by running footmen 1Sa 8:11; 2Sa 15:1; 1Ki 1:5. Consecrated to the sun 2Ki 23:11. The Jews condemned for
Trusting to. Isa 22:18; 31:1. Taken in war, often destroyed. Jos 11:6,9; Jer 51:21; Mic 5:10; Na 2:13.
The judgments of God. Isa 66:15. Angels. 2Ki 6:16,17; Ps 68:17. Prophets. 2Ki 2:12; 13:14. Christ's love to his church. Song 6:12.
Enjoined See "Love to man". Col 3:14.
Required in look Job 31:1; Mt 5:28. Required in heart Pr 6:25. Required in speech Eph 5:3. Keep the body in 1Co 6:13,15-18. Preserved by wisdom Pr 2:10,11,16; 7:1-5. Saints are kept in Ec 7:26. Advantages of 1Pe 3:1,2. Shun those devoid of 1Co 5:11; 1Pe 4:3. The wicked are devoid of Ro 1:29; Eph 4:19; 2Pe 2:14; Jude 1:8. Temptation to deviate from, dangerous 2Sa 11:2-4. Consequences of associating with those devoid of Pr 7:25-27; 22:14. Want of, excludes from heaven Ga 5:19-21. Drunkenness destructive to Pr 23:31-33. Breach of, punished 1Co 3:16,17; Eph 5:5,6; Heb 13:4; Re 22:15. Motives for 1Co 6:19; 1Th 4:7. Exemplified
Joseph. Ge 39:7-10. Ruth. Ru 3:10,11. Boaz. Ru 3:13.
Animated by the Spirit of God Eze 1:12,20. Engaged in accomplishing the purposes of God Eze 1:15,21; 10:9-11,16,17. The glory of God exhibited upon Eze 1:22,26-28; 10:4,18,20. Sound of their wings was as the voice of God Eze 1:24; 10:5. Placed at the entrance of Eden Ge 3:24. Of gold
Placed over the ark of the covenant. 1Sa 4:4; 1Ki 8:6,7; 2Ch 5:7,8. God's presence manifested between. 2Sa 6:2; 2Ki 19:15; Ps 80:1; 99:1. The oracles or answers of God delivered from between. Ex 25:22; Nu 7:89.
Representations of, made on the
Vail of the tabernacle. Ex 26:31. Vail of the temple. 2Ch 3:14. Doors of the temple. 1Ki 6:32,35. Walls of the temple. 2Ch 3:7. Bases of brazen lavers. 1Ki 7:29,36.
Are a gift from God Ge 33:5; Ps 127:3. Are capable of glorifying God Ps 8:2; 148:12,13; Mt 21:15,16. Should be
Brought early to the house of God. 1Sa 1:24. Instructed in the ways of God. De 31:12,13; Pr 22:6. Judiciously trained. Pr 22:15; 29:17; Eph 6:4.
Fear God. Pr 24:21. Remember God. Ec 12:1. Attend to parental teaching. Pr 1:8,9. Honour parents. Ex 20:12; Heb 12:9. Fear parents. Le 19:3. Obey parents. Pr 6:20; Eph 6:1. Take care of parents. 1Ti 5:4. Honour the aged. Le 19:32; 1Pe 5:5. Not imitate bad parents. Eze 20:18.
Not to have
A reproach in Israel. 1Sa 1:6,7; Lu 1:25.
Often prayed for 1Sa 1:10,11; Lu 1:13. Often given in answer to prayer Ge 25:21; 1Sa 1:27; Lu 1:13. Treatment of, after birth, noticed Eze 16:4. Mostly nursed by the mothers 1Sa 1:22; 1Ki 3:21; Ps 22:9; Song 8:1. Weaning of, a time of joy and feasting Ge 21:8; 1Sa 1:24. Circumcised on the eighth day Php 3:5. Named at circumcision Lu 1:59; 2:21. Were named
From remarkable events. Ge 21:3,6; 18:13; Ex 2:10; 18:3,4. From circumstances connected with their birth. Ge 25:25,26; 35:18; 1Ch 4:9. Often by God. Isa 8:3; Ho 1:4,6,9. Often numerous. 2Ki 10:1; 1Ch 4:27. Numerous, considered an especial blessing. Ps 115:14; 127:4,5. Sometimes born when parents were old. Ge 15:3,6; 17:17; Lu 1:18.
Birth of, announced to the father by a messenger. Jer 20:15. Under the care of tutors, till they came of age. 2Ki 10:1; Ga 4:1,2. Usefully employed. 1Sa 9:3; 17:15. Inherited the possessions of their father. De 21:16,17; Lu 12:13,14. Received the blessing of their father before his death. Ge 27:1-4; 48:15; 49:1-33.
Usefully employed. Ge 24:13; Ex 2:16. Inherited property in default of sons. Nu 27:1-8; Jos 17:1-6.
Of God's people, holy Ezr 9:2; 1Co 7:14. Of God's people, interested in the promises De 29:29; Ac 2:39. Prosperity of, greatly depended on obedience of parents De 4:40; 12:25,28; Ps 128:1-3. Frequently bore the curse of parents Ex 20:5; Ps 109:9,10. Were required
To attend to instruction. De 4:9; 11:19. To submit to discipline. Pr 29:17; Heb 12:9. To respect the aged. Le 19:32.
Power of parents over, during the patriarchal age Ge 9:24,25; 21:14; 38:24. Often wicked and rebellious 2Ki 2:23. Rebellious, punished by the civil power Ex 21:15-17; De 21:18-21. Sometimes devoted their property to avoid supporting parents Mt 15:5; Mr 7:11,12. Could demand their portion during father's life Lu 15:12. Amusements of Zec 8:5; Mt 11:16,17. Casting out of weak, &c alluded to Eze 16:5. Inhuman practice of offering to idols 2Ki 17:31; 2Ch 28:3; 33:6. Illegitimate
Not cared for by the father. Heb 12:8. Excluded from the congregation. De 23:2. Sometimes sent away with gifts. Ge 25:6. Despised by their brethren. Jdj 11:2.
Grief occasioned by loss of Ge 37:35; 44:27-29; 2Sa 13:37; Jer 6:26; 31:15. Resignation manifested at loss of Le 10:19,20; 2Sa 12:18-23; Job 1:19-21.
Children, Good.
Know the Scriptures 2Ti 3:15. Observe the law of God Pr 28:7. Their obedience to parents is well pleasing to God Col 3:20. Partake of the promises of God Ac 2:39. Shall be blessed Pr 3:1-4; Eph 6:2,3. Show love to parents Ge 46:29. Obey parents Ge 28:7; 47:30. Attend to parental teaching Pr 13:1. Take care of parents Ge 45:9,11; 47:12. Make their parents' hearts glad Pr 10:1; 29:17. Honour the aged Job 32:6,7. Adduced as a motive for submission to God Heb 12:9. Spirit of, a requisite for the kingdom of heaven Mt 18:3. Illustrative of a teachable spirit Mt 18:4. Exemplified
Joseph. Ge 45:9; 46:29. Jephthah's daughter. Jdj 11:34,36. Samson. Jdj 13:24. Samuel. 1Sa 3:19. Obadiah. 1Ki 18:12. Josiah. 2Ch 34:3. Esther. Es 2:20. Job. Job 29:4. David. 1Sa 17:20; Ps 71:5. Daniel. Da 1:6. John the Baptist. Lu 1:80. Children in the Temple. Mt 21:15,16. Timothy. 2Ti 3:15.
Children, Wicked.
Are void of understanding Pr 7:7. Are proud Isa 3:5. With regard to parents
Despise them. Pr 15:5,20; Eze 22:7. Curse them. Pr 30:11. Bring reproach on them. Pr 19:26. Are a calamity to them. Pr 19:13. Are a grief to them. Pr 17:25. Despised their elders. Job 19:18.
Disobeying parents. De 21:21. Mocking parents. Pr 30:17. Cursing parents. Ex 21:15; Mr 7:10. Smiting parents. Ex 21:15. Mocking of a prophet. 2Ki 2:23,24. Gluttony and drunkenness. De 21:20,21.
Sons of Eli. 1Sa 2:,12,17. Sons of Samuel. 1Sa 8:3. Absalom. 2Sa 15:10. Adonijah. 1Ki 1:5,6. Children at Bethel. 2Ki 2:23. Adrammelech and Sharezer. 2Ki 19:37.
Christ, Character Of.
Holy Lu 1:35; Ac 4:27; Re 3:7. Righteous Isa 53:11; Heb 1:9. Good Mt 19:16. Faithful Isa 11:5; 1Th 5:24. True Joh 1:14; 7:18; 1Jo 5:20. Just Zec 9:9; Joh 5:30; Ac 22:14. Guileless Isa 53:9; 1Pe 2:22. Sinless Joh 8:46; 2Co 5:21. Spotless 1Pe 1:19. Innocent Mt 27:4. Harmless Heb 7:26. Resisting temptation Mt 4:1-10. Obedient to God the Father Ps 40:8; Joh 4:34; 15:10. Zealous Lu 2:49; Joh 2:17; 8:29. Meek Isa 53:7; Zec 9:9; Mt 11:29. Lowly in heart Mt 11:29. Merciful Heb 2:17. Patient Isa 53:7; Mt 27:14. Long-suffering 1Ti 1:16. Compassionate Isa 40:11; Lu 19:41. Benevolent Mt 4:23,24; Ac 10:38. Loving Joh 13:1; 15:13. Self-denying Mt 8:20; 2Co 8:9. Humble Lu 22:27; Php 2:8. Resigned Lu 22:42. Forgiving Lu 23:34. Subject to His parents Lu 2:51. Saints are conformed to Ro 8:29.
Christ is God.
As Jehovah of glory Ps 24:7,10; 1Co 2:8; Jas 2:1. As Jehovah, our RIGHTEOUSNESS Jer 23:5,6; 1Co 1:30. As Jehovah, above all Ps 97:9; Joh 3:31. As Jehovah, the First and the Last Isa 44:6; Re 1:17; Isa 48:12-16; Re 22:13. As Jehovah's Fellow and Equal Zec 13:7; Php 2:6. As Jehovah of Hosts Isa 6:1-3; Joh 12:41; Isa 8:13,14; 1Pe 2:8. As Jehovah, the Shepherd Isa 40:11; Heb 13:20. As Jehovah, for whose glory all things were created Pr 16:4; Col 1:16. As Jehovah, the Messenger of the covenant Mal 3:1; Mr 1:2; Lu 2:27. Invoked as Jehovah Joe 2:32; Ac 2:21; 1Co 1:2. As the Eternal God and Creator Ps 102:24-27; Heb 1:8,10-12. As the mighty God Isa 9:6. As the Great God and Saviour Ho 1:7; Tit 2:13. As God over all Ps 45:6,7; Ro 9:5. As the true God Jer 10:10; 1Jo 5:20. As God the Word Joh 1:1. As God, the judge Ec 12:14; 1Co 4:5; 2Co 5:10; 2Ti 4:1. As Emmanuel Isa 7:14; Mt 1:23. As King of kings and Lord of lords Da 10:17; Re 1:5; 17:14. As the Holy One 1Sa 2:2; Ac 3:14. As the Lord from heaven 1Co 15:47. As Lord of the Sabbath Ge 2:3; Mt 12:8. As Lord of all Ac 10:36; Ro 10:11-13. As Son of God Mt 26:63-67. As the Only-begotten Son of the Father Joh 1:14,18; 3:16,18; 1Jo 4:9. His blood is called the blood of God Ac 20:28. As one with the Father Joh 10:30,38; 12:45; 14:7-10; 17:10. As sending the Spirit, equally with the Father Joh 14:16; 15:26. As entitled to equal honour with the Father Joh 5:23. As Owner of all things, equally with the Father Joh 16:15. As unrestricted by the law of the sabbath, equally with the Father Joh 5:17. As the Source of grace, equally with the Father 1Th 3:11; 2Th 2:16,17. As unsearchable, equally with the Father Pr 30:4; Mt 11:27. As Creator of all things Isa 40:28; Joh 1:3; Col 1:16; Heb 1:2. As Supporter and Preserver of all things Ne 9:6; Col 1:17; Heb 1:3. As possessed of the fulness of the God head Col 2:9; Heb 1:3. As raising the dead Joh 5:21; 6:40,54. As raising himself from the dead Joh 2:19,21; 10:18. As Eternal Isa 9:6; Mic 5:2; Joh 1:1; Col 1:17; Heb 1:8-10; Re 1:8. As Omnipresent Mt 18:20; 28:20; Joh 3:13. As Omnipotent Ps 45:3; Php 3:21; Re 1:8. As Omniscient Joh 16:30; 21:17. As discerning the thoughts of the heart 1Ki 8:39; Lu 5:22; Eze 11:5; Joh 2:24,25; Re 2:23. As unchangeable Mal 3:6; Heb 1:12; 13:8. As having power to forgive sins Col 3:13; Mr 2:7,10. As Giver of pastors to the Church Jer 3:15; Eph 4:11-13. As Husband of the Church Isa 54:5; Eph 5:25-32; Isa 62:5; Re 21:2,9. As the object of divine worship Ac 7:59; 2Co 12:8,9; Heb 1:6; Re 5:12. As the object of faith Ps 2:12; 1Pe 2:6; Jer 17:5,7; Joh 14:1. As God, he redeems and purifies the Church to himself Re 5:9; Tit 2:14. As God, he presents the Church to himself Eph 5:27; Jude 1:24,25. Saints live to him as God Ro 6:11; Ga 2:19; 2Co 5:15. Acknowledged by his Apostles Joh 20:28. Acknowledged by the Old Testament saints Ge 17:1; 48:15,16; 32:24-30; Ho 12:3-5; Jdj 6:22-24; 13:21,22; Job 19:25-27.
Christ, the Head of the Church.
Appointed by God Eph 1:22. Declared by himself Mt 21:42. As his mystical body Eph 4:12,15; 5:23. Has the pre-eminence in all things 1Co 11:3; Eph 1:22; Col 1:18. Commissioned his Apostles Mt 10:1,7; 28:19; Joh 20:21. Instituted the ordinances Mt 28:19; Lu 22:19,20. Imparts gifts Ps 68:18; Eph 4:8. Saints are complete in Col 2:10. Perverters of the truth do not hold Col 2:18,19.
Christ, the High Priest.
After the order of Melchizedek Ps 110:4; Heb 5:6; 6:20; 7:15,17. Superior to Aaron and the Levitical priests Heb 7:11,16,22; 8:1,2,6. Consecrated with an oath Heb 7:20,21. Has an unchangeable priesthood Heb 7:23,28. Is of unblemished purity Heb 7:26,28. Faithful Heb 3:2. Needed no sacrifice for himself Heb 7:27. Offered himself a sacrifice Heb 9:14,26. His sacrifice superior to all others Heb 9:13,14,23. Offered sacrifice but once Heb 7:27; 9:25,26. Made reconciliation Heb 2:17. Obtained redemption for us Heb 9:12. Entered into heaven Heb 4:14; 10:12. Sympathises with those who are tempted Heb 2:18; 4:15. Intercedes Heb 7:25; 9:24. Blesses Nu 6:23-26; Ac 3:26. On his throne Zec 6:13. Appointment of, and encouragement to steadfastness Heb 4:14. Typified
Aaron, &c. Ex 40:12-15.
Christ, the King.
Glorious Ps 24:7-10; 1Co 2:8; Jas 2:1. Supreme Ps 89:27; Re 1:5; 19:16. Sits in the throne of God Re 3:21. Sits on the throne of David Isa 9:7; Eze 37:24,25; Lu 1:32; Ac 2:30. Is King of Zion Ps 2:6; Isa 52:7; Zec 9:9; Mt 21:5; Joh 12:12-15. Has a righteous kingdom Ps 45:6; Heb 1:8,9; Isa 32:1; Jer 23:5. Has an everlasting kingdom Da 2:44; 7:14; Lu 1:33. Has an universal kingdom Ps 2:8; 72:8; Zec 14:9; Re 11:15. His kingdom not of this world Joh 18:36. Saints, the subjects of Col 1:13; Re 15:3. Saints receive a kingdom from Lu 22:29,30; Heb 12:28. Acknowledged by
Nathanael. Joh 1:49. His followers. Lu 19:38; Joh 12:13.
Written on His cross Joh 19:19. The Jews shall seek to Ho 3:5. Saints shall behold Isa 33:17; Re 22:3,4. Kings shall do homage to Ps 72:10; Isa 49:7. Shall overcome all his enemies Ps 110:1; Mr 12:36; 1Co 15:25; Re 17:14. Typified
David. 1Sa 16:1,12,13; Lu 1:32. Solomon. 1Ch 28:6,7.
Christ, the Mediator.
The only one between God and man 1Ti 2:5. Of the gospel covenant Heb 8:6; 12:24. Typified
Aaron. Nu 16:48.
Christ, the Prophet.
Anointed with the Holy Spirit Isa 42:1; 61:1; Lu 4:18; Joh 3:34. Alone knows and reveals God Mt 11:27; Joh 3:2,13,34; 17:6,14,26; Heb 1:1,2. Declared his doctrine to be that of the Father Joh 8:26,28; 12:49,50; 14:10,24; 15:15; 17:8,16. Preached the gospel, and worked miracles Mt 4:23; 11:5; Lu 4:43. Foretold things to come Mt 24:3-35; Lu 19:41,44. Faithful to his trust Lu 4:43; Joh 17:8; Heb 3:2; Re 1:5; 3:14. Abounded in wisdom Lu 2:40,47,52; Col 2:3. Mighty in deed and word Mt 13:54; Mr 1:27; Lu 4:32; Joh 7:46. Meek and unostentatious in his teaching Isa 42:2; Mt 12:17-20. God commands us to hear De 18:15; Mt 17:25; Ac 3:22; 7:37. God will severely visit our neglect of De 18:19; Ac 3:23; Heb 2:3. Typified
Christ, the Shepherd.
The chief 1Pe 5:4. The good Joh 10:11,14. The great Mic 5:4; Heb 13:20. His sheep
He calls. Joh 10:3. He gathers. Isa 40:11; Joh 10:16. He guides. Ps 23:3; Joh 10:3,4. He feeds. Ps 23:1,2; Joh 10:9. He cherishes tenderly. Isa 40:11. He protects and preserves. Jer 31:10; Eze 34:10; Zec 9:16; Joh 10:28. He laid down his life for. Zec 13:7; Mt 26:31; Joh 10:11,15; Ac 20:28. He gives eternal life to. Joh 10:28.
Church, The.
The body of Christ Eph 1:23; Col 1:24. Christ, the foundation-stone of 1Co 3:11; Eph 2:20; 1Pe 2:4,5. Christ, the head of Eph 1:22; 5:23. Loved by Christ Song 7:10; Eph 5:25. Purchased by the blood of Christ Ac 20:28; Eph 5:25; Heb 9:12. Sanctified and cleansed by Christ 1Co 6:11; Eph 5:26,27. Subject to Christ Ro 7:4; Eph 5:24. The object of the grace of God Isa 27:3; 2Co 8:1. Displays the wisdom of God Eph 3:10. Shows forth the praises of God Isa 60:6. God defends Ps 89:18; Isa 4:5; 49:25; Mt 16:18. God provides ministers for Jer 3:15; Eph 4:11,12. Glory to be ascribed to God by Eph 3:21. Elect 1Pe 5:13. Glorious Ps 45:13; Eph 5:27. Clothed in righteousness Re 19:8. Believers continually added to, by the Lord Ac 2:27; 5:14; 11:24. Unity of Ro 12:5; 1Co 10:17; 12:12; Ga 3:28. Saints baptised into, by one Spirit 1Co 12:13. Ministers commanded to feed Ac 20:28. Is edified by the word 1Co 14:4,13; Eph 4:15,16. The wicked persecute Ac 8:1-3; 1Th 2:14,15. Not to be despised 1Co 11:22. Defiling of, will be punished 1Co 3:17. Extent of, predicted Isa 2:2; Eze 17:22-24; Da 2:34,35; Hab 2:14.
Church of Israel.
Admission into, by circumcision Ge 17:10-14. All Israelites members of Ro 9:4. Was relatively holy Ex 31:13; Nu 16:3. Had
Appointed ordinances. Ex 18:20; Heb 9:1,10. Appointed feasts. Le 23:2; Isa 1:14. An ordained ministry. Ex 29:9; De 10:8. The divine presence manifested in it. Ex 29:45,46; Le 26:11,12; 1Ki 8:10,11. A spiritual church within it. Ro 9:6-8; 11:2-7.
The depository of holy writ Ro 3:2. Called the
Congregation of the Lord. Nu 27:17; 31:16.
Proselytes admitted into Nu 9:14; 15:15,29. Supported by the people Ex 34:20; De 16:17. Worship of, consisted in
Prayer. Ex 24:11; Ps 5:7; 95:6. Praise. 2Ch 5:13; 30:21. Reading God's word. Ex 24:7; De 31:11. Preaching. Ne 8:4,5.
Members of
Required to keeps its statutes. De 16:12. Required to attend its worship. Ex 23:17. Separated from, while unclean. Le 13:46; 15:31; Nu 5:2-4. Excommunicated for heavy offences. Nu 15:30,31; 19:20.
A type of the church of Christ Ga 4:24-26; Heb 12:23.
Described Ge 17:11; Ex 4:25. Enforced by the law Le 12:3; Joh 7:22. Called the A painful and bloody rite Ex 4:26; Jos 5:8.Promises to Abraham previous to Ro 4:9,13. A seal of the covenant Ge 17:11; Ro 4:11. Introductory Jewish ordinances Ga 5:3. Outward sign of Ro 2:28. Inward grace Ro 2:29. Necessary to enjoying the privileges of the Jewish State Ex 12:48; Eze 44:7. Was performed
On the eighth day. Ge 17:12; Le 12:3. Even on the sabbath day. Joh 7:22,23. With knives of flint. Ex 4:25; Jos 5:3. By the heads of families. Ge 17:23; Ex 4:25. By persons in authority. Jos 5:3. In the presence of the family, &c. Lu 1:58-61.
First performed on Abraham and his family Ge 17:24-27. Not performed in the wilderness Jos 5:5. Performed by Joshua at Gilgal Jos 5:2,7. Punishment for neglecting Ge 17:14; Ex 4:24,26. Without faith, vain Ro 3:30; Ga 5:6. Without obedience, vain Ro 2:25; 1Co 7:19. The Jews
Held it unlawful to intermarry with those not of the. Ge 34:14; Jdj 14:3. Held no intercourse with those not of the. Ac 10:28; 11:3; Ga 2:12. Despised as unclean those not of the. 1Sa 14:6; 17:26; Mt 15:26,27; Eph 2:11,15.
Abolished by the gospel Eph 2:11,15; Col 3:11. Performed on Timothy as a matter or expediency because of the Jews Ac 16:3. Necessity of, denied by Paul Ga 2:3-5. Necessity of, asserted by false teachers Ac 15:24; Ga 6:12; Tit 1:10. Trusting to, a denial of Christ Ga 3:3,4; 5:3,4. Paul denounced for opposing Ac 21:21. Saints the true spiritual Php 3:3; Col 2:11. Illustrative of
Purity of heart. De 10:16; 30:6. Purity of speech. Ex 6:12.
Designed for habitations Ps 107:7,36. Often built to perpetuate a name Ge 11:4. Often founded and enlarged by blood and rapine Mic 3:10; Hab 2:12. Built
Of stone and wood. Ps 102:14; Eze 26:12. Of brick and mortar. Ex 1:11,14. On solid foundations. Ezr 6:3; Re 21:14. With compactness. Ps 122:3. Often of a square form. Re 21:16. Beside rivers. Ps 46:4; 137:1. On hills. Mt 5:14; Lu 4:29; Re 17:9. In plains. Ge 11:2,4; 13:12. In desert places. 2Ch 8:4; Ps 107:35,36. In pleasant situations. 2Ki 2:19; Ps 48:2.
Entered through gates Ge 34:24; Ne 13:19,22. Surrounded with walls De 1:28; 3:5. Often fortified by nature Ps 125:2; Isa 33:16. Often fortified by art 2Ch 11:5-10,23; Ps 48:12,13; Jer 4:5; Da 11:15. Sometimes had suburbs Nu 35:2; Jos 21:3. Were called for
The proprietor of the land. 1Ki 16:24. The country in which built. Da 4:29,30.
Densely inhabited Jon 4:11; Na 3:8. Often great and goodly Ge 10:12; De 6:10; Da 4:30; Jon 3:3. Often of great antiquity Ge 10:11,12. Often insignificant Ge 19:20; Ec 9:14. Different kinds of
Fenced. Jos 10:20; Isa 36:1. Treasure. Ex 1:11. Commercial. Isa 23:11; Eze 27:3. Chariot. 2Ch 1:14; 9:25. Store. 2Ch 8:4,6. Levitical. Le 25:32,33; Nu 35:7,8. Refuge. Nu 35:6.
Prosperity of, increased by commerce Ge 49:13; De 33:18,19; Eze 28:5. Artificial mode of supplying water to 2Ki 18:17; 20:20. Infested by dogs 1Ki 14:11; Ps 59:6,14. Under governors 2Ch 33:14; 2Co 11:32. Provided with judges De 16:18; 2Ch 19:5. Protected at night by watchmen Ps 127:1; Song 5:7; Isa 21:11. Furnished with stores 2Ch 11:11,12. Garrisoned in war 2Ch 17:2,19. Often had citadels Jdj 9:51. A great defence to a country 2Ch 11:5. Afforded refuge in times of danger Jer 8:14-16. Often deserted on the approach of an enemy 1Sa 31:7; Jer 4:20. Were frequently
Besieged. De 28:52; 2Ki 19:24,25. Pillaged. Isa 13:16; Jer 20:5. Wasted by pestilence. 1Sa 5:11. Wasted by famine. Jer 52:6; Am 4:6. Depopulated. Isa 17:9; Eze 26:19. Burned. Jdj 20:38,40; Isa 1:7. Made heaps of ruins. Isa 25:2. Razed and sown with salt. Jdj 9:45.
Perishable nature of Heb 13:14. Illustrative of
Visible church. Song 3:2,3; Re 11:2. Church triumphant. Re 21:2; 22:19. Heavenly inheritance. Heb 11:16. The apostasy. Re 16:10; 17:18. Riches. Pr 10:15.
Cities of Refuge.
Names &c of De 4:41-43; Jos 20:7,8. Required to be
Open to all manslayers. Jos 20:4.
Those admitted to
Not protected outside of. Nu 35:26,27. Obliged to remain in, until the high priest's death. Nu 35:25,28.
Of the hope of the gospel. Heb 6:18. (The way to,) of Christ. Isa 35:8; Joh 14:6.
Are garment of the sea Job 38:9. God
Balanced in the air. Job 37:16. Disposed in order. Job 37:15. Brings over the earth. Ge 9:14. Binds up. Job 26:8. Spreads out. Job 26:9. Scatters. Job 37:11.
Power and wisdom of God exhibited in condensing Job 36:27,28; 37:10,11; Pr 3:20. Made for the glory of God Ps 148:4. Called the
Windows of heaven. Ge 7:11; Isa 24:18. Bottles of heaven. Job 38:37. Chambers of God. Ps 104:3,13. Waters above the firmament. Ge 1:7. Dust of God's feet. Na 1:3.
Bright. Job 37:11; Zec 10:1. Thick. Job 22:14; 37:11. Black. 1Ki 18:45. Swift. Isa 19:1. Great. Eze 1:4. Small. 1Ki 18:44.
Often obscure the sun, &c Job 36:32; Eze 32:7. Often dispersed by the wind Ho 13:3. Uses of
To supply dew. Pr 3:20; Isa 18:4. To moderate heat. Isa 25:5.
Though small, often bring much rain 1Ki 18:44,45. Thunder and lightning come from Ps 77:17,18. The rainbow appears in Ge 9:13,14. Frequently the instrument of God's judgments Ge 7:11,12; Job 37:13; Ps 77:17. Man
Ignorant of the disposing of. Job 37:15. Ignorant of the balancing of. Job 37:16. Cannot number. Job 38:37. Cannot cause to rain. Job 38:34. Cannot stay. Job 38:37.
Of hostile armies. Jer 4:13; Eze 38:9,16. Of sins of men. Isa 44:22. Of judgments of God. La 2:1; Eze 30:3; 34:12; Joe 2:2. Of unsearchableness of God. 2Sa 22:12; Ps 97:2; Eze 1:4. (Riding upon,) of the power and greatness of God. Ps 104:3; Isa 19:1. (Passing away,) of the goodness and prosperity of hypocrites. Ho 6:4; 13:3. (Without water,) of false teachers. Jude 1:12. (Carried away by a tempest,) of false teachers. 2Pe 2:17. (Without rain,) of the fraudulent. Pr 25:14. (A morning without,) of wise rulers. 2Sa 23:3,4. (When seasonable,) of the favour of good rulers. Pr 16:15.
Cloud of Glory.
Pillar of cloud and pillar of fire. Ex 13:22. Cloudy pillar. Ex 33:9,10. Cloud of the Lord. Nu 10:34. The presence of God. Ex 33:14,15.
God came down in Ex 34:5; Nu 11:25. God spoke from Ex 24:16; Ps 99:7. Was designed to
Guide Israel. Ex 13:21; Ne 9:19. Show light to Israel. Ps 105:39. Defend Israel. Ex 14:19; Ps 105:39. Cover the tabernacle. Ex 40:34; Nu 9:15.
Was the Shekinah over the mercy-seat Le 16:2. Continued during the journeyings of Israel Ex 13:22; 40:38. Manifested in the temple of Solomon 1Ki 8:10,11; 2Ch 5:13; Eze 10:4. Special appearances of;
At giving of the law. Ex 19:9,16; 24:16-18. At sedition of Aaron and Miriam. Nu 12:5. At the murmuring of Israel on the report of the spies. Nu 14:10. At the rebellion of Korah &c. Nu 16:19. At the murmuring of Israel on account of Korah's death. Nu 16:42. At Christ's transfiguration. Mt 17:5. At Christ's ascension. Ac 1:9.
Illustrative of Commandments, the Ten.
Written by God Ex 32:16; 34:1,28; De 4:13; 10:4. Enumerated Ex 20:3-17. Summed up Christ Mt 22:35-40. Law of, is spiritual See "Law of God". Mt 5:28; Ro 7:14.
The exchange of commodities for money 1Ki 10:28,29. Called
Traffic. Ge 42:34; Eze 17:4. Buying and selling. Jas 4:13.
Wares. Jer 10:17; Eze 27:16; Jon 1:5.
Chapmen. 2Ch 9:14. Traffickers. Isa 23:8. Sellers and buyers. Isa 24:2.
Inland, by caravans Job 6:19; Isa 21:13. Maritime, by ships 2Ch 8:18; 9:21. Persons of distinction engaged in Isa 23:8. Increased the wealth of nations and individuals 2Ch 9:20-22; Pr 31:14-18; Eze 28:4,5. Carried on by
Egyptians. Ge 42:2-34. Ethiopians. Isa 45:14. Ninevites. Na 3:16. Syrians. Eze 27:16,18. People of Tarshish. Eze 27:25. People of Tyre. Eze 28:5,13,16. Jews. Eze 27:17.
Commenced after their settlement in Canaan. Ge 49:13; Jdj 5:17. Greatly extended by Solomon. 1Ki 9:26,27; 2Ch 9:21. Checked in Jehoshaphat's time. 1Ki 22:48,49.
Evil practices connected with Pr 20:14; Eze 22:13; Ho 12:7. Denunciations connected with abuses of Isa 23:11; Eze 7:12,13; 27:32-36; 28:16-18. Articles of
Brass. Eze 27:13. Corn. 1Ki 5:11; Eze 27:17. Cattle. Eze 27:21. Chests of rich apparel. Eze 27:24. Chariots. 1Ki 10:29. Clothes for chariots. Eze 27:20. Embroidery. Eze 27:16,24. Gold. 2Ch 8:18. Honey. Eze 27:17. Horses. 1Ki 10:29; Eze 27:14. Ivory. 2Ch 9:21; Eze 27:15. Iron and steel. Eze 27:12,19. Land. Ge 23:13-16; Ru 4:3. Lead. Eze 27:12. Linen. 1Ki 10:28. Oil. 1Ki 5:11; Eze 27:17. Perfumes. Song 3:6. Precious stones. Eze 27:16,22; 28:13,16. Purple. Eze 27:16. Slaves. Ge 37:28,36; De 24:7. Silver. 2Ch 9:21. Timber. 1Ki 5:6,8. Tin. Eze 27:12. White wool. Eze 27:18. Wine. 2Ch 2:15; Eze 27:18.
Communication - a Biblical Approach.
The Value of Words. Pr 20:15; 25:11-14. The Source of Words. Pr 6:12; 15:28; 16:23,24; Mt 12:34.
Do Not Talk Too Much. Pr 10:19; 13:2,3; 17:27-28; Ec 10:12-14; Col 4:6. Do Not Nag. Pr 21:19; 26:21. Do Not Meddle. Pr 26:27. Do Not Gossip. Pr 11:13; 20:19; 26:20. Do Not Brag. Pr 14:23; 27:2. Be Slow to Speak. Pr 15:28; 29:20; Jas 1:19. Be Wise in Timing. Pr 15:23; Eph 4:29. Admit Wrongs. Pr 29:23; Jas 5:16. Do Not Lie. Ps 34:13; Pr 12:19,22; 26:18,19; Eph 4:15,25. Do Not Respond in Anger. Pr 15:1; Eph 4:26. Avoid Quarrels. Pr 17:14; 20:3.
Deliver me from Lying Lips. Ps 120:3. May my Lips Offer up a Sacrifice of Praise. Heb 13:15. Let me Speak Encouragingly. Eph 4:29. Bride my Tongue. Jas 1:26.
Communion of Saints.
Is with
Saints in heaven. Heb 12:22-24. Each other. Ga 2:9; 1Jo 1:3,7.
Christ is present in Mt 18:20. In public and social worship Ps 34:3; 55:14; Ac 1:14; Heb 10:25. In the Lord's supper 1Co 10:17. In holy conversation Mal 3:16. In prayer for each other 2Co 1:11; Eph 6:18. In exhortation Col 3:16; Heb 10:25. In mutual comfort and edification 1Th 4:18; 5:11. In mutual sympathy and kindness Ro 12:15; Eph 4:32. Delight of Ps 16:3; 42:4; 133:1-3; Ro 15:32. Exhortation to Eph 4:1-3. Opposed to communion with the wicked 2Co 6:14-17; Eph 5:11. Exemplified
David. Ps 119:63. Daniel. Da 2:17,18. Apostles. Ac 1:14. The Church. Ac 2:42; 5:12. Paul. Ac 20:36-38.
Communion of the Lord's Supper.
Instituted Mt 26:26; 1Co 11:23. Object of Lu 22:19; 1Co 11:24,26. Is the communion of the body and blood of Christ 1Co 10:16. Both bread and wine are necessary to be received in Mt 26:27; 1Co 11:26. Self-examination commanded before partaking of 1Co 11:28,31. Newness of heart and life necessary to the worthy partaking of 1Co 5:7,8. Partakers of, be wholly separate to God 1Co 10:21. Was continually partaken of, by the Church Ac 2:42; 20:7. Unworthy partakers of
Discern not the Lord's body. 1Co 11:29. Are visited with judgments. 1Co 11:30.
Communion With God.
Is communion with the Son 1Co 1:9; 1Jo 1:3; Re 3:20. Is communion with the Holy Spirit 1Co 12:13; 2Co 13:14; Php 2:1. Reconciliation must precede Am 3:3. Holiness essential to 2Co 6:14-16. Promised to the obedient Joh 14:23. Saints
Have, in meditation. Ps 63:5,6. Have, in prayer. Php 4:6; Heb 4:16. Have, in the Lord's supper. 1Co 10:16. Should always enjoy. Ps 16:8; Joh 14:16-18.
Noah. Ge 6:9. Abraham. Ge 18:33. Jacob. Ge 32:24-29. Moses. Ex 33:11-23.
Compassion and Sympathy.
Exhortation to Ro 12:15; 1Pe 3:8. Exercise towards
The chastened. Isa 22:4; Jer 9:1. Enemies. Ps 35:13. The poor. Pr 19:17. The weak. 2Co 11:29; Ga 6:2. Saints. 1Co 12:25,26.
Motives to
The sense of our infirmities. Heb 5:2.
Promise to those who show Pr 19:17; Mt 10:42. Illustrated Lu 10:33; 15:20. Exemplified
Shobi, &c. 2Sa 17:27-29. Elijah. 1Ki 17:18,19. Nehemiah. Ne 1:4. Job's friends. Job 2:11. Job. Job 30:25. David. Ps 35:13,14. Jews. Joh 11:19. Paul. 1Co 9:22.
Compassion and Sympathy of Christ, The.
Manifested for the
Weak in faith. Isa 40:11; 42:3; Mt 12:20. Tempted. Heb 2:18. Afflicted. Lu 7:13; Joh 11:33,35. Diseased. Mt 14:14; Mr 1:41. Poor. Mr 8:2. Perishing sinners. Mt 9:36; Lu 19:41; Joh 3:16.
Universal, caused by the offence of Adam Ro 5:12,16,18. Inseparable consequence of sin Pr 12:2; Ro 6:23. Increased by
Unbelief. Joh 3:18,19. Pride. 1Ti 3:6. Oppression. Jas 5:1-5. Hypocrisy. Mt 23:14.
The law testifies to the justice of Ro 3:19. According to men's deserts Mt 12:37; 2Co 11:15. Saints are delivered from, by Christ Joh 3:18; 5:24; Ro 8:1,33,34. Of the wicked, an example 2Pe 2:7; Jude 1:7. Chastisements are designed to rescue us from Ps 94:12,13; 1Co 11:32. Apostates ordained to Jude 1:4. Unbelievers remain under Joh 3:18,36. The law is the ministration of 2Co 3:9.
Conduct, Christian.
Fearing God Ec 12:13; 1Pe 2:17. Loving God De 6:5; Mt 22:37. Following God Eph 5:1; 1Pe 1:15,16. Obeying God Lu 1:6; 1Jo 5:3. Rejoicing in God Ps 33:1; Hab 3:18. Believing in Christ Joh 6:29; 1Jo 3:23. Loving Christ Joh 21:15; 1Pe 1:7,8. Following the example of Christ Joh 13:15; 1Pe 2:21-24. Obeying Christ Joh 14:21; 15:14. Living
To righteousness. Mic 6:8; Ro 6:18; 1Pe 2:24. Soberly, righteously, and godly. Tit 2:12.
Worthy of God. 1Th 2:12. Worthy of the Lord. Col 1:10. In the Spirit. Ga 5:25. After the Spirit. Ro 8:1. In newness of life. Ro 6:4. Worthy of vocation. Eph 4:1. As children of light. Eph 5:8.
Loving one another Joh 15:12; Ro 12:10; 1Co 13:1-13; Eph 5:2; Heb 13:1. Striving for the faith Php 1:27; Jude 1:3. Putting away all sin 1Co 5:7; Heb 12:1. Abstaining from all appearance of evil 1Th 5:22. Perfecting holiness Mt 5:48; 2Co 7:1; 2Ti 3:17. Hating defilement Jude 1:23. Following after that which is good Php 4:8; 1Th 5:15; 1Ti 6:11. Overcoming the world 1Jo 5:4,5. Adorning the gospel Mt 5:16; Tit 2:10. Showing a good example 1Ti 4:12; 1Pe 2:12; Tit 2:7. Abounding in the work of the Lord 1Co 15:58; 2Co 8:7; 1Th 4:1. Shunning the wicked Ps 1:1; 2Th 3:6. Controlling the body 1Co 9:27; Col 3:5. Subduing the temper Eph 4:26; Jas 1:19. Submitting to injuries Mt 5:39-41; 1Co 6:7. Forgiving injuries Mt 6:14; Ro 12:20. Living peaceably with all Ro 12:18; Heb 12:14. Visiting the afflicted Mt 25:36; Jas 1:27. Doing as we would be done by Mt 7:12; Lu 6:31. Sympathising with others Ga 6:2; 1Th 5:14. Honouring others Ps 15:4; Ro 12:10. Fulfilling domestic duties Eph 6:1-8; 1Pe 3:1-7. Submitting to Authorities Ro 13:1-7. Being liberal to others Ac 20:35; Ro 12:13. Being contented Php 4:11; Heb 13:5. Blessedness of maintaining Ps 1:1-3; 19:9-11; 50:23; Mt 5:3-12; Joh 15:10; 7:17.
Confessing Christ.
A test of being saints 1Jo 2:23; 4:2,3. An evidence of union with God 1Jo 4:15. Necessary to salvation Ro 10:9,10. Ensures his confessing us Mt 10:32. The fear of man prevents Joh 7:13; 12:42,43. Persecution should not prevent us from Mr 8:35; 2Ti 2:12. Must be connected with faith Ro 10:9. Consequences of not Mt 10:33. Exemplified
Peter. Joh 6:68,69; Ac 2:22-36. Man born blind. Joh 9:25,33. Martha. Joh 11:27. Peter and John. Ac 4:7-12. Apostles. Ac 5:29-32,42. Stephen. Ac 7:52,59. Paul. Ac 9:29. Timothy. 1Ti 6:12. John. Re 1:9. Church in Pergamos. Re 2:13. Martyrs. Re 20:4.
Confession of Sin.
God regards Job 33:27,28; Da 9:20-23. Exhortation to Jos 7:19; Jer 3:13; Jas 5:16. Promises to Le 26:40-42; Pr 28:13. Should be accompanied with
Prayer for forgiveness. 2Sa 24:10; Ps 25:11; 51:1; Jer 14:7-9,20. Self-abasement. Isa 64:5,6; Jer 3:25. Godly sorrow. Ps 38:18; La 1:20. Forsaking sin. Pr 28:13. Restitution. Nu 5:6,7.
Followed by pardon Ps 32:5; 1Jo 1:9. Illustrated Lu 15:21; 18:13. Exemplified
Israelites. Nu 21:6,7; 1Sa 7:6; 12:19. Saul. 1Sa 15:24. David. 2Sa 24:10. Ezra. Eze 9:6. Nehemiah. Ne 1:6,7. Levites. Ne 9:4,33,34. Job. Job 7:20. Daniel. Da 9:4. Peter. Lu 5:8. Thief. Lu 23:41.
Accuses of sin Ge 42:21; 2Sa 24:10; Mt 27:3; Ac 2:37. We should have the approval of Job 27:6; Ac 24:16; Ro 9:1; 14:22. The blood of Christ alone can purify Heb 9:14; 10:2-10,22. Keep the faith in purity of 1Ti 1:19; 3:9. Of saints, pure and good Heb 13:18; 1Pe 3:16,21. Submit to authority for Ro 13:5. Suffer patiently for 1Pe 2:19. Testimony of, a source of joy 2Co 1:12; 1Jo 3:21. Of others, not to be offended Ro 14:21; 1Co 10:28-32. Ministers should commend themselves to that of their people 2Co 4:2; 5:11. Of the wicked, seared 1Ti 4:2. Of the wicked, defiled Tit 1:15. Without spiritual illumination, a false guide Ac 23:1; 26:9.
Folly of Pr 11:12. A characteristic of the wicked Pr 18:3; Isa 5:24; 2Ti 3:3. Forbidden towards
Christ's little ones. Mt 18:10. Weak brethren. Ro 14:3. Young ministers. 1Co 16:11. Believing masters. 1Ti 6:2. The poor. Jas 2:1-3.
Pride and prosperity prompt to Ps 123:4. Ministers should give no occasion for 1Ti 4:12. Of ministers, is a despising of God Lu 10:16; 1Th 4:8. Towards the church
Often punished. Eze 28:26.
The wicked exhibit towards
Saints. Ps 119:141. Authorities. 2Pe 2:10; Jude 1:8. Parents. Pr 15:5,20. The afflicted. Job 19:18. The poor. Ps 14:6; Ec 9:16.
Children of Belial. 1Sa 10:27. Nabal. 1Sa 25:10,11. Michal. 2Sa 6:16. Sanballat, &c. Ne 2:19; 4:2,3. False teachers. 2Co 10:10.
Saints should exhibit
With appointed wages. Lu 3:14. With what things they have. Heb 13:5. With food and raiment. 1Ti 6:8.
The wicked want Isa 5:8; Ec 5:10. Exemplified
Shunammite. 2Ki 4:13. David. Ps 16:6. Agur. Pr 30:8,9. Paul. Php 4:11,12.
By Christ Ac 3:26; Ro 15:18. By the power of the Holy Spirit Pr 1:23. Is of grace Ac 11:21,23. Follows repentance Ac 3:19; 26:20. Is the result of faith Ac 11:21. Through the instrumentality of
Ministers. Ac 26:18; 1Th 1:9. Self-examination. Ps 119:59; La 3:40. Affliction. Ps 78:34.
To saints. Ac 15:3; Ga 1:23,24.
Commanded Job 36:10. Exhortations to Pr 1:23; Isa 31:6; 55:7; Jer 3:7; Eze 33:11. Promises connected with Ne 1:9; Isa 1:27; Jer 3:14; Eze 18:27. Pray for Ps 80:7; 85:4; Jer 31:18; La 5:21. Is accompanied by confession of sin, and prayer 1Ki 8:35. Danger of neglecting Ps 7:12; Jer 44:5,11; Eze 3:19. Duty of leading sinners to Ps 51:13. Encouragement for leading sinners to Da 12:3; Jas 5:19,20. Of Gentiles, predicted Isa 2:2; 11:10; 60:5; 66:12. Of Israel, predicted Eze 36:25-27.
Counsels and Purposes of God, The.
Are wonderful Isa 28:29. Are immutable Ps 33:11; Pr 19:21; Jer 4:28; Ro 9:11; Heb 6:17. Are sovereign Isa 40:13,14; Da 4:35. Are eternal Eph 3:11. Are faithfulness and truth Isa 25:1. None can disannul Isa 14:27. Shall be performed Isa 14:24; 46:11. The sufferings and death of Christ were according to Ac 2:23; 4:28. Saints called and save according to Ro 8:28; 2Ti 1:9. The union of all saints in Christ, is according to Eph 1:9,10. The works of God according to Eph 1:11. Should be declared by ministers Ac 20:27. Attend to Jer 49:20; 50:45. Secret not to be searched into De 29:29; Mt 24:36; Ac 1:7. The wicked Courts of Justice.
Superior court
Consisted subsequently of priests and Levites. De 17:9; Mal 2:7. Presided over by the governor or the high priest. De 17:12; Jdj 4:4,5. Held at the seat of government. De 17:8. Decided on all appeals and difficult cases. Ex 18:26; De 1:17; 17:8,9. Decisions of, conclusive. De 17:10,11.
Held at the gates. Ge 34:20; De 16:18; 21:19; Job 5:4. Judges of, appointed by the governor. Ex 18:21,25; De 1:9-15; 2Sa 15:3. All minor cases decided by. Ex 18:26; 2Sa 15:4. All transfers of property made before. Ge 23:17-20; Ru 4:1,2.
Re-established by Ezra Ezr 7:25. Sanhedrim or court of the seventy
Mentioned in the latter part of sacred history. Lu 22:66; Joh 11:47; Ac 5:27. Consisted of chief priest, &c. Mt 26:57,59. Presided over by high priest. Mt 26:62-66. Sat in high priest's palace. Mt 26:57,58.
Place of, called the hall of judgment. Joh 18:28,33; 19:9. Never interfered in any dispute about minor matters or about religion. Ac 18:14,15. Could alone award death. Joh 18:31. Never examined their own citizens by torture. Ac 22:25-29. Appeals from, made to the emperor. Ac 25:11; 26:32; 28:19.
Sometimes held in synagogues Mt 10:17; Ac 22:19; 26:11; Jas 2:2. Provided with
Officers. De 16:18; Mt 5:25. Tormentors or executioners. Mt 18:34.
Called magistrates. Lu 12:58. Rode often on white asses. Jdj 5:10. To judge righteously. Le 19:15; De 1:6. To judge without respect of persons. Ex 23:3,6; Le 19:15; De 1:17; Pr 22:22. To investigate every case. De 19:18. Not to take bribes. Ex 23:8; De 16:19. To judge as for God. 2Ch 19:6,7,9. To decide according to the law. Eze 44:24. To promote peace. Zec 8:16. Sat on the judgment-seat while hearing causes. Ex 18:13; Jdj 5:10; Isa 28:6; Mt 27:19. Examined the parties. Ac 24:8. Conferred together before giving judgment. Ac 5:34-40; 25:12; 26:30,31. Pronounced the judgment of the court. Mt 26:65,66; Lu 23:24; Ac 5:40.
Causes in, were opened by
An advocate. Ac 24:1.
Permitted to plead their own cause. 1Ki 3:22; Ac 24:10; 26:1. Might have advocates. Pr 31:8,9; Isa 1:17. Exhorted to confess. Jos 7:19. Examined on oath. Le 5:1; Mt 26:63. Sometimes examined by torture. Ac 22:24,29. Sometimes treated with insult. Mt 26:67; Joh 18:22,23; Ac 23:2,3. The evidence of two or more witnesses required in. De 17:6; 19:15; Joh 8:17; 2Co 13:1. Witnesses sometimes laid their hands on the criminal's head before punishment. Le 24:14.
Corruption and bribery often practised in Isa 10:1; Am 5:12; 8:6. The judgment of
Recorded in writing. Isa 10:1. Immediately executed. De 25:2; Jos 7:25; Mr 15:15-20. Witnesses first to execute. De 17:7; Ac 7:58. Allusions to. Job 5:4; Ps 127:5; Mt 5:22. Illustrative of the last judgment. Mt 19:28; Ro 14:10; 1Co 6:2.
Designed for
Procuring assistance in war. 1Ki 15:18,19. Mutual protection. Ge 26:28,29; 31:50-52. Establishing peace. Jos 9:15,16. Promoting commerce. 1Ki 5:6-11. Selling land. Ge 23:14-16.
Conformed by oath. Ge 21:23,31; 26:31. Witnessed. Ge 23:17,18; Ru 4:9-11. Written and sealed. Ne 9:38; 10:1.
When confirmed, unalterable Ga 3:15. Made by passing between the pieces of the divided sacrifices Ge 15:9-17; Jer 34:18,19. Salt a sign of perpetuity in Nu 18:19; 2Ch 13:5. Ratified by joining hands Pr 11:21; Eze 17:18. Followed by a feast Ge 26:30; 31:54. Presents given as tokens Ge 21:27-30; 1Sa 18:3,4. Pillars raised in token of Ge 31:45,46. Names given to places where made Ge 21:31; 31:47-49. The Jews
Frequently made with other nations. 1Ki 5:12; 2Ki 17:4. Condemned for making, with idolatrous nations. Isa 30:2-5; Ho 12:1. Regarded, as sacred. Jos 9:16-19; Ps 15:4.
Of God's promises to man. Ge 9:9-11; Eph 2:12. Of the united determination of a people to serve God. 2Ki 11:17; 2Ch 15:12; Ne 10:29. Of good resolutions. Job 31:1. (With death and hell,) of carnal security. Isa 28:15,18. (With stones and beasts, of the earth,) of peace and prosperity. Job 5:23; Ho 2:18.
Covenant, The.
Christ, the Mediator of Heb 8:6; 9:15; 12:24. Christ, the Messenger of Mal 3:1. Made with
Isaac. Ge 17:19,21; 26:3,4. Jacob. Ge 28:13,14; 1Ch 16:16,17. Israel. Ex 6:4; Ac 3:25. David. 2Sa 23:5; Ps 89:3,4.
Fulfilled in Christ Lu 1:68-79. Confirmed in Christ Ga 3:17. Ratified by the blood of Christ Heb 9:11-14,16-23. Is a covenant of peace Isa 54:9,10; Eze 34:25; 37:26. Is unalterable Ps 89:34; Isa 54:10; 59:21; Ga 3:17. Is everlasting Ps 111:9; Isa 55:3; 61:8; Eze 16:60-63; Heb 13:20. All saints interested in Ps 25:14; 89:29-37; Heb 8:10. The wicked have no interest in Eph 2:12. Blessings connected with Isa 56:4-7; Heb 8:10-12. God is faithful to De 7:9; 1Ki 8:23; Ne 1:5; Da 9:4. God is ever mindful of Ps 105:8; 111:5; Lu 1:72. Be mindful of 1Ch 16:15. Caution against forgetting De 4:23. Plead, in prayer Ps 74:20; Jer 14:21. Punishment for despising Heb 10:29,30.
Engrosses the heart Eze 33:31; 2Pe 2:14. Is idolatry Eph 5:5; Col 3:5. Is the root of all evil 1Ti 6:10. Is never satisfied Ec 5:10; Hab 2:5. Is vanity Ps 39:6; Ec 4:8. Is inconsistent
Specially in ministers. 1Ti 3:3.
Foolish and hurtful lusts. 1Ti 6:9. Departure from the faith. 1Ti 6:10. Lying. 2Ki 5:22-25. Murder. Pr 1:18,19; Eze 22:12. Theft. Jos 7:21. Poverty. Pr 28:22. Misery. 1Ti 6:10. Domestic affliction. Pr 15:27.
Forbidden Ex 20:17. A characteristic of the wicked Ro 1:29. A characteristic of the slothful Pr 21:26. Commended by the wicked alone Ps 10:3. Hated by saints Ex 18:21; Ac 20:33. To be mortified by saints Col 3:5. Woe denounced against Isa 5:8; Hab 2:9. Punishment of Job 20:15; Isa 57:17; Jer 22:17-19; Mic 2:2,3. Excludes from heaven 1Co 6:10; Eph 5:5. Beware of Lu 12:15. Avoid those guilty of 1Co 5:11. Pray against Ps 119:36. Reward of those who hate Pr 28:16. Shall abound in the last days 2Ti 3:2; 2Pe 2:1-3. Exemplified
Achan. Jos 7:21. Eli's sons. 1Sa 2:12-14. Samuel's sons. 1Sa 8:3. Saul. 1Sa 15:9,19. Ahab. 1Ki 21:2-4. Gehazi. 2Ki 5:20-24. Nobles of the Jews. Ne 5:7; Isa 1:23. Jewish people. Isa 56:11; Jer 6:13. Babylon. Jer 51:13. Young man. Mt 19:22. Judas. Mt 26:14,15; Joh 12:6. Pharisees. Lu 16:14. Ananias &c. Ac 5:1-10. Felix. Ac 24:26. Balaam. 2Pe 2:15; Jude 1:11.
By Christ. Joh 1:3,10; Col 1:16. By the Holy Spirit. Job 26:13; Ps 104:30. By the command of God. Ps 33:9; Heb 11:3. In the beginning. Ge 1:1; Mt 24:21. In six normal days. Ex 20:11; 31:17. According to God's purpose. Ps 135:6. For God's pleasure. Pr 16:4; Re 4:11. For Christ. Col 1:16.
Order of
Second day, making the firmament or atmosphere, and separating the waters. Ge 1:6-8. Third day, separating the land from the water, and making it fruitful. Ge 1:9-13. Fourth day, placing the sun, moon, and stars to give light, &c. Ge 1:14-19. Fifth day, making birds, insects, and fishes. Ge 1:20-23. Sixth day, making beasts of the earth, and man. Ge 1:24,28.
Approved of by God Ge 1:31. A subject of joy to angels Job 38:7. Exhibits
The power of God. Isa 40:26,28; Ro 1:20. The glory and handiwork of God. Ps 19:1. The wisdom of God. Ps 104:24; 136:5. The goodness of God. Ps 33:5. God as the sole object of worship. Isa 45:16,18; Ac 17:24,27.
God to be praised for Ne 9:6; Ps 146:5,6. Leads to confidence Ps 124:8; 146:5,6. Insignificance of man seen from Ps 8:3,4; Isa 40:12,17. Groans because of sin Ro 8:22. Illustrative of
Daily renewal of saints. Ps 51:10; Eph 4:24. Renewal of the earth. Isa 65:17; 2Pe 3:11,13.
Might demand
Security of others. Pr 6:1; 22:26. Mortgages on property. Ne 5:3. Bills or promissory notes. Lu 16:6,7.
Prohibited from
Violently selecting pledges. De 24:10. Exacting usury from brethren. Ex 22:25; Le 25:36,37. Exacting debts from brethren during sabbatical year. De 15:2,3.
Sometimes entirely remitted debts Ne 5:10-12; Mt 18:27; Lu 7:42. Often cruel in exacting debts Ne 5:7-9; Job 24:3-9; Mt 18:28-30. Often exacted debts
By selling the debtor's property. Mt 18:25. By selling the debtor's family. 2Ki 4:1; Job 24:9; Mt 18:25. By imprisonment. Mt 5:25,26; 18:34. From the sureties. Pr 11:15; 22:26,27.
Illustrative of
The demands of the law. Ga 5:3.
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