By R. A. Torrey
Access to God
Afflictions of the Wicked, The |
Ambition |
Access to God.
Is by Christ Joh 10:7,9; 14:6; Ro 5:2; Eph 2:13; 3:12; Heb 7:9,25; 10:19; 1Pe 3:18. Is by the Holy Spirit Eph 2:18. Obtained through faith Ac 14:27; Ro 5:2; Eph 3:12; Heb 11:6. Follows upon reconciliation to God Col 1:21,22. In Prayer See Prayer. De 4:7; Mt 6:6; 1Pe 1:17. In his temple Ps 15:1; 27:4; 43:3; 65:4. To obtain mercy and grace Heb 4:16. A privilege of saints De 4:7; Ps 15:1; 23:6; 24:3,4. Saints have, with confidence Eph 3:12; Heb 4:16; 10:19,20. Vouchsafed to repenting sinners See Repentance. Ho 14:2; Joe 2:12. Saints earnestly seek Ps 27:4; 42:1,2; 43:3; 84:1,2. The wicked commanded to seek Isa 55:6; Jas 4:8. Urge others to seek Isa 2:3; Jer 31:6. Promises connected with Ps 145:18; Isa 55:3; Mt 6:6; Jas 4:8. Blessedness connected with Ps 16:11; 65:4; 73:28. Typified Le 16:12-15; Heb 10:19-22. Exemplified
Is according to promise Ro 9:8; Ga 3:29. Is by faith Ga 3:7,26. Is of God's grace Eze 16:3-6; Ro 4:16,17; Eph 1:5,6,11. Is through Christ Joh 1:12; Ga 4:4,5; Eph 1:5; Heb 2:10,13. Saints predestinated to Ro 8:29; Eph 1:5,11. Of Gentiles, predicted Ho 2:23; Ro 9:24-26; Eph 3:6. The Adopted are gathered together in one by Christ Joh 11:52. New birth connected with Joh 1:12,13. The Holy Spirit is a Witness of Ro 8:16. Being led by the Spirit is an evidence of Ro 8:14. Saints receive the Spirit of Ro 8:15; Ga 4:6. A privilege of saints Joh 1:12; 1Jo 3:1. Saints become brethren of Christ by Joh 20:17; Heb 2:11,12. Saints wait for final consummation of Ro 8:19,23; 1Jo 3:2. Subjects saints to the fatherly discipline of God De 8:5; 2Sa 7:14; Pr 3:11,12; Heb 12:5-11. God is long-suffering and merciful towards the partakers of Jer 31:1,9,20. Should lead to holiness 2Co 6:17,18; 7:1; Php 2:15; 1Jo 3:2,3. Should produce
Child-like confidence in God. Mt 6:25-34. A desire for God's glory. Mt 5:16. A spirit of prayer. Mt 7:7-11. A love of peace. Mt 5:9. A forgiving spirit. Mt 6:14. A merciful spirit. Lu 6:35,36. An avoidance of ostentation. Mt 6:1-4,6,18.
Confers a new name See Titles of Saints. Nu 6:27; Isa 62:2; Ac 15:17. Entitles to an inheritance Mt 13:43; Ro 8:17; Ga 3:29; 4:7; Eph 3:6. Is to be pleaded in prayer Isa 63:16; Mt 6:9. Illustrated
Moses. Ex 2:10. Esther. Es 2:7.
Affections, The.
Should be set
Upon the house and worship of God. 1Ch 29:3; Ps 26:8; 27:4; 84:1,2. Upon the people of God. Ps 16:3; Ro 12:10; 2Co 7:13-15; 1Th 2:8. Upon heavenly things. Col 3:1,2.
Christ claims the first place in Mt 10:37; Lu 14:26. Enkindled by communion with Christ Lu 24:32. Blessedness of making God the object of Ps 91:14. Should not grow cold Ps 106:12,13; Mt 24:12; Ga 4:15; Re 2:4. Of saints, supremely set on God Ps 42:1; 73:25; 119:10. Of the wicked, not sincerely set on God Isa 58:1,2; Eze 33:31,32; Lu 8:13. Carnal affections should be mortified Ro 8:13; 13:14; 1Co 9:27; Col 3:5; 1Th 4:5. Carnal affections crucified in saints Ro 6:6; Ga 5:24. False teachers seek to captivate Ga 1:10; 4:17; 2Ti 3:6; 2Pe 2:3,18; Re 2:14,20. Of the wicked, are unnatural and perverted Ro 1:31; 2Ti 3:3; 2Pe 2:10.
Afflicted, Duty Toward The.
To sympathise with them Ro 12:15; Ga 6:2. To pity them Job 6:14. To bear them in mind Heb 13:3. To visit them Jas 1:27. To comfort them Job 16:5; 29:25; 2Co 1:4; 1Th 4:18. To relieve them Job 31:19,20; Isa 58:10; Php 4:14; 1Ti 5:10. To protect them Ps 82:3; Pr 22:22; 31:5. Afflicted Saints.
God is a refuge and strength to Ps 27:5,6; Isa 25:4; Jer 16:19; Na 1:7. God comforts Isa 49:13; Jer 31:13; Mt 5:4; 2Co 1:4,5; 7:6. God preserves Ps 34:20. God delivers Ps 34:4,19; Pr 12:13; Jer 39:17,18. Christ is with Joh 14:18. Christ supports 2Ti 4:17; Heb 2:18. Christ comforts Isa 61:2; Mt 11:28-30; Lu 7:13; Joh 14:1; 16:33. Christ preserves Isa 63:9; Lu 21:18. Christ delivers Re 3:10. Should praise God Ps 13:5,6; 56:8-10; 57:6,7; 71:20-23. Should imitate Christ Heb 12:1-3; 1Pe 2:21-23. Should imitate the prophets Jas 5:10. Should be patient Lu 21:19; Ro 12:12; 2Th 1:4; Jas 1:4; 1Pe 2:20. Should be resigned 1Sa 3:18; 2Ki 20:19; Job 1:21; Ps 39:9. Should not despise chastening Job 5:17; Pr 3:11; Heb 12:5. Should acknowledge the justice of their chastisements Ne 9:33; Job 2:10; Isa 64:5-7; La 3:39; Mic 7:9. Should avoid sin Job 34:31,32; Joh 5:14; 1Pe 2:12. Should trust in the goodness of God Job 13:15; Ps 71:20; 2Co 1:9. Should turn and devote themselves to God Ps 116:7-9; Jer 50:3,4; Ho 6:1. Should keep the pious resolutions made during afflictions Ps 66:13-15. Should be frequent in prayer See "Affliction, Prayer Under". Ps 50:15-17. Should take encouragement from former mercies Ps 27:9; 2Co 1:10. Examples of afflicted Saints:
Moses. Heb 11:25. Eli. 1Sa 3:18. Nehemiah. Ne 1:4. Job. Job 1:20-22. David. 2Sa 12:15-23. Paul. Ac 20:22-24; 21:13. Apostles. 1Co 4:13; 2Co 6:4-10.
Affliction, Consolation Under.
Christ is the Author and Giver of Isa 61:2; Joh 14:18; 2Co 1:5. The Holy Spirit is the Author and Giver of Joh 14:16,17; 15:26; 16:7; Ac 9:31. Promised Isa 51:3,12; 66:13; Eze 14:22,23; Ho 2:14; Zec 1:17. Through the Holy Scriptures Ps 119:50,76; Ro 15:4. By ministers of the gospel Isa 40:1,2; 1Co 14:3; 2Co 1:4,6. Is abundant Ps 71:21; Isa 66:11. Is strong Heb 6:18. Is everlasting 2Th 2:16. Is a cause of praise Isa 12:1; 49:13. Pray for Ps 119:82. Saints should administer to each other 1Th 4:18; 5:11,14. Is sought in vain from the world Ps 69:20; Ec 4:1; La 1:2. To those who mourn for sin Ps 51:17; Isa 1:18; 40:1,2; 61:1; Mic 7:18,19; Lu 4:18. To the troubled in mind Ps 42:5; 94:19; Joh 14:1,27; 16:20,22. To those deserted by friends Ps 27:10; 41:9-12; Joh 14:18; 15:18,19. To the persecuted De 33:27. To the poor Ps 10:14; 34:6,9,10. To the sick Ps 41:3. To the tempted Ro 16:20; 1Co 10:13; 2Co 12:9; Jas 1:12; 4:7; 2Pe 2:9; Re 2:10. In prospect of death Job 19:25,26; Ps 23:4; Joh 14:2; 2Co 5:1; 1Th 4:14; Heb 4:9; Re 7:14-17; 14:13. Under the infirmities of age Ps 71:9,18.
Affliction, Prayer Under.
That God would consider our trouble 2Ki 19:16; Ne 9:32; Ps 9:13; La 5:1. For the presence and support of God Ps 10:1; 102:2. That the Holy Spirit may not be withdrawn Ps 51:11. For divine comfort Ps 4:6; 119:76. For mitigation of troubles Ps 39:12,13. For deliverance Ps 25:17,22; 39:10; Isa 64:9-12; Jer 17:14. For pardon and deliverance from sin Ps 39:8; 51:1; 79:8. That we may be turned to God Ps 80:7; 85:4-6; Jer 31:18. For divine teaching and direction Job 34:32; Ps 27:11; 143:10. For increase of faith Mr 9:24. For mercy Ps 6:2; Hab 3:2. For restoration to joy Ps 51:8,12; 69:29; 90:14,15. For protection and preservation from enemies 2Ki 19:19; 2Ch 20:12; Ps 17:8,9. That we may know the causes of our trouble Job 6:24; 10:2; 13:23,24. That we may be taught the uncertainty of life Ps 39:4. That we may be quickened Ps 143:11.
God dispenses, as He will Job 11:10; Isa 10:15; 45:7. God regulates the measure of Ps 80:5; Isa 9:1; Jer 46:28. God determines the continuance of Ge 15:13,14; Nu 14:33; Isa 10:25; Jer 29:10. God does not willingly send La 3:33. Man is born to Job 5:6,7; 14:1. Saints appointed to 1Th 3:3. Consequent upon the fall Ge 3:16-19. Sin produces Job 4:8; 20:11; Pr 1:31. Sin visited with 2Sa 12:14; Ps 89:30-32; Isa 57:17; Ac 13:10,11. Often severe Job 16:7-16; Ps 42:7; 66:12; Jon 2:3; Re 7:14. Always less than we deserve Ezr 9:13; Ps 103:10. Frequently terminate in good Ge 50:20; Ex 1:11,12; De 8:15,16; Jer 24:5,6; Eze 20:37. Tempered with mercy Ps 78:38,39; 106:43-46; Isa 30:18-21; La 3:32; Mic 7:7-9; Na 1:12. Saints are to expect Joh 16:33; Ac 14:22. Of saints, are comparatively light Ac 20:23,24; Ro 8:18; 2Co 4:17. Of saints, are but temporary Ps 30:5; 103:9; Isa 54:7,8; Joh 16:20; 1Pe 1:6; 5:10. Saints have joy under Job 5:17; Jas 5:11. Of saints, end in joy and blessedness Ps 126:5,6; Isa 61:2,3; Mt 5:4; 1Pe 4:13,14. Often arise from the profession of the gospel Mt 24:9; Joh 15:21; 2Ti 3:11,12. Exhibit the love and faithfulness of God De 8:5; Ps 119:75; Pr 3:12; 1Co 11:32; Heb 12:6,7; Re 3:19.
Afflictions Made Beneficial.
In exhibiting the power and faithfulness of God Ps 34:19,20; 2Co 4:8-11. In teaching us the will of God Ps 119:71; Isa 26:9; Mic 6:9. In turning us to God De 4:30,31; Ne 1:8,9; Ps 78:34; Isa 10:20,21; Ho 2:6,7. In keeping us from again departing from God Job 34:31,32; Isa 10:20; Eze 14:10,11. In leading us to seek God in prayer Jdj 4:3; Jer 31:18; La 2:17-19; Ho 5:14,15; Jon 2:1. In convincing us of sin Job 36:8,9; Ps 119:67; Lu 15:16-18. In leading us to confession of sin Nu 21:7; Ps 32:5; 51:3,5. In testing and exhibiting our sincerity Job 23:10; Ps 66:10; Pr 17:3. In trying our faith and obedience Ge 22:1,2; Heb 11:17; Ex 15:23-25; De 8:2,16; 1Pe 1:7; Re 2:10. In humbling us De 8:3,16; 2Ch 7:13,14; La 3:19,20; 2Co 12:7. In purifying us Ec 7:2,3; Isa 1:25,26; 48:10; Jer 9:6,7; Zec 13:9; Mal 3:2,3. In exercising our patience Ps 40:1; Ro 5:3; Jas 1:3; 1Pe 2:20. In rendering us fruitful in good works Joh 15:2; Heb 12:10,11. In furthering the gospel Ac 8:3,4; 11:19-21; Php 1:12; 2Ti 2:9,10; 4:16,17. Exemplified
Joseph. Ge 45:5,7,8. Israel. De 8:3,5. Josiah. 2Ki 22:19. Hezekiah. 2Ch 32:25,26. Manasseh. 2Ch 33:12. Jonah. Jon 2:7. Prodigal's son. Lu 15:21.
Afflictions of the Wicked, The.
God holds in derision Ps 37:13; Pr 1:26,27. Are multiplied De 31:17; Job 20:12-18; Ps 32:10. Are continual Job 15:20; Ec 2:23; Isa 32:10. Are often sudden Ps 73:10; Pr 6:15; Isa 30:13; Re 18:10. Are often judicially sent Job 21:17; Ps 107:17; Jer 30:15. Are for examples to others Ps 64:7-9; Zep 3:6,7; 1Co 10:5-11; 2Pe 2:6. Are ineffectual of themselves, for their conversion Ex 9:30; Isa 9:13; Jer 2:30; Hag 2:17. Their persecution of saints, a cause of De 30:7; Ps 55:19; Zec 2:9; 2Th 1:6. Impenitence is a cause of Pr 1:30,31; Eze 24:13; Am 4:6-12; Zec 7:11,12; Re 2:21,22. Sometimes humble them 1Ki 21:27. Frequently harden Ne 9:28,29; Jer 5:3. Produce slavish fear Job 15:24; Ps 73:19; Jer 49:3,5. Saints should not be alarmed at Pr 3:25,26. Exemplified
Ahaziah. 2Ki 1:1-4. Gehazi. 2Ki 5:27. Jehoram. 2Ch 21:12-19. Uzziah. 2Ch 26:19-21. Ahaz, &c. 2Ch 28:5-8,22.
Agriculture or Husbandry.
The occupation of man before the fall Ge 2:15. Rendered laborious by the curse on the earth Ge 3:17-19. Man doomed to labour in, after the fall Ge 3:23. Contributes to the support of all Ec 5:9. The providence of God to be acknowledged in the produce of Jer 5:24; Ho 2:8. Requires
Diligence. Pr 27:23-27; Ec 11:6. Toil. 2Ti 2:6. Patience in waiting. Jas 5:7.
Persons engaged in, called
Husbandmen. 2Ch 26:10. Labourers. Mt 9:37; 20:1.
War destructive to Jer 50:16; 51:23. Patriarchs engaged in Ge 4:2; 9:20. The labour of, supposed to be lessened by Noah Ge 5:29; 9:20. The Jews loved and followed Jdj 6:11; 1Ki 19:19; 2Ch 26:10. Soil of Canaan suited to Ge 13:10; De 8:7-9. Climate of Canaan favourable to De 11:10,11. Was promoted amongst the Jews by
The rights of redemption. Le 25:23-28. Separation from other nations. Ex 33:16. The prohibition against usury. Ex 22:25. The promises of God's blessings on. Le 26:4; De 7:13; 11:14,15.
Not to move landmarks. De 19:14; Pr 22:28. Not to cut down crops of another. De 23:25. Against the trespass of cattle. Ex 22:5. Against injuring the produce of. Ex 22:5.
Not to be engaged in during the Sabbatical year Ex 23:10,11. Produce of, given as rent for land Mt 21:33,34. Produce of, often blasted because of sin Isa 5:10; 7:23; Jer 12:13; Joe 1:10,11. Grief occasioned by the failure of the fruits of Joe 1:11; Am 5:16,17. Produce of, exported 1Ki 5:11; Eze 27:17. Operations in
Ploughing. Job 1:14. Digging. Isa 5:6; Lu 13:8; 16:3. Manuring. Isa 25:10; Lu 14:34,35. Harrowing. Job 39:10; Isa 28:24. Gathering out the stones. Isa 5:2. Sowing. Ec 11:4; Isa 32:20; Mt 13:3. Planting. Pr 31:16; Isa 44:14; Jer 31:5. Watering. De 11:10; 1Co 3:6-8. Weeding. Mt 13:28. Grafting. Ro 11:17-19,24. Pruning. Le 25:3; Isa 5:6; Joh 15:2. Mowing. Ps 129:7; Am 7:1. Reaping. Isa 17:5. Binding. Ge 37:7; Mt 13:30. Gleaning. Le 19:9; Ru 2:3. Stacking. Ex 22:6. Threshing. De 25:4; Jdj 6:11. Winnowing. Ru 3:2; Mt 3:12. Storing in barns. Mt 6:26; 13:30.
The ass. De 22:10. The horse. Isa 28:28.
The harrow. 2Sa 12:31. The mattock. 1Sa 13:20; Isa 7:25. The sickle. De 16:9; 23:25. The pruning-hook. Isa 18:5; Joe 3:10. The fork. 1Sa 13:21. The axe. 1Sa 13:20. The teethed threshing instrument. Isa 41:15. The flail, &c. Isa 28:27. The cart. 1Sa 6:7; Isa 28:27,28. The shovel. Isa 30:24. The sieve. Am 9:9. The fan. Isa 30:24; Mt 3:12.
Culture of the heart. Jer 4:3; Ho 10:12.
Alliance and Society With the Enemies of God.
Lead to idolatry Ex 34:15,16; Nu 25:1-8; De 7:4; Jdj 3:5-7; Re 2:20. Have led to murder and human sacrifice Ps 106:37,38. Provoke the anger of God De 7:4; 31:16,17; 2Ch 19:2; Ezr 9:13,14; Ps 106:29,40; Isa 2:6. Provoke God to leave mean to reap the fruits of them Jos 23:12,13; Jdj 2:1-3. Are ensnaring Ex 23:33; Nu 25:18; De 12:30; 13:6; Ps 106:36. Are enslaved 2Pe 2:18,19. Are defiling Ezr 9:1,2. Are degrading Isa 1:23. Are ruinous to spiritual interest Pr 29:24; Heb 12:14,15; 2Pe 3:17. Are ruinous to moral character 1Co 15:33. Are a proof of folly Pr 12:11. Children who enter into, bring shame upon their parents Pr 28:7. Evil consequences of Pr 28:19; Jer 51:7. The wicked are prone to Ps 50:18; Jer 2:25. The wicked tempt saints to Ne 6:2-4. Sin of, to be confessed, deeply repented of, and forsaken Ezr 10:1-44. Involve saints in their guiltiness 2Jo 1:9-11; Re 18:4. Involve saints in their punishment Nu 16:26; Jer 51:6; Re 18:4. Unbecoming in those called saints 2Ch 19:2; 2Co 6:14-16; Php 2:15. Exhortations to shun all inducements to Pr 1:10-15; 4:14,15; 2Pe 3:17. Exhortations to hate and avoid Pr 14:7; Ro 16:17; 1Co 5:9-11; Eph 5:6,7; 1Ti 6:5; 2Ti 3:5. A call to come out from Nu 16:26; Ezr 10:11; Jer 51:6,45; 2Co 6:17; 2Th 3:6; Re 18:4. Means of preservation from Pr 2:10-20; 19:27. Blessedness of avoiding Ps 1:1. Blessedness of forsaking Ezr 9:12; Pr 9:6; 2Co 6:17,18. Saints grieve to meet with, in their intercourse with the world Ps 57:4; 120:5,6; 2Pe 2:7,8. Saints grieve to witness in their brethren Ge 26:35; Ezr 9:3; 10:6. Saints hate and avoid Ps 26:4,5; 31:6; 101:7; Re 2:2. Saints deprecate Ge 49:6; Ps 6:8; 15:4; 101:4,7; 119:115; 139:19. Saints are separate from Ex 33:16; Ezr 6:21. Saints should be circumspect when unintentionally thrown into Mt 10:16; Col 4:5; 1Pe 2:12. Pious parents prohibit, to their children Ge 28:1. Persons in authority should denounce Ezr 10:9-11; Ne 13:23-27. Punishment of Nu 33:56; De 7:4; Jos 23:13; Jdj 2:3; 3:5-8; Ezr 9:7,14; Ps 106:41,42; Re 2:16,22,23. Exemplified
Rehoboam. 1Ki 12:8,9. Jehoshaphat. 2Ch 18:3; 19:2; 20:35-37. Jehoram. 2Ch 21:6. Ahaziah. 2Ch 22:3-5. Israelites. Ezr 9:1,2. Israel. Eze 44:7. Judas Iscariot. Mt 26:14-16.
Nehemiah, &c. Ne 6:2-4; 10:29-31. David. Ps 101:4-7; 119:115. Jeremiah. Jer 15:17. Joseph of Arimathaea. Lu 23:51. Church of Ephesus. Re 2:6.
Sons of the Priests. Ezr 10:18,19.
Ahaziah. 2Ch 22:7,8. Judas Iscariot. Ac 1:18.
To be made of earth, or unhewn stone Ex 20:24,25; De 27:5,6. Of brick, hateful to God Isa 65:3. Natural rocks sometimes used as Jdj 6:19-21; 13:19,20. Were not to have steps up to them Ex 20:26. For idolatrous worship, often erected on roofs of houses 2Ki 23:12; Jer 19:13; 32:29. Idolaters planted groves near Jdj 6:30; 1Ki 16:32,33; 2Ki 21:3. The Jews not to plant groves near De 16:21. For idolatrous worship, to be destroyed Ex 34:13; De 7:5. Probable origin of inscriptions on De 27:8. Mentioned in scripture
Of Abraham. Ge 12:7,8; 13:18; 22:9. Of Isaac. Ge 26:25. Of Jacob. Ge 33:20; 35:1,3,7. Of Moses. Ex 17:15; 24:4. Of Balaam. Nu 23:1,14,29. Of Joshua. Jos 8:30,31. Of the temple of Solomon. 2Ch 4:1,19. Of the second temple. Ezr 3:2,3. Of Reubenites, &c east of Jordan. Jos 22:10. Of Gideon. Jdj 6:26,27. Of the people of Israel. Jdj 21:4. Of Samuel. 1Sa 7:17. Of David. 2Sa 24:21,25. Of Jeroboam at Bethel. 1Ki 12:33. Of Ahaz. 2Ki 16:10-12. Of the Athenians. Ac 17:23. For burnt-offering. Ex 27:1-8. For incense. Ex 30:1-6.
Afforded no protection to murderers Ex 21:14; 1Ki 2:18-34.
Altar of Burnt Offering, The.
Horns on the corners of Ex 27:2; 38:2. Covered with brass Ex 27:2. All its vessels of brass Ex 27:3; 38:3. A net-working grate of brass placed in Ex 27:4,5; 38:4. Furnished with rings and staves Ex 27:6,7; 38:5-7. Made after a divine pattern Ex 27:8. Called
The altar of God. Ps 43:4. The altar of the Lord. Mal 2:13.
Sanctified by God Ex 29:44. Anointed and sanctified with holy oil Ex 40:10; Le 8:10,11. Cleansed and purified with blood Ex 29:36,37. Was most holy Ex 40:10. Sanctified whatever touched it Ex 29:37. All sacrifices to be offered on Ex 29:38-42; Isa 56:7. All gifts to be presented at Mt 5:23,24. Nothing polluted or defective to be offered on Le 22:22; Mal 1:7,8. Offering at the dedication of Nu 7:1-89. The fire upon
Was continually burning. Le 6:13. Consumed the sacrifices. Le 1:8,9.
The blood of sacrifices put on the horns and poured at the foot of Ex 29:12; Le 4:7,18,25; 8:15. The priests
Derived support from. 1Co 9:13.
The Jews condemned for swearing lightly by Mt 23:18,19. A type of Christ Heb 13:10.
Altar of Incense.
Covered with Gold Ex 30:3; 37:26. Top of, surrounded with a crown of gold Ex 30:3; 37:26. Had four rings of gold under the crown for the staves Ex 30:4; 37:27. Staves of, covered with gold Ex 30:5. Called the golden altar Ex 39:38. Placed before the vail in the outer sanctuary Ex 30:6; 40:5,26. Said to be before the Lord Le 4:7; 1Ki 9:25. Anointed with holy oil Ex 30:26,27. The priest burned incense on every morning and evening Ex 30:7,8. No strange incense nor any sacrifice to be offered on Ex 30:9. Atonement made for, by the high priest once every year Ex 30:10; Le 16:18,19. The blood of all sin offerings put on the horns of Le 4:7,18. Punishment for
Unauthorised offering on. 2Ch 26:16-19.
A type of Christ Re 8:3; 9:3.
Amalekites, The.
Character of
Oppressive. Jdj 10:12. Warlike and Cruel. 1Sa 15:33.
A powerful and influential nation Nu 24:7. Possessed cities 1Sa 15:5. COUNTRY of
Extended from Havilah to Shur. 1Sa 15:7. Was the scene of ancient warfare. Ge 14:7.
Were the first to oppose Israel Ex 17:8. Discomfited at Rephidim through the intercession of Moses Ex 17:9-13. Doomed to utter destruction for opposing Israel Ex 17:14,16; De 25:19. Their utter destruction foretold Nu 24:20. Presumption of Israel punished by Nu 14:45. United with Eglon against Israel Jdj 3:13. Part of their possessions taken by Ephraim Jdj 5:14; 12:15. With Midian, oppressed Israel Jdj 6:3-5. Overcome by Gideon Jdj 6:33,34; 7:21,22. Saul
Commissioned to destroy. 1Sa 15:1-3. Massacred. 1Sa 15:4-8. Condemned for not utterly destroying. 1Sa 15:9-26; 28:18.
Invaded by David 1Sa 27:8,9. Pillaged and burned Ziklag 1Sa 30:1,2. Pursued and slain by David 1Sa 30:10-20. Spoil taken from, consecrated 2Sa 8:11,12. Confederated against Israel Ps 83:7. Remnant of, completely destroyed during the reign of Hezekiah 1Ch 4:41-43.
Christ condemns Mt 18:1,3,4; 20:25,26; 23:11,12. Saints avoid Ps 131:1,2. Vanity of Job 20:5-9; 24:24; Ps 49:11-20. Leads to strife and contention Jas 4:1,2. Punishment of Pr 17:19; Isa 14:12-15; Eze 31:10,11; Ob 1:3,4. Connected with
Covetousness. Hab 2:8,9. Cruelty. Hab 2:12.
Builders of Babel. Ge 11:4. Miriam and Aaron. Nu 12:2. Korah, &c. Nu 16:3. Absalom. 2Sa 15:4; 18:18. Adonijah. 1Ki 1:5. Sennacherib. 2Ki 19:23. Shebna. Isa 22:16. Sons of Zebedee. Mt 20:21. Antichrist. 2Th 2:4. Diotrephes. 3Jo 1:9.
Ammonites, The.
Called the
Children of Ammon. Jer 25:21.
Country of
Bordered on the Amorites. Nu 21:24. Was fertile. Jer 49:4. Well fortified. Nu 21:24. Half of, given to the Gadites. Jos 13:25.
Proud and reproachful. Zep 2:10. Vindictive. Eze 25:3,6. Fond of ornaments. 2Ch 20:25. Idolatrous. Jdj 10:6; 1Ki 11:7,33; 2Ki 23:13. Superstitious. Jer 27:3,9.
Ai. Jer 49:3.
No covenant to made with. De 23:6. Not to be distressed. De 2:19; 2Ch 20:10.
With the Philistines oppressed Israel for eighteen years Jdj 10:6-9. Jephthah raised up to deliver Israel from Jdj 10:15-18; 11:4-33. Proposed a disgraceful treaty to Jabesh-gilead 1Sa 11:1-3. Saul's victories over 1Sa 11:11; 14:47. Ill-treated David's ambassadors 2Sa 10:1-4. Hired the Syrians against David 2Sa 10:6. Victories of Joab over 2Sa 10:7-14; 12:26-29. The royal treasure of, taken 2Sa 12:30. Of Rabbah reduced to hard bondage 2Sa 12:31. Spoil of, consecrated to God 2Sa 8:11,12. One of David's mighty men was of 2Sa 23:37. Solomon intermarried with, and introduced idols of into Israel 1Ki 11:1-5. Confederated against Jehoshaphat 2Ch 20:1; Ps 83:7. Miraculous defeat of 2Ch 20:5-24. Submitted to Uzziah 2Ch 26:8. Defeated by Jotham 2Ch 27:5. Seized upon the possessions of Gad Jer 49:1. Aided the Chaldeans against Judah 2Ki 24:2. Vexed the Jews after captivity Ne 4:3,7,8. The Jews reprobated for intermarrying with Ezr 9:1-3; Ne 13:23-28. Predictions respecting
Destructions for hatred to Israel. Eze 25:2-10; Zep 2:8,9. Punishment for oppressive cruelty. Jer 49:1-5; Am 1:13-15. Restoration. Jer 49:6. Subjection to the Jews. Isa 11:14.
Amorites, The.
One of the seven nations of Canaan Ge 15:21; Ex 3:8,17. Governed by many independent kings Jos 5:1; 9:10. Kings of, great and powerful Ps 136:18,20. Originally inhabited a mountain district in the south Nu 13:29; De 1:7,20; Jdj 1:36. Acquired an extensive territory from Moab east of Jordan Nu 21:26,30. Had many and strong cities Nu 32:17,33. Of gigantic strength and stature Am 2:9. Character of
Idolatrous. Jos 24:15.
Joined Abraham against the kings Ge 14:13,24. Jacob took a portion from Ge 48:22. Forbearance of God towards Ge 15:16. Doomed to utter destruction De 20:17,18. Refused a passage to Israel Nu 21:21-23; De 2:30. Deprived of their eastern territory by Israel Nu 21:24-35. Land of, given to Reubenites, &c Jos 13:15-31. Western kings of, confederated against Israel Jos 10:1-5. Miraculous overthrow of Jos 10:11-14. Kings of, degraded and slain Jos 10:24-27. The Gibeonites a tribe of, deceived Israel into a league 2Sa 21:2, Jos 9:3-16. The Israelites unable to expel, but extracted tribute from Jdj 1:34,35. Had peace with Israel in the days of Samuel 1Sa 7:14. Brought into bondage by Solomon 1Ki 9:20,21. Ahab followed the abominations of 1Ki 21:26. Manasseh exceeded abominations of 2Ki 21:11. The Jews after the captivity condemned for intermarrying with Ezr 9:1,2. Descent from, illustrative of man's natural state Eze 16:3.
Amusements and Pleasures, Worldly.
Are transitory Job 21:12,13; Heb 11:25. Are all vanity Ec 2:11. Choke the word of God in the heart Lu 8:14. Formed a part of idolatrous worship Ex 32:4,6,19; 1Co 10:7; Jdj 16:23-25. Lead to
Poverty. Pr 21:17. Disregard of the judgments and works of God. Isa 5:12; Am 6:1-6.
Are likely to lead to greater evil Job 1:5; Mt 14:6-8. The wicked seek for happiness in Ec 2:1,8. Indulgence in
A characteristic of the wicked. Isa 47:8; Eph 4:17,19; 2Ti 3:4; Tit 3:3; 1Pe 4:3. A proof of spiritual death. 1Ti 5:6. An abuse of riches. Jas 5:1,5.
Shunned by the saints 1Pe 4:3. Abstinence from, seems strange to the wicked 1Pe 4:4. Denounced by God Isa 5:11,12. Punishment of Ec 11:9; 2Pe 2:13. Renunciation of, Exemplified
Anakim, The.
Were called Divided into three tribes Jos 15:14.Inhabited the mountains of Judah Jos 11:21. Hebron, chief city of Jos 14:15; 21:11. Of gigantic strength and stature De 2:10,11,21. Israel terrified by Nu 14:1; 13:33. Hebron a possession of, given to Caleb for his faithfulness Jos 14:6-14. Driven from Hebron by Caleb Jos 15:13,14. Driven from Kirjathsepher or Debir by Othniel Jos 15:15-17; Jdj 1:12,13. Almost annihilated Jos 11:21,22.
Worship God and Christ Ne 9:6; Php 2:9-11; Heb 1:6. Are ministering Spirits 1Ki 19:5; Ps 68:17; 104:4; Lu 16:22; Ac 12:7-11; 27:23; Heb 1:7,14. Communicate the will of God and Christ Da 8:16,17; 9:21-23; 10:11; 12:6,7; Mt 2:13,20; Lu 1:19,28; Ac 5:20; 8:26; 10:5; 27:23; Re 1:1. Obey the will of God Ps 103:20; Mt 6:10. Execute the purposes of God Nu 22:22; Ps 103:21; Mt 13:39-42; 28:2; Joh 5:4; Re 5:2. Execute the judgments of God 2Sa 24:16; 2Ki 19:35; Ps 35:5,6; Ac 12:23; Re 16:1. Celebrate the praises of God Job 38:7; Ps 148:2; Isa 6:3; Lu 2:13,14; Re 5:11,12; 7:11,12. The law given by the ministration of Ps 68:17; Ac 7:53; Heb 2:2. Announced
The birth of Christ. Lu 2:10-12. The resurrection of Christ. Mt 28:5-7; Lu 24:23. The ascension and second coming of Christ. Ac 1:11. The conception of John the Baptist. Lu 1:13,36.
Are subject to Christ Eph 1:21; Col 1:16; 2:10; 1Pe 3:22. Shall execute the purposes of Christ Mt 13:41; 24:31. Shall attend Christ at his second coming Mt 16:27; 25:31; Mr 8:38; 2Th 1:7. Know and delight in the gospel of Christ Eph 3:9,10; 1Ti 3:16; 1Pe 1:12. Ministration of, obtained by prayer Mt 26:53; Ac 12:5,7. Rejoice over every repentant sinner Lu 15:7,10. Have charge over the children of God Ps 34:7; 91:11,12; Da 6:22; Mt 18:10. Are of different orders Isa 6:2; 1Th 4:16; 1Pe 3:22; Jude 1:9; Re 12:7. Not to be worshipped Col 2:18; Re 19:10; 22:9. Are examples of meekness 2Pe 2:11; Jude 1:9. Are wise 2Sa 14:20. Are mighty Ps 103:20. Are holy Mt 25:31. Are elect 1Ti 5:21. Are innumerable Job 25:3; Heb 12:22.
A work of the flesh Ga 5:20. A characteristic of fools Pr 12:16; 14:29; 27:3; Ec 7:9. Connected with
Cruelty. Ge 49:7; Pr 27:3,4. Clamour and evil-speaking. Eph 4:31. Malice and blasphemy. Col 3:8. Strife and contention. Pr 21:19; 29:22; 30:33.
Grievous words stir up Jdj 12:4; 2Sa 19:43; Pr 15:1. Should not betray us into sin Ps 37:8; Eph 4:26. In prayer be free from 1Ti 2:8. May be averted by wisdom Pr 29:8. Meekness pacifies Pr 15:1; Ec 10:4. Children should not be provoked to Eph 6:4; Col 3:21. Be slow to Pr 15:18; 16:32; 19:11; Tit 1:7; Jas 1:19. Avoid those given to Ge 49:6; Pr 22:24. Justifiable, Exemplified
Jacob. Ge 31:36. Moses. Ex 11:8; 32:19; Le 10:16; Nu 16:15. Nehemiah. Ne 5:6; 13:17,25.
Esau. Ge 27:45. Simeon and Levi. Ge 49:5-7. Moses. Nu 20:10,11. Balaam. Nu 22:27. Saul. 1Sa 20:30. Ahab. 1Ki 21:4. Naaman. 2Ki 5:11. Asa. 2Ch 16:10. Uzziah. 2Ch 26:19. Haman. Es 3:5. Nebuchadnezzar. Da 3:13. Jonah. Jon 4:4. Herod. Mt 2:16. Jews. Lu 4:28. High Priest, &c. Ac 5:17; 7:54.
Anger of God, The.
Is averted from them that believe Joh 3:14-18; Ro 3:25; 5:1. Is averted upon confession of sin and repentance Job 33:27,28; Ps 106:43-45; Jer 3:12,13; 18:7,8; 31:18-20; Joe 2:12-14; Lu 15:18-20. Is slow Ps 103:8; Isa 48:9; Jon 4:2; Na 1:3. Is righteous Ps 58:10,11; La 1:18; Ro 2:6,8; 3:5,6; Re 16:6,7. The justice of, not to be questioned Ro 9:18,20,22. Manifested in terrors Ex 14:24; Ps 76:6-8; Jer 10:10; La 2:20-22. Manifested in judgments and afflictions Job 21:17; Ps 78:49-51; 90:7; Isa 9:19; Jer 7:20; Eze 7:19; Heb 3:17. Cannot be resisted Job 9:13; 14:13; Ps 76:7; Na 1:6. Aggravated by continual provocation Nu 32:14. Specially reserved for the day of wrath Zep 1:14-18; Mt 25:41; Ro 2:5,8; 2Th 1:8; Re 6:17; 11:18; 19:15. Against
Those who forsake him. Ezr 8:22; Isa 1:4. Unbelief. Ps 78:21,22; Heb 3:18,19; Joh 3:36. Impenitence. Ps 7:12; Pr 1:30,31; Isa 9:13,14; Ro 2:5. Apostasy. Heb 10:26,27. Idolatry. De 29:20,27,28; 32:19,20,22; Jos 23:16; 2Ki 22:17; Ps 78:58,59; Jer 44:3. Sin, in saints. Ps 89:30-32; 90:7-9; 99:8; 102:9,10; Isa 47:6.
Folly of provoking Jer 7:19; 1Co 10:22. To be dreaded Ps 2:12; 76:7; 90:11; Mt 10:28. To be deprecated Ex 32:11; Ps 6:1; 38:1; 74:1,2; Isa 64:9. Removal of, should be prayed for Ps 39:10; 79:5; 80:4; Da 9:16; Hab 3:2. Tempered with mercy to saints Ps 30:5; Isa 26:20; 54:8; 57:15,16; Jer 30:11; Mic 7:11. To be born with submission 2Sa 24:17; La 3:39,43; Mic 7:9. Should lead to repentance Isa 42:24,25; Jer 4:8. Exemplified against
Builders of Babel. Ge 11:8. Cities of the plain. Ge 19:24,25. Egyptians. Ex 7:20; 8:6,16,24; 9:3,9,23; 10:13,22; 12:29; 14:27. Israelites. Ex 32:35; Nu 11:1,33; 14:40-45; 21:6; 25:9; 2Sa 24:1,15. Enemies of Israel. 1Sa 5:6; 7:10. Nadab, &c. Le 10:2. The Spies. Nu 14:37. Korah, &c. Nu 16:31,35. Aaron and Miriam. Nu 12:9,10. Five Kings. Jos 10:25. Abimelech. Jdj 9:56. Men of Bethshemesh. 1Sa 6:19. Saul. 1Sa 31:6. Uzzah. 2Sa 6:7. Saul's family. 2Sa 21:1. Sennacherib. 2Ki 19:28,35,37.
With ointment Joh 11:2. Was used for
Refreshing the body. 2Ch 28:15. Purifying the body. Es 2:12; Isa 57:9. Curing the sick. Mr 6:13; Jas 5:14. Healing wounds. Isa 1:6; Lu 10:34. Preparing weapons for war. Isa 21:5. Preparing the dead for burial. Mt 26:12; Mr 16:1; Lu 23:56. The Jews were very fond of. Pr 27:9; Am 6:6.
The face. Ps 104:15. The feet. Lu 7:38,39; Joh 12:3. The eyes. Re 3:18.
Most expensive. 2Ki 20:13; Am 6:6; Joh 12:3,5. Prepared by the apothecary. Ec 10:1. An article of commerce. Eze 27:17; Re 18:13. Neglected in times of affliction. 2Sa 12:20; 14:2; Da 10:3.
A token of joy Ec 9:7,8. Deprivation of, threatened as a punishment De 28:40; Mic 6:15. Why recommended by Christ in times of Fasting Mt 6:17,18.
Anointing of the Holy Spirit.
That christ should receive
Fulfilled. Lu 4:18,21; Ac 4:27; 10:38; Heb 1:9.
Saints receive Isa 61:3; 1Jo 2:20. Is abiding in saints 1Jo 2:27. Guides into all truth 1Jo 2:27. Typified Ex 40:13-15; Le 8:12; 1Sa 16:13; 1Ki 19:16.
Anointing, Sacred.
Consecrates to God's service Ex 30:29. Persons who received
Priests. Ex 40:13-15. Kings. Jdj 9:8; 1Sa 9:16; 1Ki 1:34.
Brazen altar. Ex 29:36; 40:10. Brazen laver. Ex 40:11.
Not to be injured or insulted. 1Sa 24:6; 26:9; 2Sa 1:14,15; 19:21.
Compounded by the priests. 1Ch 9:30. An holy anointing oil for ever. Ex 30:25,31. Not to be imitated. Ex 30:32. To be put on no stranger. Ex 30:33. Jews condemned for imitating. Eze 23:41.
Of saints with the Holy Spirit. 1Jo 2:27.
Denies the incarnation of Christ 1Jo 4:3; 2Jo 1:7. Spirit of, prevalent in apostolic times 1Jo 2:18. Deceit, a characteristic of 2Jo 1:7.
Persecution tends to make Mt 24:9,10; Lu 8:13. A worldly spirit tends to make 2Ti 4:10. Never belonged to Christ 1Jo 2:19. Saints do not become Ps 44:18,19; Heb 6:9; 10:39. It is impossible to restore Heb 6:4-6. Guilt and punishment of Zep 1:4-6; Heb 10:25-31,39; 2Pe 2:17,20-22. Cautions against becoming Heb 3:12; 2Pe 3:17. Shall abound in the latter days Mt 24:12; 2Th 2:3; 1Ti 4:1-3. Exemplified
Professed disciples. Joh 6:66. Hymenaeus and Alexander. 1Ti 1:19,20.
Apostles, The.
Ordained by Christ Mr 3:14; Joh 15:16. Received their title from Christ Lu 6:13. Called by
Christ. Mt 10:1; Mr 3:13; Ac 20:24; Ro 1:5. The Holy Spirit. Ac 20:24; Ro 1:5.
Selected from obscure stations Mt 4:18. Sent first to the house of Israel Mt 10:5,6; Lu 24:47; Ac 13:46. Sent to preach the gospel to all nations Mt 28:19,20; Mr 16:15; 2Ti 1:11. Christ always present with Mt 28:20. Warned against a timid profession of Christ Mt 10:27-33. The Holy Spirit given to Joh 20:22; Ac 2:1-4; 9:17. Guided by the Spirit into all truth Joh 14:26; 15:26; 16:13. Instructed by the Spirit to answer adversaries Mt 10:19,20; Lu 12:11,12. Specially devoted to the office of the ministry Ac 6:4; 20:27. Humility urged upon Mt 20:26,27; Mr 9:33-37; Lu 22:24-30. Self-denial urged upon Mt 10:37-39. Mutual love urged upon Joh 15:17. Equal authority given to each of Mt 16:19; 18:18; 2Co 11:5. Were not of the world Joh 15:19; 17:16. Were hated by the world Mt 10:22; 24:9; Joh 15:18. Persecutions and sufferings of Mt 10:16,18; Lu 21:16; Joh 15:20; 16:2. Saw Christ in the flesh Lu 1:2; Ac 1:22; 1Co 9:1; 1Jo 1:1. Witnesses of the resurrection and ascension of Christ Lu 24:33-41,51; Ac 1:2-9; 10:40,41; 1Co 15:8. Empowered to work miracles Mt 10:1,8; Mr 16:20; Lu 9:1; Ac 2:43.
Ark of the Covenant.
Entirely covered with gold Ex 25:11; 37:2. Surrounded with a crown of gold Ex 25:11. Furnished with rings and staves Ex 25:12-15; 37:3-5. Tables of testimony alone placed in Ex 25:16,21; 1Ki 8:9,21; 2Ch 5:10; Heb 9:4. Mercy-seat laid upon Ex 25:21; 26:34. Placed in the Holy of Holies Ex 26:33; 40:21; Heb 9:3,4. The pot of manna and Aaron's rod laid up before Heb 9:4; Ex 16:33,34; Nu 17:10. A copy of the law laid in the side of De 31:26. Anointed with sacred oil Ex 30:26. Covered with the vail by the priests before removal Nu 4:5,6. Was called the
Ark of God's strength. 2Ch 6:41; Ps 132:8. Ark of the covenant of the Lord. Nu 10:33. Ark of the testimony. Ex 30:6; Nu 7:89.
Esteemed the glory of Israel 1Sa 4:21,22. Was holy 2Ch 35:3. Sanctified its resting place 2Ch 8:11. The Israelites enquired of the Lord before Jos 7:6-9; Jdj 20:27; 1Ch 13:3. Was carried
Before the Israelites in their journeys. Nu 10:33; Jos 3:6. Sometimes to the camp in war. 1Sa 4:4,5.
Protecting of, rewarded 1Ch 13:14. Captured by the Philistines 1Sa 4:11. Miracles connected with
Fall of the walls of Jericho. Jos 6:6-20. Fall of Dagon. 1Sa 5:1-4. Philistines plagued. 1Sa 5:6-12. Manner of its restoration. 1Sa 6:1-18.
Removed from Kirjath-jearim to the house of Obed-edom 2Sa 6:1-11. David made a tent for 2Sa 6:17; 1Ch 15:1. Brought into the city of David 2Sa 6:12-15; 1Ch 15:25-28. Brought by Solomon into the temple with great solemnity 1Ki 8:1-6; 2Ch 5:2-9. A type of Christ Ps 40:8; Re 11:19.
Ancient, often numerous Jos 11:4; 1Sa 13:5. Of different nations often confederated Jos 9:2; 10:5; Jdj 3:13; 1Ki 20:1. Troops often hired for 1Ch 19:7; 2Ch 25:6. Were composed of
Spearmen or heavy troops. Ps 68:30; Ac 23:23. Cavalry. Ex 14:9; 1Ki 20:20. War chariots. Jos 17:16; Jdj 4:3.
Furnished with standards Song 6:4; Isa 10:18; Jer 4:21. Accompanied by beasts of burden and wagons for baggage Jdj 7:12; 2Ki 7:7; Eze 23:2. Generally in three divisions Ge 14:15; Job 1:17. Were led by
Experienced captains. 2Ki 18:17,24.
Power of Kings. 2Ch 32:9. Hosts. Jos 10:5; Jdj 8:10. Bands. 2Ki 24:2; 1Ch 7:4.
Often went on foreign service Jer 5:15; 50:3. Marched
With order and precision. Isa 5:27; Joe 2:7,8. With rapidity. Jer 48:40; Hab 1:8. With noise and tumult. Isa 17:12,13; Joe 2:5.
Besieging cities. De 20:12; Isa 29:3. Assaulting cities. Jos 7:3,4; Jdj 9:45.
Commenced battles with a shout 1Sa 17:20; 2Ch 13:15; Jer 51:14. Toil and fatigue often endured by Eze 29:18. Divided the spoil Ex 15:9; Zec 14:1. Sent out foraging parties 2Ki 5:2. Exercised savage cruelties on the vanquished Jer 50:42; La 5:11-13; Am 1:13. Frequently the instrument of God's vengeance Isa 13:5. In latter ages received pay Lu 3:14; 1Co 9:7. Encamped
Before cities. Jos 10:5; 1Sa 11:1.
Devastation occasioned by Isa 37:18; Jer 5:17. Often destroyed by
Themselves through divine intervention. Jdj 7:22; 1Sa 14:15,16; 2Ch 20:23. Supernatural means. Jos 10:11; 2Ki 19:35. Brought their idols with them. 1Ch 14:12.
Waters of a river. Isa 8:7. Caterpillars. Jer 51:14,27. Grasshoppers. Jdj 6:3-5; 7:12. Locusts. Isa 33:4; Re 9:3,7. Flies. Isa 7:18,19. Clouds. Eze 38:9-16. Overflowing torrents. Isa 28:2; Da 11:10,26.
The Church. Da 8:10-13; Song 6:4,10. Numerous and heavy afflictions. Job 19:12.
Armies of Israel, The.
Collected by
Special messengers. Jdj 6:35; 2Sa 20:14. Extraordinary means. Jdj 19:29; 20:1; 1Sa 11:7.
The armies of the living God. 1Sa 17:26. Composed of infantry. Nu 11:21; Jdj 5:15. Horsemen and chariots introduced into, after David's reign. 1Ki 1:5; 4:26.
Van and rear. Jos 6:9. Companies of thousands, &c. Nu 31:14; 2Ki 1:9,11; 1Ch 13:1; 27:1.
Often led by the king in person 1Sa 8:20; 15:4,5; 2Sa 12:29; 1Ki 22:1-53. Inferior officers of, appointed by
The king. 2Sa 18:1; 2Ch 25:5. The captain of the host. 2Sa 18:11; 2Ki 4:13.
Persons exempted from serving in
Who had planted a vineyard. De 20:6. Who were lately betrothed. De 20:7. Who were newly married. De 24:5.
Refusing to join, often punished Jdj 21:5,8-11; 1Sa 11:7. The fearful allowed to leave De 20:8; Jdj 7:3. Sometimes consisted of the whole nation Jdj 20:11; 1Sa 11:7. Strict discipline observed in Jos 7:16-21; 1Sa 14:24-44. Educated in the art of war Isa 2:4; Mic 4:3. Often supplied with arms from public armouries 2Ch 11:12; 26:14. Before going to war
Required to keep from iniquity. De 23:9. Consulted the Lord. Jdj 1:1; 20:27,28. Encouraged by their commanders. 2Ch 20:20.
Attended by priest with trumpets Nu 10:9; 31:6; 2Ch 13:13,14. Praises of God often sung before 2Ch 20:21,22. Often disposed to battle with Judgment, &c 2Sa 10:9. Bravery and fidelity in, rewarded Jos 15:16; 1Sa 17:25; 18:17; 2Sa 18:11; 1Ch 11:6. Men selected from, for difficult enterprises Ex 17:9; Nu 31:5,6; Jos 7:4; 8:3; Jdj 7:5,6; 2Sa 17:1. Directed in their movements by God Jos 8:1,2; Jdj 1:2; 2Sa 5:25; 1Ch 14:16. With the aid of God all-powerful Le 26:3,7,8; De 7:24; 32:30; Jos 1:5. Without God easily overcome Le 26:17; Nu 14:42,45. Mode of supplying
Food sent by their families. 1Sa 17:17. Contribution levied. Jdj 8:5; 1Sa 25:4-8. By presents. 2Sa 17:27-29.
Purified on returning from war Nu 31:19-24. Disbanded after war 1Sa 13:2; 1Ki 22:36. Part of, retained in times of peace by the kings 1Sa 13:1,2; 1Ch 27:1-15.
Arms, Military.
Two-edged sword. Ps 149:6; Pr 5:4. Dagger. Jdj 3:16,21,22. Dart or javelin. 1Sa 18:10,11; 2Sa 18:14. Spear or lance. 1Sa 26:7; Jer 50:42. Battle-axe. Eze 26:9; Jer 51:20. Bow and arrows. Ge 48:22; 1Ki 22:34. Sling. 1Sa 17:50; 2Ki 3:25. Hand staff. Mt 26:47. Called weapons of war. 2Sa 1:27. Called instruments of war. 1Ch 12:33,37. Called instruments of death. Ps 7:13.
Coat of mail, breastplate, habergeon, or brigandine. 1Sa 17:5,38; Ex 28:32; Jer 46:4; Re 9:9. Girdle. 1Sa 18:4; 2Sa 18:11. Target. 1Sa 17:6. Greaves. 1Sa 17:6. Shield. 1Ki 10:16,17; 14:26,27. Buckler. 1Ch 5:18; Eze 26:8. Called harness. 1Ki 22:34. Called armour. Lu 11:22.
Engines for casting stones, &c. 2Ch 26:15.
Put on at the first alarm Isa 8:9; Jer 46:3,4. Armouries built for 2Ki 20:13; Song 4:4. Great stores of, prepared 2Ch 32:5. Were provided
From the public arsenals. 2Ch 11:12; 26:14.
Before using
Burnished. Jer 46:4; Eze 21:9-11,28. Anointed. Isa 21:5.
Hung of the walls of cities Eze 27:10,11. Of the vanquished
Sometimes kept as trophies. 1Sa 17:54. Sometime burned. Eze 39:9,10.
Inferior to wisdom Ec 9:18. Illustrative of
Spiritual weapons. 2Co 10:4; Eph 6:17. Judgments of God. Isa 13:5; Jer 50:25.
Called shafts Isa 49:2. Sharp Ps 120:4; Isa 5:28. Bright and polished Isa 49:2; Jer 51:11. Sometimes poisoned Job 6:4. Carried in a quiver Ge 27:3; Isa 49:2; Jer 5:16; La 3:13. Discharged
From engines. 2Ch 26:15. At a mark for amusement. 1Sa 20:20-22. At the beasts of the earth. Ge 27:3. Against enemies. 2Ki 19:32; Jer 50:14. With great force. Nu 24:8; 2Ki 9:24.
The ancients divined by Eze 21:21. Illustrative
Of the word of Christ. Ps 45:5. Of God's judgment. De 32:23-42; Ps 7:13; 21:12; 64:7; Eze 5:16. Of severe afflictions. Job 6:4; Ps 38:2. Of bitter words. Ps 64:3. Of slanderous tongues. Jer 9:8. Of false witnesses. Pr 25:18. Of devices of the wicked. Ps 11:2. Of young children. Ps 127:5. Of lightnings. Ps 77:17,18; Hab 3:11. (Broken), of destruction of power. Ps 76:3. (Falling from the hand), of the paralysing power. Eze 39:3.
Arts of The.
Armourer 1Sa 8:12. Baker Ge 40:1; 1Sa 8:13. Brick-maker Ge 11:3; Ex 5:7,8,18. Brazier Ge 4:22; 2Ti 4:14. Blacksmith Ge 4:22; 1Sa 13:19. Carver Ex 31:5; 1Ki 6:18. Carpenter 2Sa 5:11; Mr 6:3. Calker Eze 27:9,27. Confectioner 1Sa 8:13. Dyer Ex 25:5. Embroiderer Ex 35:35; 38:23. Embalmer Ge 50:2,3,26. Engraver Ex 28:11; Isa 49:16; 2Co 3:7. Founder Jdj 17:4; Jer 10:9. Fuller 2Ki 18:17; Mr 9:3. Gardener Jer 29:5; Joh 20:15. Goldsmith Isa 40:19. Husbandman Ge 4:2; 9:20. Mariner, &c Eze 27:8,9. Mason 2Sa 5:11; 2Ch 24:12. Musician 1Sa 18:6; 1Ch 15:16. Potter Isa 64:8; Jer 18:3; La 4:2; Zec 11:13. Refiner of metals 1Ch 28:18; Mal 3:2,3. Rope maker Jdj 16:11. Silversmith Ac 19:24. Stone cutter Ex 20:25; 1Ch 22:15. Ship builder 1Ki 9:26. Smelter of metals Job 28:2. Spinner Ex 35:25; Pr 31:19. Tailor Ex 28:3. Tanner Ac 9:43; 10:6. Tent-maker Ge 4:20; Ac 18:3. Weaver Ex 35:35; Joh 19:23. Wine-maker Ne 13:15; Isa 63:3. Writer Jdj 5:14.
Ascension of Christ, The.
Foretold by himself Joh 6:62; 7:33; 14:28; 16:5; 20:17. Forty days after his resurrection Ac 1:3. Described Ac 1:9. From Mount Olivet Lu 24:50; Mr 11:1; Ac 1:12. While blessing his disciples Lu 24:50. When he had atoned for sin Heb 9:12; 10:12. Was triumphant Ps 68:18. Was to supreme power and dignity Lu 24:26; Eph 1:20,21; 1Pe 3:22. As the forerunner of his people Heb 6:20. To intercede Ro 8:34; Heb 9:24. To send the Holy Spirit Joh 16:7; Ac 2:33. To receive gifts for men Ps 68:18; Eph 4:8,11. To prepare a place for his people Joh 14:2. His second coming shall be in like manner as Ac 1:10,11. Typified Le 16:15; Heb 6:20; 9:7,9,12.
Asher, the Tribe Of.
Predictions concerning Ge 49:20; De 33:24,25. Strength of, on leaving Egypt Nu 1:40,41. Persons selected from The centre of the fourth division of Israel in its journeys Nu 10:25,26.Encamped next to, and under the standard of Dan, north of the tabernacles Nu 2:25,27. Offering of, at the dedication Nu 7:72-77. Families of Nu 26:44-47. Strength of on entering Canaan Nu 26:47. On Ebal, said amen to the curses of the law De 27:13. Bounds of their inheritance Jos 19:24-31. Bordered on the sea Jos 19:29; Jdj 5:17. Did not fully drive out Canaanites Jdj 1:31,32. Reproved for not aiding against Sisera Jdj 5:17. Assisted Gideon against the Midianites Jdj 6:35; 7:23. Some of, at coronation of David 1Ch 12:36. Officers place over, by Solomon 1Ki 4:16. Aided in Hezekiah's reformation 2Ch 30:11. Remarkable persons of 1Ch 7:30-40; Lu 2:36.
Asp, or Adder.
Described as
Not to be charmed. Ps 58:5.
Of the enemies of God's people. Ps 91:13.
(Venom of), of injurious effects of wine De 32:33; Pr 23:32. (Deprived of its venom), of the effects of conversion Isa 11:8,9.
Ass, the Domestic.
Described as
Strong. Ge 49:14. Fond of ease. Ge 49:14,15.
Formed a part of patriarchal wealth Ge 12:16; 30:43; Job 1:3; 42:12. Was used
For bearing burdens. Ge 42:26; 1Sa 25:18. For riding. Ge 22:3; Nu 22:21. In harness. Isa 21:7. In war. 2Ki 7:7,10.
Urged on with a staff Nu 22:23,27. Women often rode on Jos 15:18; 1Sa 25:20. Persons of rank rode on Jdj 10:3,4; 2Sa 16:2. Judges of Israel rode on white Jdj 5:10. Young, most valued for labour Isa 30:6,24. Trusty persons appointed to take care of Ge 36:24; 1Sa 9:3; 1Ch 27:30. Often taken unlawfully by corrupt rulers Nu 16:15; 1Sa 8:16; 12:3. Later counted as an ignoble creature Jer 22:19. Laws respecting
Fallen under a burden, to be assisted. Ex 23:5. Astray, to be brought back to its owners. Ex 23:4; De 22:1. Astray, to be taken care of till its owner appeared. De 22:2,3. Not to be yoked with an ox. De 22:10. To enjoy the rest of the Sabbath. De 5:14. First-born of, if not redeemed, to have its neck broken. Ex 13:13; 34:20. Christ entered Jerusalem on. Zec 9:9; Joh 12:14.
A thousand men slain by Samson with a jaw-bone of. Jdj 15:19. Water brought from the jaw-bone of. Jdj 15:19. Not torn by a lion. 1Ki 13:28. Eaten during famine in Samaria. 2Ki 6:25.
Ass, the Wild.
Ranges the mountains for food Job 39:8. Brays when hungry Job 6:5. Suffers in time of scarcity Jer 14:6. Described as
Intractable. Job 11:12. Unsocial. Ho 8:9.
Supported by God Ps 104:10,11. Illustrative of
The wicked in their pursuit of sin. Job 24:5. Israel in their love of idols. Jer 2:23,24. The Assyrian power. Ho 8:9. The Ishmaelites (Hebrew). Ge 16:12.
Made full by hope Heb 6:11,19. Confirmed by love 1Jo 3:14,19; 4:18. Is the effect of righteousness Isa 32:17. Is abundant in the understanding of the gospel Col 2:2; 1Th 1:5. Saints privileged to have, of
Their redemption. Job 19:25. Their adoption. Ro 8:16; 1Jo 3:2. Their salvation. Isa 12:2. Eternal life. 1Jo 5:13. The unalienable love of God. Ro 8:38,39. Union with God and Christ. 1Co 6:15; 2Co 13:5; Eph 5:30; 1Jo 2:5; 4:13. Peace with God by Christ. Ro 5:1. Preservation. Ps 3:6,8; 27:3-5; 46:1-3. Answers to prayer. 1Jo 3:22; 5:14,15. Continuance in grace. Php 1:6. Comfort in affliction. Ps 73:26; Lu 4:18,19; 2Co 4:8-10,16-18. Support in death. Ps 23:4. A glorious resurrection. Job 19:26; Ps 17:15; Php 3:21; 1Jo 3:2. A kingdom. Heb 12:28; Re 5:10. A crown. 2Ti 4:7,8; Jas 1:12.
Strive to maintain Heb 3:14,18. Confident hope in God restores Ps 42:11. Exemplified
Paul. 2Ti 1:12; 4:18.
Situated beyond the Euphrates Isa 7:20. Watered by the river Tigris Ge 2:14. Called
Shinar. Ge 11:2; 14:1. Asshur. Ho 14:3.
Governed by kings 2Ki 15:19,29. Celebrated for
Extent of conquests. 2Ki 18:33-35; 19:11-13; Isa 10:9-14. Extensive commerce. Eze 27:23,24.
As a power, was
Intolerant and oppressive. Na 3:19. Cruel and destructive. Isa 10:7. Selfish and reserved. Ho 8:9. Unfaithful, &c. 2Ch 28:20,21. Proud and haughty. 2Ki 19:22-24; Isa 10:8. An instrument of God's vengeance. Isa 7:18,19; 10:5,6.
Armies of, described Isa 5:26-29. Pul king of
Brought off by Menahem. 2Ki 15:19,20.
Asked to aid Ahaz against Syria. 2Ki 16:7,8. Took money from Ahaz, but strengthened him not. 2Ch 28:20,21. Conquered Syria. 2Ki 16:9.
Was conspired against by Hoshea. 2Ki 17:4. Imprisoned Hoshea. 2Ki 17:4. Carried Israel captive. 2Ki 17:5,6. Re-peopled Samaria from Assyria. 2Ki 17:24.
Bought off by Hezekiah. 2Ki 18:14-16. Insulted and threatened Judah. 2Ki 18:17-32; 19:10-13. Blasphemed the Lord. 2Ki 18:33-35. Prayed against by Hezekiah. 2Ki 19:14-19. Reproved for pride and blasphemy. 2Ki 19:12-34; Isa 37:21-29. His army destroyed by God. 2Ki 19:35. Assassinated by his sons. 2Ki 19:36.
Manasseh taken captive to 2Ch 33:11. The re-peopling of Samaria from, completed by Asnappar Ezr 4:10. Idolatry of, brought into Samaria 2Ki 17:29. Judah condemned for trusting to Jer 2:18,36. Israel condemned for trusting to Ho 5:13; 7:11; 8:9. The Jews condemned for following the idolatries of Eze 16:28; 23:5,7-49. The greatness, extent, duration, and fall, illustrated Eze 31:3-17. Predictions respecting
Conquest of Syria by. Isa 8:4. Conquest and captivity of Israel by. Isa 8:4; Ho 9:3; 10:6; 11:5. Invasion of Judah by. Isa 5:26; 7:17-20; 8:8; 10:5,6,12. Restoration of Israel from. Isa 27:12,13; Ho 11:11; Zec 10:10. Destruction of. Isa 10:12-19; 14:24,25; 30:31-33; 31:8,9; Zec 10:11. Participation in the blessings of the gospel. Isa 19:23-25; Mic 7:12.
Atonement, The.
Foreordained Ro 3:25; 1Pe 1:11,20; Re 13:8. Foretold Isa 53:4-6,8-12; Da 9:24-27; Zec 13:1,7; Joh 11:50,51. Effected by Christ alone Joh 1:29,36; Ac 4:10,12; 1Th 1:10; 1Ti 2:5,6; Heb 2:9; 1Pe 2:24. Was voluntary Ps 40:6-8; Heb 10:5-9; Joh 10:11,15,17,18. Exhibits the
Love of God. Ro 5:8; 1Jo 4:9,10. Love of Christ. Joh 15:13; Ga 2:20; Eph 5:2,25; Re 1:5.
Necessity for Isa 59:16; Lu 19:10; Heb 9:22. Made but once Heb 7:27; 9:24-28; 10:10,12,14; 1Pe 3:18. Acceptable to God Eph 5:2. Reconciliation to God effected by Ro 5:10; 2Co 5:18-20; Eph 2:13-16; Col 1:20-22; Heb 2:17; 1Pe 3:18. Access to God by Heb 10:19,20. Remission of sins by Joh 1:29; Ro 3:25; Eph 1:7; 1Jo 1:7; Re 1:5. Justification by Ro 5:9; 2Co 5:21. Sanctification by 2Co 5:15; Eph 5:26,27; Tit 2:14; Heb 10:10; 13:12. Redemption by Mt 20:28; Ac 20:28; 1Ti 2:6; Heb 9:12; Re 5:9. Has delivered saints from the
Power of the World. Ga 1:4; 6:14. Power of the devil. Col 2:15; Heb 2:14,15.
Saints rejoice in God for Ro 5:11. Saints praise God for Re 5:9-13. Faith in, indispensable Ro 3:25; Ga 3:13,14. Commemorated in the Lord's supper Mt 26:26-28; 1Co 11:23-26. Ministers should fully set forth Ac 5:29-31,42; 1Co 15:3; 2Co 5:18-21.
Atonement, the Day Of.
A day of humiliation Le 16:29,31; 23:27. Observed as a sabbath Le 23:28,32. Offerings to be made on Le 16:3,5-15. The high priest entered into the holy place on Le 16:2,3; Heb 9:7. Atonement made on
For the high priest. Le 16:11; Heb 9:7. For the whole congregation. Le 16:17,24; 23:28; Heb 9:7.
Punishment for not observing Le 23:29,30. Year of Jubilee commenced on Le 25:9. Typical Heb 9:8,24.
Atonement, Under the Law.
By priests alone 1Ch 6:49; 2Ch 29:24. Necessary for
Ransoming. Ex 30:15,16; Job 33:24. Purifying. Ex 29:36.
The priests. Ex 29:31-33; Le 8:34. Persons sinning ignorantly. Le 4:20-35. Persons sinning wilfully. Le 6:7. Persons swearing rashly. Le 5:4,6. Persons withholding evidence. Le 5:1,6. Persons unclean. Le 5:2,3,6. Women after childbirth. Le 12:8. The altar. Ex 29:36,37; Le 16:18,19. The holy place. Le 16:16,17. The healed leper. Le 14:18. The leprous house healed. Le 14:53.
Typical of Christ's atonement Ro 5:6-11.
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