By R. A. Torrey
Daily Sacrifice, The | Dedication | Diseases |
Daily Sacrifice, The.
A lamb as a burnt offering morning and evening Ex 29:38,39; Nu 28:3,4. Doubled on the sabbath Nu 28:9,10. Required to be
Slowly and entirely consumed. Le 6:9-12. Perpetually observed. Ex 29:42; Nu 28:3,6.
Secured God's presence and favour Ex 29:43,44. Times of offering, were seasons of prayer Ezr 9:5; Da 9:20,21; Ac 3:1. Restored after the captivity Ezr 3:3. The abolition of, foretold Da 9:26,27; 11:31. Illustrative of
Acceptable prayer. Ps 141:2.
Dan, the Tribe Of.
Predictions respecting Ge 49:16,17; De 33:22. Persons selected from Strength of, on leaving Egypt Nu 1:38,39.Led the fourth and last division of Israel Nu 2:31; 10:25. Encamped north of the tabernacle Nu 2:25. Offering of, at dedication Nu 7:66-71. Families of Nu 26:42. Strength of, entering Canaan Nu 26:43. On Ebal, said amen to the curses De 27:13. Bounds of its inheritance Jos 19:40-46. A commercial people Jdj 5:17; Eze 27:19. Restricted to the hills by Amorites Jdj 1:34. A part of
Tool Laish and called it Dan. Jos 19:47; Jdj 18:8-13,27-29. Plundered Michah of his idols and his ephod. Jdj 18:17-21,27. Set up Micah's idols in Dan. Jdj 18:30,31.
Samson was of Jdj 13:2,24,25. Some of, at coronation of David 1Ch 12:35. Ruler appointed over, by David 1Ch 27:22.
Originally covered the earth Ge 1:2. Separated from the light Ge 1:4. Called night Ge 1:5. Caused by the setting of the sun Ge 15:17; Joh 6:17. Inexplicable nature of Job 38:19,20. Exhibits God's power and greatness Job 38:8,9. Degrees of, mentioned
That may be felt. Ex 10:21. Thick. De 5:22; Joe 2:2. Gross. Jer 13:16. Outer or extreme. Mt 8:12.
Causes us to go astray. Joh 12:35; 1Jo 2:11. Causes us to stumble. Isa 59:10.
Called the swaddling band of the sea Job 38:9. Cannot hide us from God Ps 139:11,12. The wicked
Live in. Ps 107:10. Walk in. Ps 82:5. Perpetuate their designs in. Job 24:16. Are full of. Mt 6:23.
Over the land of Egypt. Ex 10:21,22. At the death of Christ. Mt 27:45. Before the destruction of Jerusalem. Mt 24:29.
Abstruse and deep subjects. Job 28:3. Secrecy. Isa 45:19; Mt 10:27. Ignorance and error. Job 37:19; Isa 60:2; Joh 1:5; 3:19; 12:35; Ac 26:18. Anything hateful. Job 3:4-9. A course of sin. Pr 2:13; Eph 5:11. Heavy afflictions. Job 23:17; Ps 112:4; Ec 5:17; Isa 5:30; 8:22; 59:9. The power of Satan. Eph 6:12; Col 1:13. The grave. 1Sa 2:9; Job 10:21,22. The punishment of devils and wicked men. Mt 22:13; 2Pe 2:4,17; Jude 1:6,13.
Natural, from evening to evening Ge 1:5; Le 23:32. Artificial, the time of the sun's continuance above the horizon Ge 31:39,40; Ne 4:21,22. Prophetical, a year Eze 4:6; Da 12:12. Artificial, divided into
Morning. Ex 29:39; 2Sa 23:4. Noon. Ge 43:16; Ps 55:17. Decline of. Jdj 19:8,9; Lu 9:12; 24:29. Evening. Ge 8:11; Ps 104:23; Jer 6:4.
Later subdivided into twelve hours Mt 20:3,5,6; Joh 11:9. Time of, ascertained by the dial 2Ki 20:11. Succession of, secured by covenant Ge 8:22. Made for the glory of God Ps 74:16. Proclaims the glory of God Ps 19:2. Under the control of God Am 5:8; 8:9. A time of judgment called a day of
Wrath. Job 20:28; Zep 1:15,18; Ro 2:5. Visitation. Mic 7:4. Destruction. Job 21:30. Darkness. Joe 2:2; Zep 1:15. Trouble. Ps 102:2. Calamity. De 32:35; Jer 18:17. Adversity. Pr 24:10. Vengeance. Pr 6:34; Isa 61:2. Slaughter. Isa 30:25; Jer 12:3. Evil. Jer 17:17; Am 6:3; Eph 6:13. The Lord. Isa 2:12; 13:6; Zep 1:14.
Redemption. Eph 4:30. Visitation. Jer 27:22; 1Pe 2:12. God's power. Ps 110:3.
Day of good tidings. 2Ki 7:9. Day which the Lord has made. Ps 118:24. Solemn day. Nu 10:10; Ho 9:5. Day of gladness. Nu 10:10.
Wild beasts hide during Ps 104:22. Illustrative of
Spiritual light. 1Th 5:5,8; 2Pe 1:19. The path of the just. Pr 4:18.
Dead, The.
Terms used to express
Carcases. Nu 14:29,32,33; 1Ki 13:24. Those who are not. Mt 2:18. Deceased. Isa 26:14; Mt 22:25.
Being incapable of motion. Mt 28:4; Re 1:17. Ignorance of all human affairs. Ec 9:5. Absence of all human passions. Ec 9:6. Inability to glorify God. Ps 115:17.
Eyes of, closed by nearest of kin Ge 46:4. Were washed and laid out Ac 9:37. Were wrapped in lined with spices Joh 19:40. Mourning for, often
Loud and clamorous. Jer 16:6; Mr 5:38. By hired mourners. Jer 9:17,18; Am 5:16. With plaintive music. Jer 48:36; Mt 9:23. Testified by change of apparel. 2Sa 14:2. Testified by taring the hair. Jer 16:7. Testified by covering the head. 2Sa 19:4. Testified by rending the garments. Ge 37:34; 2Sa 3:31. Lasted many days. Ge 37:34; 50:3,10.
Too soon forgotten Ps 31:12; Ec 9:5. Heathenish expressions of grief for, forbidden Le 19:28; De 14:1,2. All offerings to, forbidden De 26:14. Touching of, caused uncleanness Nu 19:11,13,16; 9:6,7. In a house rendered it unclean Nu 19:14,15. Even bones of, caused uncleanness Nu 19:16; 2Ch 34:5. A priest not to mourn for, except when near of kin Le 21:1-3; Eze 44:25. High priest in no case to mourn for Le 21:10,11. Nazarites not to touch or mourn for Nu 6:6,7. Those defiled by, removed from the camp Nu 5:2. Uncleanness contracted from, removed by the water separation Nu 19:12,18. Idolaters
Offered sacrifices for. Ps 106:28. Invoked and consulted. 1Sa 28:7,8. Consecrated part of their crops to. De 26:14.
Instances of, restored to life before Christ 1Ki 17:22; 2Ki 4:34-36; 13:21. Instances of, restored by Christ Mt 9:25; Lu 7:15; Joh 11:44; Ac 9:40; 20:12. Illustrative of
A state of deep affliction, &c. Ps 88:5,6; 143:3; Isa 59:10. Freedom from the power of sin. Ro 6:2,8,11; Col 3:3. Freedom from the law. Ro 7:4. Faith without works. 1Ti 5:6; Jas 2:17,26. Diviners &c. Isa 8:19. Impotence. Ge 20:3; Ro 4:19.
Death, Eternal.
The wages of sin Ro 6:23. The portion of the wicked Mt 25:41,46; Ro 1:32. The way to, described Ps 9:17; Mt 7:13. Self-righteousness leads to Pr 14:12. God alone can inflict Mt 10:28; Jas 4:12. Is described as
Society with the devil &c. Mt 25:41. A lake of fire. Re 19:20; 21:8. The worm that dies not. Mr 9:44. Outer darkness. Mt 25:30. A mist of darkness for ever. 2Pe 2:17. Indignation, wrath, &c. Ro 2:8,9.
Perishing. 2Pe 2:12. The wrath to come. 1Th 1:10. The second death. Re 2:11. A resurrection to damnation. Joh 5:29. A resurrection to shame &c. Da 12:2. Damnation of hell. Mt 23:33. Everlasting punishment. Mt 25:46.
Christ, the only way of escape from Joh 3:16; 8:51; Ac 4:12. Saints shall escape Re 2:11; 20:6. Strive to preserve others from Jas 5:20. Illustrated Lu 16:23-26.
Death, Natural.
Consequence of sin Ge 2:17; Ro 5:12. Lot of all Ec 8:8; Heb 9:27. Ordered by God De 32:39; Job 14:5. Puts an end to earthly projects Ec 9:10. Strips of earthly possessions Job 1:21; 1Ti 6:7. Levels all ranks Job 3:17-19. Conquered by Christ Ro 6:9; Re 1:18. Abolished by Christ 2Ti 1:10. Shall finally be destroyed by Christ Ho 13:14; 1Co 15:26. Christ delivers from the fear of Heb 2:15. Regard, as at hand Job 14:1,2; Ps 39:4,5; 90:9; 1Pe 1:24. Prepare for 2Ki 20:1. Pray to be prepared for Ps 39:4,13; 90:12. Consideration of, a motive to diligence Ec 9:10; Joh 9:4. When averted for a season, is a motive to increased devotedness Ps 56:12,13; 118:17; Isa 38:18,20. Enoch and Elijah were exempted from Ge 5:24; Heb 11:5; 2Ki 2:11. All shall be raised from Ac 24:15. None subject to in heaven Lu 20:36; Re 21:4. Illustrates the change produced in conversion Ro 6:2; Col 2:20. Is described as
The earthly house of this tabernacle being dissolved. 2Co 5:1. Putting off this tabernacle. 2Pe 1:14. God requiring the soul. Lu 12:20. Going the way whence there is no return. Job 16:22. Gathering to our people. Ge 49:33. Going down into silence. Ps 115:17. Yielding up the spirit. Ac 5:10. Returning to dust. Ge 3:19; Ps 104:29. Being cut down. Job 14:2. Fleeing as a shadow. Job 14:2. Departing. Php 1:23.
Death of Christ, The.
Appointed by God Isa 53:6,10; Ac 2:23. Necessary for the redemption of man Lu 24:46; Ac 17:3. Acceptable, as a sacrifice to God Mt 20:28; Eph 5:2; 1Th 5:10. Was voluntary Isa 53:12; Mt 26:53; Joh 10:17,18. Was undeserved Isa 53:9. Mode of
Prefigured. Nu 21:8; Joh 3:14. Ignominious. Heb 12:2. Accursed. Ga 3:13. Exhibited His humility. Php 2:8. A stumbling block to Jews. 1Co 1:23. Foolishness to Gentiles. 1Co 1:18,23.
Inflicted by the Gentiles Mt 27:26-35. In the company of malefactors Isa 53:12; Mt 27:38. Accompanied by supernatural signs Mt 27:45,51-53. Emblematical of the death to sin Ro 6:3-8; Ga 2:20. Commemorated in the ordinance of the Lord's supper Lu 22:19,20; 1Co 11:26-29.
Death of Saints, The.
Is blessed Re 14:13. Is gain Php 1:21. Is full of
Peace. Isa 57:2. Hope. Pr 14:32.
Waited for Job 14:14. Met with resignation Ge 50:24; Jos 23:14; 1Ki 2:2. Met without fear 1Co 15:55. Precious in God's sight Ps 116:15. God preserves them to Ps 48:14. God is with them in Ps 23:4. Removes from coming evil 2Ki 22:20; Isa 57:1. Leads to
Comfort. Lu 16:25. Christ's presence. 2Co 5:8; Php 1:23. A crown of life. 2Ti 4:8; Re 2:10. A joyful resurrection. Isa 26:19; Da 12:2.
Survivors consoled for 1Th 4:13-18. The wicked wish theirs to resemble Nu 23:10. Illustrated Lu 16:22. Exemplified
Isaac. Ge 35:29. Jacob. Ge 49:33. Aaron. Nu 20:28. Moses. De 34:5. Joshua. Jos 24:29. Elisha. 2Ki 13:14,20. One thief. Lu 23:43. Dorcas. Ac 9:37.
Death of the Wicked, The.
Is without hope Pr 11:7. Sometimes without fear Jer 34:5; 2Ch 36:11-13. Frequently sudden and unexpected Job 21:13,23; 27:21; Pr 29:1. Frequently marked by terror Job 18:11-15; 27:19-21; Ps 73:19. Punishment follows Isa 14:9; Ac 1:25. The remembrance of them perishes in Job 18:17; Ps 34:16; Pr 10:7. God has no pleasure in Eze 18:23,32. Like the death of beasts Ps 49:14. Illustrated Lu 12:20; 16:22,23. Exemplified
Absalom. 2Sa 18:9,10. Ahab. 1Ki 22:34. Jezebel. 2Ki 9:33. Athaliah. 2Ch 23:15. Haman. Es 7:10. Belshazzar. Da 5:30. Judas. Mt 27:5; Ac 1:18. Ananias, &c. Ac 5:5,9,10. Herod. Ac 12:23.
Death, Spiritual.
Carnal-mindedness is Ro 8:6. Walking in trespasses and sins is Eph 2:1; Col 2:13. Spiritual ignorance is Isa 9:2; Mt 4:16; Lu 1:79; Eph 4:18. Unbelief is Joh 3:36; 1Jo 5:12. Living in pleasure is 1Ti 5:6. Hypocrisy is Re 3:1,2. Is a consequence of the fall Ro 5:15. Is the state of all men by nature Ro 6:13; 8:6. The fruits of, are dead works Heb 6:1; 9:14. A call to arise from Eph 5:14. Deliverance from, is through Christ Joh 5:24,25; Eph 2:5; 1Jo 5:12. Saints are raised from Ro 6:13. Love of the brethren, a proof of being raised from 1Jo 3:14. Illustrated Eze 37:2,3; Lu 15:24.
The tongue, the instrument of Ro 3:13. Comes from the heart Mr 7:22. Characteristic of the heart Jer 17:9. God abhors Ps 5:6. Forbidden Pr 24:28; 1Pe 3:10. Christ was perfectly free from Isa 53:9; 1Pe 2:22. Saints
Purposed against. Job 27:4. Avoid. Job 31:5. Shun those addicted to. Ps 101:7. Pray for deliverance from those who use. Ps 43:1; 120:2. Delivered from those who use. Ps 72:14. Should beware of those who teach. Eph 5:6; Col 2:8. Should lay aside, in seeking truth. 1Pe 2:1.
The wicked
Devise. Ps 35:20; 38:12; Pr 12:5. Utter. Ps 10:7; 36:3. Work. Pr 11:18. Increase in. 2Ti 3:13. Use, to each other. Jer 9:5. Use, to themselves. Jer 37:9; Ob 3:7. Delight in. Pr 20:17.
Preach. Jer 14:14; 23:26. Impose on others by. Ro 16:18; Eph 4:14. Sport themselves with. 2Pe 2:13.
Hypocrites practise Ho 11:12. False witnesses use Pr 12:17; 14:5. A characteristic of Antichrist 2Jo 1:7. A characteristic of the Apostasy 2Th 2:10. Evil of
Keeps from turning to God. Jer 8:5. Leads to pride and oppression. Jer 5:27,28. Leads to lying. Pr 14:25.
Hatred often concealed by Pr 26:24-28. The folly of fools is Pr 14:8. The kisses of an enemy are Pr 27:6. Blessedness of being free from Ps 24:4,5; 32:2. Punishment of Ps 55:23; Jer 9:7-9. Exemplified
Rebecca and Jacob. Ge 27:9,19. Laban. Ge 31:7. Joseph's brothers. Ge 37:31,32. Pharaoh. Ex 8:29. David. 1Sa 21:13. Job's friends. Job 6:15. Doeg. Ps 52:1,2. Herod. Mt 2:8. Pharisees. Mt 22:16. Chief Priests. Mr 14:1.
Exhortations to Jos 24:14,15. Exhibited in
Keeping the commandments of God. Ne 10:29. Being on the Lord's side. Ex 32:26. Following God fully. Nu 14:24; 32:12; Jos 14:8. Serving God. Isa 56:6. Loving God perfectly. De 6:5. Blessedness of. Jos 1:7.
Double-mindedness. Jas 1:8. Halting between two opinions. 1Ki 18:21. Turning to the right or left. De 5:32. Not setting the heart aright. Ps 78:8,37.
Solemn confirmation of a covenant Heb 9:18. Devoting any thing to sacred uses 1Ch 28:12. Subjects of
Temple of Solomon. 1Ki 8:1-63; 2Ch 7:5. Second temple. Ezr 6:16,17. Persons. Ex 22:29; 1Sa 1:11. Property. Le 27:28; Mt 15:5. Spoils of war. 2Sa 8:11; 1Ch 18:11. Tribute from foreigners. 2Sa 8:10,11. Walls of cities. Ne 12:27. Houses when built. De 20:5; Ps 30:1.
Things dedicated to God
Placed with the treasures of the Lord's house. 1Ki 7:51; 2Ch 5:1. Special chambers prepared for. 2Ch 31:11,12. Levites place over. 1Ch 26:20,26; 2Ch 31:12. Applied to the repair and maintenance of the temple. 2Ki 12:4,5; 1Ch 26:27. For support of priests. Nu 18:14; Eze 44:29. Given to propitiate enemies. 2Ki 12:17,18. Law respecting the release of. Le 27:1-34.
Illustrated of devotedness to God Ps 119:38.
Things liable to ceremonial
Garments. Le 13:59. Furniture, &c. Le 15:9,10; Nu 19:14,15. Houses. Le 14:44. The land. Le 18:25; De 21:23. The sanctuary. Le 20:3; Zep 3:4.
Eating things that died. Le 17:15. Touching a dead body or a bone. Nu 9:6,7; 19:11,16. Touching a grave. Nu 19:16. Touching a dead beast. Le 5:2; 11:24-28. Being alone with a dead body. Nu 19:14. Mourning for the dead. Le 21:1-3. Having a leprosy. Le 13:3,11; Nu 5:2,3. Having an issue, &c. Le 15:2; Nu 5:2. Touching anything defiled by an issue, &c. Le 15:5-11. Going into a leprous house. Le 14:46. Sacrificing the red heifer. Nu 19:7. Burning the red heifer. Nu 19:8. Gathering the ashes of the red heifer. Nu 19:10. Touching an unclean person. Nu 19:22. Child bearing. Le 12:2.
Moral, caused by
Seeking after wizards. Le 19:31. Giving children to Molech. Le 20:3. Making and serving idols. Eze 20:17,18; 22:3,4; 23:7. Blood shedding. Isa 59:3.
Those under, removed from the camp Nu 5:3,4; De 23:14. Priests
Specially required to avoid. Le 21:1-6,11,12. Not to eat holy things while under. Le 22:2,4-6. Punished for eating of the holy things while under. Le 22:3.
Neglecting purification from, punished by cutting off Nu 19:13,20. Ceremonial, abolished under the gospel Ac 10:15; Ro 14:14; Col 2:20-22. Illustrative
Of unholy doctrines. 1Co 3:16,17.
Delighting In God.
Reconciliation leads to Job 22:21,26. Observing the sabbath leads to Isa 58:13,14. Saints' experience in
The law of God. Ps 1:1; 119:24,35. The goodness of God. Ne 9:25. The comforts of God. Ps 94:19.
In heart despise. Job 27:10; Jer 6:10. Promises to. Ps 37:4. Blessedness. Ps 112:1.
Deluge, The.
Called the Noah forewarned of Ge 6:13; Heb 11:7.Long-suffering of God exhibited in deferring Ge 6:3; 1Pe 3:20. The wicked warned of 1Pe 3:19,20; 2Pe 2:5. Noah, &c, saved from Ge 6:18-22; 7:13,14. Date of its commencement Ge 7:11. Came suddenly and unexpectedly Mt 24:38,39. Produced by
Opening up of the fountains of the great deep. Ge 7:11.
Extreme height of Ge 7:19,20. Time of its increase and prevailing Ge 7:24. Causes of its abatement Ge 8:1,2. Decrease of gradual Ge 8:3,5. Date of its complete removal Ge 8:13. Complete destruction of whole earth effected by Ge 7:23. Entire face of the earth changed by 2Pe 3:5,6. Traditional notice of Job 22:15-17. That it shall never again occur
Confirmed by covenant. Ge 9:9-11. The rainbow a token. Ge 9:12-17. A pledge of God's faithfulness. Isa 54:9,10.
Of baptism. 1Pe 3:20,21. (Unexpectedness of,) of suddenness of Christ's coming. Mt 24:36-39; Lu 17:26,27-30. Denial of Christ.
In practice Php 3:18,10; Tit 1:16. A characteristic of false teachers 2Pe 2:1; Jude 1:4. Is the spirit of Antichrist 1Jo 2:22,23; 4:3. Christ will deny those guilty of Mt 10:33; 2Ti 2:12. Leads to destruction 2Pe 2:1; Jude 1:4,15. Exemplified
The Jews. Joh 18:40; Ac 3:13,14.
Desert, Journey of Israel Through The.
Their number commencing Ex 12:37. Their healthy state commencing Ps 105:37. A mixed multitude accompanied them in Ex 12:38; Nu 11:4. Commenced in haste Ex 12:39. Conducted with regularity Ex 13:18. Under Moses as leader Ex 3:10-12; Ac 7:36,38. By a circuitous route Ex 13:17,18. Order of marching during Nu 10:14-29. Order of encamping during Nu 2:1-34. Difficulty and danger of De 8:15. Continued forty years
To prove and humble them, &c. De 8:2. To teach them to live on God's word. De 8:3.
Under God's protection Ex 14:19,20; Ps 105:39; Ex 23:20; Ps 78:53. With miraculous provision Ex 16:35; De 8:3. Their clothing preserved during De 8:4; 29:5; Ne 9:21. Worship of God celebrated during Ex 24:5-8; 29:38-42; 40:24-29. Justice administered during Ex 18:13,26. Circumcision omitted during Jos 5:5. Caused universal terror and dismay Ex 15:14-16; Nu 22:3,4. Obstructed, &c by the surrounding nations Ex 17:8; Nu 20:21. Territory acquired during De 29:7,8. Marked by constant murmurings and rebellions Ps 78:40; 95:10; 106:7-39. Constant goodness and mercy of God to them during Ps 106:10,43-46; 107:6,13. Commenced from Rameses in Egypt Ex 12:37. To Succoth Ex 12:37; Nu 33:5. To Etham Ex 13:20; Nu 33:6. Between baalzephon and pihahiroth Ex 14:2; Nu 33:7. Overtaken by Pharaoh. Ex 14:9. Exhorted to look to God. Ex 14:13,14. The cloud removed to the rear. Ex 14:19,20. Red Sea divided. Ex 14:16,21.
Through the Red Sea Ex 14:22,29. Deserts.
Uninhabited places Mt 14:15; Mr 6:31. Described as
Uncultivated. Nu 20:5; Jer 2:2. Desolate. Eze 6:14. Dry and without water. Ex 17:1; De 8:15. Trackless. Isa 43:19. Great and terrible. De 1:19. Waste and howling. De 32:10.
Infested with serpents De 8:15. Infested with robbers Jer 3:2; La 4:19. Danger of travelling in Ex 14:3; 2Co 11:26. Guides required in Nu 10:31; De 32:10. Phenomena of, alluded to
Simoom or deadly wind. 2Ki 19:7; Jer 4:11. Tornadoes or whirlwinds. Isa 21:1. Clouds of sand and dust. De 28:24; Jer 4:12,13.
Bethaven. Jos 18:12. Beersheba. Ge 21:14; 1Ki 19:3,4. Damascus. 1Ki 19:15. Edom. 2Ki 3:8. Engedi. 1Sa 24:1. Gibeon. 2Sa 2:24. Judea. Mt 3:1. Jeruel. 2Ch 20:16. Kedemoth. De 2:26. Kadesh. Ps 29:8. Maon. 1Sa 23:24,25. Paran. Ge 21:21; Nu 10:12. Shur. Ge 16:7. Sin. Ex 16:1. Sinai. Ex 19:1,2; Nu 33:16. Ziph. 1Sa 23:14,15. Zin. Nu 20:1; 27:14. Of the Red Sea. Ex 13:18. Near Gaza. Ac 8:26.
Parts of, afforded pasture Ge 36:24; Ex 3:1. Inhabited by wandering tribes Ge 21:20,21; Ps 72:9; Jer 25:24. The persecuted fled to 1Sa 23:14; Heb 11:38. The disaffected fled to 1Sa 22:2; Ac 21:38. Illustrative of
Those deprived of blessings. Ho 2:3. The world. Song 3:6; 8:5. The Gentiles. Isa 35:1,6; 41:19. What affords no support. Jer 2:31. Desolation by armies. Jer 12:10-13; 50:12.
Leads to
Blasphemy. Isa 8:21; Re 16:10,11.
Saints sometimes tempted to Job 7:6; La 3:18. Saints enabled to overcome 2Co 4:8,9. Trust in God, a preservative against Ps 42:5,11. Exemplified
Ahithophel. 2Sa 17:23. Judas. Mt 27:5.
Devil, The.
Cast out of heaven Lu 10:18. Cast down to hell 2Pe 2:4; Jude 1:6. The author of the fall Ge 3:1,6,14,24. Tempted Christ Mt 4:3-10. Perverts the Scripture Mt 4:6; Ps 91:11,12. Opposes God's work Zec 3:1; 1Th 2:18. Hinders the gospel Mt 13:19; 2Co 4:4. Works lying wonders 2Th 2:9; Re 16:14. Assumes the form of an angel of light 2Co 11:14. The wicked
Turn aside after. 1Ti 5:15. Do the lusts of. Joh 8:44. Possessed by. Lu 22:3; Ac 5:3; Eph 2:2. Blinded by. 2Co 4:4. Deceived by. 1Ki 22:21,22; Re 20:7,8. Ensnared by. 1Ti 3:7; 2Ti 2:26. Troubled by. 1Sa 16:14. Punished, together with. Mt 25:41.
Tempted by. 1Ch 21:1; 1Th 3:5. Sifted by. Lu 22:31. Should resist. Jas 4:7; 1Pe 5:9. Should be armed against. Eph 6:11-16. Should be watchful against. 2Co 2:11. Overcome. 1Jo 2:13; Re 12:10,11. Shall finally triumph over. Ro 16:20.
In resisting his temptations. Mt 4:11. In casting out the spirits of. Lu 11:20; 13:32. In empowering his disciples to cast out. Mt 10:1; Mr 16:17. In destroying the works of. 1Jo 3:8. Completed by his death. Col 2:15; Heb 2:14. Illustrated. Lu 11:21,22.
Proud. 1Ti 3:6. Powerful. Eph 2:2; 6:12. Wicked. 1Jo 2:13. Malignant. Job 1:9; 2:4. Subtle. Ge 3:1; 2Co 11:3. Deceitful. 2Co 11:14; Eph 6:11. Fierce and cruel. Lu 8:29; 9:39,42; 1Pe 5:8. Cowardly. Jas 4:7.
Shall be condemned at the judgment Jude 1:6; Re 20:10. Everlasting fire is prepared for Mt 25:41. Compared to
Fowls. Mt 13:4. A sower of tares. Mt 13:25,28. A wolf. Joh 10:12. A roaring lion. 1Pe 5:8. A serpent. Re 12:9; 20:2.
Devotedness to God.
Christ, an example of Joh 4:34; 17:4. Grounded upon
The goodness of God. 1Sa 12:24. The call of God. 1Th 2:12. The death of Christ. 2Co 5:15. Our creation. Ps 86:9. Our preservation. Isa 46:4. Our redemption. 1Co 6:19,20.
With our bodies. Ro 12:1; 1Co 6:20. With our members. Ro 6:12,13; 1Pe 4:2. With our substance. Ex 22:29; Pr 3:9. Unreserved. Mt 6:24; Lu 14:33. Abounding. 1Th 4:1. Persevering. Lu 1:74,75; 9:62. In life and death. Ro 14:8; Php 1:20.
Serving God. 1Sa 12:24; Ro 12:11. Walking worthy of God. 1Th 2:12. Doing all to God's glory. 1Co 10:31. Bearing the cross. Mr 8:34. Self-denial. Mr 8:34. Living to Christ. 2Co 5:15. Giving up all for Christ. Mt 19:21,28,29. Want of, condemned. Re 3:16.
Peter, Andrew, James, John. Mt 4:20-22. Joanna, &c. Lu 8:3. Paul. Php 1:21. Timothy. Php 2:19-22. Epaphroditus. Php 2:30.
Diet of the Jews, The.
In Egypt Ex 16:3; Nu 11:5. In the wilderness Ex 16:4-12. Of the poor, frugal Ru 2:14; Pr 15:17. Of the rich, luxurious Pr 23:1-3; La 4:5; Am 6:4,5; Lu 16:19. Articles used for
Butter. De 32:14; 2Sa 17:29. Cheese. 1Sa 17:18; Job 10:10. Bread. Ge 18:5; 1Sa 17:17. Parched corn. Ru 2:14; 1Sa 17:17. Flesh. 2Sa 6:19; Pr 9:2. Fish. Mt 7:10; Lu 24:42. Herbs. Pr 15:17; Ro 14:2; Heb 6:7. Fruit. 2Sa 16:2. Dried fruit. 1Sa 25:18; 30:12. Honey. Song 5:1; Isa 7:15. Oil. De 12:17; Pr 21:17; Eze 16:13. Vinegar. Nu 6:3; Ru 2:14. Wine. 2Sa 6:19; Joh 2:3,10. Water. Ge 21:14; Mt 10:42.
Generally prepared by females Ge 27:9; Pr 31:15; Isa 8:13. Was taken
At noon. Ge 43:16; Joh 4:6,8. In the evening. Ge 24:11,33; Lu 24:29,30. Often sitting. Ge 27:19; 43:33. Often reclining. Am 6:4; Joh 13:23. With the hand. Mt 26:23; Lu 22:21.
Purification before 2Ki 3:11; Mt 15:2. A hymn sung after Mt 26:30. Men and women did not partake of together Ge 18:8,9; Es 1:3,9. Articles of, often sent as presents 1Sa 17:18; 25:18,27; 2Sa 16:1,2.
Required by God in
Obeying him. De 6:17; 11:13. Hearkening to him. Isa 55:2. Striving after perfection. Php 3:13,14. Cultivating Christian graces. 2Pe 1:5. Keeping the souls. De 4:9. Keeping the heart. Pr 4:23. Labours of love. Heb 6:10-12. Following every good work. 1Ti 5:10. Guarding against defilement. Heb 12:15. Seeking to be found spotless. 2Pe 3:14. Making our call, &c, sure. 2Pe 1:10. Self-examination. Ps 77:6. Lawful business. Pr 27:23; Ec 9:10. Teaching religion. 2Ti 4:2; Jude 1:3. Instructing children. De 11:19. Discharging official duties. De 19:18.
In the service of God
Is not in vain. 1Co 15:58. Preserves from evil. Ex 15:26. Leads to assured hope. Heb 6:11.
In temporal matters, leads to
Prosperity. Pr 10:4; 13:4. Honour. Pr 12:24; 22:29.
Ruth. Ru 2:17. Hezekiah. 2Ch 31:21. Nehemiah, &c. Ne 4:6. Psalmist. Ps 119:60. Apostles. Ac 5:42. Apollos. Ac 18:25. Titus. 2Co 8:22. Paul. 1Th 2:9. Onesiphorus. 2Ti 1:17.
Discipline of the Church.
Consists in
Ordering its affairs. 1Co 11:34; Tit 1:5. Rebuking offenders. 1Ti 5:20; 2Ti 4:2. Removing obstinate offenders. 1Co 5:3-5,13; 1Ti 1:20.
Is for edification 2Co 10:8; 13:10. Decency and order, the objects of 1Co 14:40. Exercise, in a spirit of charity 1Co 2:6-8. Prohibits women preaching 1Co 14:34; 1Ti 2:12.
Often brought from other countries De 7:15. Often through Satan 1Sa 16:14-16; Job 2:7. Regarded as visitations Job 2:7-10; Ps 38:2,7. Intemperance a cause of Ho 7:5. Sins of youth a cause of Job 20:11. Over-excitement a cause of Da 8:27. Were many and divers Mt 4:24. Mentioned in scripture
Abscess. 2Ki 20:7. Atrophy. Job 16:8; 19:20. Blindness. Job 29:15; Mt 9:27. Boils and blains. Ex 9:10. Consumption. Le 26:16; De 28:22. Demoniacal possession. Mt 15:22; Mr 5:15. Deafness. Ps 38:13; Mr 7:32. Debility. Ps 102:23; Eze 7:17. Dropsy. Lu 14:2. Dumbness. Pr 31:8; Mt 9:32. Dysentery. 2Ch 21:12-19; Ac 28:8. Emerods. De 28:27; 1Sa 5:6,12. Fever. De 28:22; Mt 8:14. Impediment speech. Mr 7:32. Itch. De 28:27. Inflammation. De 28:22. Issue of blood. Mt 9:20. Lameness. 2Sa 4:4; 2Ch 16:12. Leprosy. Le 13:2; 2Ki 5:1. Loss of appetite. Job 33:20; Ps 107:18. Lunacy. Mt 4:24; 17:15. Melancholy. 1Sa 16:14. Palsy. Mt 8:6; 9:2. Plague. Nu 11:33; 2Sa 24:15,21,25. Scab. De 28:27. Sunstroke. 2Ki 4:18-20; Isa 49:10. Ulcers. Isa 1:6; Lu 16:20. Worms. Ac 12:23.
Painful. 2Ch 21:15; Job 33:19. Tedious. De 28:59; Joh 5:5; Lu 13:16. Complicated. De 28:60,61; Ac 28:8. Incurable. 2Ch 21:18; Jer 14:19.
Medicine used for curing Pr 17:22; Isa 1:6. Art of curing, defective Job 13:4; Mr 5:26. God often entreated to cure 2Sa 12:16; 2Ki 20:1-3; Ps 6:2; Jas 5:14. Not looking to God in, condemned 2Ch 16:12. Those afflicted with
Often laid in the streets to receive advice from passers by. Mr 6:56; Ac 5:15. Often divinely supported. Ps 41:3. Often divinely cured. 2Ki 20:5; Jas 5:15.
Disobedience to God.
Forfeits his favour 1Sa 13:14. Forfeits his promised blessings Jos 5:6; 1Sa 2:30; Jer 18:10. Brings a curse De 11:28; 28:15. A characteristic of the wicked Eph 2:2; Tit 1:16; 3:3. The wicked persevere in Jer 2:21. Heinousness of, illustrated Jer 35:14. Men prone to excuse Ge 3:12,13. Shall be punished Isa 42:24,25; Heb 2:2. Acknowledge the punishment of, to be just Ne 9:32,33; Da 9:10,11,14. Warnings against 1Sa 12:15; Jer 12:17. Bitter results of, illustrated Jer 9:13,15. Exemplified
Pharaoh. Ex 5:2. Nadab, &c. Le 10:1. Moses, &c. Nu 20:8,11,24. Saul. 1Sa 28:18. The prophet. 1Ki 13:20-23. Israel. 2Ki 18:9-12. Jonah. Jon 1:2,3.
All who practised it, abominable De 18:12. Practised by
Enchanters. De 18:10; Jer 27:9. Witches. Ex 22:18; De 18:10. Charmers. De 18:11. Wizards. De 18:11; 1Sa 28:3. Consulters of familiar spirits. De 18:11. Magicians. Ge 41:8; Da 4:7. Astrologers. Isa 47:13; Da 4:7. Sorcerers. Jer 27:9; Ac 13:6,8. Necromancers. De 18:11. Soothsayers. Isa 2:6; Da 2:27. False prophets. Jer 14:14; Eze 13:3,6.
Sorcery. Isa 47:12; Ac 8:11. Observing times. 2Ki 21:6. Observing heavenly bodies. Isa 37:13. Raising the dead. 1Sa 28:11,12. Inspecting the inside of beasts. Eze 21:21. The flight of arrows. Eze 21:21,22. Cups. Ge 44:2,5. Rods. Ho 4:12. Dreams. Jer 29:8; Zec 10:2. Connected with idolatry. 2Ch 33:5,6. Books of, numerous and expensive. Ac 19:19. A lucrative employment. Nu 22:7; Ac 16:16.
Regarded with awe. Ac 8:9,11. Consulted in difficulties. Da 2:2; 4:6,7. Used mysterious words and gestures. Isa 8:19.
Frustrated by God Isa 44:25. Could not injure the Lord's people Nu 23:23. The law
Forbade seeking to. Le 19:31; De 18:14. Punished with death those who used. Ex 22:18; Le 20:27. Punished those who sought to. Le 20:6.
Condemned in the church 1Co 1:11-13; 11:18. Unbecoming in the church 1Co 12:24,25. Are contrary to the
Desire of Christ. Joh 17:21-23. Purpose of Christ. Joh 10:16. Spirit of the church. 1Co 11:16.
Avoid those who cause Ro 16:17. Evil of, illustrated Mt 12:25.
Permitted Often sought by the Jews Mic 2:9; Mal 2:14.Sought on slight grounds Mt 5:31; 19:3. Not allowed to those who falsely accused their wives De 22:18,19. Women
Could marry after. De 24:2. Responsible for vows after. Nu 30:9. Married after, could not return to first husband. De 24:3,4; Jer 3:1. Afflicted by. Isa 54:4,6.
Of servants, regulated by law Ex 21:7,11. Of captives, regulated by law De 21:13,14. Forced on those who had idolatrous wives Ezr 10:2-17; Ne 13:23,30. Jews condemned for love of Mal 2:14-16. Forbidden by Christ except for adultery Mt 5:32; 19:9. Prohibition of, offended the Jews Mt 19:10. Illustrative of God's casting off of the Jewish church Isa 50:1; Jer 3:8.
Doctrines, False.
Hateful to God Re 2:14,15. Unprofitable and vain Tit 3:9; Heb 13:9. Should be avoided by
Saints. Eph 4:14; Col 2:8. All men. Jer 23:16; 29:8.
The wicked given up to believe 2Th 2:11. Teachers of
Should be avoided. Ro 16:17,18. Bring reproach on religion. 2Pe 2:2. Speak perverse things. Ac 20:30. Attract many. 2Pe 2:2. Deceive many. Mt 24:5. Shall abound in the latter days. 1Ti 4:1. Pervert the gospel of Christ. Ga 1:6,7. Shall be exposed. 2Ti 3:9.
Deceitful. 2Co 11:13. Covetous. Tit 1:11; 2Pe 2:3. Ungodly. Jdj 1:4,8. Proud and ignorant. 1Ti 6:3,4. Corrupt and reprobate. 2Ti 3:8.
Curse on those who teach Ga 1:8,9. Punishment on those who teach Mic 3:6,7; 2Pe 2:1,3.
Doctrines of the Gospel, The.
Are taught by Scripture 2Ti 3:16. Are godly 1Ti 6:3; Tit 1:1. Immorality condemned by 1Ti 1:9-11. Lead to fellowship with the Father and with the Son 1Jo 1:3; 2Jo 1:9. Lead to holiness Ro 6:17-22; Tit 2:12. Bring no reproach on 1Ti 6:1; Tit 2:5. Ministers should
Attend to. 1Ti 4:13,16. Hold, in sincerity. 2Co 2:17; Tit 2:7. Hold steadfastly. 2Ti 1:13; Tit 1:9. Continue in. 1Ti 4:16. Speak things which become. Tit 2:1.
Saints abide in Ac 2:42. A faithful walk adorns Tit 2:10. The obedience of saints leads to surer knowledge of Joh 7:17. Those who oppose are
Ignorant. 1Ti 6:4. Doting about questions, &c. 1Ti 6:4. Not to be received. 2Jo 1:10. To be avoided. Ro 16:17.
Dog, The.
Described as
Unclean. Lu 16:21; 2Pe 2:22. Carnivorous. 1Ki 14:11; 2Ki 9:35,36. Fond of blood. 1Ki 21:19; 22:38. Dangerous and destructive. Ps 22:16.
Nothing holy to be given to Mt 7:6; 15:26. Things torn by beasts given to Ex 22:31. Sacrificing of, an abomination Isa 66:3. Price of, not to be consecrated De 23:18. When domesticated Manner of, in drinking alluded to Jdj 7:5.Illustrative
Of covetous ministers. Isa 56:11. Of fools. Pr 26:11. Of apostates. 2Pe 2:22. Of persecutors. Ps 22:16,20. Of obstinate sinners. Mt 7:6; Re 22:15. Of false teachers. Php 3:2. (Dumb,) of unfaithful ministers. Isa 56:10. (Dead,) of the mean. 1Sa 24:14; 2Sa 9:8.
Dove, The.
Offered in sacrifice Ge 15:9; Le 1:14. Impiously sold in the court of the temple Mt 21:12; Joh 2:16. Characterised by
Comeliness of countenance. Song 2:14. Softness of eyes. Song 1:15. Sweetness of voice. Song 2:14. Richness of plumage. Ps 68:13.
Dwells in rocks Song 2:14; Jer 48:28. Frequents streams and rivers Song 5:12. Sent from the ark by Noah Ge 8:8,10,12. Why considered the emblem of peace Ge 8:11. The harbinger of spring Song 2:12. Illustrative
Of the meekness of Christ. Song 5:12. Of the church. Song 2:14; 5:2. Of mourners. Isa 38:14; 59:11. Of converts to the church. Isa 60:8. (In its flight,) of the return of Israel from captivity. Ho 11:11.
Dragon, The.
Described as
Poisonous. De 32:33. Of solitary habits. Job 30:29.
Its wailing alluded to Mic 1:8. Its snuffing up the air alluded to Jer 14:6. Its swallowing of its prey alluded to Jer 51:34. Found in
Deserted cities. Isa 13:22; Jer 9:11. Dry places. Isa 34:13; 43:20.
Of enemies of the church. Ps 9:13. Of wicked men. Ps 44:19. Of the devil. Re 13:2; 20:2,7. (Poison of,) of wine. De 32:33.
Often by imaginary Job 20:8; Isa 29:8. Excess of business frequently leads to Ec 5:3. God's will often revealed in Nu 12:6; Job 33:15. False prophets
Not to be regarded in. De 13:1-3; Jer 27:9. Condemned for pretending to. Jer 23:32.
The ancients
Often perplexed by. Ge 40:6; 41:8; Job 7:14; Da 2:1; 4:5. Anxious to have, explained. Ge 40:8; Da 2:3. Consulting magicians on. Ge 41:8; Da 2:2-4.
Mentioned in scripture of
Jacob. Ge 28:12; 31:10. Laban. Ge 31:24. Joseph. Ge 37:5-9. Pharaoh's butler and baker. Ge 40:5-19. Pharaoh. Ge 41:1-7. Midianite. Jdj 7:13-15. Solomon. 1Ki 3:5-15. Nebuchadnezzar. Da 2:1,31; 4:5,8. Daniel. Da 7:1-28. Joseph. Mt 1:20,21; 2:13,19,20. Wise men. Mt 2:11,12. Pilate's wife. Mt 27:19.
Impure imaginations. Jude 1:8. Enemies of the church. Isa 29:7,8.
Drink Offering.
Sacrifices accompanied by Ex 29:40; Le 23:13. Quantity appointed to be used for each kind of sacrifice Nu 15:3-10. For public sacrifices provided by the state Ezr 7:17; Eze 45:17. Not poured on the altar of incense Ex 30:9. Omission of, caused by bad vintage Joe 1:9,13. Idolatrous Jews
Reproved for offering, to idols. Isa 57:5,6; 65:11; Jer 19:13; Eze 20:28.
Vanity of offering, to idols De 32:37,38. Illustrative of the
Pouring out of the Spirit. Joe 2:28. Devotedness of ministers. Php 2:17.
Caution against Lu 21:34. Is a work of the flesh Ga 5:21. Is debasing Isa 28:8. Is inflaming Isa 5:11. Overcharges the heart Lu 21:34. Takes away the heart Ho 4:11. Leads to
Strife. Pr 23:29,30. Woe and sorrow. Pr 23:29,30. Error. Isa 28:7. Contempt of God's works. Isa 5:12. Scorning. Ho 7:5. Rioting and wantonness. Ro 13:13.
False teachers often addicted to Isa 56:12. Folly of yielding to Pr 20:1. Avoid those given to Pr 23:20; 1Co 5:11. Denunciations against
Those who encourage. Hab 2:15.
Punishment of De 21:20; Joe 1:5,6; Am 6:6,7; Mt 24:49-51. Exemplified
Nabal. 1Sa 25:36. Uriah. 2Sa 11:13. Elah. 1Ki 16:9,10. Benhadad. 1Ki 20:16. Belshazzar. Da 5:4. Corinthians. 1Co 11:21.
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