By R. A. Torrey
Lamb, The | Leviathan |
of God, The
Lamb, The.
Described as
Playful. Ps 114:4,6.
The shepherd's care for Isa 40:11. Used for
Clothing. Pr 27:26. Sacrifice. 1Ch 29:21; 2Ch 29:32.
Offered in sacrifice
Females. Nu 6:14. While sucking. 1Sa 7:9. At a year old. Ex 12:5; Nu 6:14. From the earliest times. Ge 4:4; 22:7,8. Every morning and evening. Ex 29:38,39; Nu 28:3,4. At the passover. Ex 12:3,6,7. By the wicked not accepted. Isa 1:11; 66:3.
The first born of an ass to be redeemed with Ex 13:13; 34:20. An extensive commerce in Ezr 7:17; Eze 27:21. Tribute often paid in 2Ki 3:4; Isa 16:1. Covenants confirmed by gift of Ge 21:28-30. The image of, was the first impression of on money Ge 33:19; Jos 24:32. Illustrative
Of Christ as a sacrifice. Joh 1:29; Re 5:6. Of any thing dear or cherished. 2Sa 12:3,9. Of the Lord's people. Isa 5:17; 11:6. Of weak believers. Isa 40:11; Joh 21:15. (Patience of,) of the patience of Christ. Isa 53:7; Ac 8:32. (Among wolves,) of ministers among the ungodly. Lu 10:3. (Deserted and exposed,) of Israel deprived of God's protection. Ho 4:16. (Brought to slaughter,) of the wicked under judgments. Jer 51:40. (Consumed in sacrifice,) of complete destruction of the wicked. Ps 37:20.
Described as Lighted with oil Mt 25:3,8.Oil for, carried in vessels Mt 25:4. Sometimes supplied with oil form a bowl through pipes Zec 4:2. Required to be constantly trimmed Mt 25:7. Used for lighting
Private apartments. Ac 20:8. Chariots of war by night. Na 2:3,4. Marriage processions. Mt 25:1. Persons going out at night. Joh 18:3.
Placed on a stand to give light to all in the house Mt 5:15. Illumination of the tents of Arab chiefs by, alluded to Job 29:3,4. Probable origin of dark lantern Jdj 7:16. Illustrative
Of omniscience of Christ. Da 10:6; Re 1:14. Of graces of the Holy Spirit. Re 4:5. Of salvation of God. Ge 15:17; Isa 62:1. Of God's guidance. 2Sa 22:29; Ps 18:28. Of glory of the cherubim. Eze 1:13. Of spirit of man. Pr 20:27. Of ministers. Joh 5:35. Of wise rulers. 2Sa 21:17. Of severe judgments. Re 8:10. Of a succession of heirs. 1Ki 11:36; 15:4. (Put out,) of destruction of the wicked. Job 18:5,6; 21:17; 13:9. (Totally quenched,) of complete destruction of those who curse parents. Pr 20:20.
Tongue. Ac 1:19; Re 5:9.
Originated the varieties in. Ge 11:7. Scattered men over the earth. Ge 11:8,9. Divided men into separated nations. Ge 10:5,20,31.
Ancient kingdoms often comprehended nations of different Es 1:22; Da 3:4; 6:25. Kinds of, mentioned
Chaldea. Da 1:4. Syriack. 2Ki 18:26; Ezr 4:7. Greek. Ac 21:37. Latin. Lu 23:38. Lycaonian. Ac 14:11. Arabic, &c. Ac 2:11. Egyptian. Ps 84:5; 114:1; Ac 2:10.
The term barbarian applied to those who spoke a strange 1Co 14:11. Power of speaking different
Promised. Mr 16:17. Given on the day of Pentecost. Ac 2:3,4. Followed receiving the gospel. Ac 10:44-46. Conferred by laying on of the apostles' hands. Ac 8:17,18; 19:6. Necessary to spread of the gospel. Ac 2:7-11. A sign to unbelievers. 1Co 14:22. Sometimes abused. 1Co 14:2-12,23. Ceased when the written Bible completed. 1Co 13:8-10.
A gift of the Holy Spirit. 1Co 12:10. Most important in the early church. 1Co 14:5,13,27,28. The Jews punished by being given up to people of a strange. De 28:49; Isa 28:11; Jer 5:15.
Laver of Brass.
Wisdom given to Bezaleel to make Ex 31:2,9. Made of brazen mirrors of the women Ex 38:8. Was placed in the court between the altar and the tabernacle Ex 30:18; 40:7,30. Was anointed with holy oil Ex 40:11; Le 8:11. The priests washed in
Before entering the tabernacle. Ex 30:19,20. Before approaching the altar. Ex 30:20.
Called the Brazen sea 2Ki 25:13; Jer 52:17. Illustrative of
Regeneration. Tit 3:5; Eph 5:26.
Law of God, The.
To Noah. Ge 9:6. To the Israelites. Ex 20:2-17; Ps 78:5. Through Moses. Ex 31:18; Joh 7:19. Through the ministration of angels. Ac 7:53; Ga 3:19; Heb 2:2.
Spiritual. Ro 7:14. Holy, just, and good. Ro 7:12. Exceeding broad. Ps 119:96. Perfect. Ps 19:7; Ro 12:2. Truth. Ps 119:142. Not grievous. 1Jo 5:3.
Requires perfect obedience De 27:26; Ga 3:10; Jas 2:10. Love is the fulfilling of Ro 13:8,10; Ga 3:10; Jas 2:10. It is man's duty to keep Ec 12:13. Man, by nature, not in subjection to Ro 7:5; 8:7. Man cannot render perfect obedience to 1Ki 8:46; Ec 7:20; Ro 3:10. Sin is a transgression of 1Jo 3:4. All men have transgressed Ro 3:9,19. Man cannot be justified by Ac 13:39; Ro 3:20,28; Ga 2:16; 3:11. Gives the knowledge of sin Ro 3:20; 7:7. Works wrath Ro 4:15. Conscience testifies to Ro 2:15. Designed to lead to Christ Ga 3:24. Obedience to Blessedness of keeping Ps 119:1; Mt 5:19; 1Jo 3:22,24; Re 22:14.Christ
Magnified. Isa 42:21. Explained. Mt 7:12; 22:37-40.
Freed from the curse of. Ga 3:13. Have, written on their hearts. Jer 31:33; Heb 8:10. Love. Ps 119:97,113. Delight in. Ps 119:77; Ro 7:22. Prepare their hearts to seek. Ezr 7:10. Pledge themselves to walk in. Ne 10:29. Keep. Ps 119:55. Pray to understand. Ps 119:18. Pray for power to keep. Ps 119:34. Should remember. Mal 4:4. Should make the subject of their conversation. Ex 13:9. Lament over the violation of, by others. Ps 119:136.
Forget. Ho 4:6. Forsake. 2Ch 12:1; Jer 9:13. Refuse to hear. Isa 30:9; Jer 6:19. Refuse to walk in. Ps 78:10. Cast away. Isa 5:24.
Is the rule of the judgment Ro 2:12. To be used lawfully 1Ti 1:8. Established by faith Ro 3:31. Punishment for disobeying Ne 9:26,27; Isa 65:11-13; Jer 9:13-16.
Law of Moses, The.
At Horeb. De 4:10,15; 5:2. From the Mount Sinai. Ex 19:11,20. By disposition of angels. Ac 7:53. Through Moses as mediator. De 5:5,27,28; Joh 1:17; Ga 3:19. To the Jews. Le 26:46; Ps 78:5. After the exodus. De 4:45; Ps 81:4,5. To no other nation. De 4:8; Ps 147:20.
Remarkable phenomena connected with, at giving of Ex 19:16-19. Terror of Israel at receiving Ex 19:16; 20:18-20; De 5:5,23-25. Additions made to, in the plains of Moab by Jordan Nu 36:13. Called
Word spoken by angels. Heb 2:2. Ministration of death. 2Co 3:7. Ministration of condemnation. 2Co 3:9. Lively oracles. Ac 7:38. Royal law. Jas 2:8. Book of the law. De 30:10; Jos 1:8. Book of Moses. 2Ch 25:4; 35:12.
Entire of, written in a book De 31:9. Book of, laid up in the sanctuary De 31:26. Tables of, laid up in the ark De 10:5. Divided into
Ceremonial, relating to manner of worshipping God. Le 7:37,38; Heb 9:1-7. Civil, relating to administration of justice. De 17:9-11; Ac 23:3; 24:6. A covenant of works to the Jews as a nation. De 28:1,15; Jer 31:32.
To love their neighbour. Le 19:18; Mt 22:39. Strict justice and impartiality. Le 19:35,36. All punishments awarded according to. Joh 8:5; 19:7; Heb 10:28.
To observe. De 4:6; 6:2. To lay up, in their hearts. De 6:6; 11:18. To remember. Mal 4:4. To teach their children. De 6:7; 11:19.
Good kings enforced 2Ki 23:24,25; 2Ch 31:21. Priests and Levites to teach De 33:8-10; Ne 8:7; Mal 2:7. The scribes were learned in, and expounded Ezr 7:6; Mt 23:2. Public instruction given to youth in Lu 2:46; Ac 22:3. Publicly read
By Joshua. Jos 8:34,35. By Ezra. Ne 8:2,3. In the synagogues every Sabbath day. Ac 13:15; 15:21.
A shadow of good things to come Heb 10:1. Could not give righteous and life Ga 3:21; Ro 8:3,4; Heb 10:1. A schoolmaster to lead to Christ Ga 3:24. Christ
Circumcised according to. Lu 2:21; Ro 15:8. Came not to destroy but to fulfil. Mt 5:17,18. Attended all feasts of. Joh 2:23; 7:2,10,37. Fulfilled all precepts of. Ps 40:7,8. Fulfilled all types and shadows of. Heb 9:8,11-14; 10:1,11-14. Magnified and made honourable. Isa 42:21. Bore the curse of. De 21:23; Ga 3:13. Abrogated, as a covenant of works. Ro 7:4.
Could not disannul the covenant of grace made in Christ Ga 3:17. Jewish converts would have all Christians observe Ac 15:1. The Jews
Held those ignorant of, accursed. Joh 7:49. From regard to, rejected Christ. Ro 9:31-33. Accused Christ of breaking. Joh 19:7. Accused Christians of speaking. Ac 6:11-14; 21:28. Broke it themselves. Joh 7:19. Dishonoured God by breaking. Ro 2:23. Shall be judged by. Joh 5:45; Ro 2:12.
Darkness, &c at giving of, illustrative of obscurity of Mosaic age Heb 12:18-24.
Diffusive properties of 1Co 5:6. Forbidden
To be offered with blood. Ex 34:25. To be offered, &c with meat offerings which were burned. Le 2:11; 10:12.
First fruits of wheat offered with Le 23:17. Illustrative of
Doctrines of Pharisees, &c. Mt 16:6,12. Ungodly professors. 1Co 5:6,7. False teachers. Ga 5:8,9. Malice and wickedness. 1Co 5:8.
Given to Israel Jos 13:5,6. Celebrated for
Flowers. Na 1:4. Fragrance. Song 4:11. Fragrance of its wines. Ho 14:7. Glorious appearance. Isa 35:2.
Called Lofty tops of, covered with snow Jer 18:14.Part of, barren Isa 29:17. Forests of, infested with wild beasts Song 4:8; Isa 40:16; Hab 2:17. Many streams came from Song 4:15. Formerly inhabited by the Hivites Jdj 3:3. Moses anxious to behold De 3:25. Furnished
Stones for Solomon's temple. 1Ki 5:14,18. Wood for second temple. Ezr 3:7.
Of the Gentile world. Isa 29:17. Of the Jewish nation. Jer 22:6,23; Heb 2:17. Of the temple. Zec 11:1. (Glory of,) of the glory of the church. Isa 35:2; 60:13. (Fragrance of,) of the graces of the church. Song 4:11; Ho 14:6,7. (Shaking of its forests,) of prodigious growth of the church. Ps 72:16. (Mourning of,) of deep affliction. Eze 31:15.
Described as
Fierce and cruel. Jer 5:6. Swift. Hab 1:8.
Illustrative Leprosy.
Infected An incurable disease 2Ki 5:7.Often sent as a punishment for sin Nu 12:9,10; 2Ch 26:19. Often hereditary 2Sa 3:29; 2Ki 5:27. Parts affected by
The head. Le 13:44. The forehead. 2Ch 26:19. The beard. Le 13:30. The whole body. Lu 5:12.
Turned the skin white Ex 4:6; 2Ki 5:27. Turned the hair white or yellow Le 13:3,10,30. The priests
Examined persons suspected of. Le 13:2,9. Shut up persons suspected of, seven days. Le 13:4. Had rules for distinguishing. Le 13:5-44. Examined all persons healed of. Le 14:2; Mt 8:4; Lu 17:14.
Those afflicted with
Separated from intercourse with others. Nu 5:2; 12:14,15. Associated together. 2Ki 7:3; Lu 17:12. Dwelt in a separate house. 2Ki 15:5. Cut off from God's house. 2Ch 26:21. Excluded from priest's office. Le 22:2-4. To have their heads bare, clothes rent, and lip covered. Le 13:45. To cry unclean when approached. Le 13:45.
Power of God manifested in curing Nu 12:13,14; 2Ki 5:8-14. Power of Christ manifested in curing Mt 8:3; Lu 5:13; 17:13,14. Christ gave power to heal Mt 10:8. Garments
Suspected of, shut up seven days. Le 13:50. Infected with, to have the piece first torn out. Le 13:56. Incurable infected with, burned. Le 13:51,52. Suspected of, but not having, washed and pronounced clean. Le 13:53,54,58,59.
Suspected of, emptied. Le 14:36. Suspected of, inspected by priest. Le 14:37. Suspected of, shut up seven days. Le 14:38. To have the part infected with, first removed, and the rest scraped, &c. Le 14:39,42. Incurably infected with, pulled down and removed. Le 14:43-45. Infected with, communicated uncleanness to everyone who entered them. Le 14:46,47. Suspected of, but not infected, pronounced clean. Le 14:48. Ceremonies at cleansing of. Le 14:49-53.
Nature and habits of Job 41:1-34. God's power, exhibited in destroying Ps 74:14. Illustrative of
Power and severity of God. Job 41:10.
Levites, The.
Prophecies respecting Ge 49:5,7; De 33:8-11. Originally consisted for three families or divisions Nu 3:17; 1Ch 6:16-48. Not numbered with Israel Nu 1:47-49. Numbered separately after the people from a month old Nu 3:14-16,39. Families, as numbered
Of Kohath. Nu 3:19,27,28. Of Merari. Nu 3:20,33,34.
Were consecrated Nu 8:6,14. Taken instead of the first-born of Israel Nu 3:12,13,40-45; 8:16-18. Zeal against idolatry a cause of their appointment Ex 32:26-28; De 33:9,10. Entered on their service at twenty-five years of age Nu 8:24. Numbered as ministers at thirty Nu 4:3,23-49. Superannuated at fifty Nu 8:25. When superannuated required to perform the less arduous duties Nu 8:26. Ceremonies at consecration of
Making a sin-offering for. Nu 8:8,12. Elders of Israel laying their hands on them. Nu 8:9,10. Presenting them to God as an offering for the people. Nu 8:11,15. Setting before the priest and presenting them as their offering to God. Nu 8:13.
Encamped round the tabernacle Nu 1:50,52,53; 3:23,29,35. Marched in the centre of Israel Nu 2:17. Services of
Ministering to priests. Nu 3:6,7; 18:2. Ministering to the people. 2Ch 35:3. Keeping the charge of the sanctuary. Nu 18:3; 1Ch 23:32. Keeping sacred instruments and vessels. Nu 3:8; 1Ch 9:28,29. Keeping sacred oil, flour, &c. 1Ch 9:29,30. Keeping sacred treasures. 1Ch 26:20. Taking charge of the tithes, offerings, &c. 2Ch 31:11-19; Ne 12:44. Doing the service of tabernacle. Nu 8:19,22. Taking down, putting up, and carrying the tabernacle, &c. Nu 1:50,51; 4:5-33. Preparing the sacrifices for the priests. 1Ch 23:31; 2Ch 35:11. Preparing the show bread. 1Ch 9:31,32; 23:29. Purifying the holy things. 1Ch 23:28. Regulating weights and measures. 1Ch 23:29. Teaching the people. 2Ch 17:8,9; 30:22; 35:3; Ne 8:7. Blessing the people. De 10:8. Keeping the gates of the temple. 1Ch 9:17-26; 23:5; 2Ch 35:15; Ne 12:25. Conducting the sacred music. 1Ch 23:5-30; 2Ch 5:12,13; Ne 12:24,27-43. Singing praises before the army. 2Ch 20:21,22. Judging and deciding in controversies. De 17:9; 1Ch 23:4; 2Ch 19:8.
Had no inheritance in Israel De 10:9; Jos 13:33; 14:3. The Jews to be kind and benevolent to De 12:12,18,19; 14:29; 16:11,14. Eight and forty cities with extensive suburbs, appointed for Nu 35:2-8. The tithes given to, for their support Nu 18:21,24; 2Ch 31:4,5; Ne 12:44,45; Heb 7:5. Bound to give a tenth of their tithes to the priests Nu 18:26-32. Had a part of their offerings De 18:1,2. David
Divided them into four classed. 1Ch 23:4-6. By his last words had them numbered from twenty years old. 1Ch 23:24,27. Made them serve from twenty on account of the lightness of their duties. 1Ch 23:26,28-32. Subdivided into 24 courses. 1Ch 23:6; 25:8-31. Made them attend in courses. 2Ch 8:14; 31:17.
Had chiefs or officers over them Nu 3:24,30,35; 1Ch 15:4-10; 2Ch 35:9; Ezr 8:29. Were all under control of the high priest's deputy Nu 3:32; 1Ch 9:20. While in attendance lodged around the temple 1Ch 9:27. Punished with death for encroaching on the priestly office Nu 18:3. Punishment of Korah and others of, for offering incense Nu 16:1-35.
God never forgets Heb 6:10. Christ set an example of 2Co 8:9. Characteristic of saints Ps 112:9; Isa 32:8. Unprofitable, without love 1Co 13:3. Should be exercised
Toward saints. Ro 12:13; Ga 6:10. Toward servants. De 15:12-14. Toward the poor. De 15:11; Isa 58:7. Toward strangers. Le 25:35. Toward enemies. Pr 25:21. Toward all men. Ga 6:10. In leading to those in want. Mt 5:42. In giving alms. Lu 12:33. In relieving the destitute. Isa 58:7. In forwarding missions. Php 4:14-16. In rendering personal services. Php 2:30. Without ostentation. Mt 6:1-3. With simplicity. Ro 12:8. According to ability. De 16:10,17; 1Co 16:2. Willingly. Ex 25:2; 2Co 8:12. Abundantly. 2Co 8:7; 9:11-13.
Labour to be enabled to exercise Ac 20:35; Eph 4:28. Want of
A proof of not loving God. 1Jo 3:17. A proof of not having faith. Jas 2:14-16.
Promises to Ps 112:9; Pr 11:25; 28:27; Ec 11:1,2; Isa 58:10. Exhortations to Lu 3:11; 11:41; Ac 20:35; 1Co 16:1; 1Ti 6:17,18. Exemplified
Boaz. Ru 2:16. David. 2Sa 9:7,10. Barzillai, &c. 2Sa 17:28. Araunah. 2Sa 24:22. Shunammite. 2Ki 4:8,10. Judah. 2Ch 24:10,11. Nehemiah. Ne 7:70. Jews. Ne 7:71,72. Job. Job 29:15,16. Nebuzaradan. Jer 40:4,5. Joanna, &c. Lu 8:3. Zacchaeus. Lu 19:8. Christians. Ac 2:45. Barnabas. Ac 4:36,37. Dorcas. Ac 9:36. Cornelius. Ac 16:2. Church of Antioch. Ac 11:29,30. Lydia. Ac 16:15. Paul. Ac 20:34. Stephanas, &c. 1Co 16:17.
Poor widow. Mr 12:42-44. Churches of Macedonia. 2Co 8:1-5.
Liberty, Christian.
By Christ. Ga 4:3-5; 5:1. By the Holy Spirit. Ro 8:15; 2Co 3:17. Through the gospel. Joh 8:32.
Proclaimed by Christ Isa 61:1; Lu 4:18. The service of Christ is 1Co 7:22. Is freedom from
The curse of the law. Ga 3:13. The fear of death. Heb 2:15. Sin. Ro 6:7,18. Corruption. Ro 8:21. Bondage of man. 1Co 9:19. Jewish ordinances. Ga 4:3; Col 2:20.
Saints are called to Ga 5:13. Saints should
Assert. 1Co 10:29. Walk in. Ps 119:45. Stand fast in. Ga 2:5; 5:1. Not abuse. Ga 5:13; 1Pe 2:16. Not offend others by. 1Co 8:9; 10:29,32.
False teachers The wicked, devoid of Joh 8:34; Ro 6:20.Typified Le 25:10-17; Ga 4:22-26,31.
Life, Eternal.
Revealed by Christ Joh 6:68; 2Ti 1:10. To know God and Christ is Joh 17:3. Given
By Christ. Joh 6:27; 10:28. In Christ. 1Jo 5:11. Through Christ. Ro 5:21; 6:23. To all given to Christ. Joh 17:2. To those who believe in God. Joh 5:24. To those who believe in Christ. Joh 3:15,16; 6:40,47. To those who hate life for Christ. Joh 12:25. In answer to prayer. Ps 21:4.
Results from
Eating the bread of life. Joh 6:50-58. Eating of the tree of life. Re 2:7.
Have hope of. Tit 1:2; 3:7. May have assurance of. 2Co 5:1; 1Jo 5:13. Shall reap, through the Spirit. Ga 6:8. Shall inherit. Mt 19:29. Look for the mercy of God to. Jude 1:21. Should lay hold of. 1Ti 6:12,19. Are preserved to. Joh 10:28,29. Shall rise to. Da 12:2; Joh 5:29. Shall go into. Mt 25:46. Shall reign in. Da 7:18; Ro 5:17.
Cannot be inherited by works Ro 2:7; 3:10-19. The wicked Exhortation to seek Joh 6:27.
Life, Natural.
God preserves Ps 36:6; 66:9. Is in the hand of God Job 12:10; Da 5:23. Forfeited by sin Ge 2:17; 3:17-19. Of others, not to be taken away Ex 20:13. Described as
Limited. Job 7:1; 14:5. Short. Job 14:1; Ps 89:47. Uncertain. Jas 4:13-15. Full of trouble. Job 14:1.
The value of Job 2:4; Mt 6:25. Preserved by discretion Pr 13:3. Sometimes prolonged, in answer to prayer Isa 38:2-5; Jas 5:15. Obedience to God, tends to prolong De 30:20. Obedience to parents, tends to prolong Ex 20:12; Pr 4:10. Cares and pleasures of, dangerous Lu 8:14; 21:34; 2Ti 2:4. Saints have true enjoyment of Ps 128:2; 1Ti 4:8. Of saints, specially protected by God Job 2:6; Ac 18:10; 1Pe 3:13. Of the wicked, not specially protected by God Job 36:6; Ps 78:50. The wicked have their portion of good, during Ps 17:14; Lu 6:24; 16:25. Should be spent in
The service of God. Lu 1:75. Living to God. Ro 14:8; Php 1:21. Peace. Ro 12:18; 1Ti 2:2. Doing good. Ec 3:12.
Should be laid down, if necessary, for Christ Mt 10:39; Lu 14:26; Ac 20:24. Should be laid down, if necessary, for the brethren Ro 16:4; 1Jo 3:16. Be thankful for
The supply of its wants. Ge 48:15.
We know not what is good for us in Ec 6:12. Be not over-anxious to provide for its wants Mt 6:25. The enjoyment of, consists not in abundance of possessions Lu 12:15. Is compared to
A pilgrimage. Ge 47:9. A tale told. Ps 90:9. A swift post. Job 9:25. A swift ship. Job 9:26. A hand-breadth. Ps 39:5. A shepherd's tent removed. Isa 38:18. A dream. Ps 73:20. A sleep. Ps 90:5. A vapour. Jas 4:14. A shadow. Ec 6:12. A thread cut by the weaver. Isa 38:12. A weaver's shuttle. Job 7:6. A flower. Job 14:2. Grass. 1Pe 1:24. Water spilt on the ground. 2Sa 14:14. Wind. Job 7:7.
Sometimes judicially shortened 1Sa 2:32,33; Job 36:14. Miraculously restored by Christ Mt 9:18,25; Lu 7:15,22; Joh 11:43.
Life, Spiritual.
Christ is the Author of Joh 5:21,25; 6:33,51-53; 14:6; 1Jo 4:9. The Holy Spirit is the Author of Eze 37:14; Ro 8:9-13. The word of God is the instrument of Isa 55:3; 2Co 3:6; 1Pe 4:6. Is hidden with Christ Col 3:3. The fear of God is Pr 14:27; 19:23. Spiritual-mindedness is Ro 8:6. Is maintained by
Faith. Ga 2:20. The word of God. De 8:3; Mt 4:4. Prayer. Ps 69:32.
Has its infancy Lu 10:21; 1Co 3:1,2; 1Jo 2:12. Has its youth 1Jo 2:13,14. Has its maturity Eph 4:13; 1Jo 2:13,14. Is described as
Newness of life. Ro 6:4. Living in the Spirit. Ga 5:25.
Evidenced by love to the brethren 1Jo 3:14. All saints have Eph 2:1,5; Col 2:13. Should animate the services of saints Ro 12:1; 1Co 14:15. Saints praise God for Ps 119:175. Seek to grow in Eph 4:15; 1Pe 2:2. Pray for the increase of Ps 119:25; 143:11. The wicked alienated from Eph 4:18. Lovers of pleasure destitute of 1Ti 5:6. Hypocrites destitute of Jude 1:12; Re 3:1. Illustrated Eze 37:9,10; Lu 15:24.
Created by God Ge 1:3; Isa 45:7. Separated from darkness Ge 1:4. Sun, moon, and stars appointed to communicate to the earth Ge 1:14-17; Jer 31:35. Divided into
Extraordinary or miraculous. Ex 14:20; Ps 78:14; Ac 9:3; 12:7. Artificial. Jer 25:10; Ac 16:29.
Described as
Bright. Job 37:21. Shining. 2Sa 23:4; Job 41:18. Diffusive. Job 25:3; 36:30. Useful and precious. Ec 2:13. Agreeable. Ec 11:7. Manifesting objects. Joh 3:20,21; Eph 5:13.
Illustrative of
Purity of God. 1Jo 1:5. Wisdom of God. Da 2:22. Guidance of God. Ps 27:1; 36:9. Favour of God. Ps 4:6; Isa 2:5. Christ the source of all wisdom. Lu 2:32; Joh 1:4,9; 8:12; 12:46. Glory of Christ. Ac 9:3,5; 26:13. Purity of Christ. Mt 17:2. Word of God. Ps 119:105,130; 2Pe 1:19. Gospel. 2Co 4:4; 1Pe 2:9. Ministers. Mt 5:14; Joh 5:35. Wise rulers. 2Sa 21:17; 23:4. The soul of man. Job 18:5,6. Saints. Lu 16:8; Eph 5:8; Php 2:15. Future glory of saints. Ps 97:11; Col 1:12. The path of the just. Pr 4:18. The glory of the church. Isa 60:1-3. Whatever makes manifest. Joh 3:21; Eph 5:13.
Lion, The.
Described as
Active. De 33:22. Courageous. 2Sa 17:10. Fearless even of man. Isa 31:4; Na 2:11. Fierce. Job 10:16; 28:8. Voracious. Ps 17:12. Majestic in movement. Pr 30:29,30.
God's power exhibited in restraining 1Ki 13:28; Da 6:22,27. God provides for Job 38:39; Ps 104:21,28. Lurks for its prey Ps 10:9. Roars when seeking prey Ps 104:21; Isa 31:4. Rends its prey De 33:20; Ps 7:2. Often carries its prey to its den Na 2:12. Conceals itself by day Ps 104:22. Often perishes for lack of food Job 4:11. Inhabits Attacks the sheepfolds 1Sa 17:34; Am 3:12; Mic 5:8.Attacks and destroys men 1Ki 13:24; 20:36. Universal terror caused by roaring of Jer 2:15; Am 3:8. Criminals often thrown to Da 6:7,16,24. Hunting of, alluded to Job 10:16. Slain by
David. 1Sa 17:35,36. Benaiah. 2Sa 23:20.
Disobedient prophet slain by 1Ki 13:24,26. Illustrative
Of the tribe of Judah. Ge 49:9. Of the tribe of Gad. De 33:20. Of Christ. Re 5:5. Of God in protecting his church. Isa 31:4. Of God in executing judgments. Isa 38:13; La 3:10; Ho 5:14; 13:8. Of boldness of saints. Pr 28:1. Of brave men. 2Sa 1:23; 23:20. Of cruel and powerful enemies. Isa 5:29; Jer 49:19; 51:38. Of persecutors. Ps 22:13; 2Ti 4:17. Of the devil. 1Pe 5:8. Of imaginary fears of the slothful. Pr 22:13; 26:13. (Tamed,) of the natural man subdued by grace. Isa 11:7; 65:25. (Roaring of,) of a king's wrath. Pr 19:12; 20:2.
Locust, The.
Clean and fit for food Le 11:21,22. Described as
Voracious. Ex 10:15. Rapid in movement. Isa 33:4. Like to horses prepared for battle. Joe 2:4; Re 9:7.
Immensely numerous Ps 105:34; Na 3:15. Flies in bands and with order Pr 30:27. One of the plagues of Egypt Ex 10:4-15. The Jews
Threatened with, as a punishment for sin. De 28:38,42. Deprecated the plague of. 1Ki 8:37,38. Often plagued by. Joe 1:4; 2:25. Promised deliverance from the plague of, on humiliation, &c. 2Ch 7:13,14.
Of false teachers of the apostasy. Re 9:3. Of ungodly rulers. Na 3:17. (Destruction of,) of destruction of God's enemies. Na 3:15.
Long-Suffering of God, The.
Salvation, the object of 2Pe 3:15. Through Christ's intercession Lu 13:8. Should lead to repentance Ro 2:4; 2Pe 3:9. An encouragement to repent Joe 2:13. Exhibited in forgiving sins Ro 3:25. Exercised toward
The wicked. Ro 9:22; 1Pe 3:20.
Limits set to Ge 6:3; Jer 44:22. The wicked
Despise. Ro 2:4. Punished for despising. Ne 9:30; Mt 24:48-51; Ro 2:5.
Israel. Ps 78:38; Isa 48:9. Jerusalem. Mt 23:37. Paul. 1Ti 1:16.
Love of Christ, The.
To his church Song 4:8,9; 5:1; Joh 15:9; Eph 5:24. To those who love him Pr 8:17; Joh 14:21. Manifested in his
Praying for his enemies. Lu 23:34. Giving himself for us. Ga 2:20. Dying for us. Joh 15:13; 1Jo 3:16. Washing away our sins. Re 1:5. Interceding for us. Heb 7:25; 9:24. Sending the Spirit. Ps 68:18; Joh 16:7. Rebukes and chastisements. Re 3:19.
To be imitated Joh 13:34; 15:12; Eph 5:2; 1Jo 3:16. To saints, is Obedient saints abide in Joh 15:10.Saints obtain victory through Ro 8:37. Is the banner over his saints Song 2:4. Is the ground of his saints love to him Lu 7:47. To saints, shall be acknowledge even by enemies Re 3:9. Illustrated Mt 18:11-13. Exemplified towards
Lazarus, &c. Joh 11:5,36. His apostles. Joh 13:1,34. John. Joh 13:23.
Love of God, The.
Christ, the especial object of Joh 15:9; 17:26. Christ abides in Joh 15:10. Described as
Great. Eph 2:4. Abiding. Zep 3:17. Unfailing. Isa 49:15,16. Unalienable. Ro 8:39. Constraining. Ho 11:4. Everlasting. Jer 31:3.
Manifested towards
His saints. Joh 16:27; 17:23; 2Th 2:16; 1Jo 4:16. The destitute. De 10:18. The cheerful giver. 2Co 9:7.
The sending of Christ. 1Jo 4:9. Christ's dying for us while sinners. Ro 5:8; 1Jo 4:10. Election. Mal 1:2,3; Ro 9:11-13. Adoption. 1Jo 3:1. Redemption. Isa 43:3,4; 63:9. Freeness of salvation. Tit 3:4-7. Forgiving sin. Isa 38:17. Quickening of souls. Eph 2:4,5. Drawing us to himself. Ho 11:4. Temporal blessings. De 7:13. Chastisements. Heb 12:6. Defeating evil counsels. De 23:5.
Saints know and believe 1Jo 4:16. Saints should abide in Jude 1:21. Perfected in saints The source of our love to him 1Jo 4:19.To be sought in prayer 2Co 13:14.
Love to Christ.
Exhibited by saints 1Pe 1:8. His personal excellence is deserving of Song 5:9-16. His love to us a motive to 2Co 5:14. Manifested in
Obeying him. Joh 14:15,21,23. Ministering to him. Mt 27:55; 25:40. Preferring him to all others. Mt 10:37. Taking up the cross for Him. Mt 10:38.
An evidence of adoption Joh 8:42. Should be
With the soul. Song 1:7. In proportion to our mercies. Lu 7:47. Supreme. Mt 10:37. Ardent. Song 2:5; 8:6. Unquenchable. Song 8:7. Even to death. Ac 21:13; Re 12:11.
Increase of, to be prayed for Php 1:9. Pray for grace to those who have Eph 6:24. They who have
Are loved by Christ. Pr 8:17; Joh 14:21. Enjoy communion with God and Christ. Joh 14:23.
Want of, denounced 1Co 16:22. The wicked, destitute of Ps 35:19; Joh 15:18,25. Exemplified
Penitent woman. Lu 7:47. Certain women. Lu 23:28. Thomas. Joh 11:16. Mary Magdalene. Joh 20:11. Peter. Joh 21:15-17. Paul. Ac 21:13.
Love to God.
The first great commandment Mt 22:38. With all the heart De 6:5; Mt 22:37. Better than all sacrifices Mr 12:33. Produced by
The love of God to us. 1Jo 4:19. Answers to prayer. Ps 116:1.
A characteristic of saints Ps 5:11. Should produce
Love to saints. 1Jo 5:1. Hatred of sin. Ps 97:10. Obedience to God. De 30:20; 1Jo 5:3.
Perfected, gives boldness 1Jo 4:17,18. God, faithful to those who have De 7:9. They who have
Are preserved by him. Ps 145:20. Are delivered by him. Ps 91:14. Partake of his mercy. Ex 20:6; De 7:9. Have all things working for their good. Ro 8:28.
Exhort one another to Ps 31:23. Pray for 2Th 3:5. The love of the world is a proof of not having 1Jo 2:15. They who love not others, are without 1Jo 4:20. Hypocrites, without Lu 11:42; Joh 5:42. The uncharitable, without 1Jo 3:17. God tries the sincerity of De 13:3. Promises connected with De 11:13-15; Ps 69:36; Isa 56:6,7; Jas 1:12.
Love to Man.
Commanded by God 1Jo 4:21. Commanded by Christ Joh 13:34; 15:12; 1Jo 3:23. After the example of Christ Joh 13:34; 15:12; Eph 5:2. Taught by God 1Th 4:9. Faith works by Ga 5:6. A fruit of the Spirit Ga 5:22; Col 1:8. Purity of heart leads to 1Pe 1:22. Explained 1Co 13:4-7. Is an active principle 1Th 1:3; Heb 6:10. Is an abiding principle 1Co 13:8,13. Is the second great commandment Mt 22:37-39. Is the end of the commandment 1Ti 1:5. Supernatural gifts are nothing without 1Co 13:1,2. The greatest sacrifices are nothing without 1Co 13:3. Especially enjoined upon ministers 1Ti 4:12; 2Ti 2:22. Saints should
Follow after. 1Co 14:1. Abound in. Php 1:9; 1Th 3:12. Continue in. 1Ti 2:15; Heb 13:1. Provoke each other to. 2Co 8:7; 9:2; Heb 10:24. Be sincere in. Ro 12:9; 2Co 6:6; 8:8; 1Jo 3:18. Be disinterested in. 1Co 10:24; 13:5; Php 2:4. Be fervent in. 1Pe 1:22; 4:8.
Should be with a pure heart 1Pe 1:22. All things should be done with 1Co 16:14. Should be exhibited, toward
Ministers. 1Th 5:13. Our families. Eph 5:25; Tit 2:4. Fellow-countrymen. Ex 32:32; Ro 9:2,3; 10:1. Strangers. Le 19:34; De 10:19. Enemies. Ex 23:4,5; 2Ki 6:22; Mt 5:44; Ro 12:14,20; 1Pe 3:9. All men. Ga 6:10.
Loving each other. Ga 5:13. Relieving strangers. Le 25:35; Mt 25:36. Clothing the naked. Isa 58:7; Mt 25:36. Visiting the sick, &c. Job 31:16-22; Jas 1:27. Sympathising. Ro 12:15; 1Co 12:26. Supporting the weak. Ga 6:2; 1Th 5:14. Covering the faults of others. Pr 10:12; 1Pe 4:8. Forgiving injuries. Eph 4:32; Col 3:13. Forbearing. Eph 4:2. Rebuking. Le 19:17; Mt 18:15.
The love of God is a motive to Joh 13:34; 1Jo 4:11. An evidence of
Discipleship with Christ. Joh 13:35. Spiritual life. 1Jo 3:14.
Love to self is the measure of Mr 12:33. Is good and pleasant Ps 133:1,2. Is a bond of union Col 2:2. Is the bond of perfectness Col 3:14. Hypocrites, devoid of 1Jo 2:9,11; 4:20. The wicked devoid of 1Jo 3:10. Exemplified
Ruth. Ru 1:16,17. Jonathan, &c. 1Sa 20:17,41,42. Obadiah. 1Ki 18:4. Centurion. Lu 7:5. The Church. Ac 2:46; Heb 10:33,34. Lydia. Ac 16:15. Aquila. Ro 16:3,4. Paul. 2Co 6:11,12. Epaphroditus. Php 2:25,26,30. Philippians. Php 4:15-19. Colossians. Col 1:4. Thessalonians. 1Th 3:6. Onesiphorus. 2Ti 1:16-18. Philemon. Phm 1:7-9. Moses. Heb 11:25.
Loving-Kindness of God, The.
Described as
Excellent. Ps 36:7. Good. Ps 69:16. Marvellous. Ps 17:7; 31:21. Multitudinous. Isa 63:7. Everlasting. Isa 54:8. Merciful. Ps 117:2. Better than life. Ps 63:3.
Drawn by. Jer 31:3. Preserved by. Ps 40:11. Quickened after. Ps 119:88. Comforted by. Ps 119:76. Look for mercy through. Ps 51:1. Receive mercy through. Isa 54:8. Are heard according to. Ps 119:149. Are ever mindful of. Ps 26:3; 48:9. Should expect, in affliction. Ps 42:7,8. Crowned with. Ps 103:4.
Former manifestations of, to be pleaded in prayer Ps 25:6; 89:49. Pray for the
Continuance of. Ps 36:10. Extension of. Ge 24:12; 2Sa 2:6.
Proclaim Ps 40:10.
Hateful to God Pr 6:16-19. An abomination to God Pr 12:22. A hindrance to prayer Isa 59:2,3. The devil, the father of Joh 8:44. The devil excites men to 1Ki 22:22; Ac 5:3. Saints
Avoid. Isa 63:8; Zep 3:13. Respect not those who practise. Ps 40:4. Reject those who practise. Ps 101:7. Pray to be preserved from. Ps 119:29; Pr 30:8.
The evil of rulers hearkening to Pr 29:12. False prophets addicted to Jer 23:14; Eze 22:28. False witnesses addicted to Pr 14:5,25. Antinomians guilty of 1Jo 1:6; 2:4. Hypocrites addicted to Ho 11:12. Hypocrites, a seed of Isa 57:4. The wicked
Love. Ps 52:3. Delight in. Ps 62:4. Seek after. Ps 4:2. Prepare their tongues for. Jer 9:3,5. Bring forth. Ps 7:14. Give heed to. Pr 17:4.
Leads to Often accompanied by gross crimes Ho 4:1,2.Folly of concealing hatred by Pr 10:18. Vanity of getting riches by Pr 21:6. Shall be detected Pr 12:19. Poverty preferable to Pr 19:22. Excludes from heaven Re 21:27; 22:15. They who are guilty of, shall be cast into hell Re 21:8. Punishment for Ps 5:6; 120:3,4; Pr 19:5; Jer 50:36. Exemplified
Cain. Ge 4:9. Sarah. Ge 18:15. Jacob. Ge 27:19. Joseph's brethren. Ge 37:31,32. Gibeonites. Jos 9:9-13. Samson. Jdj 16:10. Saul. 1Sa 15:13. Michal. 1Sa 19:14. David. 1Sa 21:2. Prophet of Bethel. 1Ki 13:18. Gehazi. 2Ki 5:22. Job's friends. Job 13:4. Ninevites. Na 3:1. Peter. Mt 26:72. Ananias, &c. Ac 5:5. Cretans. Tit 1:12.
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