By R. A. Torrey
Oak Tree, The | Offences Against the Holy Spirit | Ostrich, The |
Oak Tree, The.
Described as
Thick spreading. 2Sa 18:9; Eze 6:13. Casting its leaves in winter. Isa 6:13.
Idolaters often made idols of Isa 44:14. The ancients often
Buried their dead under. Ge 35:8; 1Ch 10:12. Erected monuments under. Jos 24:26. Performed idolatrous rites under. Isa 1:29; 57:5; Eze 6:13; Ho 4:13.
Jacob buried his family idols under Ge 35:4. Illustrative
Of strong and powerful men. Am 2:9. Of wicked rulers. Isa 2:13; Zec 11:2. (Fading,) of the wicked under judgments. Isa 1:30.
Antiquity of Ge 14:22; 24:3,8. Used for
Deciding controversies in courts of law. Ex 22:11; Nu 5:19; 1Ki 8:31. Pledging allegiance to sovereigns. 2Ki 11:4; Ec 8:2. Binding to performance of sacred duties. Nu 30:2; 2Ch 15:14,15; Ne 10:29; Ps 132:2. Binding to performance of any particular act. Ge 24:3,4; 50:25; Jos 2:12.
Often accompanied by raising up the hand Ge 14:22; Da 12:7; Re 10:5,6. Often accompanied by placing the hand under the thigh of the person sworn to Ge 24:2,9; 47:29. To be taken in fear and reverence Ec 9:2. The Jews
Forbidden to take in the name of any created thing. Mt 5:34-36; Jas 5:12. Forbidden to take false. Le 6:3; Zec 8:17. Forbidden to take rash, or unholy. Le 5:4. To use God's name alone in. De 6:13; 10:20; Isa 65:16. To take, in truth, judgment, &c. Jer 4:2. Generally respected the obligation of. Jos 9:19,20; 2Sa 21:7; Ps 15:4; Mt 14:9. Fell into many errors respecting. Mt 23:16-22. Often guilty of rashly taking. Jdj 21:7; Mt 14:7; 26:72. Often guilty of falsely taking. Le 6:3; Jer 5:2; 7:9. Condemned for false. Zec 5:4; Mal 3:5. Condemned for profane. Jer 23:10; Ho 4:2.
Jephthah. Jdj 11:30-36. Saul. 1Sa 14:27,44. Herod. Mt 14:7-9. The Jews who sought to kill Paul. Ac 23:21.
Expressions used as
As the Lord liveth. Jdj 8:19; Ru 3:13. The Lord do so to me, and more also. Ru 1:17. God do so to thee, and more also. 1Sa 3:17. By the Lord. 2Sa 19:7; 1Ki 2:42. God do so to thee and more also. 1Sa 3:17. Before God I lie not. Ga 1:20. I call God for a record. 2Co 1:23. God is witness. 1Th 2:5. I charge you by the Lord. 1Th 5:27. As thy soul liveth. 1Sa 1:26; 25:26.
Obedience to God.
Without faith, is impossible Heb 11:6. Includes
Obeying his law. De 11:27; Isa 42:24. Obeying Christ. Ex 23:21; 2Co 10:5. Obeying the gospel. Ro 1:5; 6:17; 10:16,17. Keeping his commandments. Ec 12:13. Submission to higher powers. Ro 13:1.
Justification obtained by that of Christ Ro 5:19. Christ, an example of Mt 3:15; Joh 15:20; Php 2:5-8; Heb 5:8. Angles engaged in Ps 103:20. A characteristic of saints 1Pe 1:14. Saints elected to 1Pe 1:2. Obligations to Ac 4:19,20; 5:29. Exhortations to Jer 26:13; 38:20. Should be
With willingness. Ps 18:44; Isa 1:19. Unreserved. Jos 22:2,3. Undeviating. De 28:14. Constant. Php 2:12.
Confess your failure in Da 9:10. Prepare the heart for 1Sa 7:3; Ezr 7:10. Pray to be taught Ps 119:35; 143:10. Promises to Ex 23:22; 1Sa 12:14; Isa 1:19; Jer 7:23. To be universal in the latter days Da 7:27. Blessedness of De 11:27; 28:1-13; Lu 11:28; Jas 1:25. The wicked refuse Ex 5:2; Ne 9:17. Punishment of refusing De 11:28; 28:15-68; Jos 5:6; Isa 1:20. Exemplified
Abram. Ge 12:1-4; Heb 11:8; Ge 22:3,12. Israelites. Ex 12:28; 24:7. Caleb &c. Nu 32:12. Asa. 1Ki 15:11. Elijah. 1Ki 17:5. Hezekiah. 2Ki 18:6. Josiah. 2Ki 22:2. David. Ps 119:106. Zerubbabel. Hag 1:12. Joseph. Mt 1:24. Wise men. Mt 2:12. Zacharias &c. Lu 1:6. Paul. Ac 26:19. Saints of Rome. Ro 16:19.
Occasions of, forbidden 1Co 10:32; 2Co 6:3. Persecution, a cause of, to mere professors Mt 13:21; 24:10; 26:31. The wicked take, at
Christ, as the corner-stone. Isa 8:14; Ro 9:33; 1Pe 2:8. Christ, as the bread of life. Joh 6:58-61. Christ crucified. 1Co 1:23; Ga 5:11. The righteousness of faith. Ro 9:32. The necessity of inward purity. Mt 15:11,12.
Saints warned against taking Joh 16:1. Saints should
Be cautious of giving. Ps 73:15; Ro 14:13; 1Co 8:9. Have a conscience void of. Ac 24:16. Cut off what causes, to themselves. Mt 5:29,30; Mr 9:43-47. Not let their liberty occasion, to others. 1Co 8:9. Use self-denial rather than occasion. Ro 14:21; 1Co 8:13. Avoid those who cause. Ro 16:17. Reprove those who cause. Ex 32:21; 1Sa 2:24.
Remove that which causes. Isa 57:14.
Denunciation against those who cause Mt 18:7; Mr 9:42. Punishment for occasioning Eze 44:12; Mal 2:8,9; Mt 18:6,7. Exemplified
Balaam, &c. Nu 31:16; Re 2:14. Gideon. Jdj 8:27. Sons of Eli. 1Sa 2:12-17. Jeroboam. 1Ki 12:26-30. Old prophet. 1Ki 13:18-26. Priests. Mal 2:8. Peter. Mt 16:23.
Offences Against the Holy Spirit.
Exhibited in
Vexing him. Isa 63:10. Grieving him. Eph 4:30. Quenching him. 1Th 5:19. Lying to him. Ac 5:3,4. Resisting him. Ac 7:51. Undervaluing His gifts. Ac 8:19,20. Danger of trifling with the Holy Spirit. Heb 6:4-6. Doing despite to him. Heb 10:29. Disregarding His testimony. Ne 9:30.
Antiquity of Ge 4:3,4. Different kinds of
Trespass. Le 5:16-19; 6:6; 7:1. Peace. Le 3:1-17; 7:11. Heave. Ex 29:27,28; 7:14; Nu 15:19. Wave. Ex 29:26; Le 7:30. Meat. Le 2:1-16; Nu 15:4. Drink. Ge 35:14; Ex 29:40; Nu 15:5. Thank. Le 7:12; 22:29; Ps 50:14. Free-will. Le 23:38; De 16:10; 23:23. Incense. Ex 30:8; Mal 1:11; Lu 1:9. First-fruits. Ex 22:29; De 18:4. Tithe. Le 27:30; Nu 18:21; De 14:22. Gifts. Ex 35:22; Nu 7:2-88. Jealousy. Nu 5:15. Personal, for redemption. Ex 30:13,15.
Required to be
The best of their kind. Mal 1:14. Offered willingly. Le 22:19. Offered in righteous. Mal 3:3. Offered in love and charity. Mt 5:23,24. Brought in a clean vessel. Isa 66:20. Brought to the place appointed of God. De 12:6; Ps 27:6; Heb 9:9. Laid before the altar. Mt 5:23,24. Presented by the priest. Heb 5:1. Brought without delay. Ex 22:29,30.
Could not make the offerer perfect Heb 9:9. Things forbidden as
The price of a dog. De 23:18. Whatever was blemished. Le 22:20. Whatever was imperfect. Le 22:24. Whatever was unclean. Le 27:11,27.
Hezekiah prepared chambers for 2Ch 31:11. The Jews often
Defrauded God of. Mal 3:8. Gave the worst they had as. Mal 1:8,13. Rejected in, because of sin. Isa 1:13; Mal 1:10. Abhorred, on account of the sins of the priests. 1Sa 2:17. Presented to idols. Eze 20:28.
Many offences under the law, beyond the efficacy of 1Sa 3:14; Ps 51:16. Illustrative of
The conversion of the Gentiles. Ro 15:16. The conversion of the Jews. Isa 66:20.
Comes form the earth Ps 104:14,15; Ho 2:22. Kinds of, mentioned
Myrrh. Es 2:12.
The poor employed in extracted Job 24:11. Canaan abounded in De 8:8. Described as
Smooth. Pr 5:3. Penetrating. Ps 109:18. Healing. Isa 1:6; Lu 10:34.
Jews often extravagant in the use of Pr 21:17. Was tithable by the law De 12:17. First-fruits of, given to God De 18:4; 2Ch 31:5; Ne 10:37. Used
For anointing the person. Ps 23:5; 104:15; Lu 7:46. For anointing to offices of trust. Ex 29:7; 1Sa 10:1; 1Ki 19:16. For anointing the sick. Mr 6:13; Jas 5:14. In God's worship. Le 7:10; Nu 15:4-10. In idolatrous worship. Ho 2:5,8. For lamps. Ex 25:6; 27:20; Mt 25:3.
Dealing in, a trade 2Ki 4:7. Exported 1Ki 5:11; Eze 27:17; Ho 12:1. Sold by measure 1Ki 5:11; Lu 16:6. Kept in
Horns. 1Ki 1:39. Pots. 2Ki 4:2. Cruises. 1Ki 17:12. Cellars. 1Ch 27:28. Storehouses. 2Ch 32:28.
Failure of, a severe calamity Hag 1:11. Miraculous increase of 2Ki 4:2-6. Illustrative of
The consolation of the gospel. Isa 61:3. Kind reproof. Ps 141:5.
Olive Tree, The.
Among rocks. De 32:13. On the sides of mountains. Mt 21:1.
Assyria abounded in 2Ki 18:32. Kings of Israel largely cultivated 1Ch 27:28. Described as
Fair and beautiful. Jer 11:16; Ho 14:6. Fat and unctuous. Jdj 9:9; Ro 11:17. Bearing goodly fruit. Jer 11:16; Jas 3:12.
Pruning of, alluded to Ro 11:18,19. Often cast its flowers Job 15:33. Often cast its fruit De 28:40. Often suffered from caterpillars Am 4:9. Good for the service of God and man Jdj 9:9. Oil procured from Ex 27:20; De 8:8. Used for making
The doors and posts of the temple. 1Ki 6:31-33. Booths at feast of tabernacles. Ne 8:15.
Shaken when fully ripe Isa 17:6. Gleaning of, left for the poor De 24:20. Fruit of, during sabbatical year left for the poor, &c Ex 23:11. The fruit of, trodden in presses to extract the oil Mic 6:15; Hag 2:16. Failure of, a great calamity Hab 3:17,18. Illustrative
Of the Jewish church. Jer 11:16. Of the righteous. Ps 52:8; Ho 14:6. Of children of pious parents. Ps 128:3. Of the two witnesses. Re 11:3,4. (When wild,) of the Gentiles. Ro 11:17,24. (Gleaning of,) of the remnant of grace. Isa 17:6; 24:13. Probably origin of its being the emblem of peace. Ge 8:11.
Ostrich, The.
Furnished with wings and feathers Job 39:13. Lays her eggs in the sand Job 39:14. Described as
Imprudent. Job 39:15. Cruel to her young. Job 39:16. Rapid in movement. Job 39:18.
(Companionship with,) of extreme desolation. Job 30:29.
Owl, The.
Unclean and not to be eaten Le 11:13,16. Described as
Solitary in disposition. Ps 102:6. Careful of its young. Isa 34:15.
Illustrative of mourners Ps 102:6.
Ox, The.
Includes the
Bullock. Ps 50:9; Jer 46:21. Cow. Nu 18:17; Job 21:10. Heifer. Ge 15:9; Nu 19:2.
Described as
Beautiful. Jer 46:20; Ho 10:11. Not without sagacity. Isa 1:3.
Lowing of, alluded to 1Sa 15:14; Job 6:5. Was fed
With corn. Isa 30:24. With straw. Isa 11:7. On the hills. Isa 7:25. In the valleys. 1Ch 27:29; Isa 65:10. In stalls. Hab 3:17.
Formed a part of the patriarchal wealth Ge 13:2,5; 26:14; Job 1:3. Formed a part of the wealth of Israel in Egypt Ge 50:8; Ex 10:9; 12:32. Formed a part of the wealth of the Jews Nu 32:4; Ps 144:14. Required great care and attention Pr 27:23. Herdmen appointed over Ge 13:7; 1Sa 21:7. Urged on by the goad Jdj 3:31. Used for
Carrying burdens. 1Ch 12:40. Ploughing. 1Ki 19:19; Job 1:14; Am 6:12. Earing the ground. Isa 30:24; 32:20. Treading out the corn. Ho 10:11. Sacrifice. Ex 20:24; 2Sa 24:22. Food. 1Ki 1:9; 19:21; 2Ch 18:2.
Goes to the slaughter unconscious Pr 7:22. Young of, considered a great delicacy Ge 18:7; Am 6:4. Male firstlings of, belonged to God Ex 34:19. Tithe of, given to the priests 2Ch 31:6. Laws respecting
Not to be yoked with an ass in the same plough. De 22:10. Not to be muzzled when treading out the corn. De 25:4; 1Co 9:9. If stolen to be restored double. Ex 22:4. Of others not to be coveted. Ex 20:17; De 5:21. Of others if lost or hurt through neglect, to be made good. Ex 22:9-13. Killing a man, to be stoned. Ex 21:28-32. Mode of reparation for one, killing another. Ex 21:35,36. Straying to be brought back to its owner. Ex 23:4; De 22:1,2. Fallen under its burden to be raised up again. De 22:4. Fat of, not to be eaten. Le 7:23.
Publicly sold 2Sa 24:24; Lu 14:19. Often given as a present Ge 12:16; 20:14. The wicked often took, in pledge from the poor Job 24:3. Custom of sending the pieces of, to collect the people to war 1Sa 11:7. Sea of brass rested on figures of 1Ki 7:25. Illustrative
(Not muzzled in treading corn,) of Minister's right to support. 1Co 9:9,10. (Prepared for a feast,) of the provision of the gospel. Pr 9:2; Mt 22:4. (Led to slaughter,) of a rash youth. Pr 7:22. (Led to slaughter,) of saints under persecution. Jer 11:19. (Stall fed,) of sumptuous living. Pr 15:17.
(Firstling of,) of the glory of Joseph. De 33:17. (In a net,) of the impatient under judgment. Isa 51:20. (Fatted,) of greedy mercenaries. Jer 46:21. (Unaccustomed to the yoke,) of intractable sinners. Jer 31:18.
(well favoured,) of years of plenty. Ge 41:2,26,29. (Lean,) of years of scarcity. Ge 41:3; 27:30.
(Sliding back,) of backsliding Israel. Ho 4:16. (Taught, &c) of Israel's fondness for ease in preference to obedience. Ho 10:11. (Of three years old,) of Moab in affliction. Isa 15:5; Jer 48:34. (Fair,) of the beauty and wealth of Egypt. Jer 46:20. (At grass,) of the luxurious Chaldees. Jer 50:11.
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