Account of the last Moments of the President.
At twenty minutes past seven o'clock the President breathed his
closing his eyes as if falling to sleep, and his countenance
assuming an
expression of perfect serenity. There were no indications of pain,
and it
was not known that he was dead until the gradually decreasing
respiration ceased altogether. The Rev. Dr. Gurley, of the New York Avenue
Presbyterian Church,
immediately on its being ascertained that life was extinct, knelt at
bedside and offered an impressive prayer, which was responded to by
present. Dr. Gurley then proceeded to the front parlor, where Mrs.
Captain Robert Lincoln, Mr. John Hay, the Private Secretary, and
were waiting, where he again offered a prayer for the consolation of
family. The following minutes, taken by Dr. Abbott, show the
condition of the
late President throughout the night:--
11 o'clock, pulse 44. |
11.05 o'clock, pulse 45, and
growing weaker. |
11.10 o'clock, pulse 45. |
11.15 o'clock, pulse 42. |
11.20 o'clock, pulse 45,
respiration 27 to 29. |
11.25 o'clock, pulse 42. |
11.32 o'clock, pulse 48 and
full. |
11.40 o'clock, pulse 45. |
11.45 o'clock, pulse 45,
respiration 22. |
12 o'clock, pulse 48,
respiration 22. |
12.15 o'clock, pulse 48,
respiration 21.Eochymosis both eyes. |
12.30 o'clock, pulse 45. |
12.32 o'clock, pulse 60. |
12.35 o'clock, pulse 66. |
12.40 o'clock, pulse 69, right
eye much swollen, and eochymosis |
12.46 o'clock, pulse 70. |
12.55 o'clock, pulse 80,
struggling motion of arms. |
1 o'clock, pulse 86,
respiration 80. |
1.30 o'clock, pulse 95,
appearing easier. |
1.45 o'clock, pulse 86, very
quiet, respiration irregular, Mrs. Lincoln
2.10 o'clock, Mrs. Lincoln
retired with Robert Lincoln to an adjoining
room. |
2.30 o'clock, President very
quiet, pulse 54, respiration 28. |
2.52 o'clock, pulse 48,
respiration 30. |
3 o'clock, visited again by
Mrs. Lincoln. |
3.25 o'clock, respiration 24,
and regular. |
3.35 o'clock, prayer by Rev.
Dr. Gurley. |
4 o'clock, respiration 26, and
regular. |
4.15 o'clock, pulse 60,
respiration 25. |
5.50 o'clock, respiration 28,
regular. |
6 o'clock, pulse failing,
respiration 28. |
6.30 o'clock, still failing,
and labored breathing. |
7 o'clock, symptoms of
immediate dissolution. |
7.22 o'clock, death. |
Surrounding the death-bed of the
President were Vice-President John son; Secretaries Stanton, Welles, McCulloch, and Usher; Postmaster General Dennison and Attorney - General Speed; Generals Halleck,
Meigs, Farnsworth, Augur, and Todd; Senator Sumner; Rev. Dr.
Gurley; Speaker Colfax; Ex-Governor Farwell; Judge Carter, Judge
Otto; Surgeon-General Barnes; Doctors Crane, Stone, Abbott, and
M. B. Field and R. F. Andrews.
3 P. M.
Major-General DIX, New York:
Official notice of the death of the
late President, Abraham Lincoln, was
given by the heads of departments this morning to Andrew Johnson,
Vice President, upon whom the Constitution devolved the office of
President. Mr. Johnson, upon receiving this notice, appeared before the
Salmon P. Chase, Chief-Justice of the United States, and took the
of office as President of the United States, and assumed its duties
functions. At twelve o'clock the President met the heads of
in Cabinet meeting at the Treasury building, and among other
the following was transacted:--
First. The
arrangements for the funeral of the late President were
referred to the several secretaries, as far as relates to their
Second. William
Hunter, Esq., was appointed Acting Secretary of State
during the disability of Mr. Seward and his son, Frederick Seward,
Assistant Secretary.
Third. The
President formally announced that he desired to retain the
present secretaries of departments of his Cabinet, and they would go
and discharge their respective duties in the same manner as before
memorable event that had changed the head of the Government.
All business in the departments was
suspended during the day.
The surgeons report that the condition
of Mr. Seward remains un changed. He is doing well.
No improvement in Mr. Frederick
The murderers have not yet been
of War.