(Dendragapus obscurus
obscurus). With the
exception of the Sage
Grouse, this is the
largest of American
grouse, measuring about
20 in. in length and
weighing about three
pounds. This magnificent
grouse is not uncommon
in the Rocky Mountains
from Arizona to northern
Colorado. Another race,
known as the Sooty
Grouse, which differs
chiefly in having a
narrower tail band, is
found from Alaska south
to Oregon. Still
another, Richardson
Grouse, which shows
scarcely any tail band,
is found in the Rockies
from Mackenzie to Oregon
and Montana. All these
birds are known to
sportsmen as one, and
are usually termed
'"Blue Grouse."
During winter they
spend most of their time
in the tops of immense
firs and pines, feeding
upon the buds and
needles and only coming
down early in the
morning or at dusk to
drink. Living as they
do, in places where the
trees are of gigantic
size and set closely
together, these birds
are difficult to see,
since their colors match
the bark well and they
sit motionless until
they are pretty sure
they are seen, when they
will whir away with a
thunderous roar. As more
than half the time the
speeding bird is apt to
be behind tree trunks,
the chances of
successful wing shots
are not rosy.
Their eggs, laid in
slight depressions
alongside of logs or
under bushes, are
creamy-buff, spotted all
over with brown.
canadensis canace).
A medium-sized grouse,
measuring about 15 in.
in length, feeding
chiefly upon spruce
buds, which impart a
disagreeable taste to
its flesh, on which
account they are seldom
shot and are usually
exceedingly tame. They
are sometimes caught in
the hands and often
caught with a noose on
the end of a pole. This
species, or some of the
almost identical forms,
is found in wooded
regions of Canada and
northern United States.
Franklin Grouse, found
in western Canada and
northwestern United
States, has scarcely any
band on the end of the
tail and the upper
coverts are broadly
banded with white.