American Game Birds

Illustrating More Than One Hundred Species In Natural Colors

By Chester A. Reed

Page 45

RUDDY TURNSTONE (Arenaria interpres morinella). Turnstones are unusual in form, in that the bill is quite stout, pointed and has an upturned appearance since the top of the upper mandible is perfectly straight. The present handsome species breeds on the Arctic coast and migrates abundantly along both coasts, wintering from southern United States southward. The common Turnstone, a grayer variety, is an Old World species, a few of which breed in western Alaska and migrate through Japan. The Turnstone is commonly known among sportsmen as "Calico-back," " Horse-foot Snipe" and "Beach Snipe."


BLACK-TURNSTONE (Arenaria melanocephala). Of the same size as the last, measuring about 9 in. in length. Found on the Pacific coast, breeding in Alaska and wintering south from British Columbia.


OYSTER-CATCHER (Haematopus palliatus). A very large shore bird, measuring about 19 in. in length, breeding on the South Atlantic and Gulf coasts from Virginia to Texas and wandering to New Brunswick.


BLACK OYSTER-CATCHER (Haematopus bachmani), shown in the pen sketch, is chiefly sooty black and white. This species, found along the whole Pacific coast of North America, is wholly blackish-brown in plumage; the bill is bright red and the feel flesh color.


MEXICAN JACANA (Jacana spinosa) is a most remarkable species common in Mexico and reaching our borders in southern Florida and Texas. The plumage is black, chestnut and yellowish-green; a scaly leaf-like shield protects the top of the head; the shoulders are armed with sharp horny points; and the toes and nails are of exceeding length, enabling them to walk over floating vegetation with ease.