American Game Birds

Illustrating More Than One Hundred Species In Natural Colors

By Chester A. Reed

Page 39

BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER (Tryngitcs subruficollis). This appears to be one of the rarer of the sandpipers, although it has been reported at times as abundant in the Mississippi Valley during migrations. It is seldom seen on either the Atlantic or Pacific coasts during its flights between the breeding grounds along the Arctic coast to Argentina, where it is found in winter. They are found feeding upon insects on the prairies rather than about ponds or marshes, their habits being quite similar to those of Upland Plover.


SPOTTED SANDPIPERS (Aclitis macularia) enjoy the distinction of being practically free from destruction by gunners. In the first place they are too small to be worth while, being but little more than 7 in. in length; they seldom travel more than four in a flock and do not keep closely together; and as they commonly breed throughout the United States and Canada even in the vicinity of habitations and arc so very confiding, they become so well known and admired that only an ingrate would shoot them. They nest among grass or clumps of weeds anywhere, not necessarily near water. They live almost wholly upon aquatic or field insects and are useful birds economically. To a greater extent than any other of our shore birds they have the habit of almost incessantly teetering or bowing whenever they are standing, a habit that causes the country boy to almost universally know them as "Tip-ups" or "Teeter-tails." As usual with all birds of this order, the young are hatched covered with down, and leave the nest and follow their mother about almost as soon as they emerge from the eggs.


WANDERING TATTLER (Heteraditis incanus). This is a slate-gray and white species occurring on the Pacific coast, but never in any abundance. They breed on the Alaskan coast and winter on the shores of Lower California.