(Numenius americanus).
The largest of the
curlews and also the
largest of the shore
birds, measuring about 2
feet in length. The bill
is very long and quite
curved, measuring from 4
to 8 in. in length. Not
many years ago these
great birds occurred
regularly along the
Atlantic coast north to
New England, but at
present are only
regarded as stragglers.
They breed from Texas
and northern California
north to Saskatchewan
and winter on the South
Atlantic and Gulf
Even in the
interior they are
rapidly diminishing in
numbers, for no gunner
loses the chance to bag
them and they are the
very easiest of game to
secure. They are killed
chiefly because of their
size; their flesh is
rather tough and not
very desirable. They
come to decoys readily,
but one does not even
need decoys, for an
imitation of their clear
flute-like cur-lew
will bring passing birds
within range without
(Numenius hudsonicus)
or "Jack Curlews," as
gunners usually call
them, measure only about
17 in. in length. Notice
that the crown is solid
brownish-black, with a
narrow stripe through
the middle, this easily
distinguishing them from
the smaller Eskimo
Curlews, which have the
crown streaked all over
with buff. These birds
breed along the Arctic
coast and migrate mainly
along both Atlantic and
Pacific coasts to their
winter homes, which are
from the Gulf coast to
southern South America.
If the weather is
favorable, they leave
land at Labrador or
Newfoundland and do not
stop along the coast of
the United States.

(Numenius borealis)
are but 13 in. in
length, have short,
little curved bills and
differ otherwise from
the preceding species as
explained above. They
bred in Arctic regions,
migrated in close flocks
along the coast to
southern South America
and returned through the
Mississippi Valley; they
are at present
practically extinct.