(Somateria dresseri), These very large and handsome ducks,
measuring 24 in. in
length, live quite
extensively upon small
fish as well as mollusks
and insects; their flesh
is consequently tough
and very unpalatable,
but they are
nevertheless valuable
birds, for they furnish
the eider down of
commerce, this being
gathered from their
nests on northern
islands. This species
breeds from Maine to
Labrador and in the
southern half of Hudson
Bay. Another species,
mollissima borealis),
which differs from this
in having the soft basal
portion of the bill
pointed instead of
rounded, breeds farther
north and in Greerland.
Both species winter
south on the coast as
far as Massachusetts.
Their flight is rather
heavy and is usually
performed in Indian
(Somateria v-nigra)
are plumaged just like
the Northern, except
that the male has a
black V-shaped mark
extending back from
below the bill. Pacific
Eiders are found chiefly
on the coasts and
islands of the Behring
Sea and adjacent
portions of the Arctic
(Arctonetta fischeri)
are very locally
distributed on coasts of
the Behring Sea. The
male has a very peculiar
formation of short
velvety feathers on the
head, while the female
can easily be
distinguished from other
species because the base
of the bill is wholly

(Polysticta stelleri)
is a smaller duck,
measuring 17 in. in
length. The male, shown
in the pen sketch, has a
black throat and rusty
colored under parts. The
female is brownish
similar to the Eiders
but of course much
smaller. These ducks are
not uncommon in Behring
Sea and adjacent waters.