americana), that is,
the drakes, are quite
handsomely plumaged, as
our picture shows. The
name is bestowed because
of the white crown,
similarly as the Bald
Eagle is so named, even
though it is not in any
respect bald. Some
sportsmen prefer to term
this species the
"Widgeon," but since
that is the name of the
common European bird,
the present one is
better for this species.
These birds are
found, in the proper
seasons, throughout
North America, breeding
chiefly in the interior,
from the Arctic Circle
south as far as Texas.
They winter in the
southern half of the
United States and, while
abundant on the South
Atlantic coast, occur on
the New England coast
only casually during
They are quite
highly esteemed as table
birds, for their food is
almost wholly of
vegetable matter. They
delight in accompanying
flocks of Canvasbacks,
Redheads or other
deep-diving ducks, as
they can feed upon the
roots which, loosened by
these birds, float to
the surface.
(Mareca penelope)
are of the same size as
the last species, about
20 inches in length, and
similar in plumage
except for the head,
which is rusty brown
with a buff-colored
crown. This is a common
Old World species that
quite often occurs in
eastern North America.

(Nettion carolinense).
Although the smallest of
our ducks, measuring but
14 inches in length,
this species, which is
sometimes called "Winter
Teal" because it
migrates later in fall
and earlier in spring
than the next, is very
attractive both in
plumage and actions. It
nests on the ground,
chiefly north of the
United States border,
but locally south to
They are very
active, swift of flight,
capable of diving deep
and of springing from
the water in full