By Johann Peter Lange
Edited by Rev. Marcus Dods
Section XXIV
an intimation of Jesus of the
falling away of a large body of
his people
(Luk 13:22-30)
Jesus soon proceeded to move
from Capernaum, for the purpose
of leaving the country of
Galilee and entering upon his
last journey to Jerusalem. With
this in view, He was already
beginning to travel through
successive towns and villages.
Everywhere, however, He found
occasion to tarry, teaching and
rendering help to those who
needed it. In a peculiar manner
He seems from place to place to
have gathered together His
followers to prepare them for
the issue of His earthly
pilgrimage; and many were now
surrounding Him, and forming His
train. But to the disciples it
seemed that at this decisive
juncture all His adherents in
Galilee ought to attach
themselves to His train. No
doubt it was with this feeling
that John, with those then with
him, had resented the behaviour
of the man who sought to invoke
the name of Jesus to work
miraculous cures without
attaching himself to them. And
perhaps it was with much the
same feeling that now one asked
Him, ‘Lord, are only few saved?’
The solemn severity with which
Jesus answers this questioner
might also suggest the thought,
that the man was casting a
contemptuous glance on the small
band which followed Jesus, and
asked in derision, Thinkest thou
that only few will be
saved?—that of the people of
Israel only this pitiful company
are to enter into the kingdom of
heaven? And although we must not
overlook the circumstance, that
the questioner addresses Him as
Lord, and that Jesus seems at
least to place him among those
who, in their fashion, take much
pains to enter into the kingdom
of heaven, yet the form in which
Jesus couches His reply almost
warrants the supposition that He
considered him inwardly to be in
a dangerous state. Probably this
disciple had felt saddened and
annoyed that the company of
Jesus’ followers showed no
disposition to increase as he
had anticipated. Jesus well knew
that the man had grounds for his
apprehension; but He considered
likewise that his conception of
what it was to be delivered and
saved in the kingdom of the
Messiah was too external in its
character, thinking, as he did,
that those who formed the train
of Jesus were unquestionably His
partners in the kingdom, whilst
all others were in a very
serious condition. Therefore
Jesus replied with the
admonition, ‘Strive to enter in
through the strait gate; for
many, I say unto you, will seek
to enter in, and shall not be
able. Then, when once the Master
of the house has risen up’
(considering that the time for
expecting the members of His
family is expired), ‘and he has
shut the door’ (for the night),
‘then shall ye begin’ (thus it
runs, in a very affecting form
for the man whom Christ was
addressing) ‘to stand without,
and to knock at the door, and to
say, Lord, Lord open to us! But
he shall answer you, I know not
whence ye are. Then shall ye
begin to say, We have surely
eaten and drunk before thine
eyes, and thou hast taught in
our streets.’ Thereby He
intimates, that they would
consider that they had fully
proved their acquaintance with
Him; but that He would not
recognize this external
acquaintance as that which He
had in His view, but would again
declare to them that He knew
nothing of them, knew not of
what country they were, and
would then add, ‘Depart from me,
all ye workers of iniquity!’ But
how can He mean to call them
workers of iniquity if He does
not even know them? For the very
reason, because outwardly they
stood so near to Him, while
inwardly they were such
strangers to Him; because they
were Israelites, and yet in a
theocratic sense had become
barbarians,—men, whose origin
was from such a very great
distance, so deep in the
darkness, that the Lord of the
worlds Himself (so to speak)
cannot tell whence they are
derived; and because, by their
having so darkened their
relation to the Saviour of the
world, they betray that they
must through actions of great
iniquity have arrived at this
hideous transformation of their
being. Then follows the
concluding word: ‘There shall be
weeping and gnashing of teeth,
when ye shall see Abraham, and
Isaac, and Jacob, and all the
prophets in the kingdom of God,
and yourselves cast out. And
they shall come from the east
and the west, and from the north
and the south, and shall sit
down to table in the kingdom of
This, He tells them, would be
their greatest sorrow, that they
would see themselves thrust out
of the family of the patriarchs
and prophets, in whom they find
their national pride, and
replaced by adopted sons of
Abraham out of all tribes of the
heathens, whom they have so
deeply despised. And that in
this respect they might know the
worst, He adds, ‘And, behold,
there are last which shall be
first, and there are first which
shall be last.’
It was impossible that Jesus
should have more clearly
announced the speedy falling
away of the Jewish nation from
the centre-point of their faith,
their exclusion from the kingdom
of God, and the admission into
it of Gentiles from all ends of
the earth, than He did on this
occasion. It is true that the
people of Israel had never
clearly recognized the real
significance of their position.
But nevertheless, in a thousand
forms, that people has, with dim
consciousness, already expressed
its grief for its exclusion.
This was especially often the
case in the first days of the
extension of Christianity among
the Gentiles; for that which
most filled the Jews with envy
and wrath was, that this word
should have been brought to the
Gentiles. But the time will
come, when the great judgment of
their exclusion shall once more
come home to their consciousness
The word of Christ, however, has
also a continuing application to
all who, in the Christian
Church, appear as His old
housemates and acquaintances.
Even from amongst these will
many at all times prove to be
for Him inwardly stranger
nations, owning no home, whose
spiritual origin is less capable
of being made out than the
historical origin of the Gipsies;
whilst in the meantime many will
be drawn thither out of the most
miserable nations of mankind,
and become housemates with the
apostles, with the fathers of
the Church, and with the
reformers, in the kingdom of
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