The Creation. 4004 B. C.
The Fall. (?)
The Translation of Enoch.
3017 B. C
The Flood. 2348 B. C.
The New Covenant. 2347 B. C.
The Dispersion. 2248 B. C.
The Call of Abram. 1921 B.
The Removal to Egypt. 1706
B. C
The Death of Joseph. 1635 B.
The Exodus. 1491 B. C.
The Giving of the Law at
Sinai. 1490 B. C.
The Crossing of the Jordan.
1451 B. C.
The Division of the Land.
1444 B. C.
The Death of Joshua. 1426 B.
The Birth of Samuel. 1140 B.
The Anointing of Saul. 1095
B. C.
The Anointing of David. 1055
B. C.
The Anointing of Solomon.
1015 B. C.
The Dedication of the
Temple. 1006 B. C.
The Division of the Kingdom.
975 B. C.
The Accession of Jehu. 884
B. C.
The Captivity of the Ten
Tribes. 721 B. C.
The First Captivity of
Judah. 606 B. C.
The Second Captivity of
Judah. 598 B. C.
The Third Captivity. 587 B.
The First Return from
Captivity. 536 B. C.
The Second Return from
Captivity. 457 B. C.
The Dedication of
Zerubbabel's Temple. 515 B.
The Reforms of Ezra. 450 B.
The Close of the Old
Testament. 400 B. C.
The Battle of Arbela. 330 B.
The Death of Alexander. 323
B. C.
The Translation of the
Septuagint. 285 B. C
The Revolt of Judas
Maccabaeus, 165 B. C.
The Birth of John the
Baptist. 5 B. C.
The Birth of Jesus. 4 B. C.
The Presentation in the
Temple. 4 B, C
The Visit of the Wise Men. 3
B. C.
The Message to Joseph. 3 B.
Visit to the Temple. 8 A. D.
The Baptism of Jesus. 26 A.
Choosing the Twelve
Apostles. 28 A. D.
The Sermon on the Mount. 28
A. D.
The Death of John the
Baptist. 29 A. D.
The Sermon on Bread of Life.
29 A. D.
The Transfiguration. 29 A.
The Resurrection of Lazarus.
30 A. D.
The Triumphal Entry. 30 A.
The Resurrection. 30 A. D.
The Ascension of Christ. 30
A. D.
The Baptism of the Spirit.
30 A. D.
Healing the Lame Man. 30 A.
Death of Ananias and
Sapphira. 32 A. D
The Seven Chosen. 35 A. D.
The Death of Stephen. 36 A.
The Conversion of
Samaritans. 36 A. D.
The Conversion of Saul. 36
A. D.
The Conversion of Cornelius.
38 (?) A. D.
The Beheading of James. 44
A. D.
The Deliverance of Peter. 44
A. D.
The Missionary Call. 45 A.
The Council at Jerusalem. 50
A. D.
Paul 's Arrest at Jerusalem.
58 A. D.
Destruction of Jerusalem. 70
A. D.
The Banishment of John. 90
A. D.