Genus I. Sarcoramphus.
Vultures. Vigors. |
* |
1. Californian Vulture, |
Sarcoramphus |
Californianus, |
Plate 1 |
Genus II. Cathartes.
Vultures. Illiger. |
# |
1. Turkey Vulture, |
Cathartes |
aura, |
Plate 2 |
# |
2. Black Vulture, |
Cathartes |
atratus, |
Plate 3 |
Genus III. Aquila.
Eagles. Cuvier. |
* |
1. Golden Eagle, |
Aquila |
Chrysaetos, adult male, |
Plate 4.1 |
Golden Eagle, |
Aquila |
Chrysaetos, young, |
Plate 5.1 |
2. White-headed Eagle, |
Aquila |
leucocephala, |
Plate 6.1 |
White-headed Eagle, |
Aquila |
leucocephala, |
Plate 5.2 |
# |
3. Osprey, |
Aquila |
haliæeta |
Plate 4.2 |
Genus IV. Falco. Falcons.
Linnæus |
* |
1. Peregrine Falcon, |
Falco |
peregrinus, adult male, |
Plate 7.1 |
Peregrine Falcon, |
Falco |
peregrinus, adult female,
Plate 11.1 |
* |
2. Jerfalcon, |
Falco |
Islandicus, |
Plate 7.3 |
# |
3. American Sparrow Hawk, |
Falco |
Sparverius, male, |
Plate 11.2 |
American Sparrow Hawk, |
Falco |
Sparverius, female, |
Plate 11.3 |
4. Pigeon Hawk, |
Falco |
Columbarius, |
Plate 6.3 |
* |
5. Merlin, |
Falco |
Plate 7.3 |
6. Mississippi Kite, |
Falco |
Mississipiensis, |
Plate 11.4 |
7. Winter Falcon, |
Falco |
hyeraalis, |
Plate 12.1 |
Genus V. Astur. Bechstein.
1. Broad-winged Hawk,
Astur |
latissimus, |
Plate 8.2 |
2. Cooper's Hawk, |
Astur |
Cooperii, |
Plate 10.3 |
Genus VI. Accipiter.
Goshawks. Bechstein.
1. Goshawk, |
Accipiter. |
palumbarius, |
Plate 12.2 |
2. Slate-coloured Hawk, |
Accipiter. |
Pennsylvanicus, male, |
Plate 9.1 |
Slate-coloured Hawk, |
Accipiter. |
Pennsylvanicus, young
female, |
Plate 8.3 |
* |
3. Stanley's Hawk |
Accipiter. |
Stanlii, |
Plate 7.4 |
Genus VII. Buteo.
Buzzards. Ray. |
* |
1. Common Buzzard, |
Buteo |
vulgaris, |
Plate 13 |
2. Red-tailed Buzzard, |
Buteo |
Borealis, |
Plate 12.4 |
Red-tailed Buzzard, |
Buteo |
Borealis, young, |
Plate 12.3 |
3. Rough-legged Buzzard, |
Buteo |
lagopus, |
Plate 8.1 |
4. American Hen-harrier,
Buteo |
Cyaneus, |
Plate 10.2 |
American Hen-harrier, |
Buteo |
Cyaneus, young, |
Plate 5.3 |
5. Black Hawk, |
Buteo |
niger, |
Plate 9.3 |
Black Hawk, |
Buteo |
niger,young, |
Plate 9.4 |
6. Red-shouldered Hawk, |
Buteo |
lineatus, |
Plate 9.2 |
Genus VIII. Elanus. Swift
Hawks. Savigny. |
1. Swallow-tailed Hawk, |
Elanus. |
furcatus, |
Plate 6.2 |
2. White-tailed Hawk, |
Elanus. |
dispar, |
Plate 10.1 |
Genus IX. Strix. Owls.
Linnæus. |
* |
1. Snowy Owl, |
Strix |
Nyctea, male, |
Plate 14.1 |
# |
Snowy Owl, |
Strix |
Nyctea, female, |
Plate 14.2 |
* |
2. Great Cinereous Owl, |
Strix |
cinerea, |
Plate 15.1 |
* |
3. Tengmalm's Owl, |
Strix |
Tengnialmi, |
Plate 15.2 |
* |
4. Dalhousie's Owl, |
Strix |
Dalhousiei, |
Plate 15.3 |
5. Hawk Owl, |
Strix |
Hudsonia, |
Plate 16.1 |
6. Barred Owl, |
Strix |
nebulosa, |
Plate 16.2 |
# |
7. Barn or White Owl, |
Strix |
flammea, |
Plate 16.3 |
8. Little Owl, |
Strix |
passerina |
Plate 16.4 |
9. Burrowing Owl, |
Strix |
Cunicularia, |
Plate 16.5 |
10. Great-horned Owl, |
Strix |
Virginiana, |
Plate 17.1 |
# |
11. Long-eared Owl, |
Strix |
otus, |
Plate 17.2 |
12. Mottled Owl, |
Strix |
male, |
Plate 17.3 |
Mottled Owl, |
Strix |
young female, |
Plate 17.4 |
13. Short-eared Owl, |
Strix |
brachyota |
Plate 18.1 |
* |
14. Arctic-white Owl, |
Strix |
Arctica, |
Plate 18.2 |
Genus X. Corvus. Crows.
# |
1. Raven, |
Corvus |
corax, |
Plate 19.1 |
# |
2. Fish Crow, |
Corvus |
ossifragus, |
Plate 19.2 |
3. Crow or Rook, |
Corvus |
corone, |
Plate 19.3 |
4. Clark's Crow, |
Corvus |
Columbianus, |
Plate 19.4 |
Genus XI. Garrulus. Jays.
Brisson. |
# |
3. Magpie, |
Garrulus |
Pica, |
Plate 20.3 |
* |
1. Short-billed Jay, |
Garrulus |
brachyrynchus, |
Plate 20.1 |
* |
2. Columbian Jay, |
Garrulus |
Bullockii, |
Plate 20.2 |
4. Steller's Jay, |
Garrulus |
Stelleri, |
Plate 21.1 |
5. Blue Jay, |
Garrulus |
cristatus, |
Plate 21.2 |
6. Florida Jay, |
Garrulus |
Floridanus, |
Plate 21.3 |
7. Canada Jay, |
Garrulus |
Canadensis, |
Plate 21.4 |
Genus XII. Bombycilla.
Wax-Wings. Brisson.
1. Cedar-bird, |
Bombycilla |
Cedorum, |
Plate 22.1 |
* |
Cedar-bird, |
Bombycilla |
Cedorum, variety, |
Plate 22.2 |
2. Bohemian Wax-wing, |
Bombycilla |
garrula, |
Plate 22.3 |
Genus XIII. Yephantes.
Baltimores. Vieillot.
1. Orchard Baltimore, |
Yephantes |
spurius, adult male, |
Plate 23.1 |
Orchard Baltimore, |
Yephantes |
spurius, 2d year, |
Plate 23.2 |
Orchard Baltimore, |
Yephantes |
spurius, 1st year, |
Plate 23.3 |
Orchard Baltimore, |
Yephantes |
spurius, female, |
Plate 23.4 |
2. Catesby's Baltimore, |
Yephantes |
Baltimorus, male, |
Plate 23.5 |
# |
Catesby's Baltimore, |
Yephantes |
Baltimorus, female, |
Plate 23.6 |
Genus XIV. Icterus.
Troopials. Temminck.
1. Yellow-headed Troopial, |
Icterus |
icterocephalus, male, |
Plate 24.1 |
Yellow-headed Troopial, |
Icterus |
icterocephalus, female, |
Plate 24.2 |
2. Red-winged Troopial, |
Icterus |
male, |
Plate 24.3 |
Red-winged Troopial, |
Icterus |
young, |
Plate 24.4 |
3. Cow Troopial, |
Icterus |
pecoris, male, |
Plate 24.5 |
Cow Troopial, |
Icterus |
pecoris, female, |
Plate 24.6 |
Cow Troopial, |
Icterus |
pecoris, young, |
Plate 24.7 |
4. Rice Troopial, |
Icterus |
agripennis, |
Plate 24.8 |
Rice Troopial, |
Icterus |
agripennis, female, |
Plate 24.9 |
Genus XV. Quiscalus.
Grakles. Vieillot.
1. Great Crow Grakle, |
Quiscalus |
Major, male, |
Plate 25.1 |
Great Crow Grakle, |
Quiscalus |
Major, female, |
Plate 25.2 |
2. Rusty, |
Quiscalus |
ferrugineus, |
Plate 26.1 |
3. Purple, |
Quiscalus |
versicolor, |
Plate 26.2 |
Purple, |
Quiscalus |
versicolor, female, |
Plate 26.3 |
Genus XVI. Sturnella.
Meadow-Larks. Vieillot.
1. Meadow-Lark, |
Sturnella |
S. Ludoviciana, male, |
Plate 27.1 |
Genus XVII. Merula.
Thrushes. Ray. |
1. Ferruginous Thrush, |
Merula |
rufa, |
Plate 28.1 |
2. Hermit Thrush, |
Merula |
solitaria, |
Plate 28.2 |
3. Cat Bird, |
Merula |
livida, |
Plate 28.3 |
4. Mocking Bird, |
Merula |
Polyglotta, male, |
Plate 28.4 |
5. Robin, |
Merula |
migraloria, |
Plate 28.5 |
6. Wood Thrush, |
Merula |
meloda, |
Plate 28.6 |
7. Tawny Thrush, |
Merula |
mustilina, |
Plate 28.7 |
* |
8. Little Tawny Thrush, |
Merula |
minor, |
Plate 29.1 |
* |
9. Richardson's Thrush, |
Merula |
Richardsonii, |
Plate 29.2 |
10. Golden-crowned Thrush, |
Merula |
aurocapilla, |
Plate 29.3 |
11. Water Thrush, |
Merula |
aquatica, |
Plate 29.4 |
* |
12. Audubon's Thrush, |
Merula |
Ludoviciana, |
Plate 29.5 |
Genus XVIII. Cinches.
Dippers. Bechstein.
1. American Dipper, |
Cinches |
Americanus, |
Plate 30.1 |
Genus XIX. Myiothera.
Ant-Catchers. Illiger.
1. Rockymountain
Ant-catcher, |
Myiothera |
obsoleta, |
Plate 30.2 |
Genus XX. Lanius.
Shrikes. Linnaeus.
* |
1. Greater Northern Shrike, |
Lanius |
Borealis |
Plate 31.1 |
* |
2. American Gray Shrike, |
Lanius |
excubitorides, |
Plate 31.2 |
3. Great American Shrike, |
Lanius |
excubitor, |
Plate 31.3 |
4 Loggerhead Shrike, |
Lanius |
Carolinensis, |
Plate 31.4 |
Genus XXI. Muscicapa.
Fly-catchers. Linnaeus.
1. Tyrant Fly-catcher, |
Muscicapa |
tyrannus, |
Plate 32.1 |
2. Great-crested
Fly-catcher, |
Muscicapa |
crinita, |
Plate 32.2 |
* |
3. Richardson's Fly-catcher, |
Muscicapa |
Richardsonii, |
Plate 32.3 |
* |
4. Northern Fly-catcher, |
Muscicapa |
Borealis, female, |
Plate 32.4 |
* |
5. Say's Fly-catcher, |
Muscicapa |
Saya, male, |
Plate 32.5 |
Say's Fly-catcher, |
Muscicapa |
Saya, female, |
Plate 33.7 |
* |
6. Little Tyrant, |
Muscicapa |
pusilla |
Plate 32.6 |
7. Small Green-crested, |
Muscicapa |
querula, |
Plate 33.2 |
8. Wood Pe-we, |
Muscicapa |
rapax, |
Plate 33.3 |
9. Arkensaw, |
Muscicapa |
verticalis, |
Plate 33.4 |
10. Pe-wit, |
Muscicapa |
nunciola, |
Plate 33.5 |
* |
11. Traill's, |
Muscicapa |
Trailli, |
Plate 33.15 |
Sub-Genus. Milvulus.
Swainson. |
12. Fork-tailed, |
Milvulus |
Savanna, |
Plate 33.1 |
13. Swallow-tailed, |
Milvulus |
forficata, |
Plate 33.6 |
Genus XXII. Setophaga.
Gnat-catchers. Swainson.
1. Hooded Gnat-catcher, |
Setophaga |
mitrata, |
Plate 34.1 |
2. Green Black-capt, |
Setophaga |
pusilla |
Plate 34.2 |
3. Yellow- tailed, |
Setophaga |
ruticilla, male, |
Plate 34.3 |
* |
Yellow- tailed, |
Setophaga |
ruticilla, female, |
Plate 34.4 |
Yellow- tailed, |
Setophaga |
ruticilla, young, |
Plate 34.5 |
* |
4. Selby's, |
Setophaga |
Selbii, |
Plate 34.6 |
* |
5. Bonaparte's, |
Setophaga |
Bonapartii, |
Plate 34.7 |
6. Small Blue-gray, |
Setophaga |
male, |
Plate 34.8 |
* |
7. Small Blue-gray, |
Setophaga |
female, |
Plate 34.9 |
Genus XXIII. Vireo.
Chats. Vieillot. |
1. Yellow-throated Chat, |
Vireo |
flavifrons, |
Plate 35.1 |
2. Solitary, |
Vireo |
solitarius, male, |
Plate 35.2 |
* |
Solitary, |
Vireo |
solitarius, female, |
Plate 35.3 |
* |
3. Vigors's, |
Vireo |
Vigorsii, |
Plate 35.4 |
4. Pine Swamp, |
Vireo |
sphagnosa, |
Plate 35.5 |
5. Yellow-breasted, |
Vireo |
polyglotta, |
Plate 35.6 |
6. Red-eyed, |
Vireo |
olivacea, |
Plate 35.7 |
7. White-eyed, |
Vireo |
Novoboracensis, |
Plate 35.8 |
8. Warbling, |
Vireo |
melodia, |
Plate 35.9 |
Genus XXIV. Sylvia.
Warblers. Latham.
1. Golden-crowned, |
Sylvia |
coronata, male, summer |
Plate 36.1 |
2. Black-throated Green, |
Sylvia |
virens, |
Plate 36.2 |
3. Yellow-rumped, |
Sylvia |
maculosa, |
Plate 36.3 |
Yellow-rumped, |
Sylvia |
maculosa, winter, |
Plate 39.5 |
Yellow-rumped, |
Sylvia |
maculosa, young male, |
Plate 39.7 |
4. Yellow Redpole, |
Sylvia |
petachæ |
Plate 36.4 |
5. Blackburnian, |
Sylvia |
Blackburnice, |
Plate 36.5 |
6. Bay-breasted, |
Sylvia |
castanea, |
Plate 36.6 |
7. Mourning, |
Sylvia |
Philadelphia, |
Plate 36.7 |
8. Chestnut-sided, |
Sylvia |
Pennsylvanica, |
Plate 36.8 |
9. Caerulean, |
Sylvia |
male, |
Plate 36.9 |
Caerulean, |
Sylvia |
female, |
Plate 36.10 |
11. Tenesse, |
Sylvia |
peregrina, |
Plate 37.1 |
12. Maryland Yellow Throat, |
Sylvia |
Marylandia, male, |
Plate 37.2 |
Maryland Yellow Throat, |
Sylvia |
Marylandia, female, |
Plate 37.3 |
13. Blue Mountain, |
Sylvia |
tigrina, |
Plate 37.4 |
14. Palm, |
Sylvia |
palmarum, |
Plate 37.5 |
15. Hemlock, |
Sylvia |
parus, |
Plate 37.6 |
16. Blue-green, |
Sylvia |
rara, |
Plate 37.7 |
17. Orange-crowned, |
Sylvia |
celata |
Plate 37.8 |
18. Cape May, |
Sylvia |
Maritima, male, |
Plate 37.9 |
Cape May, |
Sylvia |
Maritima, female, |
Plate 37.10 |
19. Blackpole, |
Sylvia |
striata, male, |
Plate 37.11 |
Blackpole, |
Sylvia |
striata, female, |
Plate 37.12 |
20. Pine-creeping, |
Sylvia |
pinus, |
Plate 37.13 |
21. Prairie, |
Sylvia |
minuta, |
Plate 38.1 |
22. Blue-winged Yellow, |
Sylvia |
solitaria, |
Plate 38.2 |
23. Black-throated Blue, |
Sylvia |
Canadensis? |
Plate 38.3 |
24. Golden-winged, |
Sylvia |
chrysoptera, male, |
Plate 38.4 |
Golden-winged, |
Sylvia |
chrysoptera, female, |
Plate 38.5 |
25.Blue-eyed Yellow, |
Sylvia |
citrinella, |
Plate 38.6 |
26. Kentucky, |
Sylvia |
formosa, |
Plate 38.7 |
27. Yellow Throat, |
Sylvia |
flavicollis, |
Plate 38.12 |
28. Connecticut, |
Sylvia |
agilis, |
Plate 38.13 |
29. Blue-yellow Back, |
Sylvia |
pusilla |
Plate 38.14 |
30. Canada, |
Sylvia |
paqrdalina |
Plate 38.8 |
31. Prothonotary, |
Sylvia |
protonotarius, |
Plate 38.9 |
32. Autumnal, |
Sylvia |
autumnalis, |
Plate 38.10 |
* |
33. Richardson's, |
Sylvia |
Richardsonii, |
Plate 38.11 |
34. Nashville, |
Sylvia |
ruficapilla, |
Plate 39.1 |
35. Worm- eating, |
Sylvia |
vermivora, |
Plate 39.2 |
* |
36. Children's, |
Sylvia |
Childrenii, male, |
Plate 39.3 |
37. Children's, |
Sylvia |
Childrenii, female, |
Plate 39.4 |
# |
38. Small headed, |
Sylvia |
minuta, |
Plate 39.6 |
* |
39. Carbonated, |
Sylvia |
carbonata, adult male, |
Plate 40.4 |
* |
Carbonated, |
Sylvia |
carbonata, young, |
Plate 40.5 |
* |
40. Rathbone's, |
Sylvia |
Rathbonia, |
Plate 40.3 |
* |
41. Roscoe's Yellow Throat, |
Sylvia |
Rosco, |
Plate 40.6 |
* |
42.Bachman's, |
Sylvia |
Bachmanii, |
Plate 40.1 |
* |
Bachman's, |
Sylvia |
Bachmanii, young, |
Plate 40.2 |
Genus XXV. Regulus.
Kinglets. Cuvier.
1. American Kinglet, |
Regulus |
Americanus, male, |
Plate 41.1 |
American Kinglet, |
Regulus |
Americanus, female, |
Plate 41.2 |
* |
2. Ruby-crowned, |
Regulus |
calendulus, male, |
Plate 41.3 |
Ruby-crowned, |
Regulus |
calendulus, female, |
Plate 41.4 |
* |
3. Cuvier's, |
Regulus |
Cuvierii, male, |
Plate 41.5 |
Genus XXVI. Troglodytes.
Wrens. Cuvier. |
1. Winter Wren, |
Troglodytes |
hyemalis, |
Plate 42.1 |
2. Marsh, |
Troglodytes |
palustris, |
Plate 42.2 |
3. House, |
Troglodytes |
adon, |
Plate 42.3 |
4. Great Carolina, |
Troglodytes |
Ludovicianus, |
Plate 42.4 |
* |
5. Bewick's, |
Troglodytes |
Bewickii, |
Plate 42.5 |
Genus XXVII. Sialia.
Blue-Birds. Swainson.
* |
1. Arctic Blue-bird, |
Sialia |
Arctica, |
Plate 43.1 |
2. Common, |
Sialia |
Wilsonii, |
Plate 43.2 |
Genus XXVII. Anthus.
Titlarks. Bechstein.
1. Brown Titlark, |
Anthus |
Ludovicianus, male, |
Plate 43.3 |
* |
Brown Titlark, |
Anthus |
Ludovicianus, fale, |
Plate 43.4 |
* |
2. Praerie, |
Anthus |
pipiens |
Plate 43.5 |
Genus XXIX. Alauda.
Larks. Linnaeus. |
1. Shore Lark, |
Alauda |
alpestris, |
Plate 43.6 |
Genus XXX. Parus.
Titmice. Linnaeus.
1. Black-capt Titmouse, |
Parus |
atricapillus, |
Plate 44.1 |
2. Crested, |
Parus |
bicolor, |
Plate 44.2 |
* |
3. Canadian, |
Parus |
Hudsonicus, |
Plate 44.5 |
Genus XXXI. Emberiza.
Buntings. Linnaeus.
* |
1. Painted Bunting, |
Emberiza. |
picta, |
Plate 45.3 |
2. Lapland Long-spurred, |
Emberiza. |
Lapponica, male, |
Plate 45.4 |
Lapland Long-spurred, |
Emberiza. |
Lapponica, female, |
Plate 45.5 |
* |
3. Snow, |
Emberiza. |
nivalis, summer, |
Plate 45.6 |
Snow, |
Emberiza. |
nivalis, winter, |
Plate 45.7 |
* |
4. Henslow's, |
Emberiza. |
Henslowii, |
Plate 45.8 |
Sub-genus. Pipilo.
Swainson. |
* |
5. Arctic ground |
Pipilo |
Arctica, male, |
Plate 45.1 |
* |
ground |
Pipilo |
Arctica, female, |
Plate 45.2 |
Genus XXXII. Tanagra.
Tanagers. Linnaeus.
1 . Summer Red Bird, |
Tanagra |
astiva, male, |
Plate 46.1 |
Summer Red Bird, |
Tanagra |
astiva, female, |
Plate 46.2 |
2. Scarlet Tanager, |
Tanagra |
rubra, male, |
Plate 46.3 |
Scarlet Tanager, |
Tanagra |
rubra, female, |
Plate 46.4 |
3. Louisiana, |
Tanagra |
Plate 46.5 |
Genus XXXIII. Loxia.
Crossbills. Brisson.
1. American Crossbill, |
Loxia |
curvirostra,young, male, |
Plate 47.1 |
American Crossbill, |
Loxia |
curvirostra,young, female, |
Plate 47.2 |
* |
2. White-winged Crossbill, |
Loxia |
leucoptera, male, |
Plate 47.3 |
White-winged Crossbill, |
Loxia |
leucoptera, young
male, |
Plate 47.4 |
White-winged Crossbill, |
Loxia |
leucoptera, female, |
Plate 47.5 |
Genus XXXIV. Pyrrhula.
Bullfinches. Brisson.
* |
1. Pine Bullfinch, |
Pyrrhula |
Enucleator, male, |
Plate 48.1 |
Pine Bullfinch, |
Pyrrhula |
Enucleator, young male, |
Plate 48.2 |
Pine Bullfinch, |
Pyrrhula |
Enucleator, female, |
Plate 48.3 |
2. Crimson-headed, |
Pyrrhula |
frontalis, male, |
Plate 48.4 |
Crimson-headed, |
Pyrrhula |
frontalis, female, |
Plate 48.5 |
Genus XXXV. Fringilla.
Finches. Illiger.
1. Lazuli Finch, |
Fringilla |
amaina, |
Plate 49.1 |
2. American Goldfinch, |
Fringilla |
tristis, male, |
Plate 49.2 |
American Goldfinch, |
Fringilla |
tristis, female, |
Plate 49.3 |
3. Arkansaw, |
Fringilla |
psalteria |
Plate 49.4 |
4. Indigo, |
Fringilla |
cayana, male, |
Plate 49.5 |
Indigo, |
Fringilla |
cayana, female, |
Plate 49.6 |
5. Evening, |
Fringilla |
vespertina, |
Plate 49.7 |
6. Rose-breasted, |
Fringilla |
Ludoviciana, male, |
Plate 49.8 |
Rose-breasted, |
Fringilla |
Ludoviciana, female, |
Plate 49.9 |
7. White-crowned. |
Fringilla |
leucophrys, |
Plate 50.1 |
8. Bay-winged, |
Fringilla |
graminea, |
Plate 50.2 |
9. Swamp, |
Fringilla |
palustris, |
Plate 50.3 |
10. Savannah, |
Fringilla |
Savanna, male, |
Plate 50.4 |
Savannah, |
Fringilla |
Savanna, female, |
Plate 50.5 |
11. Field, |
Fringilla |
pusilla |
Plate 50.6 |
12. Tree, |
Fringilla |
arborea, |
Plate 50.7 |
13. Chipping, |
Fringilla |
socialis, |
Plate 50.8 |
14. Yellow-winged, |
Fringilla |
passerina |
Plate 50.9 |
15. Fox-coloured, |
Fringilla |
ferruginea, |
Plate 50.10 |
16. Lark, |
Fringilla |
grammaca, |
Plate 50.11 |
17. Painted, |
Fringilla |
ciris, male, |
Plate 51.1 |
Painted, |
Fringilla |
ciris, female, |
Plate 51.2 |
18. Sharp-tailed, |
Fringilla |
caudacuta, |
Plate 51.3 |
19. Towhe, |
Fringilla |
erythropthalma, male, |
Plate 51.4 |
# |
Towhe, |
Fringilla |
erythropthalma, female, |
Plate 51.5 |
20. Lesser Redpoll, |
Fringilla |
linaria |
Plate 51.6 |
21. Snow-bird, |
Fringilla |
Hudsonia, |
Plate 51.7 |
22. White-throated Sparrow, |
Fringilla |
albicollis, male, |
Plate 52.1 |
* |
White-throated Sparrow, |
Fringilla |
albicollis, female, |
Plate 52.2 |
23. Song Sparrow, |
Fringilla |
melodia, male, |
Plate 52.3 |
* |
Song Sparrow, |
Fringilla |
melodia, female, |
Plate 52.4 |
* |
24. Gray crowned Linnet, |
Fringilla |
tephrocotis, |
Plate 52.5 |
25. Sea-side Finch, |
Fringilla |
maritima, |
Plate 52.6 |
26. Pine Finch, |
Fringilla |
pinus, |
Plate 52.7 |
27. Cardinal Finch, |
Fringilla |
cardinalis, male, |
Plate 53.1 |
Cardinal Finch, |
Fringilla |
cardinalis, female, |
Plate 53.2 |
28. Purple Finch, |
Fringilla |
purpurea, male, |
Plate 53.3 |
Purple Finch, |
Fringilla |
purpurea, youngmale, |
Plate 53.4 |
* |
Purple Finch, |
Fringilla |
purpurea, female, |
Plate 53.5 |
29. Blue, |
Fringilla |
cærulea, |
Plate 53.6 |
30. Black-throated, |
Fringilla |
Americana, |
Plate 53.7 |
Genus XXXVI. Coccyzus.
Cuckoos. Vieillot.
1. Yellow-bellied Cuckoo, |
Coccyzus |
Americana, |
Plate 54.2 |
2. Black-bellied Cuckoo, |
Coccyzus |
erythropthalmus, |
Plate 54.3 |
Genus XXXVII. Psittacus.
Parrots. Linnaeus.
1. Carolina Parrot, |
Psittacus |
Carolinensis, male, |
Plate 54.1 |
Genus XXXVIII. Picus.
Woodpeckers. Linnaeus. |
# |
1. Ivory-billed Woodpecker, |
Picus |
principalis, male, |
Plate 55.1 |
* |
Ivory-billed Woodpecker, |
Picus |
principalis, female, |
Plate 55.2 |
# |
2. Piliated Woodpecker, |
Picus |
piliatus, male, |
Plate 56.1 |
* |
Piliated Woodpecker, |
Picus |
piliatus, female, |
Plate 56.2 |
3. Three-toed Woodpecker, |
Picus |
tridactylus, male, |
Plate 55.3 |
* |
4. Arctic three-toed
Woodpecker, |
Picus |
Arclicus, male, |
Plate 56.3 |
* |
Arctic three-toed
Woodpecker, |
Picus |
Arclicus, male, |
Plate 58.2 |
Arctic three-toed
Woodpecker, |
Picus |
Arclicus, female, |
Plate 55.4 |
5. Red-headed Woodpecker, |
Picus |
erythrocephalus, |
Plate 57.2 |
Red-headed Woodpecker, |
Picus |
erythrocephalus, young, |
Plate 58.5 |
6. Lewis's Woodpecker, |
Picus |
torquatus, |
Plate 57.1 |
7. Hairy Woodpecker, |
Picus |
villosus, |
Plate 57.3 |
8. Red-bellied Woodpecker, |
Picus |
Carolinensis, |
Plate 57.4 |
9. Downy Woodpecker, |
Picus |
pubescens, |
Plate 57.5 |
10. Yellow-bellied
Woodpecker, |
Picus |
Varius, |
Plate 57.6 |
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker, |
Picus |
Varius, young, |
Plate 58.3 |
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker, |
Picus |
Varius, |
Plate 58.4 |
11. Red-cockaded Woodpecker, |
Picus |
querulus |
Plate 58.1 |
12. Gold-winged Woodpecker, |
Picus |
auratus, |
Plate 58.6 |
* |
Gold-winged Woodpecker, |
Picus |
auratus, young, |
Plate 56.4 |
Genus XXXIX. Sitta.
Nuthatches. Linnaeus.
1 . White-breasted,
black-capped Nuthatch, |
Sitta |
Carolinensis, |
Plate 59.1 |
2. Red-bellied, black-capped
Nuthatch, |
Sitta |
varia, |
Plate 59.2 |
3. Brown-headed Nuthatch, |
Sitta |
pusilla, |
Plate 59.3 |
Genus XL. Certhia.
Creepers. Linnaeus.
1. Brown Creeper, |
Certhia |
familiaris, |
Plate 60.1 |
2. Black and White, |
Certhia |
maculata, |
Plate 60.2 |
Genus XLI. Trochilus.
Humming-Birds. Linnaeus.
1. Northern Humming-Bird, |
Trochilus |
Colubris, male, |
Plate 61.1 |
Northern Humming-Bird, |
Trochilus |
Colubris, female, |
Plate 61.2 |
* |
Northern Humming-Bird, |
Trochilus |
Colubris, young, |
Plate 61.3 |
* |
2. Ruff-necked Humming-Bird, |
Trochilus |
rufus, male, |
Plate 61.4 |
* |
Ruff-necked Humming-Bird, |
Trochilus |
rufus, young male, |
Plate 61.5 |
* |
Ruff-necked Humming-Bird, |
Trochilus |
rufus, female, |
Plate 61.6 |
* |
Ruff-necked Humming-Bird, |
Trochilus |
rufus, young female, |
Plate 61.7 |
* |
3. Mangrove Humming-Bird, |
Trochilus |
Mango, male, |
Plate 61.9 |
* |
Mangrove Humming-Bird, |
Trochilus |
Mango, female, |
Plate 61.10 |
Genus XLII. Alcedo.
Kingsfishers. Linnaeus.
1. Belted Kingsfisher, |
Alcedo |
alcyon, male, |
Plate 62.1 |
* |
Belted Kingsfisher, |
Alcedo |
alcyon, female, |
Plate 62.2 |
Genus XLIII. Cypselus.
Swallows. Illiger.
1. Chimney Swallow, |
Cypselus |
pelasgius, |
Plate 63.1 |
Genus XLIV. Hirundo.
Martins. Linnaeus.
1 . Purple Martin, |
Hirundo |
purpurea, male, |
Plate 63.2 |
Purple Martin, |
Hirundo |
purpurea, female, |
Plate 63.3 |
2. Barn Martin, |
Hirundo |
rufa, male, |
Plate 63.4 |
Barn Martin, |
Hirundo |
rufa, female, |
Plate 63.5 |
3. White-bellied Martin, |
Hirundo |
bicolor, |
Plate 63.6 |
4. Bank Martin, |
Hirundo |
riparia, |
Plate 63.7 |
5. Cliff Martin, |
Hirundo |
fulva, |
Plate 63.8 |
Genus XLV. Caprimulgus.
Nighthawks. Linnaeus.
1. Virginian Nighthawk, |
Caprimulgus |
Virginianus, male, |
Plate 64.1 |
Virginian Nighthawk, |
Virginianus, female, |
Plate 64.2 |
2. Whip Poor Will, |
vociferus, male, |
Plate 64.3 |
Whip Poor Will, |
vociferus, female, |
Plate 64.4 |
3. Chuck Will's Widow, |
Carolinensis, |
Plate 64.5 |
Genus XLVI. Columba.
Pigeons. Linnaeus.
1. Passenger Pigeon, |
Columba |
migraloria, |
Plate 65.1 |
2. Carolina Turtle Dove, |
Columba |
Carolinensis, |
Plate 66.1 |
3. Zenaida Turtle Dove, |
Columba |
Zenaida, |
Plate 65.3 |
4. Band-tailed Pigeon, |
Columba |
fasciata, |
Plate 65.2 |
5. White-crowned |
Columba |
leucocephalus, |
Plate 66.2 |
6. Ground Dove, |
Columba |
passerina, male, |
Plate 66.3 |
Ground Dove, |
Columba |
passerina, female, |
Plate 66.4 |
Genus XLVII. Meleagris.
Turkies. Linnaeus.
# |
1. Wild Turkey, |
Meleagris |
Gallopavo, male, |
Plate 67.1 |
# |
Wild Turkey, |
Meleagris |
Gallopavo, female, |
Plate 67.2 |
* |
Wild Turkey, |
Meleagris |
Gallopavo, young, |
Plate 67.3 |
* |
2. Honduras Turkey, |
Meleagris |
ocellata, male, |
Plate 68 |
Genus XLVIII. Ortyx.
Quails. Stephens.
1. Virginian Partridge or
Quail, |
Ortyx |
Virginiana, male, |
Plate 69.1 |
* |
Virginian Partridge or
Quail, |
Ortyx |
Virginiana, female, |
Plate 69.2 |
* |
2. Long-tailed Quail, |
Ortyx |
Macroura, |
Plate 70.1 |
* |
3. Montezuma's Quail, |
Ortyx |
Montezuma, |
Plate 70.2 |
* |
4. Douglas's Quail, |
Ortyx |
Douglasii, |
Plate 71.1 |
* |
5. Californian Quail, |
Ortyx |
Californica, male, |
Plate 71.2 |
* |
Californian Quail, |
Ortyx |
Californica, female, |
Plate 71.3 |
* |
6. Harnassed Quail, |
Ortyx |
capistrata, |
Plate 72.1 |
* |
7. Welcome Quail, |
Ortyx |
neoxinus, |
Plate 72.2 |
* |
8. Painted Quail, |
Ortyx |
picta, male, |
Plate 73.1 |
* |
Painted Quail, |
Ortyx |
picta, female, |
Plate 73.2 |
Genus XLIX. Tetrao.
Grouse. Linnaeus.
1. Ruffed Grouse, |
Tetrao |
Umbellus, male, |
Plate 74.1 |
2. Sharp-tailed, |
Tetrao |
phasianellus, female, |
Plate 74.2 |
3. Pinnated, |
Tetrao |
cupido, male, |
Plate 75.1 |
* |
Pinnated, |
Tetrao |
cupido, female, |
Plate 75.2 |
* |
4. Dusky, |
Tetrao |
obscurus, male, |
Plate 76.1 |
Dusky, |
Tetrao |
obscurus, female, |
Plate 76.2 |
5. Spotted, |
Tetrao |
Canadensis, male, |
Plate 77.1 |
# |
Spotted, |
Tetrao |
Canadensis, female, |
Plate 77.2 |
* |
6. Rocky Mountain Spotted, |
Tetrao |
Franklinii, male, |
Plate 78.1 |
* |
Rocky Mountain Spotted, |
Tetrao |
Franklinii, female, |
Plate 78.2 |
* |
7. Richardson's Spotted, |
Tetrao |
Richardsonii, male, |
Plate 79.1 |
* |
Richardson's Spotted, |
Tetrao |
Richardsonii, female, |
Plate 79.2 |
* |
8. Cock of the Plains, |
Tetrao |
Urophasianus, male, |
Plate 80.1 |
# |
Cock of the Plains, |
Tetrao |
Urophasianus, female, |
Plate 80.2 |
Genus L. Lagopus. Ptarmigan.
Ray. |
1. Willow Ptarmigan, |
Lagopus |
Saliceti, male, spring, |
Plate 81.1 |
Willow Ptarmigan, |
Lagopus |
Saliceti, male, summer, |
Plate 81.2 |
Willow Ptarmigan, |
Lagopus |
Saliceti, male, winter, |
Plate 81.3 |
2. White-tailed Ptarmigan, |
Lagopus |
leucurus, |
Plate 82.1 |
3. Rock Ptarmigan, |
Lagopus |
ritpestris, |
Plate 82.2 |
4. Common Ptarmigan, |
Lagopus |
muctus, male, winter, |
Plate 83.1 |
Common Ptarmigan, |
Lagopus |
muctus, female, summer, |
Plate 83.2 |