Illustrations of the American Ornithology

By Alexander Wilson and Charles Lucian Bonaparte

Additions by Captain Thomas Brown


The arrangement adopted is that of Temminck, slightly altered, with the addition of some new Genera.

One Hundred and Sixty-one Birds have been added by the Editor, which are distinguished by an * ; and Eighty-seven Birds have been considerably enlarged ; these latter are marked by a # prefixed. Besides the addition of One Hundred and Sixty-seven representations of Forest Trees and Shrubs.


Genus I. Sarcoramphus. Vultures. Vigors.
* 1. Californian Vulture, Sarcoramphus Californianus, Plate 1
Genus II. Cathartes. Vultures. Illiger.
# 1. Turkey Vulture, Cathartes aura, Plate 2
# 2. Black Vulture, Cathartes atratus, Plate 3
Genus III. Aquila. Eagles. Cuvier.
* 1. Golden Eagle, Aquila Chrysaetos, adult male, Plate 4.1
      Golden Eagle, Aquila Chrysaetos, young, Plate 5.1
  2. White-headed Eagle, Aquila leucocephala, Plate 6.1
      White-headed Eagle, Aquila leucocephala, Plate 5.2
# 3. Osprey, Aquila haliæeta Plate 4.2
Genus IV. Falco. Falcons. Linnæus
* 1. Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus, adult male, Plate 7.1
      Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus, adult female, Plate 11.1
* 2. Jerfalcon, Falco Islandicus, Plate 7.3
# 3. American Sparrow Hawk, Falco Sparverius, male, Plate 11.2
      American Sparrow Hawk, Falco Sparverius, female, Plate 11.3
  4. Pigeon Hawk, Falco Columbarius, Plate 6.3
* 5. Merlin, Falco Æsalon, Plate 7.3
  6. Mississippi Kite, Falco Mississipiensis, Plate 11.4
  7. Winter Falcon, Falco hyeraalis, Plate 12.1
Genus V. Astur. Bechstein.
  1. Broad-winged Hawk,  Astur latissimus,  Plate 8.2
  2. Cooper's Hawk, Astur Cooperii, Plate 10.3
Genus VI. Accipiter. Goshawks. Bechstein.
  1. Goshawk, Accipiter. palumbarius, Plate 12.2
  2. Slate-coloured Hawk, Accipiter. Pennsylvanicus, male, Plate 9.1
      Slate-coloured Hawk, Accipiter. Pennsylvanicus, young female, Plate 8.3
* 3. Stanley's Hawk Accipiter. Stanlii, Plate 7.4
Genus VII. Buteo. Buzzards. Ray.
* 1. Common Buzzard, Buteo vulgaris, Plate 13
  2. Red-tailed Buzzard, Buteo Borealis, Plate 12.4
      Red-tailed Buzzard, Buteo Borealis, young, Plate 12.3
  3. Rough-legged Buzzard, Buteo lagopus, Plate 8.1
  4. American Hen-harrier, Buteo Cyaneus, Plate 10.2
      American Hen-harrier, Buteo Cyaneus, young, Plate 5.3
  5. Black Hawk, Buteo niger, Plate 9.3
      Black Hawk, Buteo niger,young, Plate 9.4
  6. Red-shouldered Hawk, Buteo lineatus, Plate 9.2
Genus VIII. Elanus. Swift Hawks. Savigny.
  1. Swallow-tailed Hawk, Elanus. furcatus, Plate 6.2
  2. White-tailed Hawk, Elanus. dispar, Plate 10.1
Genus IX. Strix. Owls. Linnæus.
* 1. Snowy Owl, Strix Nyctea, male, Plate 14.1
#     Snowy Owl, Strix Nyctea, female, Plate 14.2
* 2. Great Cinereous Owl, Strix cinerea, Plate 15.1
* 3. Tengmalm's  Owl, Strix Tengnialmi, Plate 15.2
* 4. Dalhousie's  Owl, Strix Dalhousiei, Plate 15.3
  5. Hawk  Owl, Strix Hudsonia, Plate 16.1
  6. Barred  Owl, Strix nebulosa, Plate 16.2
# 7. Barn or White Owl, Strix flammea, Plate 16.3
  8. Little Owl, Strix passerina Plate 16.4
  9. Burrowing Owl, Strix Cunicularia, Plate 16.5
  10. Great-horned Owl, Strix Virginiana, Plate 17.1
# 11. Long-eared Owl, Strix otus, Plate 17.2
  12. Mottled Owl, Strix nævia, male, Plate 17.3
        Mottled Owl, Strix nævia, young female, Plate 17.4
  13. Short-eared Owl, Strix brachyota Plate 18.1
* 14. Arctic-white Owl, Strix Arctica, Plate 18.2
Genus X. Corvus. Crows. Linnæus.
# 1. Raven, Corvus corax, Plate 19.1
# 2. Fish Crow, Corvus ossifragus, Plate 19.2
  3. Crow or Rook, Corvus corone, Plate 19.3
  4. Clark's Crow, Corvus Columbianus, Plate 19.4
Genus XI. Garrulus. Jays. Brisson.
# 3. Magpie, Garrulus Pica, Plate 20.3
* 1. Short-billed Jay, Garrulus brachyrynchus, Plate 20.1
* 2. Columbian  Jay, Garrulus Bullockii, Plate 20.2
  4. Steller's  Jay, Garrulus Stelleri, Plate 21.1
  5. Blue  Jay, Garrulus cristatus, Plate 21.2
  6. Florida  Jay, Garrulus Floridanus, Plate 21.3
  7. Canada  Jay, Garrulus Canadensis, Plate 21.4
Genus XII. Bombycilla. Wax-Wings. Brisson.
  1. Cedar-bird, Bombycilla Cedorum, Plate 22.1
*     Cedar-bird, Bombycilla Cedorum, variety, Plate 22.2
  2. Bohemian Wax-wing, Bombycilla garrula, Plate 22.3
Genus XIII. Yephantes. Baltimores. Vieillot.
  1. Orchard Baltimore, Yephantes spurius, adult male, Plate 23.1
      Orchard Baltimore, Yephantes spurius, 2d year, Plate 23.2
      Orchard Baltimore, Yephantes spurius, 1st year, Plate 23.3
      Orchard Baltimore, Yephantes spurius, female, Plate 23.4
  2. Catesby's Baltimore, Yephantes Baltimorus, male, Plate 23.5
#     Catesby's Baltimore, Yephantes Baltimorus, female, Plate 23.6
Genus XIV. Icterus. Troopials. Temminck.
  1. Yellow-headed Troopial, Icterus icterocephalus, male, Plate 24.1
       Yellow-headed Troopial, Icterus icterocephalus, female, Plate 24.2
  2. Red-winged Troopial, Icterus Phæniceus, male, Plate 24.3
      Red-winged Troopial, Icterus Phæniceus, young, Plate 24.4
  3. Cow Troopial, Icterus pecoris, male, Plate 24.5
      Cow Troopial, Icterus pecoris, female, Plate 24.6
      Cow Troopial, Icterus pecoris, young, Plate 24.7
  4. Rice Troopial, Icterus agripennis, Plate 24.8
      Rice Troopial, Icterus agripennis, female, Plate 24.9
Genus XV. Quiscalus. Grakles. Vieillot.
  1. Great Crow Grakle, Quiscalus Major, male, Plate 25.1
      Great Crow Grakle, Quiscalus Major, female, Plate 25.2
  2. Rusty, Quiscalus ferrugineus, Plate 26.1
  3. Purple, Quiscalus versicolor, Plate 26.2
      Purple, Quiscalus versicolor, female, Plate 26.3
Genus XVI. Sturnella. Meadow-Larks. Vieillot.
  1. Meadow-Lark, Sturnella S. Ludoviciana, male, Plate 27.1
Genus XVII. Merula. Thrushes. Ray.
  1. Ferruginous Thrush, Merula rufa, Plate 28.1
  2. Hermit Thrush, Merula solitaria, Plate 28.2
  3. Cat Bird, Merula livida, Plate 28.3
  4. Mocking Bird, Merula Polyglotta, male, Plate 28.4
  5. Robin, Merula migraloria, Plate 28.5
  6. Wood Thrush, Merula meloda, Plate 28.6
  7. Tawny Thrush, Merula mustilina, Plate 28.7
* 8. Little Tawny Thrush, Merula minor, Plate 29.1
* 9. Richardson's Thrush, Merula Richardsonii, Plate 29.2
  10. Golden-crowned Thrush, Merula aurocapilla, Plate 29.3
  11. Water Thrush, Merula aquatica, Plate 29.4
* 12. Audubon's Thrush, Merula Ludoviciana, Plate 29.5
Genus XVIII. Cinches. Dippers. Bechstein.
  1. American Dipper, Cinches Americanus, Plate 30.1
Genus XIX. Myiothera. Ant-Catchers. Illiger.
  1. Rockymountain Ant-catcher, Myiothera obsoleta, Plate 30.2
Genus XX. Lanius. Shrikes. Linnaeus.
* 1. Greater Northern Shrike, Lanius Borealis Plate 31.1
* 2. American Gray Shrike, Lanius excubitorides, Plate 31.2
  3. Great American Shrike, Lanius excubitor, Plate 31.3
  4 Loggerhead Shrike, Lanius Carolinensis, Plate 31.4
Genus XXI. Muscicapa. Fly-catchers. Linnaeus.
  1. Tyrant Fly-catcher, Muscicapa tyrannus, Plate 32.1
  2. Great-crested Fly-catcher, Muscicapa crinita, Plate 32.2
* 3. Richardson's Fly-catcher, Muscicapa Richardsonii, Plate 32.3
* 4. Northern Fly-catcher, Muscicapa Borealis, female, Plate 32.4
* 5. Say's Fly-catcher, Muscicapa Saya, male, Plate 32.5
      Say's Fly-catcher, Muscicapa Saya, female, Plate 33.7
* 6. Little Tyrant, Muscicapa pusilla Plate 32.6
  7. Small Green-crested, Muscicapa querula, Plate 33.2
  8. Wood Pe-we, Muscicapa rapax, Plate 33.3
  9. Arkensaw, Muscicapa verticalis, Plate 33.4
  10. Pe-wit, Muscicapa nunciola, Plate 33.5
* 11. Traill's, Muscicapa Trailli, Plate 33.15
Sub-Genus. Milvulus. Swainson.
  12. Fork-tailed, Milvulus Savanna, Plate 33.1
  13. Swallow-tailed, Milvulus forficata, Plate 33.6
Genus XXII. Setophaga. Gnat-catchers. Swainson.
  1. Hooded Gnat-catcher, Setophaga mitrata, Plate 34.1
  2. Green Black-capt, Setophaga pusilla Plate 34.2
  3. Yellow- tailed, Setophaga ruticilla, male, Plate 34.3
*     Yellow- tailed, Setophaga ruticilla, female, Plate 34.4
      Yellow- tailed, Setophaga ruticilla, young, Plate 34.5
* 4. Selby's, Setophaga Selbii, Plate 34.6
* 5. Bonaparte's, Setophaga Bonapartii, Plate 34.7
  6. Small Blue-gray, Setophaga cændea, male, Plate 34.8
* 7. Small Blue-gray, Setophaga cændea, female, Plate 34.9
Genus XXIII. Vireo. Chats. Vieillot.
  1. Yellow-throated Chat, Vireo flavifrons, Plate 35.1
  2. Solitary, Vireo solitarius, male, Plate 35.2
*     Solitary, Vireo solitarius, female, Plate 35.3
* 3. Vigors's, Vireo Vigorsii, Plate 35.4
  4. Pine Swamp, Vireo sphagnosa, Plate 35.5
  5. Yellow-breasted, Vireo polyglotta, Plate 35.6
  6. Red-eyed, Vireo olivacea, Plate 35.7
  7. White-eyed, Vireo Novoboracensis, Plate 35.8
  8. Warbling, Vireo melodia, Plate 35.9
Genus XXIV. Sylvia. Warblers. Latham.
  1. Golden-crowned, Sylvia coronata, male, summer Plate 36.1
  2. Black-throated Green, Sylvia virens, Plate 36.2
  3. Yellow-rumped, Sylvia maculosa, Plate 36.3
      Yellow-rumped, Sylvia maculosa, winter, Plate 39.5
      Yellow-rumped, Sylvia maculosa, young male, Plate 39.7
  4. Yellow Redpole, Sylvia petachæ Plate 36.4
  5. Blackburnian, Sylvia Blackburnice, Plate 36.5
  6. Bay-breasted, Sylvia castanea, Plate 36.6
  7. Mourning, Sylvia Philadelphia, Plate 36.7
  8. Chestnut-sided, Sylvia Pennsylvanica, Plate 36.8
  9. Caerulean, Sylvia cærulea, male, Plate 36.9
      Caerulean, Sylvia cærulea, female, Plate 36.10
  11. Tenesse, Sylvia peregrina, Plate 37.1
  12. Maryland Yellow Throat, Sylvia Marylandia, male, Plate 37.2
        Maryland Yellow Throat, Sylvia Marylandia, female, Plate 37.3
  13. Blue Mountain, Sylvia tigrina, Plate 37.4
  14. Palm, Sylvia palmarum, Plate 37.5
  15. Hemlock, Sylvia parus, Plate 37.6
  16. Blue-green, Sylvia rara, Plate 37.7
  17. Orange-crowned, Sylvia celata Plate 37.8
  18. Cape May, Sylvia Maritima, male, Plate 37.9
        Cape May, Sylvia Maritima, female, Plate 37.10
  19. Blackpole, Sylvia striata, male, Plate 37.11
        Blackpole, Sylvia striata, female, Plate 37.12
  20. Pine-creeping, Sylvia pinus, Plate 37.13
  21. Prairie, Sylvia minuta, Plate 38.1
  22. Blue-winged Yellow, Sylvia solitaria, Plate 38.2
  23. Black-throated Blue, Sylvia Canadensis? Plate 38.3
  24. Golden-winged, Sylvia chrysoptera, male, Plate 38.4
        Golden-winged, Sylvia chrysoptera, female, Plate 38.5
  25.Blue-eyed Yellow, Sylvia citrinella, Plate 38.6
  26. Kentucky, Sylvia formosa, Plate 38.7
  27. Yellow Throat, Sylvia flavicollis, Plate 38.12
  28. Connecticut, Sylvia agilis, Plate 38.13
  29. Blue-yellow Back, Sylvia pusilla Plate 38.14
  30. Canada, Sylvia paqrdalina Plate 38.8
  31. Prothonotary, Sylvia protonotarius, Plate 38.9
  32. Autumnal, Sylvia autumnalis, Plate 38.10
* 33. Richardson's, Sylvia Richardsonii, Plate 38.11
  34. Nashville, Sylvia ruficapilla, Plate 39.1
  35. Worm- eating, Sylvia vermivora, Plate 39.2
* 36. Children's, Sylvia Childrenii, male, Plate 39.3
  37. Children's, Sylvia Childrenii, female, Plate 39.4
# 38. Small headed, Sylvia minuta, Plate 39.6
* 39. Carbonated, Sylvia carbonata, adult male, Plate 40.4
*       Carbonated, Sylvia carbonata, young, Plate 40.5
* 40. Rathbone's, Sylvia Rathbonia, Plate 40.3
* 41. Roscoe's Yellow Throat, Sylvia Rosco, Plate 40.6
* 42.Bachman's, Sylvia Bachmanii, Plate 40.1
*      Bachman's, Sylvia Bachmanii, young, Plate 40.2
Genus XXV.  Regulus. Kinglets. Cuvier.
  1. American Kinglet, Regulus Americanus, male, Plate 41.1
      American Kinglet, Regulus Americanus, female, Plate 41.2
* 2. Ruby-crowned, Regulus calendulus, male, Plate 41.3
      Ruby-crowned, Regulus calendulus, female, Plate 41.4
* 3. Cuvier's, Regulus Cuvierii, male, Plate 41.5
Genus XXVI. Troglodytes. Wrens. Cuvier.
  1. Winter Wren, Troglodytes hyemalis, Plate 42.1
  2. Marsh, Troglodytes palustris, Plate 42.2
  3. House, Troglodytes adon, Plate 42.3
  4. Great Carolina, Troglodytes Ludovicianus, Plate 42.4
* 5. Bewick's, Troglodytes Bewickii, Plate 42.5
Genus XXVII. Sialia.  Blue-Birds. Swainson.
* 1. Arctic Blue-bird, Sialia Arctica, Plate 43.1
  2. Common, Sialia Wilsonii, Plate 43.2
Genus XXVII.  Anthus. Titlarks. Bechstein.
  1. Brown Titlark, Anthus Ludovicianus, male, Plate 43.3
*     Brown Titlark, Anthus Ludovicianus, fale, Plate 43.4
* 2. Praerie, Anthus pipiens Plate 43.5
Genus XXIX. Alauda. Larks. Linnaeus.
  1. Shore Lark, Alauda alpestris, Plate 43.6
Genus XXX. Parus. Titmice. Linnaeus.
  1. Black-capt Titmouse, Parus atricapillus, Plate 44.1
  2. Crested, Parus bicolor, Plate 44.2
* 3. Canadian, Parus Hudsonicus, Plate 44.5
Genus XXXI. Emberiza. Buntings. Linnaeus.
* 1. Painted Bunting, Emberiza. picta, Plate 45.3
  2. Lapland Long-spurred, Emberiza. Lapponica, male, Plate 45.4
      Lapland Long-spurred, Emberiza. Lapponica, female, Plate 45.5
* 3. Snow, Emberiza. nivalis, summer, Plate 45.6
      Snow, Emberiza. nivalis, winter, Plate 45.7
* 4. Henslow's, Emberiza. Henslowii, Plate 45.8
Sub-genus. Pipilo. Swainson.
* 5. Arctic ground Pipilo Arctica, male, Plate 45.1
*  Arctic ground Pipilo Arctica, female, Plate 45.2
Genus XXXII. Tanagra. Tanagers. Linnaeus.
  1 . Summer Red Bird, Tanagra astiva, male, Plate 46.1
       Summer Red Bird, Tanagra astiva, female, Plate 46.2
  2. Scarlet Tanager, Tanagra rubra, male, Plate 46.3
      Scarlet Tanager, Tanagra rubra, female, Plate 46.4
  3. Louisiana, Tanagra   Plate 46.5
Genus XXXIII. Loxia. Crossbills. Brisson.
  1. American Crossbill, Loxia curvirostra,young, male, Plate 47.1
      American Crossbill, Loxia curvirostra,young, female, Plate 47.2
* 2. White-winged Crossbill, Loxia leucoptera, male, Plate 47.3
      White-winged Crossbill, Loxia leucoptera, young  male, Plate 47.4
      White-winged Crossbill, Loxia leucoptera, female, Plate 47.5
Genus XXXIV. Pyrrhula. Bullfinches. Brisson.
* 1. Pine Bullfinch, Pyrrhula Enucleator, male, Plate 48.1
      Pine Bullfinch, Pyrrhula Enucleator, young male, Plate 48.2
      Pine Bullfinch, Pyrrhula Enucleator, female, Plate 48.3
  2. Crimson-headed, Pyrrhula frontalis, male, Plate 48.4
      Crimson-headed, Pyrrhula frontalis, female, Plate 48.5
Genus XXXV. Fringilla. Finches. Illiger.
  1. Lazuli Finch, Fringilla amaina, Plate 49.1
  2. American Goldfinch, Fringilla tristis, male, Plate 49.2
      American Goldfinch, Fringilla tristis, female, Plate 49.3
  3. Arkansaw, Fringilla psalteria Plate 49.4
  4. Indigo, Fringilla cayana, male, Plate 49.5
      Indigo, Fringilla cayana, female, Plate 49.6
  5. Evening, Fringilla vespertina, Plate 49.7
  6. Rose-breasted, Fringilla Ludoviciana, male, Plate 49.8
      Rose-breasted, Fringilla Ludoviciana, female, Plate 49.9
  7. White-crowned. Fringilla leucophrys, Plate 50.1
  8. Bay-winged, Fringilla graminea, Plate 50.2
  9. Swamp, Fringilla palustris, Plate 50.3
  10. Savannah, Fringilla Savanna, male, Plate 50.4
        Savannah, Fringilla Savanna, female, Plate 50.5
  11. Field, Fringilla pusilla Plate 50.6
  12. Tree, Fringilla arborea, Plate 50.7
  13. Chipping, Fringilla socialis, Plate 50.8
  14. Yellow-winged, Fringilla passerina Plate 50.9
  15. Fox-coloured, Fringilla ferruginea, Plate 50.10
  16. Lark, Fringilla grammaca, Plate 50.11
  17. Painted, Fringilla ciris, male, Plate 51.1
        Painted, Fringilla ciris, female, Plate 51.2
  18. Sharp-tailed, Fringilla caudacuta, Plate 51.3
  19. Towhe, Fringilla erythropthalma, male, Plate 51.4
#       Towhe, Fringilla erythropthalma, female, Plate 51.5
  20. Lesser Redpoll, Fringilla linaria Plate 51.6
  21. Snow-bird, Fringilla Hudsonia, Plate 51.7
  22. White-throated Sparrow, Fringilla albicollis, male, Plate 52.1
*       White-throated Sparrow, Fringilla albicollis, female, Plate 52.2
  23. Song Sparrow, Fringilla melodia, male, Plate 52.3
*       Song Sparrow, Fringilla melodia, female, Plate 52.4
* 24. Gray crowned Linnet, Fringilla tephrocotis, Plate 52.5
  25. Sea-side Finch, Fringilla maritima, Plate 52.6
  26. Pine Finch, Fringilla pinus, Plate 52.7
  27. Cardinal Finch, Fringilla cardinalis, male, Plate 53.1
        Cardinal Finch, Fringilla cardinalis, female, Plate 53.2
  28. Purple Finch, Fringilla purpurea, male, Plate 53.3
        Purple Finch, Fringilla purpurea, youngmale, Plate 53.4
*       Purple Finch, Fringilla purpurea, female, Plate 53.5
  29. Blue, Fringilla cærulea, Plate 53.6
  30. Black-throated, Fringilla Americana, Plate 53.7
Genus XXXVI. Coccyzus. Cuckoos. Vieillot.
  1. Yellow-bellied Cuckoo, Coccyzus Americana, Plate 54.2
  2. Black-bellied Cuckoo, Coccyzus erythropthalmus, Plate 54.3
Genus XXXVII. Psittacus. Parrots. Linnaeus.
  1. Carolina Parrot, Psittacus Carolinensis, male, Plate 54.1
Genus XXXVIII. Picus. Woodpeckers. Linnaeus.
# 1. Ivory-billed Woodpecker, Picus principalis, male, Plate 55.1
*     Ivory-billed Woodpecker, Picus principalis, female, Plate 55.2
# 2. Piliated Woodpecker, Picus piliatus, male, Plate 56.1
*     Piliated Woodpecker, Picus piliatus, female, Plate 56.2
  3. Three-toed Woodpecker, Picus tridactylus, male, Plate 55.3
* 4. Arctic three-toed Woodpecker, Picus Arclicus, male, Plate 56.3
*     Arctic three-toed Woodpecker, Picus Arclicus, male, Plate 58.2
      Arctic three-toed Woodpecker, Picus Arclicus, female, Plate 55.4
  5. Red-headed Woodpecker, Picus erythrocephalus, Plate 57.2
      Red-headed Woodpecker, Picus erythrocephalus, young, Plate 58.5
  6. Lewis's Woodpecker, Picus torquatus, Plate 57.1
  7. Hairy Woodpecker, Picus villosus, Plate 57.3
  8. Red-bellied Woodpecker, Picus Carolinensis, Plate 57.4
  9. Downy Woodpecker, Picus pubescens, Plate 57.5
  10. Yellow-bellied Woodpecker, Picus Varius, Plate 57.6
        Yellow-bellied Woodpecker, Picus Varius, young, Plate 58.3
        Yellow-bellied Woodpecker, Picus Varius, Plate 58.4
  11. Red-cockaded Woodpecker, Picus querulus Plate 58.1
  12. Gold-winged Woodpecker, Picus auratus, Plate 58.6
*       Gold-winged Woodpecker, Picus auratus, young, Plate 56.4
Genus XXXIX. Sitta. Nuthatches. Linnaeus.
  1 . White-breasted, black-capped Nuthatch, Sitta Carolinensis, Plate 59.1
  2. Red-bellied, black-capped Nuthatch, Sitta varia, Plate 59.2
  3. Brown-headed Nuthatch, Sitta pusilla, Plate 59.3
Genus XL. Certhia. Creepers. Linnaeus.
  1. Brown Creeper, Certhia familiaris, Plate 60.1
  2. Black and White, Certhia maculata, Plate 60.2
Genus XLI. Trochilus. Humming-Birds. Linnaeus.
  1. Northern Humming-Bird, Trochilus Colubris, male, Plate 61.1
      Northern Humming-Bird, Trochilus Colubris, female, Plate 61.2
*     Northern Humming-Bird, Trochilus Colubris, young, Plate 61.3
* 2. Ruff-necked Humming-Bird, Trochilus rufus, male, Plate 61.4
*     Ruff-necked Humming-Bird, Trochilus rufus, young male, Plate 61.5
*     Ruff-necked Humming-Bird, Trochilus rufus, female, Plate 61.6
*     Ruff-necked Humming-Bird, Trochilus rufus, young female, Plate 61.7
* 3. Mangrove Humming-Bird, Trochilus Mango, male, Plate 61.9
*     Mangrove Humming-Bird, Trochilus Mango, female, Plate 61.10
Genus XLII. Alcedo. Kingsfishers. Linnaeus.
  1. Belted Kingsfisher, Alcedo alcyon, male, Plate 62.1
*     Belted Kingsfisher, Alcedo alcyon, female, Plate 62.2
Genus XLIII. Cypselus. Swallows. Illiger.
  1. Chimney Swallow, Cypselus pelasgius, Plate 63.1
Genus XLIV. Hirundo. Martins. Linnaeus.
  1 . Purple Martin, Hirundo purpurea, male, Plate 63.2
       Purple Martin, Hirundo purpurea, female, Plate 63.3
  2. Barn Martin, Hirundo rufa, male, Plate 63.4
      Barn Martin, Hirundo rufa, female, Plate 63.5
  3. White-bellied Martin, Hirundo bicolor, Plate 63.6
  4. Bank Martin, Hirundo riparia, Plate 63.7
  5. Cliff Martin, Hirundo fulva, Plate 63.8
Genus XLV. Caprimulgus. Nighthawks. Linnaeus.
  1. Virginian Nighthawk, Caprimulgus Virginianus, male, Plate 64.1
      Virginian Nighthawk,   Virginianus, female, Plate 64.2
  2. Whip Poor Will,   vociferus, male, Plate 64.3
      Whip Poor Will,   vociferus, female, Plate 64.4
  3. Chuck Will's Widow,   Carolinensis, Plate 64.5
Genus XLVI. Columba. Pigeons. Linnaeus.
  1. Passenger Pigeon, Columba migraloria, Plate 65.1
  2. Carolina Turtle Dove, Columba Carolinensis, Plate 66.1
  3. Zenaida Turtle Dove, Columba Zenaida, Plate 65.3
  4. Band-tailed Pigeon, Columba fasciata, Plate 65.2
  5. White-crowned Columba leucocephalus, Plate 66.2
  6. Ground Dove, Columba passerina, male, Plate 66.3
      Ground Dove, Columba passerina, female, Plate 66.4
Genus XLVII. Meleagris. Turkies. Linnaeus.
# 1. Wild Turkey, Meleagris Gallopavo, male, Plate 67.1
#     Wild Turkey, Meleagris Gallopavo, female, Plate 67.2
*     Wild Turkey, Meleagris Gallopavo, young, Plate 67.3
* 2. Honduras Turkey, Meleagris ocellata, male, Plate 68
Genus XLVIII. Ortyx. Quails. Stephens.
  1. Virginian Partridge or Quail, Ortyx Virginiana, male, Plate 69.1
*     Virginian Partridge or Quail, Ortyx Virginiana, female, Plate 69.2
* 2. Long-tailed Quail, Ortyx Macroura, Plate 70.1
* 3. Montezuma's Quail, Ortyx Montezuma, Plate 70.2
* 4. Douglas's Quail, Ortyx Douglasii, Plate 71.1
* 5. Californian Quail, Ortyx Californica, male, Plate 71.2
*     Californian Quail, Ortyx Californica, female, Plate 71.3
* 6. Harnassed Quail, Ortyx capistrata, Plate 72.1
* 7. Welcome Quail, Ortyx neoxinus, Plate 72.2
* 8. Painted Quail, Ortyx picta, male, Plate 73.1
*     Painted Quail, Ortyx picta, female, Plate 73.2
Genus XLIX. Tetrao. Grouse. Linnaeus.
  1. Ruffed Grouse, Tetrao Umbellus, male, Plate 74.1
  2. Sharp-tailed, Tetrao phasianellus, female, Plate 74.2
  3. Pinnated, Tetrao cupido, male, Plate 75.1
*     Pinnated, Tetrao cupido, female, Plate 75.2
* 4. Dusky, Tetrao obscurus, male, Plate 76.1
      Dusky, Tetrao obscurus, female, Plate 76.2
  5. Spotted, Tetrao Canadensis, male, Plate 77.1
#     Spotted, Tetrao Canadensis, female, Plate 77.2
* 6. Rocky Mountain Spotted, Tetrao Franklinii, male, Plate 78.1
*     Rocky Mountain Spotted, Tetrao Franklinii, female, Plate 78.2
* 7. Richardson's Spotted, Tetrao Richardsonii, male, Plate 79.1
*     Richardson's Spotted, Tetrao Richardsonii, female, Plate 79.2
* 8. Cock of the Plains, Tetrao Urophasianus, male, Plate 80.1
#     Cock of the Plains, Tetrao Urophasianus, female, Plate 80.2
Genus L. Lagopus. Ptarmigan. Ray.
  1. Willow Ptarmigan, Lagopus Saliceti, male, spring, Plate 81.1
      Willow Ptarmigan, Lagopus Saliceti, male, summer, Plate 81.2
      Willow Ptarmigan, Lagopus Saliceti, male, winter, Plate 81.3
  2. White-tailed Ptarmigan, Lagopus leucurus, Plate 82.1
  3. Rock Ptarmigan, Lagopus ritpestris, Plate 82.2
  4. Common Ptarmigan, Lagopus muctus, male, winter, Plate 83.1
      Common Ptarmigan, Lagopus muctus, female, summer, Plate 83.2