The Babylonian Talmud
By Translated by Michael L. Rodkinson
Book 7 - Volume 14
Tract Baba Bathra, Part II
Table of Contents
Title Page |
Remarks |
Dedication |
Synopsis Of
Subjects |
Chapter 6 |
Rules and Regulations Concerning the Sale of Seeds Which
Become Spoiled, the Quantity of Dust Which May or May Not be Accepted in the
Measures of Grain and Fruit, and Wine Which Becomes Sour After Sale Before
Delivery.--Concerning Contractors for Houses and Stables, Wells and Gardens,
Situated in Neighbors' Properties or Public Thoroughfares in Private Ground, and
Concerning Graves and Caves for Burying |
Chapter 7 |
Rules and Regulations Concerning Rocks and Pits in Ground
Sold; the Quantities of Greater or Less Measure Which May or May Not Void a Sale
of Fields, Villages, Etc. |
Chapter 8 |
Rules and Regulations Concerning Bequests to and
inheritance By Near and Distant Relatives, Male and Female Slaves and their
Descendants, First Born and Husbands. One May or May Not Wish to Bequeath His
Estate to Strangers When He Has Children. Which Wills Must be Considered and
Which Wills Must Not. The Dividing of an inheritance between Grown-Up and Minor
Children, Male and Female |
Chapter 9 |
Rules and Regulations Concerning the Support of Unmarried
Daughters after the Death of their Father, If Among the Children Were an
Hermaphrodite or An Androgyn. May or May Not One Bequeath His Estate to
Strangers If He Has Children? Does the Second Will Abolish the First? If a Sick
Person Recovers After Making a Gift While Sick, May He Retract or Not? If Sudden
Death Occur to Many Persons, and It Is Not Known Who Died First, and Each of the
Heirs Claims for His Benefit |
Chapter 10 |
How Deeds Should be Written and Where the Witnesses Should
Sign. Concerning Erasures of Some Words in Deeds. In Which Cases both Parties
Must be Present At the Writing of the Deeds, and in Which One of them Suffices.
Concerning a Deposited Deed Which Was Paid in Part. How Shall the Court Approve
An Erased Document? Property for Private Use Which Was Left to Poor and Rich
Brothers |