FROM the date of Ms election, Mr. LINCOLN maintained
silence on the affairs of the country. The Government
was to remain for three months longer in the hands of Mr.
Buchanan,, and the new President did not deem it becoming or proper for him to interfere, in any way, with the
regular discharge of its duties and responsibilities. On
the 11th of February, 1861, he left his home in Springfield, Illinois, accompanied to the railroad depot by a
large concourse of his friends and neighbors, whom he
bade farewell in the following words:
MY FRIENDS: No one not in ray position can appreciate the sadness
I feel at this parting. To this people I owe all that I am. Here I
have lived more than a quarter of a century; here nay children were
born, and here one of them lies buried. I know not how soon I shall
see you again. A duty devolves upon me which is, perhaps, greater
than that which has devolved upon any other man since the days of
WASHINGTON. He never would have succeeded except for the aid of
Divine Providence, upon which he . at all times relied. I feel that
I cannot succeed without the same Divine aid which sustained him,
and on the same Almighty Being I place my reliance for support; and I hope you, my friends, will all pray that I
receive that Divine assistance, without which I cannot succeed, hut with
which success is certain. Again I bid you all an affectionate farewell.
As the train passed through the country, the President
was greeted with hearty cheers and good wishes by the
thousands who assembled at the railway stations along the route. Party spirit seemed to have been forgotten,
and the cheers were always given for "Lincoln and the
Constitution." At Tolono he appeared upon the platform,
and in response to the applause which hailed his appearance, he said:
I am leaving you on an errand of national importance, attended, as you
are aware, with considerable difficulties. Let us believe, as some poet
expressed it, "Behind the cloud the sun is still shining." I bid you an
affectionate farewell.
At Indianapolis the party was welcomed "by a salute of
thirty-four guns, and the President-elect was received by
the Governor of the State in person, and escorted to a
carriage in waiting, which proceeded followed by a procession of the members of both houses of the legislature,
the municipal authorities, the military, and firemen to the Bates House.
Appearing on the balcony of this hotel, Mr. Lincoln was greeted by the
hearty applause of the large crowd which had assembled in the street, to which
he addressed the following remarks:
Most heartily do I thank you for this magnificent reception, and while
I cannot take to myself any share of the compliment thus paid, more
than that which pertains to a mere instrument, an accidental instrument,
perhaps I should say, of a great cause, I yet must look upon it as a
magnificent reception, and as such most heartily do thank you for it.
You have been pleased to address yourself to me chiefly in behalf of
glorious Union in which we live, in all of which you have my hearty
sympathy, and, as far as may be within my power, will have, one and
inseparably, my hearty consideration. While I do not expect, upon this
occasion, or until I get to Washington, to attempt any lengthy speech, I
will 'only say to the salvation of the Union there needs but one single
thing the hearts of a people like yours. [Applause.]
The people, when they rise in mass in behalf of the Union and the
liberties of their country, truly may it be said, " The gates of hell
prevail against them." [Renewed applause.] In all trying positions in
which I shall be placed and, doubtless, I shall be placed in many such
my reliance will be placed upon you and the people of the United States;
and I wish you to remember, now and forever, that it is your business,
and not mine; that if the union of these States, and the liberties of
people shall be lost, it is but little to any one man of fifty-two years
age, but a great deal to the thirty millions of people who inhabit these United States, and to their posterity in all coming time. It is your
business to rise up and preserve the Union and liberty for yourselves, and
for me.
I desire they should be constitutionally performed. I,. as already intimated, am but an accidental instrument, temporary, and to serve but for
a limited time; and I appeal to you again to constantly bear in mind
with you, and not with politicians, not with Presidents, not with office-seekers, but with you is the question, Shall the Union and shall the
liberties of this country be preserved to the latest generations? [Cheers.]
In the evening the members of the legislature waited
upon him in a body at his hotel, where one of their number, on behalf of the whole, and in presence of a very
large assemblage of the citizens of the place, made a brief
address of welcome and congratulation, which Mr. Lincoln
acknowledged in the following terms:
much for this magnificent welcome, and still more for the generous support given by your State to that political cause which I think is the true
and just cause of the whole country and the whole world.
Solomon says there is "a time to keep silence," and when men wrangle
by the mouth with no certainty that they mean the same thing, while
using the same word, it perhaps were as well if they would keep silence.
The words "coercion" and "invasion" are much used in these days,
and often with some temper and hot blood. Let us make sure, if we can,
that we do not misunderstand the meaning of those who use them. Let
us get exact definitions of these words, not from dictionaries, but from
the men themselves, who certainly depreciate the things they would
represent by the use of words. What, then, is "Coercion?" What is
" Invasion?" Would the marching of an army into South Carolina, without the consent of her people, and with hostile intent towards them, be
"invasion?" I certainly think it would; and it would be "coercion"
also if the South Carolinians were forced to submit. But if the United
States should merely hold and retake its own forts and other property,
and collect the duties on foreign importations, or even withhold the
from places where they were habitually violated, would any or all these
things be "invasion" or "coercion?" Do our professed lovers of the
Union, but who spitefully resolve that they will resist coercion and
invasion, understand that such things as these on the part of the United
States would be coercion or invasion of a State? If so, their idea of
means to preserve the object of their affection would seem exceedingly
thin and airy. If sick, the little pills of the homoeopathists would be
much too large for it to swallow. In their view, the Union, as a family relation, would seem to be no regular marriage, but a sort of "
arrangement, to be maintained only on " passional attraction."
By-the-way, in what consists the special sacredness of a State? I speak
not of the position assigned to a State in the Union, by the
for that, by the bond, we all recognize. That position, however, a State
cannot carry out of the Union with it. I speak of that assumed primary
right of a State to rule all which is less than itself, and ruin all
which is
larger than itself. If a State and a county, in a given case, should be
equal in extent of territory, and equal in number of inhabitants, in wit
as a matter of principle, is the State better than the county? Would an
exchange of names be an exchange of rights upon principle? On what
rightful principle may a State, being not more than one-fiftieth part of
the nation, in soil and population, break up the nation and then coerce
proportionally larger subdivision of itself, in the most arbitrary way?
What mysterious right to play tyrant is conferred on a district of
with its people, by merely calling it a State?
Fellow-citizens, I am not asserting any thing; I am merely asking questions for you to consider. And now allow me to bid you farewell.
On the morning of the 12th, Mr. Lincoln took his departure and arrived at Cincinnati at about noon, having been
greeted along the route by the hearty applause of the
thousands assembled at the successive stations. His
reception at Cincinnati was overwhelming. The streets
were so densely crowded that it was with the utmost difficulty the procession could secure a passage. Mr. Lincoln
was escorted to the Burnett House, which had been handsomely decorated in honor of his visit. He was welcomed
by the Mayor of the city in a few remarks, in response to
which he said:
MR. MAYOR AND FELLOW- CITIZENS: I have spoken but once before this
in Cincinnati. That was a year previous to the late Presidential
On that occasion, in a playful manner, but with sincere words, I
much of what I said to the Kentuckians. I gave my opinion that we, as
Republicans, would ultimately beat them, as Democrats, but that they
could postpone that result longer by nominating Senator Douglas for the
Presidency than they could in any other way. They did net, in any true
sense of the word, nominate Mr. Douglas, and the result has come
as soon as ever I expected. I also told them how I expected they would
be treated after they should have been beaten; and I now wish to call
their attention to what I then said upon that subject. I then said,
we do as we say, beat you, you perhaps want to know what we will do
with you. I will tell you, as far as T am authorized to speak for the opposition, what we mean to do with you. "We mean to treat you, as near as
we possibly can, as Washington, Jefferson, and Madison treated you. We
mean to leave you alone, and in no way to interfere with your institutions; to abide by all and every compromise of the Constitution; and,
a word, coming back to the original proposition, to treat you so far as
degenerate men, if we have degenerated, may, according to the example
of those noble fathers, WASHINGTON, JEFFERSON, and MADISON. We mean
to remember that you are as good as we; that there is no difference between us, other than the difference of circumstances. We mean to recognize and bear in mind always that you have as good hearts in your bosoms
as other people, or as we claim to have, and treat you accordingly.
Fellow-citizens of Kentucky! friends! brethren, may I call you in my
new position? I see no occasion, and feel no inclination to retract a
of this. If it shall not be made good, be assured the fault shall not be
In the evening the German Republican associations called
upon Mr. Lincoln and presented him an address of congratulation, to which he responded, warmly indorsing the
wisdom of the Homestead bill, and speaking of the advantages offered by the soil and institutions of the United
States to foreigners who might wish to make it their home.
He. left Cincinnati on the morning of the 13th, accompanied
by a committee of the Ohio Legislature, which had come
from the capital to meet him. The party reached Columbus at two o' clock, and the President was escorted to the
hall of the Assembly, where he was formally welcomed
by Lieutenant-Governor Kirk on behalf of the legislature,
which had assembled in joint session, to which he made
the following reply:
ASSEMBLY: It is true, as has been said by the President of the Senate,
that very great responsibility rests upon me in the position to which
votes of the American people have called me. I am deeply sensible of
that weighty responsibility. I cannot but know what you all know, that
without a name, perhaps without a reason why I should have a name,
there has fallen upon me a task such as did not rest even upon the
of his Country; and so feeling, I cannot but turn and look for the
without which it will be impossible for me to perform that great task. I
tarn, then, and look to the great American people, and to that God who
Las never forsaken them.
Allusion has been made to the interest felt in relation to the policy of
the new Administration. In this I have received from some a degree of credit for having kept silence, and from others some depreciation. I
think that I was right. In the varying and repeatedly shifting scenes of
the present, and without a precedent which could enable me to judge by
the past, it has seemed fitting that before speaking upon the
of the country, I should have gained a view of the whole field so as to
sure after all at liberty to modify and change the course of policy as
future events may make a change necessary. I have not maintained
silence from any want of real anxiety. It is a good thing that there is
more than anxiety, for there is nothing going wrong. It is a consoling
circumstance that when we look out, there is nothing that really hurts
anybody. We entertain different views upon political questions, but nobody
is suffering any thing. This is a most consoling circumstance, and from
it we may conclude that all we want is time, patience, and a reliance on
that God who has never forsaken this people. Fellow-citizens, what I
have said I have said altogether extemporaneously, and will now come to
a close.
Both houses then adjourned. In the evening Mr. Lincoln held a levee, which was very largely attended. On
the morning of the 14th, Mr. Lincoln left Columbus. At
Steubenville he had a formal though brief reception, being
addressed by Judge Floyd, to whose remarks he made
the following reply:
I fear that the great confidence placed in my ability is unfounded. Indeed, I am sure it is. Encompassed by vast difficulties as I am, nothing
shall be wanting on my part, if sustained by the American people and
God. I believe the devotion to the Constitution is equally great on both
sides of the river. It is only the different understanding of that
instrument that causes difficulty. The only dispute on both sides is, " What
their rights?" If the majority should not rule, who should be the judge
Where is such a judge to be found? We should all be bound by the
majority of the American people if not, then the minority must control.
Would that be right? Would it be just or generous? Assuredly not. I
reiterate, that the majority should rule. If I adopt a wrong policy, the
opportunity for condemnation will occur in four years' time. Then I can
be turned out, and a better man with better views put in my place.
The train reached Pittsburg in the evening, and Mr.
Lincoln was received with the utmost enthusiasm at the
Monongahela House by a large crowd which had assembled
to greet him. He acknowledged their reception briefly:
He said he would not give them a speech, as he thought it more
rare, if not more wise, for a public man to abstain from much
speaking. He expressed his gratitude and surprise at seeing so great a crowd and such
boundless enthusiasm manifested in the night-time, and under such untoward circumstances, to greet so unworthy an individual as himself.
was undoubtedly attributable to the position which more by accident
than by worth he had attained. He remarked further, that if all those
whole-souled people whom he saw this evening before him, were for the
preservation of the Union, he did not see how it could be in much danger. He had intended to say a few words to the people of Pittsburg
the greatest manufacturing city of the United States upon such matters
as they were interested in; but as he had adopted the plan of holding
tongue for the most part during the last canvass, and since his
he thought he had perhaps better now still continue to hold his tongue.
[Cries of "Go on," "go on."] Well, I am reminded that there is an
Alleghany City as well as an Alleghany County, the former the banner town,
and the latter the banner county, perhaps, of the world. I am glad to
see both of them, and the good people of both. That I may not disappoint these, I will say a few words to you to-morrow as to the peculiar
interests of Alleghany County.
On the morning of the 15th, the Mayor and Common
Council of the City of Pittsburg waited in -a body upon
the President-elect. The Mayor made him an address of
formal welcome in presence of a very large number of
citizens who had assembled to witness the ceremony.
After the applause which greeted his appearance had
subsided, Mr. Lincoln made the following remarks:
I most cordially thank His Honor Mayor Wilson, and the citizens of
Pittsburg generally, for their flattering reception. I am the more
grateful because I know that it is not given to me alone, but to the cause I
represent, which clearly proves to me their good-will, and that sincere
feeling is at the bottom of it. And here I may remark, that in every
short address I have made to the people, in every crowd through which
I have passed of late, some allusion has been made to the present distracted condition of the country. It is natural to expect that I should
say something on this subject; but to touch upon it at all would
an elaborate discussion of a great many questions and circumstances,
requiring more time than I can at present command, and would, perhaps,
unnecessarily commit me upon matters which have not yet fully developed themselves. The condition of the country is an extraordinary one,
and fills the mind of every patriot with anxiety. It is my intention to
give this subject all the consideration I possibly can before specially
deciding in regard to it, so that when I do speak it may be as nearly
right as possible. When I do speak, I hope I may say nothing in opposition to the spirit of the Constitution, contrary to the integrity of the Union, or which will prove inimical to the liberties of the people, or
the peace of the whole country. And, furthermore, when the time
arrives for me to speak on this great subject, I hope I may say nothing
to disappoint the people generally throughout the country, especially if
the expectation has been based upon any thing which I may have heretofore said. Notwithstanding the troubles across the river (the speaker
pointing southwardly across the Monongahela, and smiling) there is no
crisis but an artificial one. What 'is there now to warrant the
of affairs presented by our friends over the river? Take even their own
view of the questions involved, and there is nothing to justify the
they are pursuing. I repeat, then, there is no crisis, excepting such a
one as may be gotten up at any time by turbulent men, aided by designing politicians. My advice to them, under such circumstances, is to keep
cool. If the great American people only keep their temper on both sides
of the line, the troubles will come to an end, and the question which
now distracts the country will be settled, just as surely as all other
difficulties of a like character which have originated in this Government
have been adjusted. Let the people on both sides keep their self-possession, and just as other clouds have cleared away in due time, so will
great nation continue to prosper as heretofore. But, fellow-citizens, I
have spoken longer on this subject than I intended at the outset.
It is often said that the Tariff is the specialty of Pennsylvania.
Assuming that direct taxation is not to be adopted, the Tariff question
must be as durable as the Government itself. It is a question of
housekeeping. It is to the Government what replenishing the meal-tub
is to the family. Every varying circumstance will require frequent
modifications as to the amount needed, and the sources of supply. So
far there is little difference of opinion among the people. It is only
whether, and how far, the duties on imports shall be adjusted to favor
home productions. In the home market that controversy begins. One
party insists that too much protection oppresses one class for the
advantage of another, while the other party argues that with all its
in the long run, all classes are benefited. In the Chicago Platform
is a plank upon this subject, which should be a general law to the
incoming Administration. We should do neither more nor less than we gave
the people reason to believe we would when they gave us their votes.
That plank is as I now read.
Mr. Lincoln's private secretary then read section twelfth of the
Platform, as follows:
That while providing revenue for the support of the General Government, by duties upon imports, sound policy requires such an adjustment
of these imports as will encourage the development of the industrial
interest of the whole country; and we commend that policy of national
exchanges which secures to working-men liberal wages, to agriculture
remunerative prices, to mechanics and manufacturers adequate reward for their skill, labor, and enterprise, and to the nation commercial
prosperity and independence.
Mr. Lincoln resumed: As with all general propositions, doubtless there'
will be shades of difference in construing this. I have by no means a
thoroughly matured judgment upon this subject, especially as to details;
some general ideas are about all. I have long thought to produce any
necessary article at home which can be made of as good quality and with
as little labor at home as abroad, would be better policy, at least by
difference of the carrying from abroad. In such a case, the carrying is demonstrably a dead loss of. labor. For instance, labor being the true
standard of value, is it not plain that if equal labor gets a bar of
iron out of a mine in England, and another out of a mine in Pennsylvania, each can be laid down in a track at home cheaper than they could
exchange countries, at least by the cost of carriage? If there be a
present cause why one can be both made and carried cheaper in money
price than the other can be made without carrying, that cause is an
unnatural and injurious one, and ought naturally, if not rapidly, to be
removed. The condition of the treasury at this time would seem to
render an early revision of the "Tariff indispensable. The Morrill
Bill, how pending before Congress, may or may not become a law. I
am not posted as to its particular provisions, but if they are generally
satisfactory, and the bill shall now pass, there will be an end of the
matter for the present. If, however, it shall not pass, I suppose the whole
subject will be one of the most pressing and important for the next Congress. By the Constitution, the Executive may recommend measures
which he may think proper, and he may veto those he thinks improper,
and it is supposed that he may add to these certain indirect influences
to affect the action of Congress. My political education strongly
me against a very free use of any of these means by the Executive to
control the legislation of the country. As a rule, I think it better
Congress should originate as well as perfect its measures without
bias. I, therefore, would rather recommend to every gentleman who
knows he is to be a member of the next Congress to take an enlarged
view, and inform himself thoroughly, so as to contribute his part to
an adjustment of the tariff as shall produce a sufficient revenue, and
in its
other bearings, so far as possible, be just and equal to all sections of
country, and all classes of the people.
Mr. Lincoln left Pittsburg immediately after the delivery
of this speech, being accompanied to the depot by a long
procession of the people of the city. The train reached
Cleveland at half-past four in the afternoon, and the President-elect was received by a long procession, which
marched, -amidst the roar of artillery, through the principal streets to
the Weddell House, where Mr. Lincoln, in reply to an address of welcome
from the Mayor, made the following remarks:
marching about two miles through snow, rain, and deep mud. The large
numbers that have turned out under these circumstances testify that you
are in earnest about something or other. But do I think so meanly of
you as to suppose that that earnestness is about me personally? I would
be doing you injustice to suppose it was. You have assembled to testify
your respect to the Union, and the Constitution and the laws. And here
let me state that it is with you, the people, to advance the great cause
the Union and the Constitution, and not with any one man. It rests with
you alone. This fact is strongly impressed on my mind at present. In a
community like this, whose appearance testifies to their intelligence, I
am convinced that the cause of liberty and the Union can never be in
danger. Frequent allusion is made to the excitement at present existing
in our national politics, and it is as well that I should also allude to
here. I think that there is no occasion for any excitement. The crisis,
as it is called, is altogether an artificial crisis. In all parts of the
there are differences of opinion on politics. There are differences of
opinion even here. You did not all vote for the person who now addresses you. What is happening now will not hurt those who are
further away from here. Have they not all their rights now as they
ever have had? Do not they have their fugitive slaves returned now as
ever? Have they not the same Constitution that they have lived under
for seventy odd years? Have they not a position as citizens of this
common country, and have we any power to change that position? [Cries
of "No."] What, then, is the matter with them? Why all this excitement? "Why all these complaints? As I said before, this crisis is all
artificial! It has no foundation in fact. It was not "argued up," as
saying is, and cannot therefore be argued down. Let it alone, and it
go down of itself. [Laughter.] Mr. Lincoln said that they must
be content with but a few words from him. He was very much
fatigued, and had spoken so much that he was already hoarse. Ho
thanked them for the cordial and magnificent reception they had given
him. Not less did he thank them, for the votes they gave him last fall;
and quite as much he thanked them for the efficient aid they had given
the cause which he represented a cause which he would say was a good
He had one more word to say. He was given to understand that this
reception was tendered not only by his own party supporters, but by
men of all parties. This is as it should be. If Judge Douglas had been
elected, and had been here, on his way to Washington, as I am to-night,
the Republicans should have joined his supporters in welcoming him just as Ms friends have joined with mine to-night. If all do not join
now to save the good old ship of the Union on this voyage, nobody will
have a chance to pilot her on another voyage. He concluded by thanking all present for the devotion they had shown to the cause of the
On the morning of the 16th the Presidential party left
Cleveland for Buffalo. At Erie, where they dined, loud
calls were made upon Mr. Lincoln for a speech, in response
to which he made a few remarks, excusing himself for not
expressing his opinions on the exciting questions of the
day. He trusted that when the time for speaking should
come, he should find it necessary to say nothing not in
accordance with the Constitution, as well as with the
interests of the people of the whole country. At Northeast Station he took occasion to state that during the campaign he had received a letter from a young girl of the
place, in which he was kindly admonished to do certain
things, and among others to let his whiskers grow; and,
as he had acted upon that piece of advice, he would now
be glad to welcome his fair correspondent, if she was
among the crowd. In response to the call a lassie made
.her way through the crowd, was helped on the platform,
and was kissed by the President. Arriving at Buffalo, Mr. Lincoln had the utmost difficulty to make his way through the dense crowd which
had assembled in anticipation of his arrival. On reaching
the American Hotel, he was welcomed in a brief speech by
Acting-Mayor Bemis, to which he responded as follows:
YORK: I am here to thank you briefly for this grand reception given to
me, not personally, but as the representative of our great and beloved
country. [Cheers.] Your worthy Mayor has been pleased to mention,
in his address to me, the fortunate and agreeable journey which I have
had from home, only it is a rather circuitous route to the Federal
I am very happy that he was enabled in truth to congratulate myself and
company on that fact. It is true we have had nothing thus far to mar
the pleasure of the trip. We have not been met alone by those who
assisted in giving the election to me; I say not alone by them, but by
whole population of the country through which we have passed. This is
as it should be. Had the election fallen to any other of the
distinguished candidates instead of myself, under the peculiar circumstances, to say
least, it would have been proper for all citizens to have greeted him as
you now greet me. It is an evidence of the devotion of the whole people
to the Constitution, the Union, and the perpetuity of the liberties of
country. [Cheers.] I am unwilling on any occasion that I should be so
meanly thought of as to have it supposed for a moment that these demonstrations are tendered to me personally. They are tendered to the
to the institutions of the country, and to the perpetuity of the
liberties of
the country, for which these institutions were made and created.
.Your worthy Mayor has thought fit to express the hope that I may be
able to relieve the country from the present, or, I should say, the
threatened difficulties. I am sure I bring a heart true to the work. [Tremendous applause.] For the ability to perform it, I must trust in that
Being who has never forsaken this favored land, through the instrumentality of this great and intelligent people. Without that assistance I
surely fail; with it, I cannot fail. When we speak of threatened
difficulties to the country, it is natural that it should be expected that
should be said by myself with regard to particular measures. Upon more
mature reflection, however and others will agree with me that, when
it is considered that these difficulties are without precedent, and
have been acted upon by any individual situated as I am, it is most
I should wait and see the developments, and get all the light possible,
that when I do speak authoritatively, I may be as near right as
[Cheers.] When I shall speak authoritatively, I hope to say nothing inconsistent with the Constitution, the Union, the rights of all the
of each State, and of each section of the country, and not to disappoint
the reasonable expectations of those who have confided to me their
In this connection allow me to say that you, as a portion of the great
American people, need only to maintain your composure, stand up to
your sober convictions of right, to your obligations to the
and act in accordance with those sober convictions, and the clouds which
now arise in the horizon will be dispelled, and we shall have a bright
glorious future; and when this generation has passed away, tens of
thousands will inhabit this country where only thousands inhabit it now. I
do not propose to address you at length; I have no voice for it. Allow
again to thank you for this magnificent reception, and bid you farewell.
Mr. Lincoln remained at Buffalo over Sunday, the 17th,
and on the morning of the 18th left for Albany. On
reaching Rochester, he was introduced by the Mayor to a
crowd of several thousands, to whom he said:
I confess myself, after having seen many large audiences since leaving
home, overwhelmed with this vast number of faces at this hour of the
morning. I am not vain enough to believe that you are here from any
wish to see me as an individual, but because I am for the time being the
representative of the American people. I could not, if I would, address
you at any length. I have not the strength, even if I had the time, for
speech at each of these many interviews that are afforded me on my way
to Washington. I appear merely to see you, and to let you see me, and
to bid you farewell. I hope it will be understood that it is from no
disinclination to oblige anybody that I do not address you at greater
At Syracuse, where preparations had been made to give
him a formal reception, he made the following remarks
in reply to an address of welcome from the Mayor:
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I see you have erected a very fine and handsome platform here for me, and I presume you expected me to speak from
it. If I should go upon it, you would imagine that I was about to
you a much longer speech than I am. I wish you to understand that I
mean no discourtesy to you by thus declining. I intend discourtesy to no
one. But I wish you to understand that, though I am unwilling to go
upon this platform, you are not at liberty to draw any inferences
concerning any other platform with which my name has been or is connected.
[Laughter and applause.] I wish you long life and prosperity individually, and pray that with the perpetuity of those institutions under
we have all so long lived and prospered, our happiness may be secured,
our future made brilliant, and the glorious destiny of our country
established forever. I bid you a kind farewell.
At Utica, where an immense and most enthusiastic
assemblage of people from the surrounding country had
gathered to see him, Mr. Lincoln contented himself by
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I have no speech to make to you, and no time
to speak in. I appear before you that I may see you, and that you may
see me; and I am willing to admit, that so far as the ladies are
I have the best of the bargain, though I wish it to be understood that I
do not make the same acknowledgment concerning the men. [Laughter
and applause.]
The train reached Albany at half-past two in the afternoon, where Mr. Lincoln was formally received by the
May or. in a complimentary address, to which he thus
MR. MAYOR: I can hardly appropriate to myself the flattering terms in
which you communicate the tender of this reception, as personal to myself. I most gratefully accept the hospitalities tendered to me, and
not detain you or the audience with any extended remarks at this time. I presume that in the two or three courses through which I shall have to
go, I shall have to repeat somewhat, and I will therefore only repeat to
you my thanks for this kind reception.
A procession was then formed, which escorted Mr. Lincoln to the steps of the Capital, where he was welcomed
by the Governor, in presence of an immense mass of the
people, whom he addressed as follows':
MR. GOVERNOR: I was pleased to receive an invitation to visit the
capital of the great Empire State of the nation, on my way to the
Capital, and I now thank you, Mr. Governor, and the people of this
and the people of the State of New York, for this most hearty and magnificent welcome. If I am not at fault, the great Empire State at this
time contains a greater population than did the United States of America
at the time she achieved her national independence. I am proud to he
invited to pass through your capital and meet them, as I now have the
honor to do.
I am notified by your Governor that this reception is given without
distinction of party. I accept it the more gladly because it is so.
all men in this country, and in any country where freedom of thought
is tolerated, attach themselves to political parties. It is but ordinary
charity to attribute this to the fact that in so attaching himself to
party which his judgment prefers, the citizen believes he thereby
the best interests of the whole country; and when an election is
it is altogether befitting a free people that, until the next election,
should be as one people. The reception you have extended to me to-day
is not given to me personally. It should not be so, but as the
representative for the time being of the majority of the nation. If the election
resulted in the selection of either of the other candidates, the same
cordiality should have been extended to him as is extended to me this day,
in testimony of the devotion of the whole people to the Constitution and
the whole Union, and of their desire to perpetuate our institutions, and
hand them down in their perfection to succeeding generations.
I have neither the voice nor the strength to address you at any greater
length. I beg you will accept my most grateful thanks for this devotion
not to me, but to this great and glorious free country.
Mr. Lincoln was then escorted to the Hall of Assembly,
and was formally received on behalf of the members
of the legislature, to whom he made the following address:
NEW YORK; It is with feelings of great diffidence, and, I may say,
with feelings of awe, perhaps greater than I have recently
experienced, that I meet you here in this place. The history of this great State, the renown
of those great men who have stood here, and spoke here, and been heard
here, all crowd around my fancy, and incline me to shrink from any
attempt to address you. Yet I have some confidence given me by the
generous manner in which you have invited me, and by the still more
generous manner in which you have received me, to speak further. You
have invited and received me without distinction of party. I cannot for
a moment suppose that this has been done in any considerable degree
with reference to my personal services, but that it is done in so far as
am regarded at this time as the representative of the majesty of this
nation. I doubt not this is the truth, and the whole truth, of the case,
and this is as it should be. It is much more gratifying to me that this
reception has been given to me as the representative of a free people,
than it could possibly be if tendered as an evidence of devotion to me,
to any one man personally. And now I think it were more fitting that
I should close these hasty remarks. It is true that, while I hold
without mock modesty, the humblest of all individuals that have ever
been elevated to the Presidency, I have a more difficult task to perform
than any one of them. You have generously tendered me the united
support of the great Empire State. For this, in behalf of the nation in
behalf of the present and future of the nation in behalf of civil and
religious liberty for all time to come, most gratefully do I thank you.
do not propose to enter into an explanation of any particular line of
policy, as to our present difficulties, to be adopted by the incoming
Administration. I deem it just to you, to myself, and to all, that I should
see every thing, that I should hear every thing, that! should have every
light that can be brought within my reach, in order that, when I do so
speak, I shall have enjoyed every opportunity to take correct and true
grounds; and for this reason I don't propose to speak, at this time, of
policy of the Government. But when the time comes I shall speak, as
well as I am able, for the good of the present and future of this
for the good both of the North and the South of this country for the
good of the one and the other, and of all sections of the country.
of applause.] In the mean time, if we have patience, if we restrain ourselves, if we allow ourselves not to run off in a passion, I still have
confidence that the Almighty, the Maker of the Universe, will, through the
instrumentality of this great and intelligent people, bring us through
as he has through all the other difficulties of our country. Relying on
this, I again thank you for this generous reception. [Applause and
On the morning of the 19th Mr. Lincoln went to Troy,
and, in reply to the welcome of the Mayor, said:
MR. MAYOR AND CITIZENS OF TROY: I thank you very kindly for this
great reception. Since I left my home it has not been my fortune to meet an assemblage more numerous and
more orderly than this. I am the
more gratified at this mark of your regard, since you assure me it is
tendered, not to the individual, but to the high office you have called me
fill. I have neither strength nor time to make any extended remarks, and
I can only repeat to you my sincere thanks for the kind reception you
have thought proper to extend to me.
On the route to New York, by the Hudson River Railroad, very large crowds of people had assembled at the
various stations to welcome him. At Hudson he spoke
as follows:
FELLOW-CITIZENS: I see that you have provided a platform, but I shall
have to decline standing on it. [Laughter and applause.] The superintendent tells me I have not time during our brief stay to leave the
1 had to decline standing on some very handsome platforms prepared for
me yesterday. But I say to you, as I said to them, you must not on this
account draw the inference that I have any intention to desert any plat
form I have a legitimate right to stand on. I do not appear before you
for the purpose of making a speech. I come only to see you, and to give
you the opportunity to see me; and I say to you, as I have before said
crowds where there are so many handsome ladies as there are here, I
think I have decidedly the best of the bargain. I have only, therefore,
to thank you most cordially for this kind reception, and bid you all
At Poughkeepsie, where great preparations had been
made for his reception, he responded thus to an address
from the Mayor:
FELLOW-CITIZENS: It is altogether impossible I should make myself
heard by any considerable portion of this vast assemblage; but,
I appear before you mainly for the purpose of seeing you, and to let you
see, rather than hear me, I cannot refrain from saying that I am highly
gratified as much here, indeed, under the circumstances, as I have been
anywhere on my route to witness this noble demonstration made, not
in honor of an individual, but of the man who at this time humbly, but
earnestly, represents the majesty of the nation. This reception, like
others that have been tendered to me, doubtless emanates from all the
political parties, and not from one alone. As such I accept it the more
gratefully, since it indicates an earnest desire on the part of the
people, without regard to political differences, to save not the
because the country will save itself but to save the institutions of the
country those institutions under which, in the last three-quarters of a
century, we have grown to be a great, an intelligent, and a happy people
the greatest, the most intelligent, and the happiest people in the
world. These noble manifestations indicate, with unerring certainty, that the
whole people are willing to make common cause for this object; that if,
as it ever must be, some have been successful in the recent election,
some have been beaten if some are satisfied, and some are dissatisfied,
the defeated party are not in favor of sinking the ship, but are
of running it through the tempest in safety, and willing, if they think
people have committed an error in their verdict now, to wait in the hope
of reversing it, and setting it right next time. I do not say that in
recent election the people did the wisest thing that could have been
indeed, I do not think they did; but I do say, that in accepting the
trust committed to me, which I do with a determination to endeavor to
prove worthy of it, I must rely upon you, upon the people of the whole
country, for support; and with their 'sustaining aid, even I, humble as
am, cannot fail to carry the ship of State safely through the storm.
I have now only to thank you warmly for your kind attendance, and
bid you all an affectionate farewell.
At Peekskill, in reply to a brief address from Judge
Nelson, he said:
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I have but a moment to stand before you, to
listen to and return your kind greeting. I thank you for this reception,
and for the pleasant manner in which it is tendered to me, by our mutual
friend. I will say in a single sentence, in regard to the. difficulties
lie before me and our beloved country, that if I can only be as
and unanimously sustained as the demonstrations I have witnessed indicate I shall be, I shall not fail; but without your sustaining hands I
sure that neither I, nor any other man, can hope to surmount these
difficulties. I trust that in the course I shall pursue I shall be sustained,
only by the party that elected me, but by the patriotic people of the
The President-elect reached New York at three o'clock,
and was received by an immense demonstration of popular enthusiasm. Places of business were generally closed,
and the streets were filled with people, eager to catch a
glimpse of his person. On reaching the Astor House, he
was compelled by the importunity of the assembled crowd
to appear on the balcony, from which he said:
FELLOW-CITIZENS: I have stepped before you merely in compliance
with what appears to be your wish, and not with the purpose of making
a speech. I do not propose making a speech this afternoon. I could not
be heard by any but a small fraction of you, at best; but, what is
worse than that, I have nothing just now to say that is worthy of your
tearing. [Applause.] I beg you to believe that I do not now refuse to
address you from any disposition to disoblige you, but to the contrary.
But, at the same time, I beg of you to excuse me for the present.
In the evening, Mr. Lincoln received a large deputation
from the various Republican associations which had
taken an active part in the election canvass, and in reply
to a brief welcome from Mr. E. D. Smith, on their behalf,
he thus addressed them:
MR. CHAIRMAN AND GENTLEMEN: I am rather an old man to avail
myself of such an excuse as I am now about to do. Yet the truth is so
distinct, and presses itself so distinctly upon me, that I cannot well
it and that is, that I did not understand when I was brought into this
room that I was brought here to make a speech. It was not intimated to
me that I was brought into the room where DANIEL WEBSTER and HENRY
CLAY had made speeches, and where, in my position, I might be expected
to do something like those men, or do something worthy of myself or my
audience. I, therefore, will beg you to make very great allowance for
the circumstances in which I have been by surprise brought before
you. Now, I have been in the habit of thinking and speaking sometimes
upon political questions that have for some years past agitated the
country; and, if I were disposed to do so, and we could take up some one of
the issues, as the lawyers call them, and I were called upon to make an
argument about it to the best of my ability, I could do so without much
preparation. But that is not what you desire to be done here to-night.
I have been occupying a position since the Presidential election of
silence, of avoiding public freaking, of avoiding public writing. I have
been doing so, because I thought, upon full consideration, that was the
proper course for me to take. [Great applause.] I am brought before
you now, and required to make a speech, when you all approve more than
any thing else of the fact that I have been keeping silence. [Great
laughter, cries of "Good," and applause.] And now it seems to me that the
response you give to that remark ought to justify me in closing just
[Great laughter.] I have not kept silence since the Presidential
from any party wantonness, or from any indifference to the anxiety that
pervades the minds of men about the aspect of the political affairs of
country. I have kept silence for the reason that I supposed it was peculiarly proper that I should do so until the time came when, according to
the custom of the country, I could speak officially.
A voice The custom of the country?
I heard some gentleman say, " According to the custom of the country."
I alluded to the custom of the President-elect, at the time of taking
oath of office. That is what I meant by " the custom of the country."
I do suppose that, while the political drama being enacted in this country, at this time, is rapidly shifting its scenes forbidding an
anticipation. with any degree of certainty, to-day, what we shall see to-morrow it
was peculiarly fitting that I should see it all, up to the last minute,
T should take ground that I might be disposed (by the shifting of the
scenes afterwards) also to shift. [Applause.] I have said, several
upon this journey, and I now repeat it to you, that when the time does
come, I shall then take the ground that I think is right [applause] the
ground that I think is right [applause, and cries of " Good, good "
for the North, for the South, for the East, for the West, for the whole
country. [Cries of " Good," "Hurrah for Lincoln," and applause.] And
in doing so, I hope to feel no necessity pressing upon me to say any
in conflict with the Constitution; in conflict with the continued union
these States [applause] in conflict with the perpetuation of the
of this people [applause] or any thing in conflict with any thing whatever that I have ever given you reason to expect from me. [Applause.]
And now, my friends, have I said enough? [Loud cries of "No, no,"
and three cheers for Lincoln.] Now, my friends, there appears to be a
difference of opinion between you and me, and I really feel called upon
to decide the question myself. [Applause, during which Mr. Lincoln
descended from the table.]
On the morning of the 20th Mr. Lincoln proceeded to
the City Hall, where it had been arranged that he should
have an official reception. He was there addressed by
Mayor Wood in the following terms:
MR. LINCOLN: As Mayor of New. York, it becomes my duty to extend
to you an official welcome in behalf of the Corporation. In doing so,
permit me to say, that this city has never offered hospitality to a man
with more exalted powers, or resting under graver responsibilities, than
those which circumstances have devolved upon yon. Coming into office
with a dismembered Government to reconstruct, and a disconnected and
hostile people to reconcile, it will require a high patriotism, and an
elevated comprehension of the whole country and its varied interests,
and prejudices, to so conduct public affairs as to bring it back again
to its
former harmonious, consolidated, and prosperous condition. If I refer to
this topic, sir, it is because New York is deeply interested. The
political divisions have sorely afflicted her people. All her material
interests are paralyzed. Her commercial greatness is endangered. She is the
child of the American Union. She has grown up under its maternal care,
and been fostered by its paternal bounty, and we fear that if the Union
dies, the present supremacy of New York may perish with it. To you,
therefore, chosen under the forms of the Constitution as the head of the
Confederacy, we look for a restoration of fraternal relations between
States only to be accomplished by peaceful and conciliatory means, aided
by the wisdom of Almighty God.
To this address Mr. Lincoln made the following reply:
MR. MAYOR: It is with feelings of deep gratitude that I make my
acknowledgments for the reception that has been given me in the great
commercial City of New York. I cannot but remember that it is done by
the people, who do not, by a large majority, agree with me in political
sentiment. It is the more grateful to me, because in this I see that for
the great principles of our Government the people are pretty nearly or
quite unanimous. In regard to the difficulties that confront us at this
time, and of which you have seen fit to speak so becomingly and so
I can only say that I agree with the sentiments expressed. In my devotion to the Union I hope I am behind no man in the nation. As to my
wisdom in conducting affairs so as to tend to the preservation of the
Union, I fear too great confidence may have been placed in me. I am
sure I bring a heart devoted to the work. There is nothing that could
ever bring me to consent willingly to consent to the destruction of this
Union (in which not only the great City of New York, but the whole
country, has acquired its greatness), unless it would be that thing for
which the Union itself was made. I understand that the ship is made for
the carrying and preservation of the cargo; and so long as the ship is
safe with the cargo, it shall not be abandoned. This Union shall never
be abandoned, unless the possibility of its existence shall cease to
without the necessity of throwing passengers and cargo overboard. So
long, then, as it is possible that the prosperity and liberties of this
can be preserved within this Union, it shall be my purpose at -all times
preserve it. And now, Mr. Mayor, renewing my thanks for this cordial
reception, allow me to come to a close. [Applause.]
On the morning of Thursday, the 21st, Mr. Lincoln left
New York for Philadelphia, and on reaching Jersey City
was met and welcomed, on "behalf of the State, by the
Hon. W. L. Dayton, to whose remarks he made this reply:
only thank you briefly for this very kind reception given me, not
personally, but as the temporary representative of the majesty of the nation.
[Applause.] To the kindness of your hearts, and of the hearts of your
brethren in your State, I should be very proud to respond, but I shall
have strength to address you or other assemblages at length, even if I
the time to do so. I appear before you, therefore, for little else than
greet you, and to briefly say farewell. You have done me the very high
honor to present your reception courtesies to me through your great man
a man with whom it is an honor to be associated anywhere, and in
owning whom no State can be poor. [Applause.] He has said enough, and by the saying of it suggested enough, to require a response of an
well considered. [Applause.] I could not in an hour make a worthy
response to it. I therefore, ladies and gentlemen of New Jersey, content
myself with saying, most heartily do I indorse all the sentiments he has
expressed. [Applause.] Allow me, most gratefully, to bid you farewell.
At Newark he was welcomed by the Mayor, to whom
he said:
ME. MAYOR: I thank you for this reception at the city of Newark.
With regard to the great work of which you speak, I will say that I
to it a heart filled with love for my country, and an honest desire to
what is right. I am sure, however, that I have not the ability to do any
thing unaided of God, and that without his support, and that of this
happy, prosperous, and intelligent people, no man can succeed in doing
that the importance of which we all comprehend. Again thanking you
for the reception you have given me, I will now bid you farewell, and
proceed upon my journey.
At Trenton he was received by a committee of the
legislature, and escorted to both branches, which were
in session. The President of the Senate welcomed him in a brief address, to which he made the following reply:
NEW JERSEY: I am very grateful to you for the honorable reception of
which I have been the object. I cannot but remember the place that
New Jersey holds in our early history. In the early Revolutionary struggle few of the States among the Old Thirteen had more of the
of the country within their limits than old New Jersey. May I be pardoned if, upon this occasion, I mention that away back in my childhood,
the earliest days of my being able to read, I got hold of a small book,
such a one as few of the younger members have ever seen, " WEEM'S Life
of Washington." I remember all the accounts there given of the
battlefields and struggles for the liberties of the country, and none fixed
themselves upon my imagination so deeply as the struggle here at Trenton,
New Jersey. The crossing of the river; the contest with the Hessians;
the great hardships endured at that time, all fixed themselves on my
memory more than any single Revolutionary event; and you all know, for
you have all been boys, how these early impressions last longer than any
others. I recollect thinking then, boy even though I was, that there
must have been something more than common that these men struggled
for. I am exceedingly anxious that that thing which they struggled for;
that something even more than National Independence; that something
that held out a great promise to all the people of the world to all time
to come I am exceedingly anxious that this Union, the Constitution, and
the liberties of the people shall be perpetuated in accordance with the
original idea for which that struggle was made, and I shall be most
indeed if I shall be an humble instrument in the hands of the Almighty,
and of this, his most chosen people, as the chosen instrument also in
hands of the Almighty for perpetuating the object of that great
Yon give me this reception, as I understand, without distinction of
I learn that this body is composed of a majority of gentlemen who, in
exercise of their best judgment in the choice of a Chief Magistrate, did
not think I was the man. I understand, nevertheless, that they came
forward here to greet me as the constitutional President of the United
States as citizens of the United States to meet the man who, for the
time being, is the representative man of the nation united by a purpose
to perpetuate the Union and liberties of the people. As such, I accept
this reception more gratefully than I could do did I believe it was tendered to me as an individual.
Mr. Lincoln then passed to the Assembly Chamber,
where, in reply to the Speaker, he said:
MR. SPEAKER AND GENTLEMEN: I have just enjoyed the honor of a
reception by the other branch of this legislature, and I return to you
and them my thanks for the reception which the people of New Jersey
have given through their chosen representatives to me as the representative, for the time being, of the majesty of the people of the United
I appropriate to myself very little of the demonstrations of respect
which I have been greeted. I think little should be given to any man,
but that it should be a manifestation of adherence to the Union and the
Constitution. I understand myself to be received here by the representatives of the people of New Jersey, a majority of whom differ in opinion
from those with whom I have acted. This manifestation is, therefore, to
be regarded by me as expressing their devotion to the Union, the Constitution, and the liberties of the people. You, Mr. Speaker, have well
that this is a time when the bravest and wisest look with doubt and awe
upon the aspect presented by our national affairs. Under these circumstances, you will readily see why 1 should not speak in detail of the
I shall deem it best to pursue. It is proper that I should avail myself
all the information and all the time at my command, in order that when
the time arrives in which I must speak officially, I shall be able to
take the
ground which I deem the best and safest, and from which I may have no
occasion to swerve. I shall endeavor to take the ground I deem most
just to the North, the East, the West, the South, and the whole country.
I take it, I hope, in good temper, certainly with no malice towards any
section. I shall do all that may be in my power to promote a peaceful
settlement of all our difficulties. The man does not live who is more
devoted to peace than I am. [Cheers.] None who would do more to preserve it, but it may be necessary to put the foot down firmly. [Here the
audience broke out into cheers so loud and long, that for some moments
t was impossible to hear Mr. Lincoln's voice.] And if I do my duty and
lo right, you will sustain me, will you not? [Loud cheers, and cries of
' Yes, yes, we will."] Received, as I am, by the members of a
the majority of whom do not agree with me in political sentiments, I
trust that I may have their assistance in piloting the ship of State
through this voyage, surrounded by perils as it is; for if it should
wreck now, there will be no pilot ever needed for another voyage. Gentlemen, I have already spoken longer than I intended, and must beg leave
to stop here.
The procession then moved to the Trenton House,
where the President-elect made the following speech to
the crowd outside:
I have been invited by your representatives to the Legislature to visit
this, the capital of your honored State, and in acknowledging their kind
invitation, compelled to respond to the welcome of the presiding
officers of
each body, and I suppose they intended I should speak to you through
them, as they are the representatives of all of you; and if I was to
again here, I should only have to repeat, in a great measure, much that
have said, which would be disgusting to my friends around me who have
met here. I have no speech to make, but merely appear to see you and
let you look at me; and as to the latter, I think I have greatly the
best of
the bargain. [Laughter.] My friends, allow me to bid you farewell.
The party arrived at Philadelphia at 4 o'clock, and the
President-elect, proceeding immediately to the Continental Hotel, was welcomed in a "brief speech from Mayor
Henry, to which he replied as follows:
you to make no lengthy speech, but to thank you for this reception. The
reception you have given me to-night is not to me, the man, the individual, but to the man who temporarily represents, or should represent, the
majesty of the nation. [Cheers.] It is true, as your worthy Mayor has
said, that there is anxiety amongst the citizens of the United States at
time. I deem it a happy circumstance that this dissatisfied position of
fellow-citizens does not point us to any thing in which they are being
injured, or about to be injured; for which reason, I have felt all the
justified in concluding that the crisis, the panic, the anxiety of the
country at this time, is artificial. If there be those who differ with me
this subject, they have not pointed out the substantial difficulty that
exists. I do not mean to say that an artificial panic may not do considerable harm; that it has done such I do not deny. The hope that has been expressed by your Mayor, that I may be able to restore peace, harmony, and prosperity to the country, is most worthy of him; and happy,
indeed, will I be if I shall be able to verify and fulfil that hope.
[Tremendous cheering.] I promise you, in all sincerity, that I bring to the
work a sincere heart. Whether I will bring a head eaual to that heart
will be for future times to determine. It were useless for me to speak
details of plans now; I shall speak officially next Monday week, if
If I should not speak then, it were useless for me to do so now. If I do
speak then, it is useless for me to do so now. When I do speak, I shall
take such ground as I deem best calculated to restore peace, harmony,
and prosperity to the country, and tend to the perpetuity of the nation
and the liberty of these States and these people. Your worthy Mayor
has expressed the wish, in which I join with him, that it were
for me to remain in your city long enough to consult your merchants and
manufacturers; or, as it were, to listen to those breathings rising
the consecrated walls wherein the Constitution of the United States,
I will add, the Declaration of Independence, were originally framed and
adopted. [Enthusiastic applause.] I assure you and your Mayor that I
had hoped on this occasion, and upon all occasions during my life,
shall do nothing inconsistent with the teachings of these holy and most
sacred walls. I never asked any thing that does not breathe from those
walls. All my political warfare has been in favor of the teachings that
came forth from these sacred walls. May my right hand forget its cunning, and my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if ever I prove
to those teachings. Fellow-citizens, I have addressed you longer than I
expected to do, and now allow me to bid you good-njght.
On the 21st, Mr. Lincoln visited the old Independence
Hall, from which was originally issued the Declaration
of Independence. He was received in a cordial speech
by Mr. Theodore Cuyler, to which he made the following response:
MR. CUYLER: I am filled with deep emotion at finding myself standing
here in this place, where were collected together the wisdom, the
patriotism, the devotion to principle from which sprang the institutions under
which we live,. You have kindly suggested to me that in my hands
is the task of restoring peace to the present distracted condition of
country. I can say in return, sir, that all the political sentiments
I entertain have been drawn, so far as I have been able to draw them,
from the sentiments which originated in and were given to the world
from this hall. I have never had a feeling, politically, that did not
from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence. I
have often pondered over the dangers which were incurred by the men
who assembled here, and framed and adopted that Declaration of Independence. I have pondered over the toils that were endured by the officers and soldiers of the army who achieved that independence. I have
often inquired of myself what great principle or idea it was that kept
Confederacy so long together. It was not the mere matter of the separation of the Colonies from. the mother-land, but that sentiment in the
Declaration of Independence which gave liberty, not alone to the people
of this country, but, I hope, to the world, for all future time. [Great
applause.] It was 'that which gave promise that in due time the weight
would be lifted from the shoulders of all men. This is the sentiment embodied in the Declaration of Independence. Now, my friends, can this
country be saved upon that basis? If it can, I will consider myself one
of the happiest men in the world if I can help to save it. If it cannot
saved upon that principle, it will be truly awful. But if this country
cannot be saved without giving up that principle, I was about to say I
rather be assassinated on this spot than surrender it. [Applause.] Now,
in my view of the present aspect of affairs, there need be no bloodshed
or war. There is no necessity for it. I am not in favor of such a course
and I may say in advance that there will be no bloodshed unless it be
forced upon the Government, and then it will be compelled to act in
self-defence. [Applause.]
My friends, this is wholly an unexpected speech, and I did not expect
to be called upon to say a word when I came here. I supposed it was
merely to do something towards raising the flag I may, therefore, have
said something indiscreet. [Cries of " No, no."] I have said nothing but
what I am willing to live by, and, if it be the pleasure of Almighty
die by.

THE OLD FLAG AT INDEPENDENCE HALL One object of the visit to the Hall was, to have Mr.
Lincoln assist in raising the national flag over the Hall.
Arrangements had been made for the performance of this
ceremony, and Mr. Lincoln was escorted to the platform
prepared for the purpose, and was invited, in a brief address, to raise the flag. He responded in a patriotic
speech, announcing his cheerful compliance with the request. He alluded to the original flag of thirteen stars,
saying that the number had increased as time rolled on,
and we became a happy, powerful people, each star adding to its prosperity. The future is in the hands of the
people. It was on such an occasion we could reason together, reaffirm our devotion to the country and the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Let us make
up our minds, said he, that whenever we do put a new star
upon our banner, it shall be a fixed one, never to be dimmed by the horrors of war, but brightened by the
contentment and prosperity of peace. Let us go on to
extend the area of our usefulness, and add star upon star,
until their light shall shine over five hundred millions of
free and happy people. He then performed his part in
the ceremony, amidst a thundering discharge of artillery.
In the afternoon he left for the West. On reaching
Lancaster he was received with a salute, and replied to
an address of welcome in the following words:
speech. I have not time to make a speech at length, and not strength to
make them on every occasion; and worse than all, I have none to make.
There is plenty of matter to speak about in these times, but it is well
known that the more a man speaks the less he is understood the lucre
he says one thing, the more his adversaries contend he meant something
else. I shall soon have occasion to speak officially, and then I will
endeavor to put my thoughts just as plain as I can express myself true to
the Constitution and Union of all the States, and to the perpetual
of all the people. Until I so speak, there is no need to enter upon
In conclusion, I greet you most heartily, and bid you an affectionate
On reaching Harrisburg, on the 22d, Mr. Lincoln was
escorted to the legislature, and was welcomed by the
presiding officers of the two houses, to whom he replied
as follows:
I appear before you only for a very few, brief remarks, in response to
what has been said to me. I thank you most sincerely for this reception,
and the generous words in which support has been promised me upon
this occasion. I thank your great Commonwealth for the overwhelming
support it recently gave, not me personally, but the cause which I think
a just one, in the late election. [Loud applause.] Allusion has been
made tp the fact the interesting fact, perhaps, we should say that I for
the first time appear at the Capital of the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania upon the birthday of the Father of his Country, in connection
with that beloved anniversary connected with the history of this
I have already gone through one exceedingly interesting scene this morning in the ceremonies at Philadelphia. Under the high conduct of gentlemen there, I was for the first time allowed the privilege of standing in
old Independence Hall [enthusiastic cheering], to have a few words
addressed to me there, and opening up to me an opportunity of expressing, with much regret, that I had not more time time to express
something of my own feelings, excited by the occasion, somewhat to harmonize
and give shape to the feelings that had been really the feelings of my
whole life. Besides this, our friends there had provided a magnificent
flag of the country. They had arranged it so that I was given the honor
of arising it to the head of its staff. [Applause.] And when it went up,
was pleased that it went to its place by the strength of my own feeble
when, according to the arrangement, the cord was pulled, and it floated
gloriously to the wind, without an accident, in the light, glowing
of the morning. I could not help hoping that there was, in the entire
success of that beautiful ceremony, at least something of an omen of what
is to
come. [Loud applause.] How could I help feeling then as I often have
In the whole of that proceeding I was a very humble instrument. I had
not provided the flag; I had not made the arrangements for elevating it
to its place; I had applied but a very small portion of my feeble
in raising it. In the whole transaction I was in the hands of the people
who had arranged it, and if I can have the same generous co-operation of
the people of the nation, I think the flag of our country may yet be
flaunting gloriously. [Loud, enthusiastic, and continued cheers.] I
for a moment but to repeat some words uttered at the hotel, in regard to
what has been said about the military support which the General Government may expect from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in a proper
emergency. To guard against any possible mistake do I recur to this.
It is not with any pleasure that I contemplate the possibility that a
necessity may arise in this country for the use of the military arm.
While I am exceedingly gratified to see the manifestation upon your
streets of your military force here, and exceedingly gratified at your
promises here to use that force upon a proper emergency while I make
these acknowledgments I desire to repeat, in order to preclude any possible misconstruction, that I do most sincerely hope that we shall have
no use for them. [Applause.] That it will never become their duty to
shed blood, and most especially never to shed fraternal blood. I promise
that, so far as I may have wisdom to direct, if so painful a result
shall in
any-wise be brought about, it shall be through no fault of mine.
Allusion has also been made by one of your honored speakers to some
remarks recently made by myself at Pittsburg, in regard to what is supposed to be the especial interest of this great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I now wish only to say, in regard to that matter, that the few
remarks which I uttered on that occasion were rather carefully worded.
I took pains that they should be so. I have seen no occasion since to
to them, or subtract from them. I leave them precisely as they stand
[applause], adding only now, that I am pleased to have an expression
you, gentlemen of Pennsylvania, significant that they are satisfactory
you. And now, gentlemen of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, allow me to return you again my most sincere
After the delivery of this address, Mr. Lincoln devoted
some hours to the reception of visitors, 'and at six o'clock
retired to his room. The next morning the whole country was surprised to learn that he had arrived in Washington twelve hours sooner than he had originally intended. His sudden departure proved to have been a
measure of precaution for which events subsequently
disclosed afforded a full justification. For some time previous to his departure from home, the rumor had been
current that he would never reach the Capital alive. An
attempt was made on the Toledo and Western Railroad,
on the 11th of February, to throw from the track the train
on which he was journeying, and just as he was leaving
Cincinnati a hand grenade was found to have been secreted on board the cars. These and other circumstances
led to an organized and thorough investigation, under the
direction of a police detective, carried on with great skill
and perseverance at Baltimore, and which resulted in disclosing the fact that a small gang of assassins, under the
leadership of an Italian who assumed the name of Orsini,
had arranged to take his life during his passage through
Baltimore. General Scott and Mr. Seward had both been
apprised of the same fact through another source, and
they had sent Mr. F. W. Seward as a special messenger
to Philadelphia, to meet the President-elect there, previous to his departure for Harrisburg, and give him
notice of these circumstances. Mr. Lincoln did not
deviate from the programme he had marked out for himself, in consequence of these communications; except
that, under the advice of friends, he deemed it prudent
to anticipate by one train the time he was expected to
arrive in Washington. He reached there on the morning
of Saturday, the 23d. On Wednesday, the 27th, the Mayor and Common
Council of the city waited upon Mr. Lincoln, and tendered him a welcome. He replied 'to them as follows:

MB. MAYOR: I thank you, and through you the municipal authorities
of this city who accompany you, for this -welcome. And as it is the
first time in my life, since the present phase of politics has presented
itself in
this country, that I have said any thing publicly within a region of
country where the institution of slavery exists, I will take this
to say, that I think very much of the ill-feeling that has existed and
exists between the people in the sections from which I came and the
people here, is dependent upon a misunderstanding of one another. I
therefore avail myself of this opportunity to assure you, Mr. Mayor,.
all the gentlemen present, that I have not now, and never have had, any
other than as kindly feelings towards you as the people of my own
section. I have not now, and never have had, any disposition to treat
you in any respect otherwise than as my own neighbors. I have not
now any purpose to withhold from you any of the benefits of the Constitution, under any circumstances, that I would not feel myself
to withhold from my own neighbors;. and I hope, in a word, that when
we shall become better acquainted and I say it with great confidence
we shall like each other the more. I thank you for the kindness of this
On the next evening a serenade was given to Mr.
Lincoln by the members of the Republican Association,
and he then addressed the crowd which the occasion had
brought together as follows:
MY FRIENDS: I suppose that I may take this as a compliment paid to
me, and as such please accept my thanks for it. I have reached this City
of Washington under circumstances considerably differing from those
under which any other man has ever reached it. I am here for the purpose of taking an official position amongst the people, almost all of
were politically opposed to me, and are yet opposed to me, as I suppose.
I propose no lengthy address to you. I only propose to say, as I did
on yesterday, when your worthy Mayor and Board of Aldermen called
upon me, that I thought much of the ill feeling that has existed between
you and the people of your surroundings and that people from among
whom I came, has depended, and now depends, upon a misunderstanding.
I hope that, if things shall go along as prosperously as I believe we
desire they may, I may have it in my power to remove something of this
misunderstanding; that I may be enabled to convince you, and the people
of your section of the country, that we regard you as yi all things our
equals, and in all things entitled to the same respect and the same
treatment that we claim for ourselves; that we are in no wise disposed, if
were in our power, to oppress you, to deprive you of any of your rights
under the Constitution of the United States, or even narrowly to split
hairs with you in regard to these rights, but are determined to give
as far as lies in our hands, all your rights under the Constitution not grudgingly, but fully and fairly. [Applause.] I hope that, by thus
with you, we will become better acquainted, and be better friends.
And now, my friends, with these few remarks, and again returning my
thanks for this compliment, and expressing my desire to hear a little
more of your good music, I bid you good-night.
This closed Mr. Lincoln's public speeches down to the
date of his inauguration. |