History of the Johnstown Flood
By Willis Fletcher Johnson
List of Illustrations
Map of the Deluged Conemaugh District |
Panoramic View of Johnstown Before the Flood |
Johnstown as Left by the Flood |
Ruins of Johnstown Viewed from Prospect Hill |
General View of the Ruins, Looking up Stony Creek |
Ruins, Showing the Path of the Flood |
Typical Scene in Johnstown |
Johnstown -- View Corner of Main and Clinton Streets |
View on Clinton Street, Johnstown |
Main and Clinton Streets, Looking Southwest |
Ruins, corner of Clinton and Main Streets |
Ruins, from Site of the Hulburt House |
The Debris above the Pennsylvania Railroad Bridge |
Ruins of the Cambria Iron Works |
Ruins of the Cambria Iron Company's Store |
Third Street, Williamsport, Pa., During the Flood |
Wreck of the Iron Bridge at Williamsport, Pa. |
Wreck of the Lumber Yards at Williamsport, Pa. |
250,000,000 Feet of Logs Afloat in the Susquehanna |
Last Trains in and out of Harrisburg |
Columbia, Pa., Under the Flood |
Pennsylvania Avenue at Sixth Street, Washington, D.C. |
Seventh Street, Washington, D.C., in the Flood |
Fourteenth Street, Washington, D.C. in the Flood |
The Flood in Washington, D.C. Opposite Harris's Theatre |
Repairing Damages on the Pennsylvania Railroad |
Clearing the Railroad Tracks |
The Burned Roman Catholic Church of St. John |
Interior of the Roman Catholic Church in Cambria City |
Adjutant-General Hastings |