By Aaron Hills
THE RIVER OF DEATHDear Children, -- After the previous sixteen chapters of this book were in the hands of the publishers, and the printers had them ready for the press, I was searching the art collections of Cincinnati for illustrations. Among other pictures, my attention was called to the "River of Death" picture in connection with this chapter. It is reduced in size from a large colored lithograph, nearly two feet by three, which ought to hang in every Sabbath-school room in the land. God put it into the heart of Brother M. W. Knapp to have the picture made. He has written a little book about it. The picture has already led to many conversions, and in some instances has started revivals of religion. This picture so well illustrates the teaching of this book that I wanted it put in, and I now call your attention to a few points of interest. You know all rivers have their rise in the natural springs and pools of the upland country. As they flow down away from their source, other tributary rivers flow in, and therefore the main river gets broader and deeper as it flows on, ever increasing in volume, till the might of its current is irresistible as it sweeps on to the sea. Now, that is precisely the way with a life of sin, which is here not inaptly likened to a river. It begins in the springs of natural disposition in early childhood -- love of self, love of ease, love of the creature, pride, etc.; soon cruelty to animals, which many boys and girls are guilty of; and selfishness and hate and greed form a large stream to flow into the river. On the other side of the picture, love of pleasure, and reading and selling Sunday papers, and ignorance and indolence, pour into the river of an evil life the copious stream of "Sabbath-breaking." Just below that, there flows from the vile pool of irreverence the horrid "River of Profanity:' Nearly opposite, on the right side of the picture from the big, full ponds of bad early training and filthiness and wicked thoughts and gluttony, there flows the evil stream of "Disobedience to Parents." Lower down on the left side of the picture are the low swamps of cheating at marbles and all other games, and the marshes and pools of debt and fear and greed and cunning, that drain off into "Lying River." And not far away are the lakes of C/lurch lotteries and saloon gambling and horse-racing and cards and bowling alleys, which all drain off into the "River of Stealing." And just beyond are the dismal swamps of tobacco and drink habits and fiery passion and vile books and vile companions, that soon swell the banks of "Murder River." Meantime, on the other side, there is an immense dismal swamp region where lie a great chain of pools and ponds and lakes -- Drinker Pool, Saloon Pond, Corrupt Ballot Reservoir, Divorce Lake, theater, circus, dancing school, and ball-room cesspools, which all empty into "Adultery River," and swell the turbid currents of the "River of Death." In the lower part of this river the current is very swift, and over it hangs a malarious, death-laden mist, which would make the lower course absolutely hopeless but for one fact. The blessed God, in infinite pity, has erected at the mouth of every inflowing stream a salvation light-house, whose gospel search-light pierces the gloom, and flashes out an invitation to look unto Jesus and be saved. Besides, the Great King, our Heavenly Father, has fitted up a blessed life-boat that continually plies the river along its whole length, visiting, in spite of scoff and jeers, the crazy, demented, sin-drugged people crowding the down-stream boats. Its loving Captain pleads with all to betake themselves to the Gospel life-boat and be carried back, free of all expense, to the land of Salvation. Now across the middle of the picture you see the impenetrable hedge of sinful nature, through which no one ever escapes save by Christ -- the Door and the Way. The conditions of passing through into the table-land Plains of Regeneration are repentance and faith. There stands the cross where Jesus died and opened the gates of mercy for all mankind. On the Plains of Regeneration you have turned your back on the dark "River of Death," and you are looking upward, and facing heavenward. The light that streams from the coming glory, if you walk in it, will bring you to Pentecostal gate, through which,' on condition of utter abandonment to God to be his alone and his forever, and simple faith in Jesus to "baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire" (Matt. 3:11) you pass through and mount up onto Holiness Heights. There you dwell on the Beulah Summits and feast on milk and honey, and the Eshcol clusters of exceeding joy, and often breathe the fragrant atmosphere and hear the ravishing music of the glory-world. There, "abiding and confiding" and rejoicing and going on "from glory to glory," you hear at last the summons that ushers you into the presence of Jesus your King, "whom not having seen you have loved." May all my readers seek earnestly, and by faith obtain, all that God's redeeming love has in store for them, both regenerating grace and the sanctifying baptism with the Holy Ghost; may all the remainder of life be lived on "Holiness Heights" until they enter into their heavenly reward!
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