By Fred H. Wight
Growing and Harvesting GrainTHE NUMEROUS REFERENCES to the growth of grain, which are found in the law of Moses, indicate that it was expected that the Israelites would become an agricultural people after entering the land of Canaan, and that the cultivation of grain would become one of their chief industries. It is a remarkable fact that the methods used by them in growing and harvesting this crop are virtually the same as those that have been used by the Palestinian Arab peasants for centuries down to the present day. PRELIMINARY PREPARATION FOR PLANTING THE GRAIN Waiting for rain before beginning to plough. In Palestine, ploughing is done after the early rains have softened the earth (cf. Psa 65:10). These rains usually come the latter part of October or the first part of November. If they do not come then, the farmer must wait for them before he can plough his ground. Job said, "They waited for me as for the rain" (Job 29:23). Jeremiah described lack of rain thus: "There was no rain in the earth, the ploughmen were ashamed, they covered their heads" (Jer 14:4). Once the rain has come, the industrious farmer will start his ploughing. "The sluggard will not plough by reason of the cold" (Pro 20:4). Such a man will retreat into his home and enjoy the warmth of his fire, but he will miss the harvest. Dr. Thomson tells of one year when the farmers waited until the month of February for sufficient rain to enable them to plough the ground for the grain crop. The harvest came late, but was abundant.1Getting ready for ploughing. The farmer gets ready for ploughing after the first rain starts falling, if he has not already done so before. He will spend the time making sure that his plough is in good repair and ready for action. He may need to cut and point a new goad to use in prodding his team of oxen. He must also see to it that his yoke is smooth and fits the necks of the animals. An ill-shaped or heavy yoke would gall them. The LORD JESUS spoke of "the easy yoke" promised to His obedient followers ( Mat 11:30). When the ground has been softened sufficiently by the rain, then the ploughing can begin.2EQUIPMENT USED IN PLOUGHINGThe Plough. One type of Syrian or Palestinian plough is made up of two wooden beams which are joined together, and at the front end it is hooked to a yoke, and at the rear end it is fastened to a crosspiece, the upper part of which serves as the handle, and the lower part holds the iron ploughshare or colter.3 Even today many may be seen in Bible lands plowing with what we might term a "forked stick." Bible writers often mention iron ploughshares ( 1Sa 13:20, etc.). These ploughs could without much work be changed into swords for warfare. Thus the prophet Joel said: "Beat your ploughshares into swords" (Joe 3:10). Exactly the reverse of this prophecy was suggested by both the prophets Isaiah and Micah in predicting the Golden Age (Isa 2:4; Mic 4:3).The yoke. The yoke is a rude stick that fits the necks of the cattle. Two straight sticks project down each side, and a cord at the end of these sticks and underneath the cattle's necks holds the yoke on the necks.4
These yokes of wood are often spoken of in the Scriptures ( Jer 28:13, etc.).The goad. A goad is carried by the native ploughman today, and was also used in Bible times. It is a wooden rod varying in length from five to seven feet, with a sharp point at one end. With this the farmer can hurry up his slow-moving animals.5 It was such an ox-goad that was used by Shamgar in slaying six hundred Philistines ( Jdg 3:31). The conviction of sin that came to Saul of Tarsus and led to his conversion was compared to the pricks of an oxgoad: "It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks [goad]" (Act 26:14).ANIMALS USED IN PLOUGHINGUse of oxen. In Bible times oxen were used almost exclusively for ploughing. For this reason the expression "a yoke" was used by the Hebrews to mean the measure of land which a yoke of oxen could plough in a day (cf. 1Sa 14:14, and Isa 5:10). "Oxen" as the Hebrews used the term, meant both sexes of the animal, cows being used as well as bulls for purposes of draught, but the latter were castrated.6This explains the reason for the law specifying concerning a heifer to be used for sacrificial purposes, that it be one "upon which never came yoke" ( Num 19:2). The law of Moses forbade ploughing with an ox and an ass yoked together (Deu 22:10). The Apostle Paul spoke of "the unequal yoke" in connection with partnership between believers and unbelievers (2Co 6:14).Today, the Arabs usually make use of oxen in ploughing, but sometimes utilize camels, and occasionally yoke together an ox and a donkey, or a camel and a donkey.7 PREPARING THE SOIL FOR THE CROPPloughing. The ploughing of the ground in Oriental fashion is quite primitive. The plough, which at best is a slight implement, can be carried if necessary two miles to the farmer's place of work. Of course by comparison with modern ploughs, it could be said merely to scratch the surface at the soil. The ploughman holds the one handle of the plough with one of his hands, while he carries the goad in the other hand, with which to prod the animals. JESUS said, "No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God" ( Luk 9:62). He described the operation accurately in saying hand, i.e. one hand, rather than two hands, as is the case with a Western farmer. It would be fatal for the Palestinian farmer to look back, because his implement is so light that the worker often has to press down with all his weight upon it to keep it from leaving the furrow.8The Eastern farmers will sometimes plough together, each man having his own plough and team of oxen, and one following close behind the preceding one. This sort of farmer's club is adopted as a protection from roving Bedouin robbers, and also because co-operation is desired when the wheat farms are large.9 Thus Elisha was found ploughing with eleven other ploughmen and a total of twenty-four oxen ( 1Ki 19:19).Use of pickax or mattock. Where the ground is hard, or on the rocky hillside, it is not possible to use the plough. In such places, if the peasant farmer is industrious, he will prepare the soil by using the pickax or mattock. Isaiah speaks of "hills that shall be digged with the mattock" ( Isa 7:25). By using such an implement, all the available ground is utilized for the crop.10Fertilizer seldom used. The Eastern farmer seldom adds fertilizer to his soil in raising grain. Many a hillside used by the farmer for his crop has a quantity of small, soft lime-stones scattered over it. Part of the lime in the stones is dissolved with each rainstorm, and mixing with the soil, makes it better qualified for a good stand of grain. These stones take care of liming the soil.11 Modern Jews, returning from the West to farm their land, are adding various chemicals from the Dead Sea as fertilizer for their soil. But there is no mention in the Bible of fertilizing the ground for a grain crop. JESUS did mention in one of his parables about the fertilizing of a fig tree ( Luk 13:1-9).SOWING THE SEEDKinds of grain sown. There are various kinds of grain used in the Orient. The word "corn" as used in English translations of the Bible, is actually the family name for cereal grains, because the "maize" or "indian corn" of modern days was doubtless unknown to Bible writers. The two principal grains cultivated in ancient Palestine were wheat and barley. There is one mention in the Old Testament of the use of millet ( Eze 4:9). The Revisers in the American Revised Version have changed the word "rye" in Exo 9:32 and Isa 28:25 to mean "spelt." In modern times, both. rice and maize or Indian corn are used in Palestine, although the former is largely imported.12How and when the seed is sown. The farmer usually carries his seed to his field in a large sack on the back of his donkey. and then the leather bag which he carries under his arm is replenished with seed from the sack.13 As a rule, the seed is scattered broadcast on the ground, and then it is covered over by the ploughing. Often the sower walks along, scattering his seed, and then one of his family, or a servant if he has one, follows directly with the plough.14 The Biblical word "to sow" as used in the Pentateuch ( Gen 26:12; Lev 25:3, etc.), means "to scatter seed."15Sowing as illustrated by the parable of JESUS. The process of sowing, and what happens to the seed, is well illustrated by the Parable of the Sower. No better picture could be given of the Oriental process of sowing the grain than that given by JESUS in this parable ( Mat 13:3-8; Mar 4:3-8; Luk 8:5-8)."Behold, a sower went forth to sow; and when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up" ( Mat 13:3-4).Palestine had few roads in the modern sense of the word until the Romans built their roads, and these only connected the most important places. Because traveling was either on foot, or by means of donkeys, or camels. a simple footpath was usually all that was necessary. These paths were given over to public use by ancient custom. If a farmer had such a path running across his land. he would plough the earth to the edge of the narrow path. but would leave it for the use of travelers.16 The Synoptic Gospels tell of JESUS and His disciples traveling in this manner through a grainfield ( Mat 12:1; Mar 2:23; Luk 6:1). Hedges or fences were seldom erected along such a footpath. When the farmer scattered his seed, some was quite apt to fall on this "way." and not being covered by the plough soon enough, the birds would discover it and eat it."Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth: And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away." ( Mat 13:5-6).The thought here is not of a soil that is mingled with stones. but rather a thin layer of mould covering a rock. Under such conditions, the grain would spring up quickly. but lacking depth of root. would be scorched by the sun. and fail to mature.17 "And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them." In Palestine and Syria, there are many thornbushes present that are apt to grow adjoining the grainfields. and some of them will spring up in the midst of the grain. The native farmer uses these thornbushes in the summer for the outdoor fires for cooking the meals. Hence he is not so careful to get rid of them in the near vicinity. and so some of these will choke the wheat or barley shoots.18 "But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit. some an hundredfold: some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold." The native farmers of Bible lands often have poor returns on the seed they sow, because their methods are primitive. But there are instances of good crops in modern times. George Mackie, who was a missionary to Syria, has said: "The soil is in many places exceedingly fertile, and the return corresponds to the standard cited in the parable."19 When Isaac farmed in the rich Negeb section of Southern Canaan. Scripture says: "Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold" ( Gen 26:12).ENEMIES OF THE GRAIN Birds. The birds of the
air are foes of the grain. In
the East, large flocks of birds
often follow the farmer as he
sows his seed in order to snatch
up, if they can, what he has
scattered. Some of the grain is
therefore lost before the plough
can succeed in covering it up.
That which chances to fall on
the path would readily be
devoured by them (Mar 4:4).20 "Tares. The tares are
also enemies of the grain. In
his Parable of the Tares, JESUS
said: "While men slept, his
enemy came and sowed tares among
the wheat" ( "The Arabic name for tares is
zawan, and they abound all
over the East, and are a great
nuisance to the farmer. The
grain is small, and is arranged
along the upper part of the
stalk, which stands perfectly
erect. Its taste is bitter, and
when eaten separately, or when
diffused in ordinary bread, it
causes dizziness, and often acts
as an emetic. In short, it is a
strong soporific poison, and
must be carefully winnowed, and
picked out of the wheat, grain
by grain, before grinding, or
the flour is not healthy. Of
course the farmers are very
anxious to exterminate it, but
that is nearly impossible.21 Fire. Fire is another
enemy of the grain farmer. In
Palestine, the Arabs let the
wheat become dead ripe, and
therefore as dry as tinder,
before they cut it. Thorns
usually grow all around the
wheat fields and intermingle
with the grain, and thus it
would be easy for a fire
starting with the thorns to
spread to the wheat, and it
would be difficult to keep a
whole field from being burned.22 The law of Moses had a wise
regulation regarding fire in
relation to the grain fields: "If
fire break out, and catch in
thorns, so that the stacks of
corn, or the standing corn, or
the field, be consumed
therewith; he that kindled the
fire shall surely make
restitution" ( Locusts. The locusts are
a dreaded enemy of the grain
farmer. Perhaps these
creatures are the most hated of
enemy of the Palestinian farmer.
These locusts are very much like
the large grasshopper with which
the Westerner is acquainted.
When they reach the proportion
of a plague, they are indeed a
vast multitude (cf. When the weather is cold and the
air is moist, or if they become
wet with the dew, then they will
stay where they are until the
sun has warmed and dried them.
The prophet Nahum describes them
thus: "Which camp in the
hedges in the cold day, but when
the sun ariseth they flee away"
Dr. Keil believes that this is
Joe 1:4
describes, rather than different
stages in the development of the
locust. He gives a literal
translation of the verse thus:
"The leavings of the gnawer the
multiplier ate, and the leavings
of the multiplier the licker
ate, and the leavings of the
licker, the devourer ate."25 Thieves. Thieves are also
great foes of the grain farmer.
This has been especially true in
modern times when the government
has not been stable and
efficient, as sometimes under
the Turkish rule. Under those
conditions, when the crop of
grain has been planted a
distance from the villages where
the Fellahin farmers have lived,
or if it was planted near to the
territory of some of the wild
tribes of Bedouin Arabs, there
has been risk of losing the crop
or at least a portion of it.26 In Bible times, Israel many
times lost grain to her enemies.
This was especially true in the
days of the Judges. "And so it was, when Israel
had sown, that the Midianites
came up, and the Amalekites, and
the children of the east" ( With enemies nearby, crops may
be lost to them, and even the
seed is often taken. If
therefore the peasant farmer is
very poor, and his supply of
seed to plant is not large, he
would go forth to sow his seed
with a certain amount of fear
and trembling, wondering if he
would get a harvest from his
scattering, or if the enemy
would take it from him. As the
feelings of the Oriental are
easily moved, one can imagine
him going forth with tears to
sow, and if a harvest was
actually reaped, what great
rejoicing would be his!27 This is the picture the Psalmist
had in mind when he wrote: "They
that sow in tears shall reap in
joy. He that goeth forth and
weepeth, bearing precious seed,
shall doubtless come again with
rejoicing, bringing his sheaves
CROPS The Palestine grainfields are
largely dependent upon the rain
that falls, for their
fruitfulness. No rain falls
in the land from May to
September. The former rain,
spoken of in scripture, falls in
the latter part of October or
the first part of November
usually. It is this rain
that is the signal for the
farmer to begin his ploughing
and plant his seed. The Bible also speaks of the
latter rain, which
ordinarily falls in March and
April, and it is this rain
that is of so much value in
maturing the barley and the
wheat crops. The heavy winds
come the latter part of December
and during January and February. The prophecy of Joel mentions
all three of these kinds of
rain: "And he will cause to
come down for you the rain, the
former rain, and the latter rain
in the first month" ( Barley harvest is usually in
April and May, and wheat harvest
in May and June. Thus we see
that Jeremiah was quite correct
in his order of seasons in
relation to the harvest time,
when he said: "The harvest is
past, the summer is ended, and
we are not saved" ( THE FARMER'S LAW OF
HOSPITALITY Eating grain in the field.
When the grain in the wheatfield
has passed the "milk-stage," and
has begun to harden, it is then
called "fereek" and is
considered to be delicious to
eat raw. Natives of the land
will pluck the heads, and then
rub them in their hand and eat
them. For centuries the
unwritten law of hospitality has
been that wayfarers may eat of
the wheat as they pass by or
through a field, but they must
not carry any away with them.29 The law of GOD allowed this same
privilege. "When thou comest
unto the standing corn (i.e.
grain) of thy neighbor, then
thou mayest pluck the ears with
thine hand; but thou shalt not
move a sickle unto thy
neighbor's standing corn" ( Grain left for the poor.
The Mosaic Law also had a
provision in it to help take
care of the poor, in connection
with the grain harvest. "And
when ye reap the harvest of your
land, thou shalt not make
clean riddance of the corners of
thy field when thou reapest,
neither shalt thou gather any
gleaning of thy harvest: thou
shalt leave them unto the poor,
and to the stranger" (
Ruth the Moabitess made use of
this provision as a stranger in
the land, and so gleaned in the
field of Boaz (Ruth, Chapter 2).
The Arab farmers of today still
carry out this ancient custom,
although they may not be
acquainted with the Biblical
precept concerning it. They
would not think of touching the
corner of their field when
harvesting. It is left for the
poor and stranger. It may be
collected later into a great
heap, but it is then given to
the poor, or used to maintain a
RIPENED GRAIN Cutting the ripened grain.
The ripe grain is cut with a
sickle. In early times
sickles were made of flint,
which material was abundant and
therefore cheap. In later
periods there were some made of
bronze or of iron, but the
former were more prevalent in
all periods. The flint was at
first set in the jaw-bone of an
animal, or in a curved piece of
wood.31 The prophet Jeremiah speaks of "him
that handleth the sickle in the
time of harvest" ( Binding the grain into
sheaves. The cut grain is
gathered on the arms and bound
into sheaves. The Psalmist makes
a reference to the mower filling
his hand, and the binder of
sheaves filling his bosom ( Transportation of grain to
the threshing floor. The
usual method of transporting the
grain to the threshing floor is
as follows: two large bundles of
the grain are made secure by a
network of rope and then placed
a few feet apart. Then a camel
is made to kneel in the space
between them, and then the
bundles are fastened to the
animal's packsaddle. The driver
gives his signal, and the camel
rises and begins to march off to
the threshing floor, which is
usually located not far from the
village. Here he kneels again
and is relieved of his burden of
grain, and goes back for another
load.32 When a camel was to be had, this
was the method of transportation
that was doubtless used in Bible
times. Otherwise the much-used
donkey was utilized for the
purpose. When sheaves of grain
are loaded on the donkey, a sort
of cradle is suspended to the
flat saddle, and the cut grain
is thrown over this and tied by
a rope.33 The brothers of Joseph used
asses to carry sacks of grain
and also straw for them to eat ( THRESHING THE GRAIN Threshing floor. A
typical Oriental threshing floor
has been described by Thomson
thus: "The construction of the floors
is very simple. A circular
space, from thirty to fifty feet
in diameter, is made level, if
not naturally so, and the ground
is smoothed off and beaten
solid, that the earth may not
mingle with the grain in
threshing. In time, the floors,
especially on the mountains, are
covered with a tough, hard
sward, the prettiest, and often
the only, green plots about the
village, and there the traveller
delights to pitch his tent.
Daniel calls them summer
threshing floors; and this is
the most appropriate name for
them, since they are only used
in that season of the year."34
Methods of threshing.
Three methods of threshing were
in use in ancient times, and in
some places in the East today. (1) A flail was used for
threshing small quantities of
grain. Ruth must have used such
a wooden instrument. "And
beat out that she had gleaned:
and it was about an ephah of
barley" ( (2) A threshing instrument
was often used. One type
that has been used in Bible
lands in modern days, is
composed of two wooden planks
joined together, about three
feet wide and six feet long, and
underneath has rows of cut
square holes, and sharp stones
or pieces of metal are driven
into these. Isaiah well
describes such a threshing
instrument: "Behold, I will
make thee a new sharp threshing
instrument having teeth" ( (3) The oxen alone were
driven over the grain in order
to thresh it. This method
was the most common method used
by the Jews in Old Testament
times. The animals were turned
over the layer of grain as it
lay upon the threshing floor,
and their hoofs did the work of
threshing. Many of the Fellahin
today will say that this is the
best way of threshing. "This
must have been the same in Bible
days, for the Hebrew verb "to
thresh" is doosh, which
has as its root-meaning 'to
trample down], 'to tread under
foot'"38 (cf. The oxen not muzzled while
threshing. Even today the
Arab peasant farmer does not
muzzle his oxen while they are
treading the grain on the
threshing floor. He says it
would be a great sin to do so.39 This agrees with the teaching of
the Mosaic Law. "Thou shalt
not muzzle the ox when he
treadeth out the corn
[grain]" ( What the threshing process
accomplishes. What happens
has been described as follows: "As these heavy sledges are
drawn over the layer of straw
and ears, they rub out the
grain. This by its form and
weight, sinks immediately
through the straw, and thus
escapes being hurt. The straw,
which by its lightness remains
on the surface, is slowly broken
and crushed into tiny pieces.
Thus a double process goes on by
means of this simple but
effective treatment. Not only is
the corn threshed out, but the
straw is at the same time
prepared for cattle and camel
fodder. In this crushed state it
is called "teben" and is
used to mix with the barley with
which all their animals are fed,
just as we mix chopped hay with
oats; but this crushing is far
superior to our chopping as a
means of preparing cattle
food.40 WINNOWING THE GRAIN Winnowing was accomplished by
the use of either a broad shovel
or of a wooden fork which had
bent prongs. With this
instrument, the mass of chaff,
straw, and grain was thrown
against the wind. Because there
was generally a breeze blowing
in the evening, this was the
time when it was normally
done.41 So Naomi said to Ruth concerning
Boaz: "Behold, he winnoweth
barley tonight in the threshing
floor" ( When the Bible speaks of the
farmer's fan, it does not mean
that some instrument was used to
increase the wind. Rather, the
fan was the shovel or wooden
fork used when unseparated
grain and straw was thrown
against the wind.42 The prophet Jeremiah tells of
GOD using a fan to winnow His
people Israel: "And I will
fan winnow them with a
fan in the gates of the land"
( When the grain and straw, not as
yet separated, are thrown into
the air, the wind causes the
mass of material to fall as
follows: Since the grain is the
heaviest, it naturally falls
beneath the fan. The straw is
blown to the side into a heap,
and the lighter chaff and the
dust are carried beyond into a
flattened windrow.43
This gave to the Psalmist his
figure: "The ungodly are not
so, but are like the chaff which
the wind driveth away" ( Dr. Lambie reports seeing an
additional process used by Bible
land Arabs. After being thrown
against the wind, the grain is
placed on a rock and the farmer
uses a mat about eighteen inches
square with which to fan the
grain, while a helper keeps
turning it over, in order to get
rid of any remaining chaff.43a There is no definite reference
to such a practice in the Bible,
but it is possible this method
may have been used in olden
times as an additional means of
cleaning the grain, or perhaps
it was employed when the winds
were quiet. SIFTING THE GRAIN When the winnowing process is
over, then comes the sifting of
the grain. The wheat or barley
will still be more or less mixed
with certain amounts of chaff,
little stones, and perhaps some
tares. Sifting is therefore
necessary before the grain can
be ground into meal. This is the
task of the women. The sifter
seats herself on the floor, and
shakes the sieve which contains
the grain, until the chaff
begins to appear on the top, and
this is blown away by lung
power. The stones are removed as
are also the tares.44 The LORD JESUS made reference to
the "sifting" of Simon
Peter. He said: "Simon,
Simon, behold, Satan hath
desired to have you, that he may
sift you as wheat: But I have
prayed for thee, that thy faith
fail not; and when thou art
converted, strengthen thy
brethren" ( STORING THE GRAIN Smaller quantities of grain are
often stored away for future use
by the family, in "barrels" made
of a combination of clay and
wickerwork. If there is a larger
quantity of grain it is
sometimes placed in a dry
cistern under the ground, and
the location of the place is
kept a secret by covering over
the opening.45 Actually there were no flour
barrels in the homes of Old
Testament characters. The word
"barrel" speaks of a "jar."
Earthenware jars were used to
store grain or flour (see |
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W. M. Thomson, The Land and
the Book, Vol. II, p. 549.
2. A. C. Haddad, Palestine
Speaks, pp. 18, 19.
3. Abraham Rihbany, The
Syrian CHRIST, p. 287.
4. Edwin W. Rice,
Orientalisms in Bible Lands,
p. 135.
5. CE. E. P. Barrows, Sacred
Geography and Antiquities,
p. 342.
6. Loc. cit.
7. Samuel Schor, Palestine
and the Bible, p. 8.
8. James Neil, Pictured
Palestine, pp. 261, 262.
9. Schor, loco cit.
10. G. Robinson Lees, Village
Life in Palestine, p. 141.
11. Schor, op. cit., p. 6.
12. Barrows, op. cit., pp. 342,
13. Rice, op. cit., p. 135.
14. George M. Mackie, Bible
Manners and Customs, p. 39.
15. See Brown, Driver, and
Briggs, Hebrew and English
Lexicon of the Old Testament,
p. 281. (New York: Houghton
Mifflin Company, 1906.)
16. Cf. George A. Barton,
Archaeology and the Bible,
p. 132.
17. Richard C. Trench, Notes
on the Parables of our Lord,
pp. 60, 61.
18. Rihbany, op. cit., pp.
19. Mackie, op. cit., p. 40.
20. Trench, op. cit., p. 59.
21. Thomson, op. cit., Vol. II,
pp. 395, 396.
22. Ibid., pp. 292, 293.
23. C. H. Toy. International
Critical Commentary: Proverbs.
pp. 534. 535. (New York: Charles
Scribner's Sons. 1899.)
24. Upham, Jahn's Biblical
Archaeology, pp. 26-28. See
also illustrated article by John
D. Whiting, "Jerusalem's Locust
Plague." in the National
Geographic Magazine.
December, 1915, pp. 511-550.
25. C. F. Keil, Commentary on
Minor Prophets. Vol. I, p.
180. (Edinburgh:
T. & T. Clark. 1880.)
26. Lees. op. cit., p. 144.
27. Loc. cit.
28. Neil, op. cit., pp. 263.
29. Rihbany. op. cit., pp. 290,
30. Lees. op. cit., p. 146.
31. Barton, op. cit., p. 135.
32. Thomson, op. cit., Vol. I,
pp. 162, 163.
33. "Ass," The People's Bible
Encyclopedia. p. 53.
34. Thomson, op. cit., Vol. I,
p. 151.
35. See "Harvest." The
People's Bible Encyclopedia,"
p. .28.
36. Rihbany, Op. cit., pp. 377.
37. "Harvest." Encyclopedia:
loco cit.
38. Neil. op. cit., p. 273.
39. Ibid.. pp. 273. 274.
40. Ibid.. p. 270.
41. "Harvest," Encyclopedia:
loco cit.
42. Rice. op. cit., p. 143.
43. Ibid.. p. 142.
43A. Thomas A. Lambie, A
Bruised Reed. pp. 126.127.
44. Lees, op. cit., pp. 156-159.
45. Mackie, op. cit., p. 98.
46. Barton. op. cit., p. 134. |