By R. A. Torrey
Unbelief | Unity of God |
Urim and Thummim
Defilement inseparable from Tit 1:15. All, by nature, concluded in Ro 11:32. Proceeds from
Slowness of heart. Lu 24:25. Hardness of heart. Mr 16:14; Ac 19:9. Disinclination to the truth. Joh 8:45,46. Judicial blindness. Joh 12:39,40. Not being Christ's sheep. Joh 10:26. The devil blinding the mind. 2Co 4:4. The devil taking away the word out of the heart. Lu 8:12. Seeking honour from men. Joh 5:44.
Exhibited in
Rejecting the word of God. Ps 106:24. Rejecting the gospel. Isa 53:1; Joh 12:38. Rejecting evidence of miracles. Joh 12:37. Departing from God. Heb 3:12. Questioning the power of God. 2Ki 7:2; Ps 78:19,20. Not believing the works of God. Ps 78:32. Staggering at the promise of God. Ro 4:20.
Was an impediment to the performance of miracles Mt 17:20; Mr 6:5. Miracles designed to convince those in Joh 10:37,38; 1Co 14:22. The Jews rejected for Ro 11:20. Believers should hold no communion with those in 2Co 6:14. They who are guilty of
Cannot please God. Heb 11:6. Malign the gospel. Ac 19:9. Persecute the ministers of God. Ro 15:31. Excite others against saints. Ac 14:2. Persevere in it. Joh 12:37. Harden their necks. 2Ki 17:14. Are condemned already. Joh 3:18. Have the wrath of God abiding upon. Joh 3:36. Shall not be established. Isa 7:9. Shall die in their sins. Joh 8:24. Shall not enter rest. Heb 3:19; 4:11. Shall be condemned. Mr 16:16; 2Th 2:12. Shall be destroyed. Jude 1:5. Shall be cast into the lake of five. Re 21:8.
Pray for help against Mr 9:24. The portion of, awarded to all unfaithful servants Lu 12:46. Exemplified
Moses and Aaron. Nu 20:12. Israelites. De 9:23. Naaman. 2Ki 5:12. Samaritan Lord. 2Ki 7:2. Disciples. Mt 17:17; Lu 24:11,25. Zacharias. Lu 1:20. Chief Priests. Lu 22:67. The Jews. Joh 5:38. Brethren of Christ. Joh 7:5. Thomas. Joh 20:25. Jews of Iconium. Ac 14:2. Thessalonian Jews. Ac 17:5. Ephesians. Ac 19:9. Saul. 1Ti 1:13. People of Jericho. Heb 11:31.
Sometimes found with two horns De 33:17. Described as
Of vast strength. Job 39:11.
Of the wicked. Isa 34:7. (Horns of,) of the strength of the descendants of Joseph. De 33:17. (Horns of,) of the strength of powerful enemies. Ps 22:21. (The position of its horns,) of the exaltation of saints. Ps 92:10.
Union With Christ.
Christ prayed that all saints might have Joh 17:21,23. Described as
Our being in Christ. 2Co 12:2; 1Jo 5:20.
Is of God 1Co 1:30. Maintained by
Abiding in him. Joh 15:4,7. His word abiding in us. Joh 15:7; 1Jo 2:24; 2Jo 1:9. Feeding on him. Joh 6:56. Obeying him. 1Jo 3:24.
The gift of the Holy Spirit is an evidence of 1Jo 4:13. Saints
Have, in spirit. 1Co 6:17. Have, in love. Song 2:16; 7:10. Have, in sufferings. Php 3:10; 2Ti 2:12. Have, in his death. Ro 6:3-8; Ga 2:20. Have assurance of. Joh 14:20. Enjoy, in the Lord's supper. 1Co 10:16,17. Identified with Christ by. Mt 25:40,45; Ac 9:4; 8:1. Are complete through. Col 2:10. Exhorted to maintain. Joh 15:4; Ac 11:23; Col 2:7.
Necessary to fruitfulness Joh 15:4,5. Beneficial results of
Freedom from condemnation. Ro 8:1. Freedom from dominion of sin. 1Jo 3:6. Being created anew. 2Co 5:17. The spirit alive to righteousness. Ro 8:10. Confidence at his coming. 1Jo 2:28. Abundant fruitfulness. Joh 15:5. Answers to prayer. Joh 15:7.
False teachers have not Col 2:18,19. Is indissoluble Ro 8:35. Punishment of those who have not Joh 15:6. Illustrated
Foundation and building. 1Co 3:10,11; Eph 2:20,21; 1Pe 2:4-6. Body and members. 1Co 12:12,27; Eph 5:30. Husband and wife. Eph 5:25-32.
Unity of God.
A ground for loving him supremely De 6:4,5; Mr 12:29,30. Asserted by
Christ. Mr 12:29; Joh 17:3. Moses. De 4:39; 6:4. Apostles. 1Co 8:4,6; Eph 4:6; 1Ti 2:5.
Exhibited in
His works of creation and providence. Isa 44:24; 45:5-8. His being alone possessed of fore-knowledge. Isa 46:9-11. His exercise of uncontrolled sovereignty. De 32:39. His being the sole object of worship in heaven and earth. Ne 9:6; Mt 4:10. His being alone good. Mt 19:17. His being the only Saviour. Isa 45:21,22. His being the only source of pardon. Mic 7:18; Mr 2:7. His unparalleled election and care of his people. De 4:32-35.
All saints acknowledge, in worshipping him 2Sa 7:22; 2Ki 19:15; 1Ch 17:20. All should know and acknowledge De 4:35; Ps 83:18. May be acknowledged without saving faith Jas 2:19,20.
God has pleasure in 1Ch 29:17. God created man in Ec 7:29. Man has deviated from Ec 7:29. Should be in
Speech. Isa 33:15. Walk. Pr 14:2. Judging. Ps 58:1; 75:2. Ruling. Ps 78:72.
With poverty, is better than sin with riches Pr 28:6. With poverty, is better than folly Pr 19:1. They who walk in
Love Christ. Song 1:4. Countenanced by God. Ps 11:7. Delighted in by God. Pr 11:20. Their prayer delighted in by God. Pr 15:8. Prospered by God. Job 8:6; Pr 14:11. Defended by God. Pr 2:7. Upheld in it by God. Ps 41:12. Recompensed by God. Ps 18:23,24. Find strengths in God's way. Pr 10:29. Obtain good from God's work. Mic 2:7. Obtain light in darkness. Ps 112:4. Guided by integrity. Pr 11:3. Walk surely. Pr 10:9. Direct their way. Pr 21:29. Kept by righteousness. Pr 13:6. Scorned by the wicked. Job 12:4. Hated by the wicked. Pr 29:10; Am 5:10. Abominated by the wicked. Pr 29:21. Persecuted by the wicked. Ps 37:14. Praise is comely for. Ps 33:1. A blessing to others. Pr 11:11.
The way of, is to depart from evil Pr 16:17. They who walk in, shall
Have nothing good withheld. Ps 84:11. Dwell in the land. Pr 2:21. Dwell on high and be provided for. Isa 33:16. Dwell with God. Ps 15:2; 140:13. Be blessed. Ps 112:2. Be delivered by righteousness. Pr 11:6. Be delivered by their wisdom. Pr 12:6. Be saved. Pr 28:18. Enter into peace. Ps 37:37; Isa 57:2. Have dominion over the wicked. Ps 49:14. Have inheritance for ever. Ps 37:18.
Saints should resolve to walk in Ps 26:11. The wicked
Leave not the path of. Pr 2:13. Do not act with. Mic 7:2,4.
Reprove those who deviate from Ga 2:14.
Urim and Thummim.
God to be consulted by Nu 27:21. Instances of consulting God by Jdj 1:1; 20:18,28; 1Sa 23:9-11; 30:7,8. Sometimes no answer by, in consequence of the sin of those consulting 1Sa 28:6. Were wanting in the second temple Ezr 2:63; Ne 7:65. Illustrative of the light and perfection of Christ, the true high priest De 33:8; Joh 1:4,9,17; Col 2:3.
Usury or Interest.
Those enriched by unlawful, not allowed to enjoy their gain Ps 28:8. The curse attending the giving or receiving of unlawful, alluded to Jer 15:10. The Jews
Forbidden to take, from brethren specially when poor. Ex 22:25; Le 25:35-37. Often guilty of taking. Ne 5:6,7; Eze 22:12. Required to restore. Ne 5:9-13. Allowed to take, from strangers. De 23:20.
Judgments denounced against those who exacted unlawful Isa 24:1,2; Eze 18:13. Illustrative of the improvement of talents received from God Mt 25:27; Lu 19:23.
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