Warning, thus is
Cult material and is 100% anti-Christian
Pray for the Holy Spirit's Protection
before you read this!
(Chapter) Surah 81.
The Overthrowing, Extinguished! Wrapping
Things Up
1. When the sun (with
its spacious light) is folded
2. When the stars fall, losing
their lustre;
3. When the mountains vanish
(like a mirage);
4. When the she-camels, ten
months with young, are left
5. When the wild beasts are
herded together (in the human
6. When the oceans boil over
with a swell;
7. When the souls are sorted
out, (being joined, like with
8. When the female (infant),
buried alive, is questioned -
9. For what crime she was
10. When the scrolls are laid
11. When the world on High is
12. When the Blazing Fire is
kindled to fierce heat;
13. And when the Garden is
brought near;-
14. (Then) shall each soul know
what it has put forward.
15. So verily I call to witness
the planets - that recede,
16. Go straight, or hide;
17. And the Night as it
18. And the Dawn as it breathes
away the darkness;-
19. Verily this is the word of a
most honourable Messenger,
20. Endued with Power, with rank
before the Lord of the Throne,
21. With authority there, (and)
faithful to his trust.
22. And (O people!) your
companion is not one possessed;
23. And without doubt he saw him
in the clear horizon.
24. Neither doth he withhold
grudgingly a knowledge of the
25. Nor is it the word of an
evil spirit accursed.
26. When whither go ye?
27. Verily this is no less than
a Message to (all) the Worlds:
28. (With profit) to whoever
among you wills to go straight:
29. But ye shall not will except
as Allah wills,- the Cherisher
of the Worlds. |
Warning, thus is
Cult material and is 100% anti-Christian
Pray for the Holy Spirit's Protection
before you read this! |