Rio Hondo Coastal Basins Spreading Grounds
Pico Rivera, California
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Birds & Animals  Seen at this Location
143.jpg (680586 bytes)
Turkey Vulture
110.jpg (608079 bytes)
Say's Phoebe
IMGP5734.jpg (762473 bytes)
American Kestrel
085.jpg (520677 bytes)
Northern Pintail
066.jpg (1083560 bytes)
Green-winged Teal
022.jpg (865065 bytes)
121.jpg (934836 bytes)
Cassin's Kingbird
148.jpg (880036 bytes)
Canada Geese
165.jpg (619529 bytes)
Black Phoebe
039.jpg (913499 bytes)
Snow Goose
Western Meadowlark
IMGP4488.jpg (771579 bytes)
Anna's Hummingbird
IMGP4463.jpg (981456 bytes)
White-crowned Sparrow
(West Taiga Variant)
IMGP7474b.jpg (684766 bytes)
American Avocet
IMGP5752.jpg (344545 bytes)
Yellow-rumped Warbler
IMGP5548.jpg (708850 bytes)
Northern Mockingbird
IMGP5554.jpg (622061 bytes)
IMGP5817.jpg (483584 bytes)
House Finch
IMGP5804.jpg (337315 bytes)
European Starling
IMGP5609.jpg (734864 bytes)
Cedar Waxwing
IMGP5741.jpg (548925 bytes)
IMGP5697.jpg (295489 bytes)
Ring-necked Duck
IMGP5561.jpg (858332 bytes)
Canada Geese
IMGP5695.jpg (655309 bytes)
IMGP5695.jpg (655309 bytes)
American Wigeon
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American Coot
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Great Blue Heron
IMGP7492.jpg (937656 bytes)
Northern Shoveler
IMGP4451.jpg (1156176 bytes)
Gulf Fritillary Butterfly
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Variegated Meadowhawk Dragonfly
IMGP7407.jpg (716857 bytes)
California Ground Squirrel