
Psaltriparus minimus

A very small, drab gray bird with a long tail and a social nature. Bushtits are usually found in flocks of up to 40 individuals, often mixed in with other specie

Interesting Information

  • The Bushtit is the only member of its family in the Americas; seven other species are found in Eurasia. All have similar complex hanging nests.

  • All family members sleep together in the complex nest during breeding, but they leave it after the young fledge, and sleep on branches.

  • The nest is an impressive, woven, hanging basket with a hole high up on the side of the nest and a passageway to the nest chamber at the bottom. It can be up to a foot long, and is generally built of spider webs, moss, lichen, and other plant material.

  • Both the male and female will incubate the eggs, sometimes even at the same time.

  • This bird often has helpers at the nest, birds other than the parental pair that feed nestlings. All family members sleep together in the complex nest during breeding, but they leave it after the young fledge, and sleep on branches.


Adult Description

  • Very small bird.

  • Long tail and short wings.

  • Plain gray-brown without markings.

  • Length Range: 11 cm (4.5 in)

  • Weight: 6 g (0.2 oz)

  • Size: Very Small (3 - 5 in)

Sex Differences

Sexes Similar


Eyes dark. Female's eyes become light within a month of fledging.


Photo taken from: The Sibley Field Guide by David Allen Sibley

© 2003 Cornell Lab of Ornithology


  • Found in a variety of habitats, ranging from forested mountain to arid brush.

  • Prefers open mixed woodland with some evergreens or shrubby understory.

  • Common in suburban areas


Gleans insects off foliage. Often hangs upside down. Uses one foot to bend back foliage to expose middle of clumps.Huddle together on branches in cold weather.


Small insects and spiders.



Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
     Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Aegithalidae
Genus: Psaltriparus
Species: Psaltriparus minimus
    Subspecies: Psaltriparus minimus californicus
  Psaltriparus minimus cecaumenorum
  Psaltriparus minimus grindae
  Psaltriparus minimus lloydi
  Psaltriparus minimus melanurus
  Psaltriparus minimus minimus
  Psaltriparus minimus plumbeus
  Psaltriparus minimus socialbilis

Similar Species

  • Oak and Juniper titmice have short crests.

  • Immature Verdin is small and all gray, but has a pointed bill, a shorter tail, and is paler.

Bird Sound

Calls given constantly by flock. Contact call is distinct "tsit" or "spit." Also high pitched, bell-like "sre-e-e-e."

Eggs look like this

Photo taken from: ARCTOS Collaborative Collection Management Solution