By Rev. John Wilbur Chapman
MR. MOODY had not been long identified
with active Christian work in Chicago, before he saw an opportunity for service
in connection with the Young Men's Christian Association. This organisation
had been established in Chicago as a result of the great revival of 1857 - 8,
but after a few years the interest in the daily noon prayer meeting began to
wane. To increase this interest impressed Mr. Moody as his duty. His abilities
were soon recognised by those in charge of the work, and he was appointed chairman
of the Visiting Committee to the sick and to strangers. His work in behalf of
the noon meetings was blessed moreover with large results. RESULT OF HIS FIRST YEAR'S WORK He had found the Association made up of conservative men of middle or advanced
years, but his advent among them was, as an officer of the Association has said,
"like a stiff north-west breeze," and under his influence the institution
became free and popular, and its influence was extensively widened. His abilities
were especially eminent in raising money, but of the thousands of dollars he
secured he would take nothing for himself. Among other schemes devised by him
was one which federated the mission schools of the city under the Association,
and brought them under the care of the stronger churches. The report of the
first year of the work of his committee on visitation gives the number of families
visited as 554, and the amount of money used for charitable purposes as $2350.
Meanwhile, the growing strength of the North Market Mission taxed the ingenuity
of the young superintendent to provide room for its expansion. He set himself
to work to secure a suitable edifice, and, collecting personally about $20,000,
saw a neat chapel rise in Illinois Street, not far from the old North Market
Hall. This was in 1863. Mr. Moody had ever aimed, as the converts of the Mission
grew in number, to recommend them to regular church homes, but an increasing
unwillingness on the part of the converts to leave the influences of his personal
presence seemed to necessitate the organisation of a regular church to be made
up of the converts of the Mission. THE ILLINOIS STREET CHURCH The Illinois Street Church" was therefore organised under Congregational
auspices. Members were baptised and received into the church by regular pastors
of other Congregational churches, but the communion service was conducted by
Mr. Moody without reference to established forms. He was the pastor of the church,
although he never received ordination. For this reason, probably, the church,
although organised by Congregationalists, was not reckoned a Congregational
Church. Its discipline and confession of faith were made up with the end that
no true lover of the Lord should be kept from the fellowship of this Christian
band by any non-essential of doctrine or observance. The membership of this church in the beginning was unique. Almost every communicant
had been rescued from degradation by the work of the Mission. And it was a working
congregation. Labour was so divided that every member had something to do, and
every night saw some service in the chapel. The meetings seemed to be a continuous
revival. Boundless energy and great physical strength, with the constant dwelling
of God's spirit in him, alone enabled Mr. Moody to bear up under the great strain.
At times he would find himself completely exhausted and almost ready to give
up, but a few hours of rest or a slight change I occupation generally sufficed
to put him very quickly on his feet again. TWO HUNDRED CALLS IN A DAY The story is told of how he made two hundred calls on New Year's Day. "At
an early hour the omnibus which was to take him and several of his leading men
was at the door, and, with a carefully prepared list of residences, they began
the day's labour. The list included a large proportion of families living in
garrets and the upper stories of high tenements. On reaching the home of a family
belonging to his congregation he would spring out of the 'bus, leap up the stairways,
rush into the room, and pay his respects as follows I am Moody; this is Deacon De Golyer; this is Deacon Thane; this is Brother
Hitchcock. Are you well? Do you all come to church and Sunday-school? Have you
all the coal you need for the winter? 'Let us pray? And down we would all go
upon our knees, while Mr. Moody offered from fifteen to twenty words of earnest,
tender, sympathetic supplication.
The next year Mr. Moody went on foot
through another such day - reminding his friends that on the previous New Year
they had often felt obliged to leave the 'bus before reaching a house, lest
the sight of the vehicle should hurt the poor they visited, as an apparent waste
of money. ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE Y. M. C. A. The increase of the work of the Young Men's Christian Association during the
Civil War called for increased accommodations. Mr. Moody's success with his
Mission, and his well-known energy and boldness, led to the proposal that he
be elected president of the Association. His lack of learning and his bluntness
caused considerable opposition to his election, but he received a small majority.
A building committee was immediately organised. Mr. Moody's plan was to organise
a stock company, with twelve trustees, who should erect and hold the building
in trust. The stock was to bear six percent interest, from the completion of
the building, and the interest on the stock was to be paid out of the rentals
of such portions of the building as were not needed for the use of the Association,
and also from the rent of the great Hall. The excess of the rentals over the
interest was to be used to buy up the stock, at par, in behalf of the Association.
Mr. Moody succeeded in placing the stock to the value of $101000. The new building was erected in Madison Street, between Clark and La Salle Streets.
The large hall had a seating capacity of three thousand. There were in the building
a large room for the noon prayer meetings, a library, offices, etc. The hall
was dedicated September 29, 1867. The report of the treasurer, Mr. John V, Farwell,
on that occasion, showed that the entire cost of land, building, etc., was $199000.
Stock had been subscribed to the amount of $135000; $50000 had been loaned on
mortgages. The remaining indebtedness was at once cleared up by subscriptions.
DEDICATION OF THE NEW BUILDING Among the speakers at the dedicatory service was Mr. George H. Stuart, president
of the United States Christian Commission. His address sketched the history
of the Association, and described the possibilities that were open to its efforts.
The effect of his speech was marvellous. It seemed as if the words of this great
Christian man had loosened the heart-strings of every individual in the large
audience. The hall was still unnamed, but on Mr. Moody's nomination it was christened
"Farwell Hall," in honour of Mr. John V. Farwell. Under the management of Mr. Moody, Farwell Hall became very popular. The daily
noon prayer meeting was so well attended that occasionally the one thousand
seats in the prayer room were not sufficient to hold the people, and it was
necessary to adjourn to the large hall. Monday evening a special meeting was
held for strangers. Every noon Mr. Moody would go to the street in front of
the hall a few minutes before the meeting, and endeavour to send within as many
of the passers-by as he could approach. Then, as the clock struck twelve, he
would hurry up the stairs and take his usual seat, near the leader, where, if
the meeting seemed to drag or to require a stimulus, he would take it in hand
and do everything necessary to animate it. Mr. Moody began to be known in Young Men's Christian Association work throughout
the United States and Canada, and his services were in frequent demand for conventions
and revival services. Four months after its dedication, Farwell Hall was burned, in January, 1868.
Mr. Moody did not lag when this catastrophe overtook the enterprise in which
he was bound up. Subscriptions were opened immediately, and most of the original
stockholders came to the front with renewed support. On the old foundations
a new Farwell Hall was erected. It was dedicated in 1869, to an only too brief
period of noble service for the Master. A GREAT RELIGIOUS CENTRE Mr. Moody continued president of the Association for four years. He then declined
re-election, but consented to act as vice-president, with Mr. J. V. Farwell
in the chair. The Sunday evening meetings in the new hall were wonderful. Mr.
Moody would there preach the same discourse he had delivered to his congregation
in Illinois Street in the morning. Such throngs attended these evening meeting
that they came to compose, with one exception, the largest protestant congregation
in Chicago. The sermon was followed by an inquiry meeting. Farwell Hall soon became a great religious centre. That its success as an institution
was due in large degree to Mr. Moody cannot be doubted. His energy made possible
the erection of the first structure; his perseverance called forth the second,
phoenix like, from the ashes of the first; his devotion filled the prayer meetings;
his faith led hundreds to a changed life; and his directness, his singleness
of purpose, prevented any deviation of the work from the paths of Christian
helpfulness. The second Farwell Hall went down in the great fire of 1871, but
its work still lived. Mr. Moody used to give an incident of his last service in Farwell Hall on the
night of the great fire. He said: INCIDENT OF HIS LAST SERVICE IN FARWELL HALL
The Illinois Street Church was also burned in the great fire, and Mr. Moody
at once began the work of feeding and sheltering the homeless. Complaints were
made of his too bountiful distribution, for he would refuse no one who asked.
He therefore withdrew from the relief work, and went East, to hold revival meetings
and to raise money toward rebuilding his church. With the large assistance of
Mr. George H. Stuart and Mr. John Wanamaker, of Philadelphia, he obtained three
thousand dollars for the erection of a rough structure in the burned district,
not far from the ruins of the old church. This " North Side Tabernacle,"
as it was called, covered a plot of ground one hundred and nine feet long and
seventy-five feet wide. All around it were the ruins. There was some doubt whether
the situation of the Tabernacle would permit a large attendance, but on the
day of dedication more than one thousand children came together. The meetings in the Tabernacle were distinguished by a remarkable revival. During
the year following the fire eight services were held every Sunday. A wide relief
work was also instituted by the indefatigable pastor. Mr. Moody had returned
from the eastern tour refreshed spiritually and blessed by a large access of
power. He has told us how, while he was in New York City on that memorable journey,
God revealed Himself especially to his servant. This baptism of the Divine Love
vivified his later work and made it tell with the unconverted as never before.
And so, in the Tabernacle among the ashes, sprang up a wonderful manifestation
of God's presence, and hundreds were led to Christ. DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHICAGO AVENUE CHURCH The new church, which afterward came to be known as "The Chicago Avenue
Church", was partly erected in 1873. From that time it was used by the
congregation, a temporary roof being built over the first floor, but not until
1876 was it completed, freed of debt, and dedicated. Up to this time the preaching
and pastoral work was done chiefly by Mr. Moody and Mr. Watts Dc Golyer. Since
then the Rev. W. J. Erdman, the Rev. Charles H. Norton, the Rev. G. C. Needham,
President Blanchard, the Rev. Charles F. Goss and the Rev. F. B. Hyde have occupied
the pulpit and acted as pastors. The present pastor is the Rev. Dr. R. A. Torrey.
The church has always maintained its early character as an undenominational,
evangelical and aggressive congregation. The sittings and other privileges are
all free, and the motto selected at the organisation of the church, and still
inscribed over the main entrance, is "Welcome to this House of God are
strangers and the poor." It has always been dependent upon the offerings
of the people for its support, and the expenses are met through the systematic
weekly giving of the congregation. |
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