By Amos Binney and Daniel Steele
B. DUTIES To Our NeighborsBy the beautiful parable of the good Samaritan we are taught that the term neighbor comprehends every child of man. Luke 10:25-37. This relation is independent of nation, vicinity of residence, configuration, complexion, condition, or religion. Mal. 2:10; Prov. 22:2; Acts 17: 26; Gal. 3:28. The whole of our duty toward our neighbor is summed up in what has been very properly called the royal law. James 2:8; and our Savior's golden rule. Matt. 7:12. The obvious import of this rule is, being guided by justice and mercy, to do unto others as you would have others do to you were your circumstances and theirs reversed. This law, therefore, both in a positive and negative point of view, is exceeding broad. Ps. 119:96. 1. This law of universal love forbids the indulgence of any unholy temper or disposition toward our neighbor, such as: Hatred, Lev, 19:17; I John 3:14-15; 4:20. Envy, Prov. 24:1; Ps. 37:1; Rom. 13:13; I Pet. 1. Malice, I Cor. 5:8; 14:20; Eph. 4:31; Col. 3:8. Anger; Eccl. 7:9; Matt. 5:22; Eph. 4:31; Col. 3:8 . Wrath, Rom. 12:19; Eph. 4:26, 31; James 1:19. Revenge Lev. 19:18; Prov. 24:29; Zech. 7:10; Rom. 12:19. Covetousness, Exod. 20:17; Luke 12:15; Eph. 5 :3; Col. 3:5. 2. It prohibits all sinful conduct toward our neighbor , such as: Murder; Exod. 20:13; Matt. 5:21, 22; 19:18. Lying and false witness, Exod. 20:16; Prov. 24:28; Zech. 8:16-17; (150 What is the sum of our duty toward our neighbor called? What is the import of this rule? Is this law extensive? What does it forbid in our tempers? What in our conduct?) Mal. 3:5; Eph. 4:25; Col. 3:9. Theft, Exod. 20:15; Lev. 19:11; Matt. 19:18; Eph. 4:28. Strife and contentions, Gen. 13:8; Prov. 20:3; 25:8; Rom. 13:8; Col. 3:13; Titus 3:9. Lewdness and drunkenness; Exod. 20:14; Job 31:1; Prov. 6:25, 29, 32; 23:20, 31-33; Isa. 5:11, 22; Hab. 2:15-16; Matt. 5:27-28; Rom. 13:13; 14:21; I Pet. 2:11. Evil speaking and reviling, Acts 23:5; Eph. 4:31: James 4:11. Oppression, Ps. 12:5; Prov. 24:11-12; Isa. 1:17; 58:6; Mal. 3:5; Amos 4:1; Zech. 7:10; James 5: 4. Retaliation, Lev. 19:18; Prov. 24:29; I Thess. 5:15; Matt. 5:39-44. 3. It enjoins the cultivation of all holy tempers and dispositions toward our neighbors; such as: Love, Lev. 19:18, 34; Matt. 5:44; John 13:34; Rom . 12:10; 13:8; I Cor. 13:1-8; Gal. 5: 13-14; Col. 3:14; Heb. 10:24; 13:1; I Pet. 2:17; I John 3:18; 4:7-8, 20-21. Forbearance, Prov. 19:11; I Cor. 13:4-7; Eph. 4: 2; Col. 3:13; I Pet 2:19-23. Forgiveness, Luke 6:37; Matt. 18:21- 22; Eph. 4:32; Col. 3:13. 4. It requires the practice of all good deeds toward our neighbors, such as: Good example, Neh. 5:9; Matt. 5:16; Col. 4:5; I Tim. 4:12; (151. What is enjoined respecting our tempers, etc? What are we required to practice?) Titus 2:7-8. Honor, Rom. 12:10; 13:7; Phil. 2:3; I Pet. 2:17. Mercy, Dan. 4:27; Micah 6:8; Luke 6:36; Col. 3:12. Pity an compassion, Luke 10:33-37; I Peter 3:8; I John 3:17. 5. It especially designates our deportment toward certain particular classes of our neighbors. such as: Rulers, Acts 23:5; Rom. 13:1-7; Heb. 13:7; I Thess. 5:12-13; I Tim. 2:1-3; Titus 3:1; I Pet. 2:13-17. Masters and servants, Eph. 6:5-9; Col. 3:22; 4:1. Parents and children, Eph. 6:1-4; Col 3:20-21. Husbands and wives, Eph. 5:22-25; Col. 3:18-19. Aged, Lev. 19:32; I Tim. 5:1-2; I Pet. 5:5. Widows and fatherless, Exod. 22:22-24; I Tim. 5:3; James 1:27. Sick, James 1:27; 5:14; Strangers, Exod. 22:21; Heb. 13:2. Enemies, Matt. 5:44; Rom. 12:20. Wicked, Lev. 19:17; I Sam. 12:20, 23. Heathen, Matt. 9:38; 28:19-20. |
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