Verse 1
Titus 1:1. Paul, a servant of
the one living and true God — In
some of his other epistles, Paul
calls himself a servant of Jesus
Christ; but this is the only one
in which he calls himself a
servant of God: an appellation
which some think he took because
the Judaizing teachers in Crete
affirmed that he had apostatized
from God, by receiving into his
church the uncircumcised
Gentiles, and thereby freeing
them from obedience to the law
of Moses, as a term of
salvation. And an apostle of
Jesus Christ — By this title he
distinguishes himself from other
pious and holy men, who were all
servants of God; and asserts his
apostleship, not to raise
himself in the estimation of
Titus, but to make the false
teachers in Crete, and all in
every age who should read this
letter, sensible that every
thing he ordered Titus to
inculcate was of divine
authority. According to the
faith of God’s elect — That is,
God’s true people; the
propagation of which faith was
the proper business of an
apostle. And the acknowledging
of the truth — That is, the
doctrine of the gospel here
termed the truth, to distinguish
it from the errors of
heathenism, and the shadows of
the Mosaic law; and because it
teaches the true, and the only
true way of salvation for Jews
and Gentiles; which is after
godliness — Which in every point
agrees with and supports the
true, vital, spiritual worship
and service of God; and indeed
has no other end or scope. These
two verses contain the sum of
Christianity, which Titus was
always to have in his eye.
Verses 2-4
Titus 1:2-4. In hope — Which
doctrine lays a foundation for,
and shows us how we may attain a
well-grounded and lively hope;
of eternal life — The grand
motive and encouragement of
every apostle and every servant
of God. Which God, that cannot
lie — Nor deceive any of his
creatures, hath not only, as in
the former dispensation,
intimated to us, but expressly
promised — To all obedient
believers; before the world
began — Or, before the times of
the ages, as Macknight renders
προ χρονων αιωνιων, observing,
“the promise here referred to is
that which God made to Adam and
Eve, and their posterity, at the
fall, when in passing sentence
on the serpent, he said of the
seed of the woman, It shall
bruise thy head. The same
promise was renewed in the
covenant with Abraham: In thy
seed shall all the nations of
the earth be blessed.” That this
included a promise of eternal
life to all believers has
frequently been shown. It is
true, “supposing the word
αιωνιος, in this clause, to
signify eternal, the literal
translation of the passage would
be, before eternal times. But
that being a contradiction in
terms, our translators, contrary
to the propriety of the Greek
language, have rendered it,
before the world began. As Locke
observes on Romans 16:25, the
true, literal translation is,
before the secular times,
referring us to the Jewish
jubilees, by which times were
computed among the Hebrews, as
among the Gentiles they were
computed by generations of men.”
But hath in due times — Or, in
his own times, as the phrase
καιροις ιδιοις properly
signifies. God’s own times are
fittest for his own work. What
creature dares ask, Why no
sooner? Manifested his word —
His gospel, containing that
promise, and the whole truth
which is after godliness;
through preaching — The public
declaration thereof; which is
committed unto me — Or,
wherewith I am intrusted.
According to the commandment —
Or sovereign pleasure; of God
our Saviour — And who dares
exercise this office on any
inferior authority? By affirming
that Christ intrusted him with
the preaching of the gospel
according to the commandment of
God, or as it is expressed 1
Corinthians 1:1; 2 Corinthians
1:1, by the will of God, the
apostle carried his own
authority to the highest pitch.
To Titus, mine own son —
Begotten of God by my preaching,
and a true follower of me, and
my assistant in the Lord’s work.
See on Philippians 2:22. After
the common faith — Common to me
and all my spiritual children.
Grace, mercy, and peace, &c. —
See on 1 Timothy 1:2.
Verse 5
Titus 1:5. For this cause left I
thee in Crete — Crete is one of
the largest islands in the
Mediterranean, being in length,
from east to west, about 250
miles, in breadth about 50, and
in circuit about 600; and
anciently it must have been very
populous, being famous for its
100 cities. It is now called
Candia, from its chief city,
which bears that name. In the
year 1204 the Venetians took
Canea, the second greatest city
in Crete, and with it the whole
island. That city they held till
the year 1645, when the Turks
conquered it, and almost
entirely expelled the Venetians
from Crete; and they have kept
possession of it ever since.
After the gospel was planted in
Crete by the apostle and his
assistant Titus, it took such
deep root, and spread itself so
widely through the island, that
it has subsisted there ever
since; and is at present the
religion of the natives, who are
in general of the Greek Church.
These, on payment of a stated
tribute to the Turks, are
allowed the exercise of their
religion without molestation.
That thou shouldest set in order
the things that are wanting —
That is, that thou shouldest
perfect what was left unfinished
at my departure, or mightest
settle the affairs which I had
not time to settle myself; and
ordain elders — Pastors or
teachers, the same with bishops,
Titus 1:7; in every city — Where
there are churches; as I had
appointed — Or commanded thee.
The apostle proceeds, in the
four next verses, to show what
ought to be the character and
qualifications of the persons
fit to be ordained.
Verses 6-9
Titus 1:6-9. If any be blameless
— As to his conduct, shunning
the appearance of evil, and
walking in all the ordinances
and commandments of God; the
husband of one wife — See on 1
Timothy 3:2; having faithful, or
believing children — As τεκνα
πιστα may be properly rendered;
that is, not infidels, but such
as embrace the Christian faith;
not accused of riot — ασωτιαστυ
of luxury, or intemperance; or
unruly — ανυποτακτα, refractory
or disobedient. The apostle
required that the children of
the person who was to be
ordained an elder should be
believers in Christ, and of a
sober, exemplary behaviour,
because the infidelity and vices
of children never fail to
reflect some blame on their
parents. And the children of
ministers ought certainly, from
that consideration, as well as
in order to the salvation of
their own souls, carefully to
avoid every irregularity, and
even impropriety of conduct. For
a bishop — Or elder, as he is
called, Titus 1:5; must be
blameless — In order to his
being useful; as the steward of
God — One intrusted by God with
the care of immortal souls, and
with the dispensation of the
mysteries of the gospel; not
self- willed — αυθαδη,
literally, pleasing himself; but
all men for their good to
edification; not soon angry — Or
easily provoked: as οργιλον
means; not given to wine, &c. —
See on 1 Timothy 3:2-7; sober —
Or prudent: as σωφρονα may be
properly rendered. It implies,
especially, the proper
government of our angry
passions; so that on all
occasions we behave with
prudence; temperate — In the use
of every sensual pleasure; one
who has so the command of
himself that he keeps all his
appetites under due restraint.
Holding fast the faithful word —
That is, the word of the truth
of the gospel. There is a great
beauty, says Macknight, in the
word αντεχομενον, as here used.
It signifies the holding fast
the true doctrine, in opposition
to those who would wrest it from
us; as he hath been taught —
κατα την διδαχην, according to
the teaching, namely, of the
apostles; that by sound, or
salutary doctrine, he may be
able both to exhort — Believers
to zeal and diligence in the
performance of their duty; and
to convince gainsayers — Those
that oppose the truth, of their
errors and sins.
Verse 10-11
Titus 1:10-11. For there are
many unruly — Subject to no
order; and vain talkers —
΄αταιολογοι, persons who utter a
multitude of foolish and
trifling things, especially
concerning genealogies and
fables; and deceivers —
φρεναπαται, deceived in their
own minds, or deceivers of the
minds of others; who delude
their disciples with false
opinions, in order to reconcile
their consciences to wicked
practices; specially they of the
circumcision — Namely, the
Jewish teachers, who, though
converted to Christianity,
taught the necessity of
observing the Jewish law,
together with faith in Christ,
Acts 21:20. Whose mouths must be
stopped — Namely, by conviction
from reason and Scripture; who
subvert whole houses — Overthrow
the faith of whole families by
their false doctrine, and as he
seems to mean, carry them over
to Judaism; teaching things
which they ought not — Which are
most false and mischievous; for
filthy lucre’s sake — For the
sordid purpose of drawing money
from their disciples.
Verses 12-14
Titus 1:12-14. One of themselves
— That is, one of their own
countrymen, who could not be
unacquainted with their conduct,
or disposed to belie them; even
a prophet of their own — This
was the poet Epimenides, who,
among the Romans, was reputed to
have foretold future events.
Cicero, speaking of him, (De
Divinat., lib. 1.,) says he was
futura præsciens, et vaticinans
per furorem; one who foreknew
and foretold things future by
ecstasy. Besides, as all poets
pretended to a kind of
inspiration, the names prophet
and poet were used as
synonymous, both by the Greeks
and Romans. The Cretians are
always liars, &c. — Epimenides
said this in his book concerning
oracles, a passage which
Glassius hath quoted entire, p.
2075. According to Bishop
Warburton, (Div. Legat., vol. 1.
p. 159,) the Cretians were
universally hated, and branded
as liars, by the other Greeks,
because, by showing in their
island the tomb of Jupiter, the
father of gods and men, they
published what the rest of the
Greeks concealed in their
mysteries, namely, that their
gods were dead men. Evil beasts
— Or wild beasts, rather, as
θηρια signifies, fierce, savage;
slow bellies — Lazy gluttons, as
averse to action as wild beasts
are after gorging themselves
with their prey. So that in
these words the poet suggests “a
remarkable contrast, to show
what a mixture there was of
fierceness and luxury in the
characters of the Cretians.
Savage beasts are generally
active and nimble, but these
men, while they had the fury of
lions and tigers, indulged
themselves so much in the most
sordid idleness and intemperance
that they grew, as it were, all
belly. As for their proneness to
falsehood, it is well known that
κρητιζειν, to talk like a
Cretian, was a proverb for
lying; (as κορινθιαζειν, to live
like a Corinthian, was for a
luxurious and debauched life;)
and it is remarkable that
Polybius scarce ever mentions
this nation without some severe
censure.” This witness is true —
Namely, in the general, though
some particular persons may be
found of a different character.
Wherefore rebuke them sharply —
αποτομως, with a cutting
severity. From this Blackwall
infers, “that it is a vain
pretence that only gentle and
soft expressions are to be
applied to people that renounce
good principles, and corrupt the
gospel.” But it ought to be
observed, that St. Paul speaks
of reproving vice, not error.
Besides, though Titus was to
reprove the Cretians sharply,
“the sharpness of his reproofs
was not to consist in the
bitterness of the language which
he used, nor in the passion with
which he spake. Reproofs of that
sort have little influence to
make a person sound, either in
faith or practice. It was to
consist in the strength of the
reasons with which he enforced
his reproofs, and in the
earnestness and affection with
which he delivered them; whereby
the consciences of the offenders
being awakened, would sting them
bitterly.” Not giving heed to
Jewish fables — See 1 Timothy
1:4; and commandments of men —
Of Jewish and other teachers;
that turn from the truth —
Forsake the true doctrine of the
gospel. “It appears, from the
following verse, that the
apostle, in saying this, had in
view the precepts of the
Judaizers concerning meats,
clean and unclean, which,
although originally the precepts
of God, were now abolished under
the gospel. Therefore, if these
things were any longer enjoined
as obligatory, they were not
enjoined by God, but by the
precepts of men.” See Doddridge
and Macknight.
Verse 15-16
Titus 1:15-16. Unto the pure —
Namely, believers whose hearts
are purified by faith, Acts
15:9; all things are pure — All
kinds of meats are lawful to be
used; but unto them that are
defiled — Who are still under
the guilt and power of sin; and
unbelieving — Destitute of true,
saving faith, to purify them;
nothing is pure — Nothing they
do, enjoy, or possess: they are
still defiled with guilt, and
are exposed to condemnation and
wrath from God. The apostle
joins defiled and unbelieving,
to intimate that nothing can be
clean without true faith. For
even their mind — Their
understanding, whereby they
should distinguish between what
is lawful and what is unlawful,
and their conscience, whereby
they should judge of their own
actions; is defiled — Blinded,
perverted, and polluted with
past guilt and present
depravity; and consequently so
are they, and all they do. They
profess that they know God — And
glory in their relation to him
as his peculiar people, and
boast of having the true
knowledge of his will from the
Mosaic revelation; see Romans
2:17; but in works they deny him
— Live in contradiction to the
very law they profess to know,
as if they were utterly ignorant
of him and it; being abominable
— Worthy to be abhorred and
avoided by all; and disobedient
— To the plainest dictates of
duty to God and man; and unto —
Or, with respect to; every truly
good work reprobate — αδοκιμοι,
without discernment; neither
judging truly, nor acting
rightly: or disapproved and
condemned, when brought to the
standard of God’s word, though
almost among the first to
condemn others. |