By Barnard C. Taylor
1. AUTHOR. — Not known. The books were compiled from earlier writings, probably from those of Samuel, Nathan, and Gad. (1 Chron. 29:29.) The two books are rightly regarded as the work of one man. 2. DATE. — Uncertain, but probably at the close of the reign of David, or during the reign. of Solomon. 3. HISTORICAL OCCASION. — At the time that the kingdom had been established, and Israel had secured its position of pre-eminence over all the surrounding peoples, when the unity of Israel had been secured, and the glories of David's reign had been witnessed. 4. LEADING TOPIC. — The establishment of the monarchy, including the troublous times at the close of the period of the judges, and the reigns of both Saul and David. 5. CHIEF PURPOSE. — To show the manner in which the Theocracy passed from the chaos of the times of the judges to the order and unity of the monarchy. The book of Judges showed the need of a central authority representing Jehovah, to restrain and direct the religious conduct of Israel; this book shows how they were brought under such divinely appointed authority. But it also was to show that the king was to rule under the authority and for the glory of God only; he was not to rule in the manner of the kings of other nations. The record of Saul's reign, so disappointing, shows that the king was to carry out God's purposes, not his own. The divinely appointed king of Israel was a type of Christ, and the book foreshadows the Messianic kingdom, especially in the supremacy of David and in his devotion to the will of God. 6. GENERAL ANALYSIS.
7. POINTS OF ESPECIAL INTEREST. — Capture of the ark; Saul, the people's choice; David, God's choice; Jonathan's friend ship; the ark brought to Jerusalem; David's great sin; Absalom's treason; the nation punished for the king's sin. 8. RELATION TO OTHER O. T. Books. — To Judges, which showed the need of the monarchy; to Kings, which give the down fall of the kingdom; to the prophets, which portray the glory of the Messianic kingdom. 9. MESSIANIC IDEAS. — The kingly idea was typical of the Messiah. The promise made 38 First and Second Samuel. to David that a son should succeed him, to build God's house, and have an eternal throne, was broad enough to include the reign of Christ. (2 Sam. 7:13–16.) 10. TOPICS FOR SPECIAL STUDY. — The form of government intended for Israel; the reason of Saul's rejection; the distinctive characters of David and of Saul; the relation of David's sin to the evils that after ward befell him.
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