The Life of the Lord Jesus Christ

By Johann Peter Lange

Edited by Rev. Marcus Dods



Title Page



Section 5. Jesus submits Himself to the Baptism of John, and is by him acknowledged as Messiah, and glorified as the Son by the Father in Heaven

Section 6. The Temptation in the Wilderness. Our Lord's Victory over Satan

Section 7. The Confirmation of Christ's Renunciation of the World. His appearance in despised Galilee. The Unostentatious Commencement of His activity. Its Great Effect

Section 8. The Sermon on (the top or summit of) the Mount; or, the Fundamental Laws and Outlines of the Righteousness of the true Kingdom of Christ, as the true Development and Fulfilment of the Old Testament Law, in contrast to its false Development in the Maxims of the Degenerate Old Testament Economy, in the Theoretical and Practical Corruptions of it by the Scribes and Pharisees

Section 9. The Revelation of the Essential Royal Power of Christ and His Kingdom of Heaven in the Miracles which He performed

Section 10. The First sending forth of the Disciples, and the Instruction which our Lord gave them in its Signification for all Times

Section 11. The decided Manifestation ol the great Conflict between the Spirit of Christ and the Spirit of His People

Section 12. The Unfolding of the Kingdom of Heaven in seven Parables

Section 13. The Messiah Banished and Expelled from His own Country, and the distant Journeys He then takes

Section 14. The First Founding of the New Testament Church in contrast to the Old Testament Church in its Degenerate Historical Form

Section 15. Preparation for the last decisive Entrance of Christ into the Holy City; or, the Unfolding of the Fundamental Laws of the New Church, or the Kingdom of Heaven, in contrast to the Social Principles of the corrupt Hierarchic Church

Section 16. The Entrance of the Messianic King into His City, and His Royal Residence, the Temple; and the unfolding of the grand outlines of His Royal Court on Earth, in contrast to the Princely System of the Old World

Section 17. The Great Contest of the Messiah with the false Dignitaries of His Kingdom in the Precincts of the Temple: His Spiritual Victory and His Outward Retreat

Section 18. The Messiah, before being judged by the World, represents Himself to His Disciples as the Judge of the World. The Announcement of the Judgment of the World in its different Stages: the Destruction of Jerusalem; the Woes of the World; the End of the World

Section 19. The Sufferings of the Messiah; or, the Judgment of the People of Israel and the World on the King of the Jews

Section 20. The Messiah in His Resurrection, coming forth in His Eternal Royal Glory — His Great Victory, His Endless Kingdom, His Message to the World, and His Peace


Section 1. General View and Distinctive Characteristics

Section 2. The Beginning of the Gospel. John the Baptist appears as the Forerunner of Christ. Thereafter Christ Himself appears

Section 3. The First Actions by which Christ, on His appearing, straight way reveals His Divine Power

Section 4. The First Conflict of Jesus Christ with the Scribes and Pharisees

Section 5. The First Withdrawal of Christ before His Antagonists. The increasing Reverence and Enthusiasm of the People for Him, The Extension of His Sphere of Operation, and the Choosing of the Twelve Apostles

Section 6. The Decisive Public Conflict of Christ with the Pharisees of Galilee

Section 7. The Reserve of Christ as shown in the Use of Parables

Section 8. The Enhanced Manifestation of the Glory of Christ by Mighty Miracles, in which He reveals His Dominion over the Powers of Nature, the Kingdom of Spirits, the Domain of the most concealed Sufferings, and over the Power of Death itself

Section 9. The Restraint laid on the Power of Christ in His Native City of Nazareth, and His Kingly Doings among the People of all Galilee

Section 10. The Direct Hostility to Jesus exhibited by the Scribes from Jerusalem, and His Public Declaration against their Traditions. His Journeys beyond the Land through the Heathen Border Country of Phoenicia, and through the predominantly Heathen Regions of Decapolis

Section 11. Jesus is constrained to Leave Galilee. His Return over the Sea, and the Distinct Announcement of His Approaching Death

Section 12. The Departure from Galilee

Section 13. The Sojourn of Jesus in Perea

Section 14. The Departure of Jesus to Jerusalem

Section 15. The Journey from Jericho to Jerusalem

Section 16. The Cleansing of the Temple; the Decisive Struggle; and the Farewell to the Temple

Section 17. General Features of the Announcement of the End of the World

Section 18. The History of the Passion of Jesus

Section 19. The Risen Lord in the Evidences of His Power


Section 1. General View and Distinctive Characteristics

Section 2. The Literary Preface

Section 3. The Early History of the Life of Jesus. The Parents of His Forerunner. The Annunciations. The Unbelieving Priest in the Temple, and the Heroic Faith of the Virgin at Nazareth. The Hymns of Praise

Section 4. History of the Birth and Early Life of Jesus

Section 5. The Human Development of Jesus

Section 6. The Threefold Attestation with which Christ opens His Public Ministry

Section 7. The Personal Probation of the Lord in the Wilderness

Section 8. The Beginning of the Public Career of Jesus. His Departure from His Native Town, Nazareth

Section 9. The Second Stage in the Pilgrimage of Jesus. He fixes His Abode at Capernaum

Section 10. The First Journey of Jesus undertaken from Capernaum. The Departure. The Gospel in Facts. The Gospel in Words

Section 11. The First Return to Capernaum. The Extension of the Gospel Horizon by the Healing of the Servant of the Gentile Centurion

Section 12. The Second Journey of Jesus from Capernaum. The Continuation of the Gospel in Facts. Triumph over the Ceremonial of the People, and over Death. Triumph over the Embarrassment of the Old Testament Prophet, and the Offence thereby given to the People. Triumph over the Pharisaical Spirit; the Manifestation of the Glory of Divine Grace in the House of a Pharisee. Continuation of the Gospel in Words: the Parables concerning the Kingdom of God

Section 13. The Third Journey of Jesus from Capernaum, and His Return across the Sea. The Manifestation of the Power of Christ over the Convulsions of Nature, the Power of Demons, and Wailings for the Dead. The Miraculous Agency of Christ, breaking through the Strongest Obstacles, and achieving the most Difficult Triumphs of His Saving Power

Section 14. The Interest which the Galilean Court takes in the Person of Jesus, and His Retreat into the Desert. The Confession of the Disciples that Jesus is the Christ, and His Announcement of His Sufferings. His Transfiguration on the Mount, and His Descent into the Vale of Sorrow. The ambitious Hopes of His Disciples, and His Humility, in which He places Himself along with the Little Ones

Section 15. The Departure of Jesus from Galilee to Jerusalem. Samaria. The Four Disciples and the Four Hindrances on the Way into the Kingdom of God. The Seventy Disciples. The Good Samaritan

Section 16. Isolated Particulars from the Journey of Jesus from Galilee to Jerusalem. The unfolding of the Doctrine of Salvation in facts

Section 17. The Procession to Jerusalem. The Disciples, the Leaders of the Procession, and the Beggar. Zaccheus. The Chiliasts. The Ordering of the Ass's Colt. The Rejoicing of the Disciples, and the Weeping of the Lord, on looking down on the City of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives. The Cleansing of the Temple, and the Ministry of Jesus in the Temple

Section 18. The Contest of Jesus with the Sanhedrim in the Temple

Section 19. The announcement of the Destruction of Jerusalem, of the Judgment, and the End of the World

Section 20. Preparation for the Last Sufferings of Jesus

Section 21. The Passion of Jesus

Section 22. The Resurrection of the Lord. The Glorification of the Death on the Cross by the Word of Prophecy, and by the Resurrection according to the Scriptures. The Glory of the New Life of Christ, and the beautiful Combination of Heavenly Spirituality and Earthly Corporeity in His Manifestations. The Ascension of the Lord into Heaven amidst Tokens of Blessing for the Earth, and its Elevating Influence


Section 1. General View and Distinctive Characteristics

Section 2. The Prologue. The Pre-historic Eternal Dominion of Christ. The Eternal Existence, the Glorious Advent, and the Completed Incarnation of the Logos; or, the Victorious Effulgence of the Light through the Darkness

Section 3. Christ, as the Light of the World, finds everywhere a ready Reception among those who have Affinity with the Light

Section 4. The Antagonism between the Darkness and the Light of the World in Christ, in its diverse Manifestations and Forms

Section 5. The Fermentation, the Strife, and the Incipient Separation between the Elements and Followers of the Light, and the Elements and Followers of the Darkness, under the Influence exerted by Christ

Section 6. The Separation between the Children of Light and the Children of Darkness effected by the Power of the Light in the Life of Jesus

Section 7. Christ in the Company of the Children of the Light, as the Light of the World, who has Glorified the Father, who is Glorified by the Father, and Glorifies the Church, and by it the World

Section 8. Christ among His Enemies; or, the Light of the World surrounded by the Children and the Powers of Darkness; and the Verification of His Victorious Power

Section 9. The Resurrection of Christ; or, the Decisive Triumph of Light over Darkness. The Announcements of Christ, and the Removal of the Remains of the Old Darkness in the Children of Light

Section 10. The Epilogue.— The Post-historical Eternal Administration of Christ. His Continuous Administration in this Present World, in His Church generally, and in the Petrine and Johannean Types of His Church in particular, until the Completion of the Glorifying of His Kingdom in His Second Coming.