By Arno Clement Gaebelein
Modern Day Delusions.Growth of Christian Science. We call attention to the rapid growth of the Science cult on the Pacific Coast. It is equally marked in other parts of the country and throughout the civilized world. Recently the "mother church" held its annual meeting in Boston:
Another World Bureau. We have repeatedly called in public attention to the rapid progress spiritualism is making under the disguised name of "Psychical Research." In England and in America some of the best known men, like Sir Oliver Lodge and many university professors, have united with this movement and expressed a strong belief that asking of the dead is a possibility. They were led to this belief by experiments through mediums which produced manifestations unexplainable by natural causes. We are convinced that this movement will grow and that their godless research will be rewarded by communications from unseen and intelligent beings, the host of demons, whose existence is so clearly taught in God's Word. Intercourse with them is a possibility. Matters are rapidly advancing in this direction. There is an activity and eagerness to intrude into these things which is astonishing, no doubt the reflex action of the wicked spirits who are eager to possess men and women and drag them down to ruin and perdition. W. T. Stead of the Review of Reviews has lately come out for this evil thing and has made a remarkable suggestion. He has announced that he intends to open a bureau for communication with the other world. He expects to carry out this enterprise with the help of a friend, who died years ago and with whom he has had spirit intercourse. Mr. Stead speaks of all this in the Fortnightly Review, The friend, he says, is a Miss Ames who was formerly one of the editors of the Union Signal of Chicago, the organ of the W. C. T. U. He claims that this lady sent him a long appeal from the "other world." Following is the text of the proposal which his dead friend is supposed to have sent to him:
Mr. Stead gives much evidence which satisfies him that this communication is genuine and came from Miss Ames. To us it is equally evident that the communication is genuine, but that it emanates from a demon. That demons love to personify departed men and women and play the parts of deceivers has often been proven. The above words Mr. Stead claims to have received from the unseen world are words of deception. They show the cunning of a wicked spirit. Taking on a pious garb this demon talks very piously, but the demon reveals his identity in the closing sentences. He wants to prove that the loved ones, who some imagine are in hell, are "in the all embracing arms of the love of God." This demon like other demons, who have produced all kinds of theories, tries to deceive people about the great Scripture revelation, the eternal and conscious punishment of the wicked. This is invariably the tenor of these "spirit communications" that the state of all the departed is one of blis^ and happiness. Christian Science, Millennial Dawnism and other "isms" which deny future and eternal punishment for those who reject Christ are the movements of the latter times, the theories of seducing spirits, the doctrines of demons (1 Tim. iv:1). A Millennial Dawnist told us some time ago when we asked him "Are you saved?" "No," was his answer and "that is why I am a believer in Mr. Russell's teaching for I can live as I please and have another chance." They say sometimes that the everlasting punishment of the wicked is a horrible, God dishonoring doctrine. Then it must be an invention of the devil. How is it then that these demons are so anxious to impress upon those to whom they give communications, that there is nothing but bliss and joy in the other world? But we read in the Word of God that the demons cried out saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? Art thou come hither to torment us before the time (Matt, viii: 29)? Mr. Stead then speaks of the problem itself:
Then follows a suggestion how this bureau is to be managed:
One is amazed indeed to read such things coming from the pen of an intelligent person of literary attainment. The end is not yet. Success will come; their efforts to communicate with evil spirits will be successful and through it the great master mind of the Devil will work out his own purposes. God permits all this because men have not received the love of the truth that they might be saved. The strong delusion that they should believe a lie is fast approaching and this "psychical research," spiritualism, the plain wicked necromancy bids fair to play a leading part in it. More Psychical Research Discoveries. Ever since the modern wave of Spiritualism, or as it should be called Demonism, was started by the Fox sisters over fifty years ago, increasing evidences have been furnished that there is a connection possible between the world and the wicked spirits, the fallen angels and demons. A belief in this is biblical. Why should God have forbidden the intercourse with the dead, the asking of those who have familiar spirits, if all this were not reality? Why should God have announced the death penalty upon those who practice the consultation of evil spirits if such a consultation were impossible? But Spiritualism with its evil practices has appeared under a more polite name. It goes now by the name "Psychical Research." It attracts the cultured, the educated and permeates the so-called "better classes" of society, professors, teachers, physicians, literary men, lawyers and not a few preachers have gone upon the forbidden, yet fascinating territory. It was shown in our last issue how Spiritualism in this garb has joined hands with science and what an evil work the demon powers are accomplishing. All this goes on secretly. No one knows what goes on in the dark and the poor victims of one of the devil's most subtle delusions do not know themselves how Satan will lead them on and use them in his own dreadful work. Recently the following paragraph appeared in the Associated Press:
The International Club for Psychical Research. The Society for Psychical Research has a rival organization in the International Club for Psychical Research, which has been founded by Mrs. Annie Besant. The headquarters of the new society are in Picadilly Circus, London. Arrangements have been made for the development of promising mediums and there are appliances and apparatus "for the study of the physical effects of mediumship and other kindred subjects." Here also are special rooms for rapping manifestations with tables so constructed that even the youngest and most inexperienced spook could rap lightly upon them with every prospect of receiving immediate attention. The club membership represents almost all classes of advanced thought. Esoteric Buddhists, theosophists of both the Besant and the Tingley type, adherents of W. T. Stead and his schemes for the encouragement of bureaus of communication between the spirit world and London, A. D., 1911, people who believe that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in their philosophy and are willing to devote time and money to searching them out, and young men and women brought up in the faddist atmosphere which permeates London to-day, are all represented in the organization. Mrs. Annie Besant is the head of the society and she opened the building dedicated to its use on Monday with a speech urging the necessity of avoiding superstition and narrowness in all intercourse with the unseen world. The research work begins next week. Among the foundation members who have helped to set this organization on foot are: Robert Colgate of New York, Lyman J. Gage, Secretary of the Treasury in Mr. McKinley's Cabinet; Col. Count Gleichen, D. S. O., a cousin of the late King Edward; Sir Francis Younghusband, British Resident in Kashmir, and Major-Gen. Sir Alfred Turner, K. C. B,-- N. Y. Sun. The same story, "Turning their ears away from the Truth they are turned unto fables." The Monistic Church. A Startling Movement. About two years ago Prof. Ernest Haeckel, the well-known naturalist and advocate of biological evolution, started the Monistic League of Germany. Monism is a system of thought which seeks to deduce all the varied phenomena of both the physical and spiritual worlds from a single principle. It is theory that there is but one substance, either mind or matter, or something which is neither. This philosophical movement, which of course denies all Revelation, has had a most rapid growth in Germany; many cities have organized branches of this infidel league. It has also spread to Switzerland, Holland and Austria. It has produced great uneasiness in Germany and the headquarters of this Monistic League or church movement, situated in Berlin, reports a constant growth in numbers, power and influence. Attempts are now being made to organize it in this country. An American sympathizer of this movement, who hopes for an early establishment of the Monistic League in this country and predicts for it great and widespread success, has made on it the following remarks:
Here is a bold and very significant language. This philosophical system denies everything. The Person of our blessed Lord is not even mentioned. It is heralded to be the "New Reformation," "the New Christianity," the "new religion." It is the religion which will destroy the devil and establish the kingdom of heaven on earth and inaugurate the reign of the free and living God. What awful blindness! This monistic movement is no doubt the thing. Unitarianism will fall at once into line. Reformed Judaism and Christian Science as well as the masses of Protestant and Catholic Christians who are like so much driftwood, will side with it. It is the thing of the future. The mastermind of the devil is revealed in this scheme; he prepares the way for his final work. All seems to be waiting in the camp of apostasy for a leader. Such a one will soon appear. But it seems to us, if we have open eyes, that we can read in this monistic church movement, the initial history of the complete apostasy. All is ready for a great "world-church" which will unite all who have not received the love of the Truth. Oh Lord, keep us closer to Thyself in these perilous times! Abdul Baha Branded a Deceiver. Abdul Baha, the leader of the new cult of Bahaism, idolized by thousands of cultured and intelligent (?) American women, has been branded as a deceiver by his own nephew. On this The Continent saith: "Abdul Baha, or as he is also called, Abbas Effendi, is lecturing in different parts of the United States, informing people that Bahaism is the final perfected religion destined to comprehend and unify all the world's other forms of religious faith. But Bahaism seems not to have any more magic charm of unity about it than the faiths it proposes to consolidate; it is unable even to unify itself. Sectarianism is no more a stranger under the Bahaist banner than under the symbols of either cross or crescent. There lives in Pasadena, California, a nephew of Abbas, son of his younger brother Mohammed, who avers that the Venerable prophet' now touring America is totally recreant to the teachings of the father Baha Ullah -- 'The Manifestation of God" -- who is ostensibly reverenced as the founder of the whole cult. The Pasadena member of the family claims that Baha (his grandfather) wrote down in the 'Book of My Covenant' -- the Bahai Bible-- that after himself no new 'manifestation' would arise for a thousand years. Yet Abbas, the son, poses as a 'manifestation.' Baha is quoted: 'Whosoever claimeth a mission before the completion of a thousand years from this manifestation is a lying impostor' -- and that, according to Nephew Shua of Pasadena, is exactly what Uncle Abdul Baha is. The teachings of Abbas are pronounced his own only, and quite contrary to true Bahaism as the rest of the family claim to have preserved it pure from the father's lips and writings." We caught a glimpse of this deceiver last fall in the Union Station of Denver. One look into the face of the fat old man ought to be enough to convince anyone that he is all and more, his own nephew charges him with. A German Rebuke to Monism. We called attention to the great monistic movement which has had such a remarkable growth in the Fatherland. It is gratifying to repoit now that throughout Germany there has been an uprising from the side of German Evangelical Christians against this satanic cult. In Berlin alone 20,000 assembled to listen to leading men, who defended the faith, delivered unto the saints. As the building would hold scarcely half that number, there was a great overflow meeting in the square, where Luther's hymn was sung and addresses were delivered. The cathedral nearby was thrown open and was immediately crowded to the doors, many being turned away. Here again powerful addresses were delivered and the great audience repeated the Apostles' Creed in concert. Thus it seems that the skeptical attack has resulted in such an arousing of evangelical feeling as the German capital has not seen in a century. The Lokal Anzeiger, the great Berlin newspaper, spoke of the demonstration as "a milestone in the history of the intellectual and religious life of the city. Mormonism's Pernicious Work. Throughout this country they are sneaking, generally in pairs, the messengers of the so-called "Latter Day Saints." What this system is and what it stands for is well known. Underneath its claims of a new revelation, its satanic perversions of the truth of God are covered up the most abominable things, the leader of it polygamy. These false teachers and lying ministers claim that polygamy has been abandoned, but their statements are false. Polygamy is so closely interwoven with this Satan cult that it cannot be given up. Thousands of converts are yearly gained over this land, but the chief recruiting places are the foreign countries. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Germany have all furnished young women for the "Mormon Faith." But the discovery has been made of late that from Great Britain hundreds of girls disappear yearly, and are months later heard from, after they joined the Mormons. Startling things have been brought to light.
God grant that our English brethren may be successful in stopping this wicked system. A Mosque for London. The "London Globe" reports the following: It is proposed to erect a mosque in the capital of Great Britain, and the only surprising feature of the project is that it has not been executed before. The building is to cost £100,000, to which the Aga Kahn has already contributed £5,000. The committee in control of the scheme is presided over by Amir Ali and includes the Turkish and Persian Ministers, as well as three members of the Council of India. Buddhism's Progress in Europe. Buddhism has been making great strides in Europe of late. The membership of the Buddhist Society of Great Britain and Ireland is now counted by hundreds and branches have been established in Liverpool and Edinburgh. Prof. Rhys Davit, the writer on Pali and Buddhist literature, is its president and among the vice-presidents is the Earl of Mexborough. A Scottish convert to Buddhism who is now a monk in Burma is shortly coming to England as first resident missionary. Great progress has also been made by the German Buddhist Society, which has two important press organs, in Leipzig and Breslau. Buddhist propagandists have been especially active in Hungary, where five editions of Subhadra Bhikku's Buddhistic Catechism have been exhausted. For the first time in Europe an attempt has been made there to get Buddhism officially recognized by the State, so that it could be taught in the schools. The plan was not successful owing to the opposition of the Roman Catholics. In Switzerland and Italy the number of adherents of the ancient Oriental faith is also growing steadily. At Lugano appears the Coenobium^ one of the most important Buddhist publications in Europe. New Buddhistic colonies, it is announced, will shortly be formed near Lausanne and also in the Italian province of Umbria. What else does all this mean, but back to Heathendom! The great Buddhistic world is hopeful. And Islam is rapidly spreading throughout Africa. Indeed the spread of the Gospel stands no comparison with that of Mohammedanism. Back to the Ethical Systems of Heathendom. A few weeks ago when the Editor was in Boston a well known lecturer spoke in the Lowell Institute of that city on "the Philosophy, Metaphysics and Ethics of the Ancient Greeks." The learned lecturer bewailed modern life and praised Greek culture. Among other things said was the statement, that when the time comes when men will be no longer led by revelation and will reject miracle and prophecy and determine to be led by mere light of reason, if such an age lays aside the Christian faith, there still remain the ethical principles of Zeno and Epicureus. In other words revelation as contained in God's Holy Word when given up may be substituted by the ethical systems of Zeno and Epicureus. The time, however, is already here. Much of the preaching in Boston and New England is nothing less than a reproduction of the principles of Zeno and Epicureus. The Word of God has predicted for almost 2,000 years that this very thing should happen. Sound doctrines given up, revelation and prophecy no longer believed, must result in turning to fables (2 Tim. iv:1-4). The "Soul" Hospital in London. Our friend, Mr. Philip Mauro, sent us recently an interesting communication to our "Current Events" on the Soul Hospital in London. Mr. Mauro writes:
The Dream of the World. The world dreams on of progress, advance, conquest and prosperity. Universal peace, they tell us, is in sight. The world is about to enter upon its greatest epoch. God and His Christ are forgotten. Many preachers advocate a great Peace parliament for 1913. A New York newspaper wants the great congress held in that city.
Will it come to this? No doubt it will. But listen, child of God! What does the Word say? "For when they shall say, Peace and Safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon woman with child, and they shall not escape." (1 Thessal. v:3.) That time cannot be far away. The "New Thought Movement." -- For some years the New Thought movement has been rapidly coming to the front. Its advertisements are seen everywhere and "new thought" literature is circulated far and wide. Mr. Frank S. Weston, of Toronto, who has thoroughly locked into this movement, has sent us the following interesting communication on the "new thought" delusion:
Krishnamurti the new Messiah. "The Order of the Star of the East" has spread all over Christendom. Even from small towns and villages we hear that this theosophical society is circulating its pamphlets and finds some adherents. Our readers will remember that this Order of the Star of the East announces the soon coming of a great world-teacher; the order was founded by Miss Besant, the high-priestess of Theosophy, to prepare the way and a welcome for this great coming leader. Not only Theosophists are asked to unite, but others as well. The whole thing is of satanic cunning as we have shown in our columns two years ago and Mr. Mauro's exposure published four months ago laid bare the scheme once more. And now comes the news that the world teacher of that woman and her order of the Star of the East is about to be introduced to the world. He is coming to America. His name is Krishnamurti, a sixteen year old Hindu boy with a most beautiful face. He is regarded by Theosophists as the new Messiah, a spiritual being, through whom Christ is to speak when He returns to this earth. Men and women are kneeling already before him. He is at present living in luxurious seclusion at the country home of Lady De la Warr in Sussex, England. Though under the most aristocratic influences Krishnamurti is designed to be the Messiah of all, showing the way to perfect brotherhood. One may get the best idea of the remarkable hopes centred in Krishnamurti by quoting from the sworn statement in a suit now pending before a District Judge in Chingleput, Madras. A Hindu Government pensioner seeks to regain from Miss Annie Besant his two sons, Krishnamurti and Nitayanda. It was Miss Besant who discovered the lads and won the father's consent to take them to England. In a very singular legal document filed in court the father declares that last year the boys were making rapid spiritual progress, and were approaching "initiation by the masters." He also submits that Miss Besant "has been stating that the first boy, who is named Alcyone, is or is going to be Lord Christ, with the result that the boy is deified and that a number of respectable persons prostrate before him and show other signs of worship. The following information is given by this woman, Annie Besant:
Horrible blasphemy;! Yet this boy Krishnamurti is the special care of a group of intellectual (!) society women of England, among whom are Viscountess Churchill and Lady Emily Lutgens. During the absence of Miss Besant in India the guardian of the boy is Mrs. Jacob Bright, the widow of a noted English statesman. And these persons prostrate themselves before a Hindu boy! Thousands of women in this country are looking eagerly forward to the proposed visit of this boy! Two years ago when it was announced that Abdul Baha, the Persian Anti-Christ and deceiver was to come to this country, we predicted for him a great success. How he was received with open arms throughout this country is well known to our readers. Now if this Hindu boy comes to our shores to lecture he will even receive a greater welcome. We expect that he too, like Abdul Baha, will address audiences in Baptist, Methodist, Congregational and Episcopal ^^church" buildings. Reginald Campbell, the friend and admirer of Abdul Baha, came first to this country. Campbell, in spite of his denials of the Son of God, received an enthusiastic welcome and hundreds of preachers complimented the man and his message. Then Abdul Baha and now another one! How true the Word of God is! "Because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved, and for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie, that they all might be damned, who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness" (2 Thess. ii:10-12). Abdul Baha and Krishnamurti are forerunners of the Man of Sin. He will be, when he comes, received with open arms by apostate Christendom. We are privileged to see strange things. God's Word is being increasingly vindicated by the signs of the times. Mrs. Besant Unmasked. The following is an extract from the "London Times" As Mrs. Annie Besant and her wicked cult, as well as "the Order of the Star of the East," have found a widespread acceptance, we print it as a whole, hoping that thereby some of the poor dupes of that woman may be delivered. Our readers will remember that this boy Krishnamurthi was announced by Mrs. Besant as "the great coming world-leader." What rottenness must be underneath the whole thing may be learned from the following:
American Shrine of Bahaism. Everything seems to be found on the Pacific Coast -- Christian Scientists, Theosophists, Spiritualists, and a dozen other cults flourish there. The financial sects and parties of deluded people can hardly be counted. Los Angeles has now also a "sacred shrine" of Bahaism. The first convert to that Oriental delusion was a man by name of Thornton Chase. The wicked leader of Bahaism has designated his grave a sacred shrine. The Persian prime minister to the United States and other adherents to Bahaism are now preparing to rear a memorial and a chapel at the grave of this man Chase, with the intention that it be an international meeting place for centuries to come. Charles M. Remy, of Washington, son of Rear-Admiral Remy, has charge of the erection of the memorial. He is one of the prominent leaders of Bahaism and is devoting his wealth and energy to advance Bahaism. The converts to Bahaism include men and women of national and international reputation. Bahaism is one of the predicted Satan-cults of the end time. It is a way preparer for Anti-christ. Its American supporters are those who never knew Christ as their Saviour. It is a striking fulfillment of 2 Tim. iv:4: "And they shall turn away their ears from the Truth, and shall be turned unto fables." He Has Come. He has come -- the counterfeit messenger of Peace, Abdul Baha, head of the Bahaistic cult. I Most of his followers believe him to be a reincarnation ' of our Lord Jesus Christ and worship him as such. His success in England has been tremendous. It will be greater in this country. This Oriental travels with a private physician to watch over his health. His first public appearance in America was made in an aristocratic Episcopal church in New York. Garbed in the white robe and tarboosh or Oriental priesthood, Abdul Baha, son of the founder of the Bahai cult, preached a message of religious unity and universal peace from the pulpit of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Ascension, at Fifth Avenue and Tenth Street, yesterday morning. Following his sermon he stood at the altar and facing the East after the manner of sun worshippers ofi"ered a prayer in Persian. Is it possible! A sun worshipper, for such he is, in a "Christian Church" offering a prayer in Persian! What will hundreds of true Christians say to this who are members of this denomination? No doubt this poor, blinded, lost soul will be welcomed by other Evangelical "churches" to offer a prayer in Persian and to give his message of a false peace, a false, satanic unity. There is no question the apostasy is on and develops rapidly. The eyes of the millions of church members, without Christ and without the Gospel are being fast blinded by the god of this age, through his chosen instruments, R. J. Campbell, Abdul Baha and others. Peace and safety, all is well! This is their message. It precedes the sudden judgment of God. How long will God permit the obnoxious thing to go on? How long will He hold back His wrath? Surely it must soon come. All who love the Lord Jesus Christ and stand for the faith have but one way before them in these dark days. They must separate themselves from the apostate thing and refuse fellowship to that which dishonors Christ and His work. This is the only way. The Spread of Mormonism. In 1890 there were 144,352 Mormons in the United States, now there are said to be 400,000 in the United States, and 20,000 in other lands. In 1910 over 16,000 new members were gained by birth, more than half of the total, and by proselyting. Two thousand Mormon missionaries are at work (about 800 in the United States), who visit about 2,000,000 homes annually and distribute their literature, and hold some 50,000 meetings. Mormonism is paganism veneered with Christian terminology. It teaches that there are many gods, who were formerly men and women, have flesh and bones, are sinners, and often live in polygamy; that there is no Trinity, but that Christ is a polygamist and the Holy Spirit is a fluid; that Adam is the god of this world and each world has its own god; that sin is a necessity for all; that there is a ^'priesthood," which constitutes "the only right government" and receives continuous revelation which supersedes all, if desired; that there are four Bibles; and so on. No reader of these tenets of Mormonism can fail to see the necessity of preaching the Gospel to its adherents, even if he is not conscious of the evil and moral degradation which follow in the train of Mormonism. Another Warning on Bahaism. The wicked Abdul Baha with his smooth message of unity and peace is making through his increasing followers a rapid progress with the spread of his delusive system. We have sounded the warning for several years. We saw recently a very strong exposure of Bahaism by a Persian missionary of excellent standing. Mr. Peter F. Easton, of Tabriz, has the following to say on this delusion:
Expansion and Increase of "Christian Science." A few years ago when Mrs. Eddy died the prediction was made by many that the Christian Science cult would soon die out. The opposite has come to pass. It is expanding and increasing constantly It must be so, for this Science, falsely so called (1 Tim. vi:20) has in it all the elements of anti-Christianity and is a masterpiece of Satan. We were astonished at the strength this cult has attained on the Pacific Coast. It is increasing more rapidly in the Pacific States than perhaps anywhere else. During our visit to the Coast we gave a testimony against it and showed the true character of this movement. Each time we did "Christian Science" leaders attacked us in the public press, charging us with misrepresentations and claiming that "Christian Science"does not deny the Deity of Christ, etc. Some of these newspaper attacks were very bitter. One of these was answered by a brother in North Yakima. We quote part of his reply:
"Christian Science" will continue to draw to itself the large mass of ignorant "church members" who were never born again. As the end approaches it will become more powerful and more influential. It is one of the leading delusions of the last days, a delusion which God permits that those who hardened their hearts against the Gospel may believe the He. Giving Heed to Seducing Spirits. The daily press has of late announced the arrival of an Italian medium, a woman with the high sounding name of Eusapia Paladino. She is described by the psychical researchers, the polite name for spiritualists, as a perfect wonder. She "converted" the late Cesare Lombroso to spiritualism and shook the doubting Cammille Flammarion and has been, so it is said, the puzzle of the psychologists, physiologists and other scientific men of the world. Her converts are some of the leading scientists. This peasant woman has been brought to America to give a number of seances. Her price for a single sitting Is $250. Among those who are backing her up and shall investigate her powers are professors of Columbia and Harvard Universities, a president of another university, physicians and private individuals. No doubt this imported medium will have lots of work to do and make thousands. She refuses to give exhibitions before large crowds, only a few are permitted to be present. In Italy she has been detected in trickeries, such as practiced by other mediums. Among the "wonderful" things stated is a scar, which she has on the forehead and from which, during a seance, there blows a cold breeze, which is strong enough to move a sheet of paper when held in front of it. That a lying spirit possesses this poor woman seems evident. The poor professors, who have no use for the miracks of the Bible, who reject the miracles of our Lord as unscientific, these men become the dupes of possessed women and can believe that a cold breeze blows from an old scar! How the predictions of the Bible concerning the last days are increasingly fulfilled. The Bible, God's Holy Word, rejected, men and women turn to fables and give heed to seducing spirits. Those seducing spirits become more numerous and more powerful and all who depart from the Truth will become the prey of them sooner or later. Like King Saul apostate Christendom has rejected the Word of God and turns to those who have familiar spirits (1 Chronicles x:13-I4). Still Another Cult. Still another cult, or rather the same old demonism, known as Spiritualism, is being dished up by another deceiving name. The new cult was launched recently in Chicago by the "very Rev." Sam. Fallows, bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church in Chicago and head of the Emmanuel (falsely so-called) movement in Chicago. He calls his new cult "Immortalism, the science religion." According to this bishop the cult is "the science of communication with the spirits of the departed." The man denies that it is spiritualism. The devil always likes to hide his deception and produce his old lies in new garbs. He has done so in Christian Science and its twin the Emmanuel delusion, and he does so continually with spiritualism. He works the latter more than anything else. He has a reason for it The "departed friends" who give messages from the unseen are disguised demons. Through these demons Satan gets possession of the bodies and souls of men and women who expose themselves to these influences. No wonder he works this scheme. He will work it still more in the future, and will gladly assist professors, clergymen and bishops in making communication with evil spirits a reality. This Bishop Fallows said "Geography and arithmetic are parts of a business education. Communications with spirits will be much broader in its influence and so much more valuable that it must also be a part of the curriculum of colleges and schools. Immortalism is destined to become generally accepted by the intellectual world of the future." "Telepathy is already an established fact, and it is but a part of immortalism. There are those who are already in touch with the spirit world. They do not advertise the fact, for they might be called insane and unbalanced. But observe the unerring judgment of certain men of great success; they seem to have the experience of a thousand lifetimes behind them and a vision into the future. Why should not others also have those powers through the aid of those who have lived out those thousand lives, and who may, for all we know, see into the future? Who but the spirits of the dead know those things.'' Some day we shall talk to our dead friends and they will help us. It is not more impossible than the wireless telegraph, the telephone and other inventions that would have been termed witchcraft a hundred years ago." No doubt the new spiritualistic movement started by a bishop of the Reformed Episcopal church will be successful. Surely the enemy is coming in like a flood. The Revival of an Old Delusion. About one hundred years ago there lived in England a poor religious fanatic by the name of Joanna Southcott. Originally she was a domestic servant. She became a Methodist, and, pretending divine revelations, dictated prophecies in humdrum poetry. Then she proclaimed herself the woman of Revel, xii who was to be delivered of a man child. In her sixty-fourth year she affirmed to be delivered of that man child, a second Christ, whom she called Shiloh. She named the date, October 14, 1814, but died ten days later of dropsy. She was one of the saddest delusionists and her claims were sheer blasphemies. Somebody sent us from England two volumes entitled "The Express." We read different parts of these two large volumes. They contained the sayings, poems and prophecies of this Joanna Southcott. It is claimed that she foretold that one hundred years later these books were to be published by a woman. The title page has this inscription: "My Express Must Fly -- The Spirit of Truth! As foretold one hundred years ago, to be published by the hand of a woman in the tenth year of the century and containing the Life and Divine Writings of the late "Joanna Southcott." A woman then has fulfilled this prophecy and is used to revive the blasphemous claims of that deluded person. More than once we shuddered as we read the words of this woman Southcott and closed the book with an unspeakable horror. She claimed that she had conceived like Mary by the Power of God and that the birth of her child would mean more for the world than the birth of Christ. She claimed that the Lord told her, "I suffered for the transgression of Man; in child-bearing thou wilt suffer for the transgression of Woman." Awful! Our pen refuses to copy more. And these abominable delusions, these hallucinations out of the pit are printed and published in England by a reputable press. We hope this hundred-year-old delusion will be completely ignored. We do not see how a sane person could for a moment believe this delusion. Church of Humanity. Still Worse. A friend sent us a copy of a sheet, which, he informs us, was placed recently in hundreds of homes in the City of Buffalo. The name of the paper is "The Truth about God and Life," published in a little Kansas town. The first paragraph gives an outline for what this sheet of abomination stands. "A cheerful greeting and best wishes for a long, happy, healthy, and wealthy life to all. This little educator is distributed by the Church of Humanity to introduce to all people Kerr's great discovery in nature that the universe contains no real god in nature, that man contains no soul and that life is ended forever in each person at death. That all gods, saviors, souls, saints, devils, spirits, angels, heaven, hell, purgatory, etc., are purely mythical, having no real existence whatever in nature. This church has over three hundred members in the United States and is duly organized and incorporated to teach these discoveries," etc. The writer of these words of wickedness is evidently a very ignorant man. Every inch of the sheet is a blasphemy against God and His Revelation. It is, however, so outspoken in its infidelity that the large majority of people will throw it aside. Yet it shows that the predicted days of evil are upon us and that the "man of sin" "who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God" -- cannot be far away. A Few Words on Russellism. How does "Pastor Russell" win the crowd and get the money? He is literally drawing the crowd and he is also getting the money in vast sums, for his advertising schemes are world-wide, and entail expenditures that stagger the minds of those who know the cost of such efforts. Now for the how and why. The world is full of superficial people, who want a sleasy (lacking firmness of texture or substance; thin, flimsy) religion. That Millennial Dawnism is about the flimsiest that has ever been unloaded on a gullible humanity is hardly a question for debate. It is a clever reproduction of all the heresies of past ages, put on the modern market under a brand new label, that fairly shines. It seems as though in his earlier years, in his haberdasher's shop in Allegheny, when business was dull, or after business hours, Russell had gathered together all the scraps and remnants of ancient errors, such as Gnosticism (know-it-all-ism), Manicheism, Arianism, Sabellianism, Apollinarianism, Nestorianism, Eutychianism, Pelagianism, etc., etc., and had cast them, one and all, into the fusing pot of his own great and fervid imagination, and that "Millennial Dawnism" came forth to enlighted (?) benighted humanity; though to give all the side-lights in the case as to the authorship of this clever system of untruth, it should be stated that Russell's divorced wife claims to have written most of it. At any rate, here it is, and surely it is succeeding beyond Russell's highest dreams. Give the average man a guarantee that there is no hell, and you will tickle him in the right place. Tell him that the heathen are not lost, and it meets his heartiest approval. Show him that the worst the very wicked (Russell's few incorrigibles, for it seems that even he is not equal to saving all sinners) need expect is nonexistence after death, and he is ''with you." He will wax eloquent in expatiating upon and in defending such an easy-going, "common-sense," satisfying religion, and will subscribe handsomely and voluntarily for its promulgation. We have observed Russellism for a long time and have never yet known an unregenerate person who looked into it, but who liked it. It is a religion made strictly for the fleshy man, and is a perfect fit. But how is it that all these great Millennial Dawn revelations have been so long in reaching us? Is it not a pity that, after the Lord had kept them secret for so long a time, that 'Tastor Russell" should now expose them? Just one sample of "Pastor Russell's" brilliant (!) exegesis. It is based on 1 Timothy ii:6, (Christ Jesus) "who gave Himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time." He uses this as one of the foundation stones of his system, dwelling on the "ransom for all" as the ground for belief in a universal salvation, making the testifying to be his (Russell's) own in this the "due time." This, to be sure, is an absurd rendering, and should forever shut him off from serious consideration, for even the slightest study will reveal the meaning of the passage to be as follows: "(Christ Jesus) who gave Himself as the redemption price for all -- a fact testified to at its own appointed time" (that is, when Christ hung on the cross) (Weymouth's translation). But the main point at which we are now aiming in order to show Russell's inconsistency is this, that while here claiming that Christ died for all, yet he is not long in stumbling over the "incorrigibles;" so hopeless are these that even Russell must consign them to judgment, which in his hands amounts to annihilation. But see into what a trap of his own making Russell has fallen, for his all is not all, after all. His own "incorrigibles" mar the allness of his argument. Now, if Russell's all is not all, surely orthodoxy may be allowed the same privilege of making exceptions, and this it does by affirming, on the basis of many Scripture passages, that while Christ gave Himself a ransom for all, only those who accept Him become the beneficiaries of His saving grace. Finally, let us ask, suppose Russell is wrong? Suppose that, notwithstanding his assurances, there is a hell of torment for the ungodly? Suppose it is true "that he that believeth not is condemned already," and that "the wicked shall go away into everlasting punishment?" Suppose there is a "lake of fire?" The Scriptures affirm all these things. Suppose the Bible as it has been understood by godly, gifted men for centuries, is right and Russell is wrong? Only suppose this, and the possibilities of the harm resulting from Russell's influence in blindly leading the blind is too horrible for contemplation. -- Episcopal Recorder. Christian Science Heaven. It is painful to find when one speaks against the Christian Science cult, that here and there persons who have leanings towards this masterpiece of Satan deny that it is in any way against the Gospel. These "church members" who make such assertions are ignorant of the Gospel and equally ignorant of what "Christian Science" is. Recently some of these unsaved church members, who dabble in Christian Science, told us that they knew Christian Science teachers held the same truth about Christ and Heaven as evangelical Christians hold. It happened that a few days after we saw the July number of the Christian Science Journal. The leading article in this issue is from the pen of the prominent teacher of that system. This is what he has to say about heaven:
What foolish nonsense this is! If the Word of God teaches anything, it teaches that heaven is a place, "the Father's house with many mansions." Heaven is a place where the throne of God is, and upon the Father's throne there sits now the Man Christ Jesus. All this is denied by this wicked system. Not right thinking and right living is the passport to heaven, but the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. That precious blood is not alone rejected by Christian Science, but ridiculed and biasphemed. Hebrews x:29 applies to them, "Of how much greater punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite to the Spirit of Grace?" Men and women who accept Christian Science are simply lost souls. Serpent Worshippers. The worship of the serpent is the worst form of idolatry. According to the revelation of the first chapter in Romans the history of idolatry is as follows: "Professing themselves wise they became fools." That is, the Gentile world had originally a knowledge of God. This was given up and in their own wisdom they tried to find out things by searching; thus they became fools. "And changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things" (Rom. 1:22-23). The Moki Indians in Arizona hold yearly the "Snake Dance." They worship the snake and their abominable, vile ceremonies are held to induce the big snake to send rain. When they liberate many snakes, it is that they should tell the big snake to send rain. The Snake represents Satan and the smaller snakes, the demons. Missionaries assure us that these religious heathen ceremonies are followed by the vilest orgies, corresponding to the divine record in the first chapter of Romans. The Editor spent in August a week in Arizona only a short distance from where these wild dances were executed. It is sad to think that "Christian" men and women can go and witness these snake dances. Scores of white people attend every year, and these poor lost heathen, in the midst of our land, have been so encouraged in their wicked ways, that they hold these orgies every year, instead of every four years. Few of these white men and women, not even Colonel Roosevelt, who attended this year, seem to realize that by witnessing these degrading dances, they help keeping these lost souls in the devil's grip. The Missionaries at work in these reservations are deeply grieved over the thoughtless curiosity of so many professing Christians, who become partakers of the evil deeds of these lowest of all idolators. "Paster" Russell. Inasmuch as this man, the self-styled "great preacher and expositor" continues to parade through this country, scattering his evil teachings and doing great harm, we are obliged to continue our warning. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle has taken special care to investigate the record of this man and to expose him. That his wife received a divorce from him is well known. The following extract from the Eagle gives additional information:
Such is the man, who poses as "a great one," as special servant of God to teach God's Word and feed the flock of Christ. It is enough evidence to open the eyes of every decent man and woman. The Work of Satan in the Mission Fields. The Satanic delusions of the latter days are not confined to America and England. They are being successfully propagated in heathen lands. "Millennial Dawnism" with its blasphemies against our Lord and general counterfeiting of the Truth of God circulates its literature in India, China and elsewhere. Christian Science and other evil systems do the same. Still worse, however, is it when the "New Theology" and "Higher Criticism" send their adherents to the Mission field. Certain societies send out men, who deny the Christ of God and the Blood. Their damnation is a thousand times worse than the damnation of the heathen they try to civilize. A large number of missionaries have of late sent out an appeal, part of which appeared in "The Christian," (London) from which we quote.
Such is Satan's work. He attempts a worldwide over" throw of the faith delivered unto the Saints. Christians should be very careful in the support of missions, less they become partakers of the wicked deeds of critics and deniers of the faith, whom different societies send out. |
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