By Arno Clement Gaebelein
The Russian Revolution—Marxism Triumphant World-RevolutionThe great world war broke out in August, 1914. It came at a time when our age had been lulled to sleep by the pacifist dreams of statesmen and deluded religious leaders, who preached an unscriptural and unreasonable optimism. The nations, generally called "Christian nations" all became involved. Even Bible-believing Christians missed one great lesson of the world war. It was a startling confirmation of the great prophecy the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, had given in the shadow of the Cross. In announcing the character of the age, which followed His rejection by the Jews, He said: "Nation shall rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be famines, and pestilences and earthquakes, in divers places." This great prophecy had found a fulfilment in almost every century since it was spoken, but in the world war it was fulfilled as never before, the positive evidence that the age is, politically and morally, not getting better. After the war had raged nearly three years a revolution came about in Russia. We term it the first revolution. We are not giving here the justifiable reasons of such a revolution which existed under the weakling Nicholas II, nor do we enter into the question what outside influences had a hand in it. It has been charged that Germany, in order to cripple Russia, had a great deal to do with the revolution. It is a fact that such was the case proved by damaging evidences. We leave this to a future historian who may be able to unravel the political intricacies of those days. Nor is it true that communism, springing from the godless Illuminati had anything to do with the dethronement of the Czaristic government. The Czar abdicated in March 1917 and as a result a provisional government was created. The people had elected a representative body, the "Duma," under the leadership of Prince Lvov. They took over the governmental affairs of Russia. Nicholas II abdicated to the Duma and neither Lenin, nor the Jew Trotzsky, had anything to do with it. Trotzsky lived under his right Jewish name—Bronstein—in New York and Lenin was an exile. The provisional government functioned under Kerensky from March to November 1917. The United States at once recognized the newly-founded Republic. Well does the author remember when the news reached our land that the Czar had stepped down, what jubilant expressions were given in the daily press, that Democracy, the rule by the people and for the people, had achieved another great triumph and that the world would soon be made "safe for democracy." What has become of all these nice little phrases? The writer, being in San Francisco, met a well-known citizen who expressed his great joy over the Russian revolution. We recollect our answer: "Russia is not ready for a wellordered government by the people; I predict that probably another Czar will arise and if not, other coming revolutions will plunge Russia into an awful, an unspeakable, chaos." We spoke almost as a prophet, for the latter happened. Russia had for years exiled the anarchistic-nihilistic-atheistic revolutionaries. The provisional government made the terrible mistake granting wholesale amnesty to this vicious element, and so they returned by the thousands. Their hour had come. That most terrible hour, which brought into history the greatest national tragedy! Among those who returned we find Lenin and Stalin and the Jew Trotzsky. The two former were exiles, one in Switzerland and the other in Siberia. Bronstein, alias Trotzsky, lived in the Bronx. In his last speech delivered in a hall, according to the press, he said: "I want you people to organize and keep on organizing in America in order that you may be able to overthrow this dirty, rotten government of the United States. I am going back to Russia to overthrow the government there, and stop this war with Germany." The Canadian government tried to arrest his return but he was released on the request of Kerensky. As to Lenin, with some thirty-five other revolutionaries, who had found shelter in Switzerland, the German general staff acted, thinking that these revolutionists would undermine the morale of the army. They made possible their return to Russia, travelling from Switzerland through Germany in a sealed car. Then under the leadership of Lenin and Trotzsky, also Stalin, Zinovieff, another Hebrew, began planning their revolution. Just what the German general staff had anticipated happened. These leaders began to sow their seed among the disgruntled, war-weary troops, promising them almost everything including the division of all lands amongst them. In July 1917 a premature uprising ended in failure and Lenin and his associates had to flee to Finland. But soon they returned and staged an armed revolt in November of the same year. It was successful, for thousands of the army and navy had deserted and joined the revolution. Kerensky, was far from being a leader; he was decidedly weak and was driven out, and the members of the government were either slaughtered or exiled. Then for several years the most horrible pages of all history were written. It was a continuation of the French revolution only on a gigantic scale. The reign of tenor at the close of the eighteenth century was child's play in comparison with what happened in Russia. The teachings of the Satan-inspired Weishaupt and the equally vicious theories of the Jew, Karl Marx, were literally carried out. A war of extermination started and what had been suggested, as we stated in the preceding chapter, during the French revolution—the killing off of the population—became a horrible reality. Hundreds of thousands of the cultured, ruling classes and the bourgeoisie were murdered. Connected with it was a Satanic fury against religion, especially against Christianity, and a persecution of the Church began which is almost unsurpassed in the history of the Church. A police system was inaugurated, the Cheka, with the commission to torture, to kill without mercy. While the French reign of terror lasted a few months the Russian-Marxian atrocities continued for years. The American Consul who resided in 1918 in Moscow sent on September the third a report to Washington describing the horrors. It was printed by our government in 1919 and is on file in Washington. We quote a paragraph:
The Consul stated at the close of the report: "The situation cries aloud to all who will act for the sake of humanity." But there was no action from the side of the so-called "Christian nations." The Jew Trotzsky was the main instigator of this program of hell, and he boldly justified the wholesale murdering "as a demonstration of the will and strength of the proletariat." This is a quotation from the official organ of the Bolsheviks, the Isvestia of January 10, 1919. And in the Krasnaya Gazeta (The Red Gazette) the president of the red army and the peasants' deputies wrote on August 31, 1918, an editorial urging the annihilation of the bourgeois class. The man who wrote what we quote is a Jew by name of Apfelbaum, who, like the Weishaupt plotters, had changed his name to Zinovieff. He wrote these words: "The interests of the Revolution require the physical annihilation of the bourgeois class. It is time for us to start." A month later this violent, godless and apostate leader wrote in the same "Red Gazette":
These were not idle words. George Solomon, who was for a time as a diplomat, close to Lenin, Trotzsky, Krassin, Zinovieff and others, in his recently published volume describes this "hell on earth" he had to witness, mostly during the nights. The bloody work of the Cheka, was carried on in a certain large building. There the victims, men, women and children, were cruelly tortured before a shot ended their misery. In order to drown the despairing cries of the unfortunates, the building was surrounded with a number of powerful motor trucks; their motors were started and for hours they were kept agoing. Then night after night, week after week, for months, the almost countless hundreds of corpses were thrown into the trucks and carried away. The very best people, the landowners, the members of the nobility, the middle class, and all who refused to fall in line with the program of the godless beasts, were killed off. We knew a number of the excellent Christians who perished at that time. Prince and Princesse Lieven were consecrated Christians, Bible-loving believers, who did much good by their lives and testimonies. The whole family perished miserably. Some nine years ago a Christian gentleman, poorly clad, came to the office of the author. He introduced himself as a former Russian General, Vice-Admiral of the Russian Navy. He was grateful that he and his family escaped with their lives. We used him for several years in doing work among the Russians in New York City. We have read the description of the horrors of these years in different languages. We shall not repeat them here nor describe the frightful, almost unbelievable sufferings of tens of thousands of boys and girls, who wandered aimlessly all over Russia, half starved, feeding on the carcasses of dead animals, perishing by the thousands. Nor shall we recite the rape of hundreds of girls and women, who were thrown into the arms of the revolutionary soldiery to satisfy their lust.1 It was difficult for the Church historian to give the correct number of the victims of the persecutions under the pagan Roman Emperors, and it is difficult to give the number of human beings who were murdered by the Bolsheviks. Conservative statisticians have given the number as one million and eight hundred thousand. Others say that two million and five hundred thousand comes nearer the truth. Then Lenin, who had broken entirely with the second socialist Internationale, formed the third Internationale in Moscow to carry out the revolutionary program of the Communist party and the Soviet Union. In January 1919 the revolutionary leaders of forty countries were called to gather in Moscow. The Internationale is known by the name of Comintern. It has preserved the Illuminati program, advocating a social world-wide revolution, instigating class warfare for the purpose of creating a world sovietism with headquarters in Moscow. Its aims are the very same as we have traced in our previous chapter, the aims of Weishaupt, Babeuf, and above all Karl Marx: Overthrow and annihilation of all governments and capitalism; dictatorship of the proletariat; armed conflict of the proletariat against capitalism; confiscation of property; complete separation from the socialistic second Internationale. By-products are the destruction of the family life through abolition of the marriage laws and easy divorce, advocating free love (known in America as companionate marriage), the communal education of children. Another leading feature, which we shall treat more fully, is hatred and complete destruction of the Church, Christianity, the Bible, and all forms of Religion. We retrace our steps. The first step is the theory of the immoral Frenchman Rousseau, then comes Weishaupt with his secret lodges of the Illuminati; then we step into the French revolution, an expression of Illuminism; Karl Marx, Lassale and Engels follow and the culminating expression of this mystery of lawlessness, the realization of "the Communistic Manifesto" of Marx through the Russian revolution. This Comintern, the third Internationale, is like a terrible Octopus which tries to encircle the whole world with its slimy arms to pull down other nations into the whirlpool of destruction. To mention one of its many subsidiaries we call attention to the "Anti- Imperialistic World Congress" held under the auspices of Moscow in July 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany. The celebrated Professor Albert Einstein, whose figure disfigures a so-called "Christian Church" in New York City, was a member of this Moscow propaganda. His daughter, married to a Russian, is now in the land of the Soviets. "Einstein, the socialist, broadcasted his creed upon his arrival in the U.S.A., thereby proclaiming the real reason for his mission to our shores. The cloak of science slipped from his sloping shoulders, exposing underneath it the garment of Socialistic propaganda."2 We return to the story of the Russian revolution. Who staged the awful program? Who were the inhuman leaders who advocated mass-murder? The Bolsheviks are loud in praising Karl Marx. They are wedded to the "Communistic Manifesto." Some of the leaders of the Russian revolution of 1917-18 and the years following were Jews. This is no secret, in fact it is acknowledged by the Jews themselves. The "Communist" a newspaper published in Kharkoff (April 12, 1919) makes the following boast:
A short time after the U. S. Consul in Moscow had given his report, our Government instituted an investigation through the Overman Committee in 1919. It is available to any citizen as a public document, the name of it is "Bolshevik Propaganda-Hearing Before the Sub-Committee of the Committee on the Judiciary, U. S. Senate, Sixty-Fifth Congress." Dr. George A. Simons, former superintendent of the Methodist Missions in Russia, was one of the chief witnesses before this Committee. Dr. Simons is personally known to the author, who can vouch for his reliability. He was in Russia as an American citizen during the Kerensky Government, and also during the Bolshevik revolution as a keen and intelligent observer. Dr. Simons gave some interesting information.4
It is a known fact that numbers of Jews went about that time from New York to Russia; they were said to be the followers of Bronstein, alias, Trotzsky. Dr. Simons continued:
Dr. Simons then gave a partial list of the names of prominent leaders. We copy the list from the Report giving the Jewish name and the adopted Russian names in brackets.
Other names could be added to this list of leaders of the Bolsheviki Revolution, all Jews. "One of the most curious features of the Bolshevist movement is the high percentage of non-Russian elements amongst its leaders. Of the twenty or thirty commissaries or leaders who provide the central machinery of the Bolshevist movement not less than 75% are Jews" (London Times, March 29, 1919). And there are many other witnesses to the same effect too numerous to quote. A widely known French Journal "L'Ilustration" had on September 14, 1918 an article in which the following facts are given:
In the "British White Book on Bolshevism in Russia," published in 1919 the same information is found by the most reliable witnesses. "Witnesses further stated that the Bolshevik leaders did not represent the Russian working classes, most of them being Jews." Nor must we overlook the fact that when in 1919 a Communist Government was established in Hungary, the directorate of five included four Jews. The Secretary was a Jew and Szamuelly, the head of the terrorist troops was a Jew. The leader Bela Kuhn (Cohn) was a friend of Trotzsky. The "Jewish Chronicles" of April 4, 1919 made the admission of all this— "There is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself that so many Jews are Bolshevists, in the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism." The two outstanding leaders were Lenin and Bronstein-Trotzsky. Lenin's claim of belonging to the Russian nobility has been disproved, but it is said that he was born of a Jewish mother. Lenin was the greatest worshipper of Karl Marx. His "Communistic Manifesto" became the guide of Lenin, he followed it closely and Marxism was enthroned in the Bolshevik Revolution. Nor is Jewish leadership abandoned in 1933, for the press but recently announced that a Mr. Kaganowitch, a Jew, who hates God and Christianity, has been chosen as the successor to the present dictator Stalin. And now we have to say something about that extremely mysterious document known as "The Protocols of the Elders (or Wise Men) of Zion." This document first came to light about 16 years before the first Russian Revolution. It was published by a Russian, Serge Nilus in 1901 and passed through a number of editions. A copy was deposited in the British Museum in 1907. The information as to Nilus is meagre. We have seen the title page of one of these original editions and that page gives a strong indication that the man was a believer in the Word of God, in prophecy, and must have been a true Christian. The title is "It is Near at the Door." Then we noticed the following Scripture passages printed on the title page: Matthew xxiv:33; Mark xiii:29; Luke xxi:Sl; Revelation i:3; xxii:10; Daniel xii:4. On the rest of this page we find the following statements: "Concerning something people do not wish to believe and which is so near." Fourth edition of the book "Near is the Coming of Antichrist and the Kingdom of the Devil on Earth." Revised and considerably augmented by later Researches and investigation. "Dedicated to the Small Herd of Christ." Finally two other passages are quoted in full: 1 Thessalonians v:4 and Matthew xxiv:13. Furthermore in reading these "Protocols" as contained in the book of Nilus, one becomes deeply convinced that an humble man of the stamp of Nilus could not possibly have written such a deeply worded document. The reading of these Protocols impress one rather that they are the work of a set of very able men, students of history, of economics, finances and world politics. But the most important fact is that throughout the twenty-four Protocols we have a very pronounced re-statement of the principal theories of Illuminism and Marxism. They have been branded a forgery by Jews and Gentiles. The authorship of this serious document will, in the opinion of the writer, never be ascertained. The words of the father of 100 THE CONFLICT OF THE AGES modern Zionism, Dr. Theodor Herzl, advocating the Jewish itate, saying— "When we sink we become a revolutionary proletariat," are insufficient to link Zionism with the Protocols, as it has been attempted. But the advocated plan of World Domination and World Revolution is a most sinister one. And here is the most astonishing fact, nearly all that these Protocols advocate, the destruction of Christian civilization, has at least partially been brought about by the Revolution and Sovietism. The work of undermining is still followed. A painstaking and deeper study of the Protocols, compared with present day world conditions, must lead, and does lead, to the conviction, that the plan of the Protocols, whoever concocted it, is not a crude forgery. Behind it are hidden, unseen actors, powerful and cunning, who follow the plan still, bent on the overthrow of our civilization.6 We cannot enter into a detail examination of this question, though the author, after years of study of this question is well fitted to do this. But we shall now quote a few of the high-points found in the Protocols. Reader! Do not pass over these pages lightly. Compare these statements with what is going on in the world of today.
These are a very few and imperfect quotations from this sinister document; we could add scores more. The whole scheme has been put into practice. The world is in its grasp. The forces behind it are the forces of unrighteousness and lawlessness. God knows the unseen and unknown enemies. He who has set the bounds for the seawaves has the power and means to restrain these evil men, the serpent's seed, and as we show later in our work, the time of the complete defeat of the old serpent and its seed will surely come. One of the favored utterances of Karl Marx is concerning religion. "Religion is the opium of the people." He was anti-religion, anti-church, anti-Christ and anti-Bible. Lenin, Trotzsky-Bronstein and the others, furiously followed the anti-religious and anti-Christian ravings of Marx and the whole Socialistic-Anarchistic-Communistic movements. In the beginning there seemed to be some toleration, but the most vicious element of the Soviets gained the upper hand and now the five year plan of the godless, counting already millions of members, has set the year 1937 when not a single church, or house of prayer is to be left in the Soviet dominions. There have been blasphemies in the past, unspeakable blasphemies, but the godless Soviets have manifested a Satanic Christ-hating, Christ-despising spirit, which is even unknown in the French revolution. Some of the colored cartoons published, in the possession of the author, are extremely vile. One of them pictures our Lord in a wheelbarrow with a bottle of wine and a loaf of bread, about to be dumped upon a refuse-heap by a Red. Others are even worse. At first the persecution seemed to be aimed at the destruction of the orthodox Greek Church, for the orthodox Church under the Czarist government had been instrumental in the persecution of the Jews and others, hence the revolutionaries turned first of all against that Church and planned its complete destruction. Among the 1,766,118 victims up to the beginning of 1922, figures obtained from the Soviet documents, nearly five thousand were priests, teachers, nuns, etc., of the Greek Church. The Metropolitan of Kieff, Archbishop Anthony (London Times, April 18, 1920) wired to the Archbishop of Canterbury: "From 1917 to 1920 the Bolshevists killed one Metropolitan, five Archbishops, sixteen Bishops, thirteen shot, nine tortured cruelly to death." But soon the persecution extended to the millions of Lutheran, Reformed, Baptist, Methodist and especially the Mennonite Christians. The president of the Lutheran world conference, Dr. John A. Morehead, addressing an audience in 1932 in New York City, told of the martyrdom of Lutherans under the regime of the Reds. There are a million Lutherans in Russia and only eighty-one pastors are remaining. Of these forty are still at liberty and forty-one are in prisons and exiled. In a little cemetery in Riga, Latvia, is a marble slab with the names of forty-two Lutheran pastors, murdered in 1918 when the Red beasts invaded the Baltic provinces. Nearly 100,000 Lutherans live banished, in semi-starvation in Siberia. The World Conference sent them a pastor. While he was leaving a home, where he had ministered to a sick family, he was murdered. Then in England and America great protest meetings were held denouncing this horrible program of the godless demons. The American Soviets with their "baptized infidel" backing, the miserable, un-American "Pinks" who call themselves "The Friends of the Soviets" started an opposition meeting, which meant an endorsement of the Red Anti-Christian propaganda. One of the speakers announced was the former Episcopal Bishop of Arkansas, William Montgomery Brown, now Communist. About that time the following was broadcast from Moscow:
Well did Bishop Manning say: "I believe we are facing today one of the greatest crises in Christian history. The Russian warfare against God is not confined to that land; its influence is being felt throughout the world." How true! The old serpent, Satan, the devil and dragon is rising up for the final battle, which precedes his complete defeat. Perhaps the greatest sufferers as Christians have been the Mennonites. For many years they had in southern Russia prosperous settlements; they were law abiding and earnest believers. The author was in touch with them years ago through his German publications and knew a good many of them. What horrible sufferings, torture and death, this good people have passed through! Whole villages were wiped out. And today hundreds of them are confined in miserable prison camps, suffering untold agonies. And in the wilds of Siberia, in the far north, hundreds of thousands of other banished ones are still living enslaved, deprived of all the needed simple comforts of life, degraded and half starved. The suffering of the thousands of women is simply indescribable. Thousands of churches of the different branches have been demolished and the work of destruction goes on, so that as stated before, by 1937 not a single church building or meeting house is to be left. Those who oppose and continue to preach the Gospel are dealt with in the most cruel manner. Thousands are deported, and among the 500,000 confined in the far northern Solovetsky Island are hundreds of evangelical ministers. Hundreds of thousands are even in a worse condition in Russia itself. In order to make purchases of the necessities of life, bread, milk, meat and other victuals, cards are issued. These are withheld from hundreds of thousands, who are not in sympathy with the godless program, or who adhere to any form of religion, and they are thus systematically starved. Even the Soviet workers themselves are suffering for want of sufficient food, for the godless Utopia, has turned out, as some returning American engineers have testified "hell on earth." Mrs. Clarence Warren, who spent with her husband, a California engineer, some time in the land of Sovietism, according to our New York dailies, gave the following testimony:
And the unfortunates who, in order to satisfy the pitiful cries of their children for bread, tried to get it in an illegal way, were treated as enemies, and as endorsing a counterrevolution. Cases upon cases are reported when the obtaining of a loaf of bread in an improper way was punished by death. Only recently fifteen were executed, including two women, because they had gone to a freight car in search for some food and clothing to hide their nakedness. Needless to say, the printing of religious periodicals, the advertisment of religious books, the circulation of the Bible, and any form of religious activity, is not only strictly forbidden, but punishable with exile. One of the most Satanic schemes is the corruption of the young. All religious instruction, including the reading of the Bible in a home to young children under the age of eighteen, is punishable with compulsory labor for a period of one year. As a result all religious schools have been closed. Our Mennonite brethren, also the Baptists and other evangelicals have continued heroically to preach Christ. Several years ago the author received from Russian believers, information which was subsequently published in "Our Hope."
But while the Soviets antagonize all instruction of Children in religious matters, they attend themselves to sowing the seeds of atheism in the hearts of the young. They invented an elaborate system of an anti-Christian education for the coming generation. A catechism begins with the question, "Is there a God? Answer: No." Then follow questions and answers which attempt to show that capitalism and the Church are one and that they are the enemies of humanity. We quote from the "Koelnische Zeitung" some reliable, first hand information:9
One of the tricks played on the children is to let them get very hungry. They are then told to pray to God and he will send them bread. So the innocents begin to pray little prayers to God for bread. But nothing happens. In the room is a picture of the Soviet god, the idol, Lenin. The children are told he will give them something to eat. Then suddenly, after they have looked to that lost soul, the bread appears. But is this Satanic work confined to Russia? Socialistic-Communistic schools (called in mockery "Sunday-Schools") are arising throughout our own land. They have lessons; here are samples: Capitalist Murders—Red Flag—French revolution. They have hymns: "Arise ye starvelings"—"The Internationale"—"The Marseillaise". They have a doxology: "No Saviors from on high deliver." They have saints: Lenin and the other followers of Marx. God is blasphemed, the Bible ridiculed and Christ dishonored. The Soviets have several youths' organizations. These are reproduced in the United States in the "Young Communist League" and the "Young Pioneers." They hate and despise our all American Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. How they function may be learned from the following incident of four years ago.
This was repeated on March 6, 1930, in Union Square. Children, carrying inflammatory banners, attacked the police. Girls scratched and bit policemen, spat at them and used vile language. A riot followed in which the police on the advice of Police Commissioner Grover A. Whalen acted, as one officer was almost murdered. The red, God and man defying leaders, were jailed. What happened next? Certain men and women who call themselves American citizens objected to the Commissioner's "highhanded, unwarranted and illegal methods in dealing with the communists when force was used quelling the riot." Among the sympathizers appears prominently Dr. Henry Sloane Coffin, the President of that hotbed of American modernism, Union Theological Seminary, New York City.10 And Moscow continues its program of undermining the political, the social and religious life of different nations. To accomplish the "world revolution," the domination of the world by the demonized teachings of Karl Marx, this country must fall, they say, as Russia fell. Joseph Stalin has published last year a detailed plan for the destruction of our country. This information was passed on to all the Communistic District organizers and secretaries throughout our country. Read it! Then review in your mind what has taken place and what is increasingly taking place all over our country and note the actions of certain Congressmen and Senators. Then decide for yourself the seriousness of the situation. Here are the devil's suggestions:
Read it once more! All that is advocated by these enemies of God and man is being carried out today in the United States and elsewhere. Look deeper and see how the industrial and financial experiences of the world during the last three years are linked up with this program. It is not a new program. It is the program of the Illuminati, the program of the French revolution, of Babeuf and Karl Marx. And the liberal-minded ministers, educators and others, who call themselves "The Friends of the Soviet," have responded to this program. Hundreds of preachers of the modernisticmaterialistic- evolution type, who are infidels, men who have abandoned the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and turned socialists, with hundreds more of college professors and high school teachers, are now playing into the hands of the reds, advocating the introduction of the devil-inspired theories of Marx-Lenin-Trotzsky and Stalin. How can any self-respecting man or woman, not to speak of Christians, advocate the recognition of the Soviets by our government, so that the flag of honor and glory, can be displayed alongside the red flag of blood, murder and ruin? The great effort of the Soviets is to cripple our nation through Pacificism. For several years the emissaries of the reds, like Litvinoff, have advocated a clean-cut disarmament program. They are at it again. Our modernistic educators, and unpatriotic modernistic preachers, fall in line with it and as a result, as we shall show in our next chapter, our youth is falling more and more into the Pacifist trap. But what is the naked truth? The Soviets desire disarmament, crippling the defense forces of what they call "Capitalistic Governments" so that when the right moment comes for the planned uprising and a repetition of the Russian revolution is brought about, no state militia or U. S. Army can defend the helpless bourgeoisie. We state nothing but facts. Here is the program of Moscow. The Soviets have three million men under arms; five and a half million belong to the reserves and are available at any time. They boast that by October first of this year (1933) they expect to have seventeen million citizens engaged in some form of military and aviation activity under a new five-year plan for aerial and chemical defense. No other nation has the well-equipped aeroplanes of every description that Russia has. Several million women also receive systematic instruction in elementary military service, gas warfare and red cross nursing. This is the brand of pacifism the reds have produced. It is true the leaders of the reds, the slave-holders of the millions, whom they have forced to bow to their will, are deadly afraid of an internal revolution, which would end their domination. But on the other hand this great military outfit is held in reserve for the anticipated world-revolution. All honor to the "Chicago Tribune" which had recently the following editorial:
We wonder if Bishop Francis McConnell of the Methodist Church, Sherwood Eddy, John Haynes Holmes, Harry Emerson Fosdick and several thousand other preachers and college professors have read it. They should, and take it to heart. Before the writer is a mass of material of other nature shedding light upon what is going on in Russia and elsewhere through the red propaganda. It is an impossibility to mention it all. Our next chapter will uncover the menace we are facing. In concluding this chapter we mention the fact that the emblems of the reds are a hammer and a sickle. Well chosen! They are instruments of death and destruction. But there is another hammer and another sickle. That other hammer will strike some day; there is another sickle which will become active in mighty power. Then all ye godless, ye leaders of the world revolution, your hour has come. "Is not My Word like a hammer that breaks the rock to pieces?" (Jer. xxiii:29). His Word will be manifested ere long as the Judge in the manifestation of Him, Who is the Word of God. Of Him it is written: "And I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of Man, having on His Head a golden Crown and in His Hand a sharp sickle. And another angel came out of the Temple, crying with a loud voice to Him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in Thy sickle and reap, for the time is come for thee to reap. And He that sat on the cloud thrust in His sickle on the earth and the earth was reaped" (Rev. xiv:14-16). The harvest in the end of the age is fast approaching.
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1 Recently a volume has been published by an eye witness of many of these atrocities. We recommend it to our readers: "The Mystery of Iniquity," by Louis A. Pamount. 2 "T. N. T.," by Col. Edwin M. Hadley, page 07. 3 More information can be had through Viscount Leon de Poncin's "The Secret Powers Behind the Revolution," London 1929. 4 We can quote only a small portion of the testimony given by him and by others. 5 In the volume "The Cause of the World's Unrest" (London 1920), on pages 131 and 132 the leaders of the revolution in the very beginning are tabulated. Fifty men are mentioned their original names and nationalities and their pseudonyms are given. One is a woman. Of these 50 only six are Russians; one is a German and the other 43 are all Jews (the woman a Jewess). The list, this book states, "is the result of much labor and the work of several persons." 6 About ten years ago a leading New York publisher was to publish an edition of the Protocols. When the book was about to be issued several prominent Jews threatened to ruin the publisher's business if he dared to circulate the Protocols. He was intimidated and recalled the publication. 7 One of Weishaupt's principles was "The end justifies the means." It is echoed in Marxism. 8 From "Our Hope," May, 1930. 9 From "Our Hope," April, 1932. 10 "Our Hope," May, 1930. |