The Expositor's Bible
By Rev. R.A Watson, D.D.
The Book of Numbers
Table of Contents
Title Page
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introductory
Chapter 2 - The Census and the Camp
Chapter 3 - Priests and Levites
Chapter 4 - Defilement and Purgation
Chapter 5 - Nazaritism: The Blessing of Aaron
Chapter 6 - Sanctuary and Passover
Chapter 7 - The Cloud and the March
Chapter 8 - Hobab the Kenite
Chapter 9 - The Strain of the Desert Journey
Chapter 10 - The Jealousy of Miriam and Aaron
Chapter 11 - The Spies and Their Report
Chapter 12 - The Doom of the Unbelieving
Chapter 13 - Offerings: Sabbath-Keeping: Dress
Chapter 14 - Korah, Dathan and Abiram
Chapter 15 - Tithes and Cleansings
Chapter 16 - Sorrow and Failure at Kadesh
Chapter 17 - The Last March and the First Campaign
Chapter 18 - Balaam Invoked
Chapter 19 - Balaam On the Way
Chapter 20 - Balaam's Parables
Chapter 21 - The Matter of Baal-Peor
Chapter 22 - A New Generation
Chapter 23 - Offerings and Vows
Chapter 24 - War and Settlement
Chapter 25 - The Way and the Lot
Chapter 26 - The Cities of Refuge