The Expositor's Bible
William Alexander, D.D., D.C.L.,
The Book of Leviticus
Table of Contents
Title Page
Table of Contents
Part 1
The Tabernacle Worship.
(Lev. 1-10., 16)
Chapter 1 - Introductory (1:1) The Origin and Authority of Leviticus - The Occasion and Plan of Leviticus - The Purpose of Leviticus - The Present-day use of Leviticus
Chapter 2 - Sacrifice: The Burnt-Offering (1:2-4) The Ritual of the Burnt-offering - The Presentation of the Victim - The Laying on of the Hand
Chapter 3 - The Burnt-Offering [Concluded] (1:5-17; 6:8-13) The Killing of the Victim - The Sprinkling of the Blood - The Sacrificial Burning - The Continual Burnt-offering
Chapter 4 - The Meal-Offering (2:1-l6; 6:14-23) The Daily Meal-offering
Chapter 5 - The Peace-Offering (3:1-17; 7:11-34; 19:5-8; 22:21-25) The Prohibition of Fat and Blood - Thank-offerings, Vows, and Freewill-offerings
Chapter 6 - The Sin-Offering (4:1-35) Graded Responsibility
Chapter 7 - The Ritual of the Sin-Offering (4:4-35; 5:1-13 ; 6:24-30) The Sprinkling of the Blood - The Sanctity of the Sin-offering
Chapter 8 - The Guilt-Offering (5:14; 6:7; 7:1-7)
Chapter 9 - The Priests Portions (6:16-18, 26; 7:6-10, 14, 31-36)
Chapter 10 - The Consecration of Aaron and His Sons, and of the Tabernacle  (8:1-36) The Levitical Priesthood and Tabernacle as Types - The Washing with Water - The Investiture - The Anointing - The Consecration Sacrifices
Chapter 11 - The Inauguration of the Tabernacle Service (9:1-24) The Double Benediction
Chapter 12 - Nadab’s and Abihu’s "Strange Fire" (10:1-20) Mourning in Silence - Carefulness after Judgment
Chapter 13 - The Great Day of Atonement (16:1-34) Azazel
Part 2
The Law Of The Daily Life.
(Lev. 11-15, 17-25)
Chapter 14 - Clean and Unclean Animals and Defilement by Dead Bodies (11:1-47)
Chapter 15 - Of the Uncleanness of Issues (15:1-33)
Chapter 16 - The Uncleanness of Child-Bearing (12:1-8) The Ordinance of Circumcision - Purification after Child-birth, 320.
Chapter 17 - The Uncleanness of Leprosy (13:1-46)
Chapter 18 - The Cleansing of the Leper (14:1-32) Leprosy in a Garment or House
Chapter 19 - Holiness in Eating (17:1-l6)
Chapter 20 - The Law of Holiness: Chastity  (18:1-30)
Chapter 21 - The Law of Holiness [Concluded] (19:1-37)
Chapter 22 - Penal Sanctions (20:1-27)
Chapter 23 - The Law of Priestly Holiness (21:1-22:33)
Chapter 24 - The Set Feasts of the Lord  (23:1-44) The Weekly Sabbath - Passover and Unleavened Bread - Pentecost - The Feast of Trumpets - The Day of Atonement - The Feast of Tabernacles - Typical Meaning of the Feasts of the Seventh Month
Chapter 25 - The Holy Light and the Skew-Bread: The Blasphemer's End  (24:1-23) The "Bread of the Presence" - The Penalty of Blasphemy
Chapter 26 - The Sabbatic Year and the Jubilee (25:1-55) The Jubilee - The Jubilee and the Land - The Jubilee and Dwelling-houses - The Jubilee and Slavery - Practical Objects of the Sabbatic Year and the Jubilee - Typical Significance of the Sabbatic and Jubilee Years
Part 3
Conclusion and Appendix.
(Lev. 26, 27)
Chapter 27 - The Promises and Threats of the Covenant (26:1-46) The Promises of the Covenant - "The Vengeance of the Covenant," - The Promised Restoration.
Chapter 28 - Concerning Vows (27:1-34) The Vowing of Persons - The Vowing of Domestic Animals - The Vowing of Houses and Fields - The Vow in New Testament Ethics - Exclusions from the Vow - The Law of the Ban - The Law of the Tithe