By Keith Leroy Brooks
CHAPTER ONE Contents: The model church. Three tenses of the Christian life. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Silvanus, Timothy. Conclusion: Those who have embraced the full Gospel, as proclaimed by the apostles will manifest it by separation from worldly idols, present service to men in the power of the living God, and expectation of the return of the Lord Jesus. Where true faith is, it will work by love and in the patience of the blessed hope. Key Word: Our Gospel, v. 5. Strong Verses: 9, 10. Striking Facts: vv. 9-10. Past, present and future salvation in Christ is seen here. Note that the hope of Christ's return is made an integral part of the Gospel and Christian faith. If conscious of a lack of steadiness in the life or power in the testimony, make sure you possess these three aspects of salvation. CHAPTER TWO Contents: The model servant and his reward. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Satan. Conclusion: It is the great comfort of the servants of Christ to have their own conscience and the consciences of others witness for them that they set out with sincere designs and right principles, preached the Word in its fullness and that their witnessing was not in vain in the Lord. Let not the Ambassadors of Christ be daunted that they must often meet opposition and persecution at the preaching of Christ, but continue faithfully knowing that they shall meet the fruit of their labors at the coming of Christ. Key Word: Apostolic ministry, v. 1. Strong Verses: 4, 19. Striking Facts: vv. 19-20. At the second coming of Christ, there will be gathered all those won by the preaching of the Gospel. It is the soul-winner's joy that he will, at that time, meet all those he has won to Christ. CHAPTER THREE Contents: The model Christian brotherhood. The sanctification of the believer. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Timothy. Conclusion: It is easy for the servant of Christ to bear afflictions or persecutions, when he finds the good success of his ministry which is the sure result of sowing in love, and the constancy of those who have accepted Christ under their ministry. Let there be the same mutual love between all Christians that, with their teachers in the Lord, they may be established unblameable at the coming of Christ. Key Word: Brotherly love, v. 12. Strong Verses: 12, 13. Striking Facts: Each chapter ends with reference to Christ's second coming. Chap. 1: linked with salvation (v. 10); Chap. 2: linked with service (19-20); Chap. 3: linked with sanctification (13); Chap. 4: linked with solace (13-18); Chap. 5: linked with separation (23). CHAPTER FOUR Contents: The model walk of the believer. The hope of Christ's return. Characters: God, Christ. Conclusion: The design of the Gospel is to teach men not only what they should believe, but also how they should live. It is God's will that all His should be holy in heart and pure in body for "He that calleth us is holy." The Christian should not be in ignorance of the blessed hope, the return of Christ to resurrect the dead in Him and translate living believers, for this is designed to be the greatest comfort of believers. Key Word: Sanctification, v. 3. Comfort, vv. 13, 18. Strong Verses: 3, 4, 7, 14-18. Striking Facts: v. 16. The Lord Jesus HIMSELF, not the Holy Spirit, not the destruction of Jerusalem, not the diffusion of Christianity, not the death of the believer this is the blessed hope. He is coming bringing with Him the spirits of those who have died in Him. Their bodies shall be raised and united then with their spirits. At the same time, living believers will be instantly changed and caught up in clouds to be with Him. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: The model walk for the believer. The day of Jehovah. Exhortations to believers. Characters: Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul. Conclusion: Let Christians live like men who are awake, living in constant expectation of Christ's return, and having all natural desires under Christ's control. Christ's coming will be sudden, overtaking many who are in the midst of their carnal security and jollity, and bringing them destruction from which there will be no escape. Key Word: Times and seasons, v. 1. Strong Verses: 3, 8, 9, 10, 16-21. Striking Facts: v. 2. As the thief usually comes in the dead of the night, so the coming of Christ will surprise the ungodly. It is the happy condition, however, of those who believe God's Word, that they live in momentary expectation of His return, and whether times be troublesome or peaceful, they cannot be surprised if He should come.
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