By Keith Leroy Brooks
PROPHECIES CONCERNING THE FINAL HEAVENHeaven as a place is alien to the thinking of the Modernist. To the Christian Scientist, heaven is simply a state of mind. To the Theosophist heaven is a trancendental state of consciousness. But the Bible doctrine of heaven is a truth that is necessary to man. Heaven as a land of unsullied purity where God is all in all, where the inequalities of this life are adjusted, where true service is rewarded— honors God and inspires man as nothing else. HEAVEN A DEFINITE LOCALITY The Bible heaven is a PLACE. (Jn. 14: 2). It does not float around; it is not a state of mind. Scripture puts it in the realm of the actual and the local. Earth is described as a place that is unstable and fleeting. Heaven is foretold as a place that is stable and eternal. “Here we have no continuing city but we seek one to come.” (Heb. 13:14). Abraham by faith “looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” (Heb. 11:10). Our Lord warns us that this earth is an unsafe place and our only enduring treasures are those we have in heaven. (Mt. 6:2023). Therefore Paul exhorts us to “set our affections on the things that are above, not on the things that are upon the earth.” (Col. 3:3). Peter refers to heaven as a place where believers have an inheritance awaiting them. (1 Pet. 1:3-5). Its dwellers are to be permanent dwellers, established by title. Jesus spoke of heaven as the dwelling place of the Father. (Mt. 6:9). Christ Himself is said to have ascended into heaven. (Eph. 1:20-21). As one writer says: “It is Christ in the midst of the home places of God's many-mansioned city, that makes heaven precious.” The Risen Christ has location and desires His followers to be where He is. (Jn. 17:24). HEAVEN COMPARED TO A CITY AND COUNTRY Heaven is spoken of as a city “which hath foundations.” (Heb. 11:10). “He hath prepared for them a city.” (Heb. 11:16). This is a figure that suggests that heaven will be a place of great activity, compactness, and magnificence. In contrast with all great cities of earth, it is “a holy city.” (Rev. 21:27). Heaven is spoken of as a country. “They seek a country”—R.V. “a country of their own.” (Heb. 11:14). “They desire a better country, that is, a heavenly.” (Heb. | 1:16). It is the fatherland of the soul. Says E. M. Bounds: “The Bible puts our citizenship in heaven by such a naturalization force that we are expatriated from earth and have always the sighing of an exile for native land and the weariness and loneliness and longing of pilgrims and strangers.” HEAVEN AS THE ETERNAL Home Heaven is spoken of as a home. 2 Cor. 5:8—R. V. “at home with the Lord.” The literal of Jn. 14:2 is: “In my Father's house are many abiding places.” Jesus is picturing the sweet familiarity of a happy home. If there is any place on earth that is dear to the heart, it is home. What happy memories' What holy feeling! What rest to tired feet to get home! The home feeling will be a thousandfold more wonderful when we are forever at home. (Psa. 23:6). “We which have believed do enter into rest.” (Heb. 4:3). “There remaineth a rest to the people of God.” (Heb. 4:9). Let it not be forgotten that the acme of all heaven's good is to be near Jesus. (Rev. 22:4; Psa. 17:15). We are going to love heaven for His sake. What is Jesus to you NOW2 Jesus and heaven are bound up together. To love and serve Him in this life is heaven begun in the soul. To see Him face to face will be heaven complete and everlasting.
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