The Art, Paintings and Prints of John James Audubon

By John James Audubon

VIII - Gleaner of Forest and Meadow


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Acadian Flycatcher -aka- Small Green-crested Flycatcher


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Boreal Chickadee -aka- Canadian Titmouse


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Brown Creeper and Pygmy Nuthatch -aka- Californian Nuthatch


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Brown-headed Nuthatch


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Carolina Chickadee -aka- Black-capped Titmouse


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Chestnut-backed Chickadee -aka- Chestnut-backed Titmouse and Bushtit -aka- Chestnut-crowned Titmouse


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Cliff Swallow -aka- Republican Cliff Swallow


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Common Flicker -aka- Golden-winged Woodpecker


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Downy Woodpecker


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Eastern Kingbird -aka- Tyrant Flycatcher


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Eastern Pewee -aka- Wood Pewee


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American Crow


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Eastern Phoebe -aka- Pewit Flycatcher


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Fish Crow


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Fork-tailed Flycatcher


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Gray Jay -aka- Canada Jay


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Gray Kingbird -aka- Gray Tyrant


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Great Crested Flycatcher


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Hairy Woodpecker


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Hairy Woodpecker -aka- Marias - Philips - Canadian - Harriss - Audubons Woodpeckers and Northern Three-toed Woodpecker -aka- Banded Three-toed Woodpecker


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Horned Lark -aka- Shore Lark


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Ivory-billed Woodpecker


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Barn Swallow


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Northern Raven -aka- Raven


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Northern Three-toed Woodpecker -aka- Banded Three-toed Woodpecker - detail


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Olive-sided Flycatcher


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Pileated Woodpecker


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Red-breasted Nuthatch


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Red-cockaded Woodpecker


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Red-headed Woodpecker


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Says Phoebe -aka- Says Flycatcher - detail


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Says Phoebe -aka- Says Flycatcher and Western Kingbird -aka- Arkansaw Flycatcher and Scissor-tailed Flycatcher -aka- Swallow-tailed Flycatcher


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Scissor-tailed Flycatcher -aka- Swallow-tailed Flycatcher - detail


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Belted Kingfisher


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Scrub Jay -aka- Florida Jay


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Scrub Jay -aka- Ultramarine Jay and Stellers Jay and Yellow-billed Magpie and Clarks Nutcracker -aka- Clarks Crow


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Tree Swallow -aka- White-bellied Swallow or Green-blue Swallow


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Tufted Titmouse -aka- Crested Titmouse


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Violet-green Swallow and Bank Swallow


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Western Kingbird -aka- Arkansaw Flycatcher - detail


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White-breasted Nuthatch -aka- White-breasted Black-capped Nuthatch


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Willow Flycatcher -aka- Traills Flycatcher


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Yellow-bellied Sapsucker -aka- Yellow-bellied Woodpecker


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Black-backed Three-toed Woodpecker -aka- Three-toed Woodpecker


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Black-billed Magpie -aka- American Magpie


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Black-capped Chickadee -aka- Black-capt Titmouse


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Blue Jay


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Blue Mountain Warbler and Yellow-green Vireo -aka- Bartrams Vireo and Least Flycatcher -aka- Little Tyrant Flycatcher and Black Phoebe -aka- Rocky Mountain Flycatcher and Small-headed Warbler -aka- Small Headed Flycatcher and Alder Flycatcher -aka- Short-legged Pewee