American Goldfinch -aka- Yellow Bird

Blue Grosbeak

Boat-tailed Grackle

Bobolink -aka- Rice Bunting

Brown-headed Cowbird -aka- Cow Bunting

Chestnut-collared Longspur -aka- Chestnut-coloured Finch and Black-headed
Siskin and Golden-crowned Sparrow -aka- Black Crown Bunting and Rufous-sided
Towhee -aka- Arctic Ground-finch

Chipping Sparrow

Common Grackle -aka- Purple Grackle

Common Redpoll -aka- Lesser Red-poll

Dickcissel -aka- Black-throated Bunting

Eastern Meadowlark -aka- Meadow Lark

Evening Grosbeak and Black-headed Grosbeak -aka- Spotted Grosbeak

Field Sparrow

Fox Sparrow -aka- Fox-coloured Sparrow

Grasshopper Sparrow -aka- Yellow-winged Sparrow

Henslows Sparrow -aka- Henslows Bunting

Indigo Bunting -aka- Indigo Bird

Lark Sparrow -aka- Lark Finch and Lark Bunting -aka- Prairie Finch and
Song Sparrow -aka- Brown Song Sparrow

Lazuli Bunting -aka- Lazuli Finch and Clay-colored Sparrow -aka-
Clay-colored Finch and Northern Junco -aka- Oregon Snow Finch

Lesser Goldfinch -aka- Arkansaw Siskin and Townsends Finch and Western
Tanager -aka- Louisana Tanager and Hoary Redpoll -aka- Mealy Red-poll and Smiths
Longspur -aka- Buff-breasted Finch

Lincolns Sparrow -aka- Lincoln Finch

Northern Cardinal -aka- Cardinal Grosbeak

Northern Junco -aka- Snow Bird

Northern Oriole -aka- Baltimore Oriole

Northern Oriole -aka- Bullocks Oriole and Baltimore Oriole and Varied
Thrush and Yellow-faced Siskin -aka- Mexican Goldfinch and Northern Waterthrush
-aka- Common Water Thrush

Orchard Oriole

Painted Bunting

Pine Siskin -aka- Pine Finch

Purple Finch

Red Crossbill -aka- American Crossbill

Red-winged Blackbird -aka- Prairie Starling

Red-winged Blackbird -aka- Red-winged Starling

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Rufouse-sided Towhee -aka- Towee Bunting

Rusty Blackbird -aka- Rusty Grackle

Savannah Sparrow -aka- Savannah Finch

Seaside Sparrow -aka- MacGillivrays Finch

Seaside Sparrow -aka- Sea-side Finch

Sharp-tailed Sparrow -aka- Sharp-tailed Finch

Song Sparrow

Summer Tanager -aka- Summer Red Bird

Swamp Sparrow

Tricolored Blackbird -aka- Buttalls Starling and Yellow-headed Blackbird
-aka- Yellow-headed Troopial and Northern Oriole -aka- Bullocks Oriole

Vesper Sparrow -aka- Bay-winged Bunting

Western Tanager -aka- Louisana Tanager and Scarlet Tanager -aka-
Black-winged Red-bird

White-crowned Sparrow

White-throated Sparrow

White-winged Crossbill |