The Anti-Christ in the Types

By A. H. Yetter

Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine


Much has been written on the subject of "Christ in the Types" but comparatively little on the subject of this article. The probable reason for this is that the types of Christ abound in the Old Testament, but the types of the Antichrist are few in number. We might also suggest that this is God's way of indicating the relative emphasis to be given to the types of Christ and the types of Antichrist. In other words, the Spirit of God would have our minds filled with thoughts of Jesus Christ, rather than with thoughts of Antichrist.

However, since "all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable;" and since the Old Testament does contain types of the Antichrist, we should not overlook these entirely. Consequently, we are presenting this brief study for the information and edification of the Lord's people.

From the types available, we have selected four types of the Antichrist: Nimrod, Pharaoh Haman, and Nebuchadnezzar.

We shall present these types in the now familiar analogy form which clearly indicates the correspondence between the type and the antitype.

The first typical character we wish to present is NIMROD.




1. He aspired to be a world ruler Gen. 10:9 (Marlowe) Gen. 10:11 (Margin)


1. He shall aspire to be a world ruler. Rev. 13:7

2. He was a great conqueror Gen. 10:9, 11


2. He shall be a great conqueror. Rev. 13:4

3. He was a persecutor of the descendants of Shem. Gen. 10:11, 22


3. He shall be a persecutor of the people of Israel — descendants of Shem. Dan. 8:23-24

4. He was a rebel against Jehovah. Gen. 10:9 (Marlowe) (Note: "Nimrod" means "rebel" according to Jamiesson, Faussett, Brown.)


4. He shall be a rebel against God. Rev. 13:6 Rev. 19:19

5. He was a leader in a rebellion against God. Gen. 11:1-4 (Note: Many Bible teachers believe that Nimrod was the leader at Babel.)


5. He shall be the leader of a rebellion against God. Rev. 17:12-14

6. His rebellion consisted of setting up an anti-God government and an Anti-God religion. Gen. 11:1-4


6. His rebellion shall consist in the setting up of an Anti-God government and an Anti-God religion. Rev. 13:4-8, 11-17

7. His Anti-God plans were brought to nought by the direct judgment of God. Gen. 11:5-9


7. His Anti-God plans shall be brought to nought by the direct judgment of God. Rev. 19:11-21


To conserve time and space, we shall only comment on the points in the analogy which require explanation.

Under point one, we refer to the Marlowe translation of Genesis 10:9 which makes Nimrod's aspiration to world rulership quite clear: "He was a terrible subjugator, defiant before the face of Jehovah; wherefore it is said, even as Nimrod the giant hunter, presumptuous in the presence of Jehovah."

Point three declares that Nimrod was a persecutor of the descendants of Shem. This is supported by the marginal rendering of Genesis 10:11 which states that "he went out into Assyria." This, by the way, was the land of Asshur, one of the sons of Shem.

The sixth point states that Nimrod set up an Anti-God government and an Anti-God religion. The suggestion for this is found in the omission of any reference to God in the plans recorded in Genesis 1 1 : 1-4. It is believed by many that the tower of Babel was to be used in worship, possibly through the signs of the Zodiac being enthroned on the top.

The next person, typical of the Antichrist, we wish to consider is PHARAOH, the Pharaoh of oppression.




1. He had no regard for the Lord and His word. Exod. 5:1-2


1. He shall have no regard for God and His Word. Dan. 11:36-37 Cf. Rev. 13:6

2. He was the oppressor of the people of Israel. Exod. 5:4-19


2. He shall be the oppressor of the people of Israel. Dan. 8:23-24 Cf. Rev. 12:13-17

3. His magicians performed deceptive miracles. Exod. 7:11-12; 7:20-22; 8:6-7


3. His associate, the false prophet shall perform lying miracles. Rev. 13:11-14

4. His people and land were plagued by God's severe judgments.


4. His people and land shall be plagued by God's severe judgments.

   GREAT HAIL Exod. 9:22-26      GREAT HAIL Rev. 16:21
   LOCUSTS Exod. 10:12-15      LOCUSTS Rev. 1-11
   DARKNESS Exod. 10:21-23      DARKNESS Rev. 16:10-11

5. He gathered a great army to fight against Moses and the Israelites. Exod. 14:5-9


5. He shall gather a great army to fight against the Lord and His people. Rev. 19:19 Cf. Ps. 83:1-5

6. He and his entire armies were overthrown by the Lord. Exod. 14:13-28


6. He and all his forces shall be ignominiously overthrown by the Lord Jesus Christ. Rev. 19:11-21

7. His overthrow is the occasion for the Israelites singing the "song of Moses". Exod. 15:1-19


7. His overthrow shall be the occasion for his conquerors singing "the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb". Rev. 15:1-4


The third character we wish to present as typical of the Antichrist is HAMAN.




1. He was given authority over a vast realm. Esther 3:1 Cf. Esther 1:1


1. He shall be given great power and authority. Rev. 13:1-3

2. He was reverenced by many. Esther 3:2


2. He shall be worshipped by many. Rev. 13:4

3. He sought to destroy those who refused to reverence him. Esther 3:3-6


3. He shall seek to put to death all who refuse to worship him or his image. Rev. 13:12-15

4. He was the Jews' enemy. Esther 3:8-13


4. He shall be the Jews' enemy. Dan. 8:23-24 Dan. 9:26-67

5. His plot against the Jews led to his downfall and death. Esther 7:1-10


5. His plot against the Jews shall lead to his downfall and death. Dan. 11:45 Ps. 83:1-5 Zech. 14:1-3 Rev. 19:19-21

6. His riches became the possession of God's people. Esther 8:1-2


6. His kingdom shall become the possession of God's people. Dan. 7:18, 22 Cf. Rev. 11:15; 20:4-6

7. His downfall was followed by rest and gladness for Israel. Esther 9:17-18


7. His judgment shall be followed by rest and gladness for Israel. Isa. 14:7-8


The last of the characters typical of the Antichrist to come before us in this discussion is NEBUCHADNEZZAR.





1. Nebuchadnezzar sets up an image. Dan. 3:1


1. Antichrist allows an image of himself to be set up. Rev. 13:14

2. Nebuchadnezzar's image was connected with three sixes. Dan. 3:1, 5


2. Antichrist's image shall be connected with three sixes. Rev. 13:18

3. All men were commanded to worship Nebuchadnezzar's image. Dan. 3:4-5


3. All men shall be commanded to worship Antichrist's image. Rev. 13:12-15

4. Refusal to worship Nebuchadnezzar's image meant death. Dan. 3:6


4. Refusal to worship Antichrist's image shall mean death. Rev. 13:15

5. Many worshipped Nebuchadnezzar's image. Dan. 3:7


5. Many shall worship Antichrist's image. Rev. 13:8

6. A remnant of Israel refused to worship Nebuchadnezzar's image. Dan. 3:8-18


6. A remnant of Israel shall refuse to worship Antichrist's image. Rev. 12:10 11, 17

7. Nebuchadnezzar tries to kill the godly remnant. Dan. 3:19-23


7. Antichrist shall try to kill the godly remnant. Rev. 12:17

8. Some worshipers of Nebuchadnezzar's image were burned. Dan. 3:22


8. All worshipers of Antichrist's image shall burn forever. Rev. 14:9-11

9. The godly three who refused to worship Nebuchadnezzar's image were saved from death. Dan. 1:24-27


9. The remnant of Israel who refuse to worship Antichrist's image shall be saved from death. Rev. 7:1-8

10. Following their deliverance from Nebuchadnezzar's wrath the faithful three were exalted. Dan. 3:28-30


10. Following the deliverance of the remnant of Israel at Christ's return, they shall be exalted. Rev. 14:1-5


In closing we call attention to one fact which is very evident in all four analogies, namely, Antichrist shall be defeated by the Lord Jesus Christ.

May this thought encourage us to press on with the victorious Christ in our battle against Satan and sin knowing that we are on the victory-side.