The Divine Names and Titles.

Part I. Introductory.

By the Rev. Dr. Bullinger.

Taken from Things to Come Magazine, May, 1896


A "NAME" is that by which a person or thing is known.

This is the meaning of the word, which is preserved in its actual derivation.

The Greek is "o-NOM-a." The Latin is "NOM-en," and both appear in the verb to k-NO-w. The Primitive Aryan root is GNA, to know, and the Sanscrit NAM-a.

Then a name is that which describes; defines or declares a person or thing so that it can be KXOWn.

When God gives a name, that name does accurately describe the character and attributes of the thing. When He called man ADAM, it was because he was made out of Adamah, the ground. When He called the woman EVE (Heb. Chavvah), it was because life was to be continued and preserved in the earth by her.

It was the same in the case of names that were given by men when under Divine inspiration or guidance.

Apart from this Divine guidance, names, when given by man, do not necessarily describe the character or person.

This, then, is our starting point, that the name of God is identical with His character and attributes.

When we read of "the name of the Lord" it denotes God as He is known to His people: God as He has made Himself known, and revealed Himself.

"Save me, O God, by Thy NAME, judge me by Thy strength" (Ps. liv. i), i.e. God is known as a strong God, and His strength is a saving strength, hence He is known by this name.

"I will wait on Thy NAME" (Ps. lii. 9), i.e., I will rest in Thyself, in that character in which Thou hast revealed Thyself, and in which I know Thee.

"They that know Thy NAME will put their trust in Thee" (Ps. ix. 10); i.e. y they that know Thee as Thou hast manifested Thyself in Thy word, in which Thou hast caused them to hope, will trust in Thee. We do not trust persons whom we do not know, or we are very foolish if we do. But we can trust the Lord — at least those who "know" Him, can and do. His NAME is one which can be trusted.

"The Name of the God of Jacob" (Ps. xx. 1), means the God whom Jacob knew, as is confirmed by verses 6,7. "Now know I that the Lord helpeth His anointed.. Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God."

"The Name of the Lord is a strong tower" (Prow xviii. 10); i.e., the knowledge of Jehovah which He has graciously made known to His people, enables them to find in it by a blessed experience and true knowledge, a tower and defence against all their enemies.

"Behold the Name of the Lord cometh from far, burning with His anger" (Isa. xxx. 27). This is a remarkable expression. How can a name come? It means that Jehovah will make Himself known to the enemies of His people by a righteous manifestation of His anger and wrath.

There are other of these expressions, but all may be explained and understood in this simple way.

For example we are exhorted to "honour," to "fear," to "love," to "praise," to "bless," to "thank," and to "rejoice in " His NAME: i.e., not merely to love and fear Him, but to have such a knowledge of, and acquaintance with Him as shall fill us with such a sense of all His grace and goodness that we shall love Him and praise Him.

There are two expressions in the Minor Prophets which are noteworthy: —

"To walk in the NAME of God," (Micah iv. 5); "To walk up land down in His NAME," (Zech. x. 12). This means to live as knowing the Lord; to live in the knowledge of His sustaining grace, His presence and guidance.

A concordance will soon show a number of examples which will bring out the depth of the meaning and the fulness of the Divine word, when we look at them in the light of the context, the circumstances, or the occasion,

All that has to do with the Name of the Lord implies our: intimate knowledge of Him. Thousands know about Him, but that is a very different thing from knowing Him! Sometimes we are asked, "Do you know such an one?" and we reply " No! " or we say " No, I can hardly say I know him; I have heard of him, or seen him, or met him, but I have never been introduced to him; I am not acquainted with him! " Or we may say, " Yes, I know him just a little; I have spoken once or twice to him!" or, "Yes, I know him well by sight, but do not know his name!"

This illustrates exactly what is meant by all these expressions connected with " the Name of the Lord."

This was the special work of the Lord Jesus. In prophecy He said, "I will declare thy name unto My brethren " (Ps. xxii. 22). In fulfilment, He could say, "I have declared unto them Thy name" (John xvii. 26). " I have manifested Thy name " (r. 6), i.e., I have made known that Thou art their "Father" in Christ Jesus. That was the special revelation of Jehovah. To know this name in all that it means is eternal life. " This is life eternal, that they might KNOW Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent " (John xvii. 3).

"There is none other NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved " (Acts iv. 12); i.e., none other is known who possesses the grace or the power; none other is known who is "able to save;" none other is known who has wrought salvation, and is able to make it known in our hearts and lives by a blessed experience.

And, among the "things to come," there is none more blessed than that "at the NAME of Jesus every knee shall bow" (Phil. ii. 10). Jesus will then be known as Lord of all. When He shall be revealed to His friends and His foes, each will know Him and experience His love or His wrath, and " the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea." A day is coming when it will be true in glory as it is now in grace — "All thy children shall be taught of the Lord." And the evidence and proof of such teaching, then and now, is this: "Ever)' man, therefore, that hath heard and learned of the Father, cometh unto ME."

These are the words of the Lord Jesus, and when He shall be exalted, and His name proclaimed as high above all,


in token of submission to His righteous rule.

Lord, hasten that day in Thine own time!

Continued in Part 2