The Bible
   The Old Testament
     The Pentateuch or Torah
        If you like these buttons you can download them for free here
       General Information
      Moses' Family Tree
      The 613 Commands in the Old Testament 
      The Twelve Tribes of Israel
      Did Moses Write the Pentateuch?
      Authorship of the Pentateuch By S. C. Bartlett
bullet Authorship of the Pentateuch - Part 1
bullet Authorship of the Pentateuch - Part 2
bullet Authorship of the Pentateuch - Part 3
      The Historic Character Of The Pentateuch By S. C. Bartlett
      Remarks on the Authenticity and Genuineness of the Pentateuch Part 1 By B. B. Edwards
      Remarks on the Authenticity and Genuineness of the Pentateuch Part 2 By B. B. Edwards
      The Exodus and the Conquest of the Negeb By Harold M. Wiener
      The Unity of the Pentateuch By W. H. Griffith Thomas
      A Table of Isaac's Life By W. Hanna
      Did Jesus Intend to Teach that Moses Wrote the Pentateuch? By Rev. W. P. McKee
      Delitzsch on the Pentateuch By Samuel Ives Curtiss
bullet Delitzsch on the Pentateuch - Part 1 of 4
bullet Delitzsch on the Pentateuch - Part 2 of 4
bullet Delitzsch on the Pentateuch - Part 3 of 4
bullet Delitzsch on the Pentateuch - Part 4 of 4
      On the New Pentateuch-Criticism By Prof. E. Benj. Andrews
      The Pentateuch By Rev. E. Payne Smith From The Bible Educator
      Christ's Testimony to the Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch By Charles R. Hemphill
      The Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch By D. Macdill
      The Mosaic Authorship and Credibility of the Pentateuch By Rev. R. Payne-Smith
      Book Chart of this Book of the Bible
      Ages Of The Patriarchs
      Patriarchal Timeline from Adam through Isaac
      Timeline of the Flood
      Genealogical Table of Abraham’s Family
      Outline of this Book By Barnard C. Taylor
      Outline of this Book By James H. Brookes
      Preface to this Book of the Bible By Adam Clarke
      Overview of the Old Testament - Genesis By Arend Remmers
      Quotes of Seeing Noah's Ark on Mt. Ararat
      Introduction By Albert Barnes 
      Introduction  From International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
      Introduction from Fausset's Bible Dictionary
      Introduction from Smith's Bible Dictionary
      Introduction from The Bible Book By Book By J. B. Tidell
      An Exposition of the Original Text of Genesis I and II By Samuel Hopkins
bullet An Exposition of the Original Text of Genesis I and II - Part 1
bullet An Exposition of the Original Text of Genesis I and II - Part 2
bullet An Exposition of the Original Text of Genesis I and II - Part 3
bullet An Exposition of the Original Text of Genesis I and II - Part 4
      The Eternal Life and Priesthood of Melchisedek By Henry A. Sawtelle
      Genesis-The Book of Beginnings By William S. Bishop
      Abraham's Offering of Isaac By John H. Godwin
      Comments on Genesis By Leslie M. Grant
      The Pentateuch - Genesis By Rev. E. Payne Smith From The Bible Educator
      Commentary - The Annotated Bible By Arno Clement Gaebelein
      Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments - Genesis
      Mp3 Files Icon 16x16 png The Bible At A Glance By Leroy Eims (Offsite 4 min audio from Discipleship Library)
      Camera Black Icon 16x16 png The Gustave Doré Bible
      Book Chart of this Book of the Bible
      Outline of this Book By Barnard C. Taylor
      Outline of this Book By James H. Brookes
      The 12 Tribes Marching & Encamped
      The Gods of Egypt
      Preface to this Book of the Bible By Adam Clarke
      Overview of the Old Testament - Exodus By Arend Remmers
      Introduction  By Albert Barnes 
      Introduction  From International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
      Introduction from Fausset's Bible Dictionary
      Introduction from Smith's Bible Dictionary
      Introduction from The Bible Book By Book By J. B. Tidell
      The Tetragrammaton (YHWH) By S.Cox
      Comments on Exodus By Leslie M. Grant
      The Tabernacle By Professor James Strong
      The Pentateuch - Exodus By Rev. E. Payne Smith From The Bible Educator
      Commentary - The Annotated Bible By Arno Clement Gaebelein
      Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments - Exodus
      Mp3 Files Icon 16x16 png The Bible At A Glance By Leroy Eims (Offsite 4 min audio from Discipleship Library)
      Camera Black Icon 16x16 png The Gustave Doré Bible
      Book Chart of this Book of the Bible
      Outline of this Book By Barnard C. Taylor
      Outline of this Book By James H. Brookes
      The Christology of the Tabernacle
      Preface to this Book of the Bible By Adam Clarke
      Overview of the Old Testament - Leviticus By Arend Remmers
      Introduction  By Albert Barnes 
      Introduction  From International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
      Introduction from Fausset's Bible Dictionary
      Introduction from Smith's Bible Dictionary
      Introduction from The Bible Book By Book By J. B. Tidell
      Comments on Leviticus By Leslie M. Grant
      The Peace Offering C. D. Maynard
      The Red Heifer By H. Rossier.
      The Red Heifer By Henry Preserved Smith
      The Burnt-Offering - Taken from The Bible Treasury
      The Meat-Offering - Taken from The Bible Treasury
      The Peace-Offering - Taken from The Bible Treasury
      The Pentateuch - Leviticus By Rev. E. Payne Smith From The Bible Educator
      Commentary The Annotated Bible By Arno Clement Gaebelein
      Mp3 Files Icon 16x16 png The Bible At A Glance By Leroy Eims (Offsite 4 min audio from Discipleship Library)
      Book Chart of this Book of the Bible
      Outline of this Book By Barnard C. Taylor
      Outline of this Book By James H. Brookes
      Preface to this Book of the Bible By Adam Clarke
      Overview of the Old Testament - Numbers By Arend Remmers
      Introduction  By Albert Barnes 
      Introduction  From International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
      Introduction from Fausset's Bible Dictionary
      Introduction from Smith's Bible Dictionary
      Introduction from The Bible Book By Book By J. B. Tidell
      Comments on Numbers By Leslie M. Grant
      The Pentateuch - Numbers By Rev. E. Payne Smith From The Bible Educator
      Commentary - The Annotated Bible By Arno Clement Gaebelein
      Mp3 Files Icon 16x16 png The Bible At A Glance By Leroy Eims (Offsite 4 min audio from Discipleship Library)
      Camera Black Icon 16x16 png The Gustave Doré Bible
      Book Chart of this Book of the Bible
      Outline of this Book By Barnard C. Taylor
      Outline of this Book By James H. Brookes
      Preface to this Book of the Bible By Adam Clarke
      Overview of the Old Testament - Deuteronomy By Arend Remmers
      Introduction  By Albert Barnes 
      Introduction  From International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
      Introduction from Fausset's Bible Dictionary
      Introduction from Smith's Bible Dictionary
      Introduction from The Bible Book By Book By J. B. Tidell
      The Composition and Date of Deuteronomy Part 1 By T. S. Potwin
      The Composition and Date of Deuteronomy Part 2 By T. S. Potwin
      Unity and Genuineness of Deuteronomy By Edwin C. Bissell
      Comments on Deuteronomy By Leslie M. Grant
      The Pentateuch - Deuteronomy By Rev. E. Payne Smith From The Bible Educator
      Commentary - The Annotated Bible By Arno Clement Gaebelein
      Mp3 Files Icon 16x16 png The Bible At A Glance By Leroy Eims (Offsite 4 min audio from Discipleship Library)