Notes for Bible Study

Ezekiel 36

Taken from Things to Come Magazine, 1894


I. Seven things concerning Israel to-day: —

1. Unclean in the sight of God, v. 29.

2. Possessed of stony hearts, v. 26.

3. Profaning God's holy name, v. 22.

4. Scattered among the heathen, v. 19.

5. Covered with infamy and shame, v. 3-6.

6. Subjected to heathen rule, v. 6.

7. Desolate, famished and waste, v. 3, 4, 30.

II. Seven things God will do to Israel's oppressors: —

1. Speak out in jealousy against them, v. 5.

2. Turn their glory- into shame, v. 7.

3. Dispossess them of their conquests, v. n.

4. Give them to Israel for a possession, v. 12.

5. Break their power to crush Israel, v. 13, 14.

6. Vindicate His holy name among them, v. 22.

7. Teach them that He is God, v. 36, 38.

III. Seven things God will do for Israel: —

1. Gather them out of all countries, v. 24.

2. Bring them into their own land, v. 24.

3. Cleanse them from filth and idols, v. 26.

4. Give them new hearts and minds, v. 26.

5. Make them again His people, v. 28.

6. Cause them to flourish and multiply, v. 30.

7. Make their end better than their beginning, v. 11.

IV. Seven things Israel themselves will do: —

1. Remember their past evil, v. 31.

2. Loathe themselves for their iniquity, ^.31.

3. Be ashamed and confounded, v. 32.

4. Walk in God's statutes, v. 27.

5. Keep God's judgments, v. 27.

6. Dwell forever in the land, v. 33.

7. Pray for accomplishment of all these blessings, v. 37.