Expositions by H. A. Wilson
Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1923
Memory Verse — I Corinthians 15:3
The crucifixion of Jesus is the
most colossal event in all history. Much
has been written and said about it, and
much more will doubtless be written and
said before the close of the history of the
human race, but it is a subject which cannot
be exhausted. It is the wisdom of God
and the power of God, and until men can
exhaust His wisdom or come to the end of
His power they cannot fathom the
depths of truth which are found in the
Gospel of Jesus. The Cross of Christ is
the subject of the prophecies and songs
of the Old Testament, and it is the
substance of its symbols and types. It is the
heart of the New Testament and the basis for
its promises and appeals. The believer
in the apes before the Cross looked
forward to it by faith and gave evidence of
that faith in his sacrifices and offerings.
The believer since then looks back in
faith, to the Cross and is exhorted to
manifest his faith in a life of "living
sacrifice." Both believers before the Cross and
believers on this side of the Cross are
saved simply through their faith in the
Saviour who died thereon. It is this
wonderful and at the same time terrible event to
which we come in this lesson. I. Cor.
1:18, 23-2.1.; Heb. 11:4; Rom. 12:1-2.
Vs. 17-18
One of the
things which make
the Cross a terrible thing is the
suffering which Jesus endured there. Not
primarily the physical suffering, as terrible
as that was, but rather the spiritual
suffering of which the physical was only a slight
suggestion. When Jesus hung upon the Cross
He became subject to the wrath of God.
God actually counted Him guilty of
the sins of the whole world and treated
Him accordingly. He heaped upon Him
the awful judgment which had been
due men's sins in the past, and
which would be merited by the sins of the
future. Jesus suffered terribly from a
physical standpoint, but He suffered
infinitely more because "He Who was without sin
became sin for us" and received the
full measure of God's judgment for our sins.
I Pet. 2:2j.: Isa. 53:12; I Pet. 3:18;
I Cor. 15:3.
But the physical aspects of
Jesus' crucifixion do suggest this
tremendous spiritual fact. The cross was the place
where criminals were judged in the
days of Roman dominion. Many cases are
on record which were judged in this
manner. The cross held in men's minds
then the same connection which the
hangman's noose does in our thoughts
today. This is further indicated by the fact
that Jesus was not crucified alone, but
with two others of whom we are told that they
were thieves. The death of the cross
being the death of a transgressor suggests
the fact that when Jesus hung there God
judged Him as a sinner for us. This
is the greatest fact about the Cross:
Vss. 19-22
But while Jesus teas suffering
for the sins of men they reviled and
mocked Him. This is in striking contrast to
the love of God which was manifested in His
death, but the very contrast makes it
plain how great the love of God really is.
It shows that Jesus' death for sinners
was an act of pure grace for it shows how
unworthy of such love men were. Pilate,
the Gentile ruler, wrote a title and put it
over the Cross. He wrote "Jesus of
Nazareth, the King of the Jews." Undoubtedly
he did it to deepen Jesus' humiliation
and to make sport of the Jews and of their
Messianic hope. But though his motive was
one of unbelief, Pilate had written a
great truth and one which the Jews were
unwilling to admit. They protested and asked
that the writing be changed, thus
showing their hatred for Jews. (Verse 21).
Then as He hung upon the Cross and
suffered, the Roman soldiers made sport of Him
and the Jews mocked Him as they passed
by. Thus unbelieving Gentiles and bigoted
Jews joined in reviling Jesus, the
Son of God Who had come to save them. Their
attitude is characteristic of an
unbelieving world. Isa. 53:3; I Cor. 1:18,
23. Some question exists concerning
the title which was put over the
Cross, and for this reason it merits our special
attention. One who reads the four Gospel
accounts will discover that the words of the
title are given differently in each one.
Some have fancied that this was a
contradiction in the Bible, and have concluded
that due to such contradictions they cannot
believe in it. However, no contradiction
exists. The passage which we are studying
gives the solution of the whole matter.
Verse twenty tells us that it was written in
"Hebrew and Greek and Latin." Each
writer fives us a different version.
Probably Matthew gives us a translation
of the Hebrew, for he writes an
especially strong Jewish argument. Either Mark or
Luke gives us the translation of the
Latin and the other gives us that of the
Greek. While John gives us a summarizing of
all three, for his is the most complete,
and comprehends all the others. Thus it
will be seen that there is no contradiction
but perfect agreement in the Word of God. II
Tim. 3:16-17; Matt. 27:37; Mark
15:26; Luke 23:38.
Vss. 23-27
When the soldiers took Jesus'
garments from Him and divided them among
themselves they unwittingly gave us
a spiritual message. "Garments" in the
Scripture are typical of righteousness. As we
have already seen God did not deal with
Jesus as the One Who was absolutely
righteous, but rather as guilty of the sins
of the whole world, for Jesus having
upon Him the sins of men must be judged
as though He were a sinner. This is
suggested in the removal of His garments.
Still another truth, and a most
marvelous one, is suggested here. That is that the
dividing of Jesus' garments among those
rough and wicked soldiers signifies that
His righteousness may be shared by
guilty, undeserving men. So the Word of God
says that "the righteousness of God
is unto all and upon all them that believe"
(Romans 3:22).
Vss. 25-27
Another thing
which makes the
Cross of Christ a wonderful tiling to
us is the fact that He there manifested a
matchless love and care for others. This
is seen in His care for His mother. He had
been a Son to her upon Whom she had
leaned and in Whom she had trusted. Now He
was dying and shortly He must ascend
to the right hand of God. She would be
left alone so far as human love and
sympathy were concerned, and Jesus knew
her need of care and love and sympathy.
So in the midst of His sufferings He
thought of her and asked the beloved
disciple John to care for her as his own mother.
In this He also ministered to the need of
John, for John like the mother needed
human love and fellowship. The same care
for others is seen in His cry, "Father,
forgive them, they know not what they do"
(Luke 23:34). Jesus' care for others and
His loving desire to minister to their
needs is the key to the meaning of the
Cross. It was His love for sinful, fallen
men which led Him to die for them, in
order that He might save them, and this love
is exemplified in His care for His
mother. John 3:16.
A significant phrase is found in
Verse twenty-eight. It is these words:
"That the Scripture might he
fulfilled." It is impossible to say exactly how
many Scriptures were fulfilled in the
Cross of Christ, due to our blindness and
inability to see the meaning of many of them. But
an idea may be gained when one
considers that every offering recorded in
the Old Testament Scriptures was a
prophecy and found its fulfillment in the
death of Jesus. (Jno. 1:29). Every detail of
that death was the subject of prophecy.
Unfortunately in the brief limits of
this discussion we cannot take time to refer to
all such prophecies, but careful
consideration of the Scriptures referred to at
the foot of this paragraph and comparison of
them with the Gospel accounts of the
crucifixion will demonstrate that the death
of Jesus did fulfill Scripture in
wonderful wealth of detail. Acts 10:43; Psa.
22:1-19; Isa. 53:5-12.
Vss. 29-30
The fullness of God's grace is
revealed in Jesus' cry, "It is finished!"
He left nothing for us to do to
accomplish our salvation. He did it all. He
bore all of God's judgment and has provided
a full and free salvation, including
even the imputation of His righteousness
to the believer. We can do nothing to add
to His finished work. We can do nothing
to help in our salvation. All we can do
is to accept Him by faith. Believing in
Him we receive the eternal life which
He purchased for us at the cost of the
infinite suffering of which we have been
studying. The salvation provided in the
death of Jesus and testified in His
resurrection is ours for the asking, and it is
to be had in no other way. All we can do
is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ,
and immediately we are saved. Acts
16:31; Jno. 3:16; Eph. 2:8-9; Titus 3:5; Jno.
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