Expositions by H. A. Wilson
Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1923
Memory Verse — Matthew 4:19
The normal Christian life is a
life of Christ-directed activity. It is
a life of endeavor to win souls, and in
order for that endeavor to be fruitful it must
be done by His direction. It is hard for us
to learn this lesson. We recognize the
need of activity but we many times fail to
keep in touch with Him Who should direct
our activity, and in consequence of
this negligence we find that the service
becomes tiresome and that the effort
which we put forth fails to accomplish what
it should. And after we have labored long
and earnestly and our souls are wearied
we need to rest. We need to receive the
ministration of loving hands. The
Saviour is graciously inviting us to come
to Him to find rest, and to permit Him to
minister to our needs. It seems strange
that it should be so, but it is hard for
the believer to cease from his works
and to rest in that of Christ. The secret of
fruitful endeavor for the Master, and His
gracious willingness to provide for
our needed rest and refreshment may be seen
in the Lord's meeting with His
disciples at the sea of Tiberias.
John 21:1-3
The disciples
went fishing on
the sea of Tiberias, but though they
labored all night they caught nothing.
had gone fishing without consulting
Jesus and without asking Him for His will
in the matter. Their fishing was not
wrong, as Jesus showed by blessing them in
it later, but their endeavor without
seeking to know the will and to obtain the
blessing of Jesus upon it was wrong.
Because of this failure they toiled all
night but their efforts were unavailing. They
caught nothing. The disciples in this
are typical of many Christian men and women
who recognize the need of activity
but who fail to realize that they need
the guidance and blessing of God in their
activity. Many sermons are preached and
many meetings are held without any
fruit being produced because there has been
a failure to seek the will of God and to
seek His power for the contemplated
service. And what a danger there is in such
fleshly activity that the Christian will
do something which is not in accordance
with the will of God at all. Perhaps if
Christian workers would seek to know His
will and to obtain His blessing there
would be less of the social reform movements
and educational movements and more of
the old-fashioned preaching of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ, and of personal
endeavor to win men to Him. Unquestionably
too the message of many would deal
less with politics and social problems and
other trivialities, and more with the
Word of God. As Christians we should be
constantly active in His service,
but our activity can produce fruit only as
He directs it. Psa. 127:1; Jno. 15:5.
John 21:4-5
But after the disciples had
labored all night in vain they lifted up
their eyes to the shore and saw One standing
there Who was willing and able to direct
their efforts in a fruitful manner. The
Saviour was waiting to bless them and to
direct them. So He is waiting to direct and
to bless all of His children. When we do not
receive His guidance and blessing in our
service it is not because of His
unwillingness but because of something in our
lives which hinders Him. So long as we are
wrapped up in our activity and do not
take time to look to Him He cannot help
us. Some fail to receive His blessing
because they do not ask. Should they ask they
would receive, for the Saviour is
waiting, but failing to ask their efforts are
in vain. Still others ask and fail to
receive because
they ask amiss. Perhaps they ask
for His direction and blessing in order
that they personally may receive some
honor or glory for a fruitful ministry.
God delights to honor those who honor
Him, but He cannot honor those who
selfishly seek their own honor, consequently He
is unable to answer the prayer which
is praved in such an attitude of heart.
Many other things may enter into our lives
which h'nder Him from blessing us, but
let us remember that (iod is always ready
and willing to bless, and He will do
so when we seek His blessing and when we
seek it according to His will. Phil.
4:19; Jas. 4:2-3, 6; I Jno. 5:14-15; Jas.
John 21:6
When the disciples heeded the
voice of Jesus and submitted themselves
to His leading their efforts were
immediately fruitful. So it is with the
believer who yields to Him and who after
learning His will submits himself to it. Such
a man is described in the first Psalm.
"He shall be like a tree planted by the
rivers of water that bringeth forth his
fruit in his season. His leaf also shall not
wither and whatsoever he doeth shall
prosper" (Psa. 1:3). Yes, the Christian who
yields to God and who follows His leading
finds that all that he does is
fruitful because he is in the will of God. The
yielded life is a fruitful life. Jno.
15:5; Rom. 12:1-2; Prov. 11:30; Jer.
John 21:7-8
When the disciples had cast
their net as Jesus directed and it
filled with fish they recognized Him. So many a
Christian worker has toiled through
many weary days without seeing the
fruit of his labor, and finally being sick
and tired of his own efforts has turned to
the Lord in the hour of prayer, submitting
himself consciously to Him and asking
His blessing. Then when the blessing
comes in a fresh manifestation of power and
liberty in service that Christian worker
lifts his heart in worship and gratitude
and says, "It is the Lord." Some soul
which has tried to carry a heart-crushing
burden of grief or of concern for a loved
one finds the load lifted and becomes
conscious of a new strength. He then bows in
thanksgiving, saying: "It is the
Lord." We recognize the Lord in His works and
in the blessing which He bestows upon
us. Psa. 118:23; Matt. 21:42.
John 21:9-12
When the disciples had come to
land they saw a fire with fish laid
upon it and bread, and they heard the
Saviour's invitations, "Come and dine." Though
Jesus had instructed them to bring
their fish with them yet He did not invite
them to partake of their own catch, but
of food which He had provided for them.
This gracious invitation reminds us
that when the Lord's servant has toiled
until he is weary the Lord invites him to
come to Him and to find the rest and
refreshment which his soul so sorely needs.
All of the Saviour's invitations are
invitations of grace. To the lost man He cries:
"Whosoever will let him take of the
water of life freely" (Rev. 22:17). To
the believer He offers the bread of
life and the meat of the deeper teaching of
the Word, but all in grace. We must
partake of His provision if we are to find the
satisfaction which we yearn for. We must feed
on God's faithfulness. So as the
Saviour invited the toil-worn disciples to
come and dine, He invites the weary
Christian to step aside for a time and to
know the joy and delight of fellowship with
Himself. Malt. 11:28-29; Rev. 3:20.
John 21:13-14
The disciples found the food all
ready for them and when they
responded to the invitation the Lord took the
fish and bread and gave them to eat.
found the full provision for their
needs. And so it is with the Christian.
When he is willing and ready to heed the
persistent and tender invitation which the
Lord is constantly giving him, and to
turn to Him for His provision, he finds that
all his needs have been anticipated. God
provides abundantly for the
needs of His children, and the Christian can
conceive of no need in his life for which
He has not already made loving
provision. How faithfully and
regularly we feed our bodies.
Should we be any less faithful
and regular in the feeding of
our souls? Surely the spiritual
is more important than the physical and we are foolish when
we neglect our souls and surfeit
our bodies. Let us feed faithfully on the
provision which God has made for us.
(Phil. 4:19; Prov. 23:1-6). Let us prove the
Lord and enjoy the experience of which
one of His children has written so
"He came one day to my poor
door, and knocked and called to me,
'Beloved, let Me in, that I may
sit and sup with thee.'
Though I had nought to give Him,
for my house and board were bare.
My heart could not refuse His
plea, nor keep Him waiting there.
"And so I opened Him the door,
and told
my case, though loth,
He smiled and answered lovingly,
'I have enough for both.'
And from that blessed hour to
this His friendship has not Ceased'
Each day He sits and sups with
me, but He provides the feast."
— By Ruth G. Robinson,
from S.
S. Times.
Not only are the disciples
representative of the experience of the
believer, but they also are representative of the
nation Israel, and of her dispensational
experiences. The nation Israel has been
persisting in her own course, and rejecting the
Lord Jesus, spurning His will, and refusing
to look to Him for guidance and
blessing. Her efforts have been and must be
fruitless until she shall turn to the
Lord. There is coming a time when she will do
this, and when under His direction she
will reap a great harvest of souls. This
is during the great tribulation, and is
through the testimony of the hundred and
forty-four thousand sealed messengers. As a
result of their testimony a great
multitude which no man can number will be saved
and will enter into the Kingdom of
the Lord. Following the night of the great
tribulation they will look upon the
Lord Jesus, and will hear His gracious
invitation: "Come and dine." They will then
enter into the fellowship and blessing
of the Kingdom which He has prepared
for them. Thus the story of the
disciples' experience is typical of Israel's
future experience when her Lord shall
manifest Himself unto her. Rev. 7:9-14;
Rev. 19: 1-16; Ezek. 37:21-28.
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