Historical Atlas
by William R.
For helpful suggestions received during the initial
stages of the preparation of this Atlas I wish to express my
appreciative thanks to Professor George B. Adams and Professor Charles
M. Andrews of Yale University, Mr. Theo. Baettenhaussen of New York,
Professor John S. Bassett of Smith College, Professor George L. Burr of
Cornell University, Professor Edward P. Cheyney of the University of
Pennsylvania, Professor Charles M. Colby of Mc Gill University,
Professor Alfred L. P. Dennis of the University of Wisconsin, Professor
H. D. Foster of Dartmouth College, Professor S. B. Harding of Indiana
University, Professor Albert Bushnell Hart of Harvard University,
Professor Jerome B. Landfield of the University of California, Mr. H. H.
Langton of the University of Toronto, Professor William Mac Donald of
Brown University, Professor Dana C. Munro of the University of
Wisconsin, Professor F. L. Riley of the University of Mississippi, Mr.
Don E. Smith of the University of California, Professor W. Roy Smith of
Bryn Mawr College, Dr. Edward Luther Stevenson of The Hispanie Society
of America, Professor Benjamin Terry of the University of Chicago,
Professor Merrick Whitcomb of the University of Cincinnati and Professor
George M. Wrong of the University of Toronto. For like services I am
indebted also to my colleagues Professor George Willis Botsford,
Professor Richard J. H. Gottheil, Professor A. V. W. Jackson, Professor
James Harvey Robinson, Professor Charles A. Beard, Professor George N.
Olcott and Professor Julius Sachs of Columbia University, and to Miss
Eliza R. Butler formerly of the Horace Mann School.
To my wife, whose constant interest and whose critical comment have
been a source of great encouragement, I record my gratitude.
Among the works that have furnished material for the Atlas the
following have been especially useful:

Altamira, Historia de España
y de la Civilización
Andree, Allgemeiner Handatlas
Andrews, A History of England
Archiv für
Atlas Général
Austin, Steps in the Expansion
of our Territory
Avery, A History of the United
States and its People
Bancroft (H. H.), Works
Botsford, History of the Orient
and Greece
— History of Rome
Boulger, History of China
del Cantillo, Tratados,
Convenios y Declaraciones de Paz y de Comercio
Cheyney, A Short History of
— Introduction to the
Industrial and Social
Histoiy of England
Colbeck, Public Schools
Historical Atlas
Colquhoun, Greater America
— Overland to China
Day, A History of Commerce
De Lannoy and Vander Linden,
Histoire de l'Expansion Coloniale des Pcuples Européens
Donaldson, The Public Domain
Dow, Atlas of European History
Drage, Russian Affairs
Droysen, Allgemeiner Historischer Handatlas
Emerton, Mediæval Europe
Errera, L'Epoca delle Grandi Scoperte Geografiche
Freeman, The Historical Geography of Europe
Garcia y Cubas, Atlas
Geográfico, Estadistico é Histórico de la Republica Mexicana
Gardiner, A School Atlas of English History
Garrison, Texas: a Contest
of Civilizations
Gibbins, History of Commerce in Europe
— Industrial History of England
Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Götz, Die Verkehrswege im Dienste des Welthandels
Green, History of the English People
— The Conquest of England
— The Making of England
Hakluyt Society Publications
Hart, Epoch Maps illustrating American History
— The American Nation: A History from Original Sources by Associated
Hassall, Periods of European History
Hertslet, The Map of Africa by Treaty
— The Map of Europe by Treaty
Heussi and Mulert, Atlas zur Kirchengeschichte
Himly, Histoire de la
Formation Territoriale des Etats de l'Europe
Hodgkin, Italy and her Invaders
Hugues, Cronologia delle Scoperte e delle Esplorazioni Geografiche dall'
Anno 1492 a Tutto il Secolo XIX
Hulsen, The Roman Forum
Hunter, A History of British India
Hunter, Imperial Gazetteer of India
Huvelin, Essai Historique sur le Droit des Marches et des Foires
Jackson, History of India
Johnston, The Royal Atlas
Joppen, Historical Atlas of India
Keltie, The Partition of Africa
Kiepert, Forma: Orbis Antiqui
Koch and Schōll,
Histoire Abrégée des Traités de Paix entre les
Puissances de l'Europe depuis la Paix de Westphalie
Kiepert, Atlas Antiquus
Krausse, Russia in Asia
Larned, History for Ready Reference
Lavisse, Histoire de France
Lippincott's New Gazetteer
Loftie, London
Longman's Gazetteer of the World
Longnon, Atlas Historique de la France
Lopez, Atlas Geographico de la America Septentrional y Meridional
— Atlas Geographico del Rcyno de España
é Islas Adyacentes
Lowery, The Spanish Settlements within the Present Limits of the United
Lucas, Historical Geography of the British Colonies
MacCoun, Historical Geography of the United States
McClure, Historical Church Atlas
Martens and Cussy, Recueil Manuel et Pratique de Traités, Conventions et
autres Actes Diplomatiques
Mas Latrie, Trésor de Chronologie, d'Histoire et de Geographic pour
1'Etude et l'Emploi des Documents du Moyen Age
Montalembert, Monks of the West from Saint Benedict to Saint Bernard
Nissen, Italische Landeskunde
Oncken, Allgemcine Geschichte in Einzeldarstellungen
Peschel, Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeckungen
Petermanns Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt ūber wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesamtgebicte der Geographic
Poole, Historical Atlas of Modern Europe
Poten, Handwōrterbuch der
Prothero, Cambridge Historical Series
Putzger, Historischer Schulatlas
Rand, McNally and Company's Indexed Atlas of the World
Rashdall, The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages
Richthofen, China: Ergebnisse eigener Reisen and darauf gegründeter
Riehm, Handwōrterbuch des Biblischen Altertums
Roberts, History of
Robinson, An Introduction to the History of Western Europe,
Robinson and Beard, The Development of Modern Europe
Ropes, The Campaign of Waterloo
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Publications
Royal Geographic Society of London, Publications Ruge, Die Entwicklung
der Kartographie von Amcrika bis 1570
Schrader, Atlas de Géographic Historique
Schulthess, Europäischer
Seebohm, The English Village Community
Siebert, The
Underground Railroad from Slavery
to Freedom
von Spruner-Menke, Hand-Atlas fur die Geschichte des Mittelalters and
der Neueren Zeit
von Spruner-Menke-Sieglin-Kiessling, Hand-Atlas zur Geschichte
des Altertums, des Mittel-alters and der Neuzcit: Erste Abteilung. Atlas
Antiquus; Atlas zur Geschichte des Altertums
Stieler, Handatlas
Stokvis, Manuel d'Histoire,
de Généalogie et de Chronologie de tous les Etats du Globe, depuis les Temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos Jours
Supan, Die
territoriale Entwicklung der europāischen Kolonien
The Statesman's Year-Book
"The Times" Atlas
Torrente, Historia de la Revolución Hispano-Americana
Twelfth Census of the United States: Statistical Atlas
Victorian History of the Counties of England
Vinogradov, The Growth
of the Manor
— Villainage in England
Webster, A General History of Commerce
West, Ancient History
— Modern History
Wōlcker, Geschichte der englischen Literatur
Zimmermann, Die
europāischen Kolonien: Schilderung ihrer Entstchung, Entwicklung, Erfolge and Aussichten
Columbia University New York, May 1911.
W. R. S. |