Arthur P. Longstreth 194
- Born: 5 Jul 1906, Roseville, Ohio 194,257
- Marriage: Helen I. Jameson Unknown 194
- Died: 20 Dec 1977, Zanesville, Ohio, at age 71 194,257
- Buried: Rose Hill Cemetery 194,257
Cause of his death was Heart Attack.
General Notes:
A retired engineer at Great Lakes Naval Training Center. A member of Forr est Mumford Post 71, American Legion at Roseville, Ohio. Mr. Longstreth l ived in Illinois for the past 30 years and the past four and one-half yea rs in Zanesville, Ohio. He was a member of Pleasant Grove United Methodi st Church where he was treasure, Retired Federal Employee Association of Z anesville and Navy veteran of World War II.
Noted events in his life were:
• Burial Location. 194,257 Muskingum County, Ohio
Arthur married Helen I. Jameson on an unknown date.194 (Helen I. Jameson was born on 27 Aug 1908 in Ironspot, Ohio 194,265 and died on 15 Oct 1995 in Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohio 194,265.)