Francis Grimall Deaver 194,204
- Born: 12 Oct 1845 194,239
- Marriage: (1): Sarah Celeste Keeran 29 Jul 1866, Perry County, Ohio 194,239
- Marriage: (2): Amanda Ellen Sherrick WFT Est 1871-1903 194,241
- Died: 1890, at age 45 194
Another name for Francis was Frank.
General Notes:
He served in the Civil War Co B 16th Regt OVI, 1Capt A.H. Thorp.
Francis had 6 children by first wife (Sarah) and 7 children by second wi fe (Amanda). Served in Civil War, Co. B, 16th Regt, OVI, lCapt. A.H. Th orp.
Francis married Sarah Celeste Keeran on 29 Jul 1866 in Perry County, Ohio 194.,239 (Sarah Celeste Keeran was born on 12 May 1846 194,239 and died between 1872 and 1940 194,239.)
Francis also married Amanda Ellen Sherrick WFT Est 1871-1903 194.,241 (Amanda Ellen Sherrick was born on 18 Dec 1859 in Perry County, Ohio 194,239 and died WFT Est 1871-1953 194,241.)