Rick Swartzentrover
When the stars fall from their place
And the Sun flickers and fades
When the Oceans breathe life no more
And the moon no longer shines
My Jesus will still be on His throne
Pouring out love to those who loved Him
When all of mans Humanistic Theories
Are rejected as antiquated Fairy Tails
When true science is completely known
And Darwin’s monkeys is rejected
My Jesus will still be on His throne
Creating all things anew just like he did in the beginning
When mankind has stopped worshiping sex
And has learned what real love is
When Abortion is known as murder of innocence
And the executioners have but down their knives
My Jesus will still be on His throne
Cradling the little ones that man have mutilated
When war is a thing no longer spoken
And the spears have all become plowshares
When pain is reserved for those who rejected
And bliss is for those who surrendered
My Jesus will still be on His throne
Crying for those who refused to listen
For He and His throne are eternal
And are not subject to decay
They are not contingent to mans beliefs
And cannot be reasoned away
For when time is finished
He will just be starting