Rick Swartzentrover
© 05-25-2000 |
I cry out to thee O Lord
Rescue me from this deep sea into which I have fallen
For darkness surrounds me like the fingers of Hell itself
The heavy grasp of fear takes hold of me
I am sinking O Lord into the sea of self-pity
I am going down for the last time
Who will rescue me from this distress?
Who will breath life back in my soul, if not you O Lord?
The chains of depression are weighting me down
And yet I cling to them as one clings to a lover
For I know this depression like I have known no other
We are like kindred spirits - my lover and I
Yet she betrays me with a kiss, my Judas friend
For depression is a jealous love indeed,
One cannot serve her and another
She will not rest having only half of me; she demands my all
But she does not love she only makes sport of me
Even now she invites her three sisters to join in on the game
Of these three, Past Pain is the oldest followed by Loneliness and
They each take their turn at taunting me until I can go on no longer.
Their familiar jeers reopen once healing wounds
I am going down for the last time
Who will rescue me from this distress?
Who will breath life back in my soul, if not you O Lord?
They laugh at my struggling, my fighting to break their grip
“You are doomed” they shriek “for know
one seeks to help you!”
Yet I know you will plunge beneath the surface and experience my
For you O Lord are my salvation, You are the one who seeks to help
Depression and her sisters are but puppets controlled by demonic
But you O Lord will break their strings
They will lay in a heap unable to move
Dead wood in the hands of their dead master
For your cross is my life raft, your blood melts away the chains
and your Holy Spirit breaths life back into my soul
Who will rescue me from this distress?
Surly no one but you O Lord, my Savior and my God |